Uppity, mouthy, and fun-loving subs, right this way!

I have been peeking my head in ...

but now you have two ... errrr ... two very nice ladies here ... I will just sit quietly, I think.

*looks around and tries to find a spot where the canes will not reach*
This could get interesting

Did you save a seat for me Shadowsdream and Ebonyfire? I'm back from just being in lurking mode for a while, and having some quite interesting R/L experiences. Mind if I join you?

WillowPuss said:
I have been peeking my head in ...

but now you have two ... errrr ... two very nice ladies here ... I will just sit quietly, I think.

*looks around and tries to find a spot where the canes will not reach*

Hi, willow...now what were you ladies talking about? HEHEHE!

Thanks Shadows for the cane.

Re: This could get interesting

Verypowerful said:
Did you save a seat for me Shadowsdream and Ebonyfire? I'm back from just being in lurking mode for a while, and having some quite interesting R/L experiences. Mind if I join you?


VP, do join us, I hope you can share some of your RL experiences with us.

Joining in

Thanks for the welcome Ebony. I think I'll get comfortable here for a while...Learning from past experiences I'll not say too much too soon - and I don't want to hijack the thread either *smile*.
I can say though that the transition from online "reality" to physical reality was indeed very pleasurable and exciting and leaves me wanting MORE! Treading carefully along the path....

More to come as I digest it.

Rummaging around in toybag, didn't unpack it properly yet...there it is! Anything else I should bring? Drinks anyone?

ummmmmmm .... raises hand very slightly .... may I have a sip of water? I find I have gone suddenly very dry.
Now why don't you come closer...Yes you may and you can get me a glass of wine *smile*. Anyone else?
Y'know, normally in this situation I would probably be edging away from you lot over there, if I weren't kneeling or already over your lap for seditious thoughts....but as this is MY thread, I feel the security of home territory and so I'll just direct a cheeky grin in your general direction and continue. Business as usual!

Willow, I'm glad you came. I didn't know for sure if you would find your way here or not, because I read such levels of good behavior in your posts. (My envy is only surpassed by my smartassidity. No hopes for me being that sweet!) Do you consider yourself uppity? How does that work in a TPE relationship?
Quint said:
Willow, I'm glad you came. I didn't know for sure if you would find your way here or not, because I read such levels of good behavior in your posts. (My envy is only surpassed by my smartassidity. No hopes for me being that sweet!) Do you consider yourself uppity? How does that work in a TPE relationship?

well, no, I don't think I am uppity
but ... I can be fun-loving

Ok if I stay just a little while?
No need to ask permission! If nothing else, we can use you as a decoy to get their attention away from the rest of us naughty subs while we make our getaway! :D
SexyChele said:

Do I test my Dominant? A lot of the times. I am, self-admittedly, stubborn and hard-headed. I know myself well enough to know that I need a Dom who is strong, but who doesn't lose sight of the fact that I will question and speak out on things that I disagree with. I will not be purposely argumentative or disrepectful. But I deserve the right to be listened to.

I've been described as challenging and it's a pretty good description. When i disagree with something, i just want to be heard. If i'm being asked to do something i don't like or disagree with, i'm about 95% sure i'm going to do as asked. But, i want to be heard. Give me my time to say what i'm feeling, why something is wrong or uncomfortable for me, that's all i ever really want, not to change the situation.

Yes, I can be a good sub - but just as he will push my limits, I will test him. Do I expect discpline or punishment? Yeah, gotta admit that I do. But if he uses the ol' abandonment thing? Well, all I gotta say it, good luck finding me when he's ready to end the "punishment".

Abandonment is the absolute worst punishment for me. Thinking things to death is something i do too much of anyway and giving me too much time to overanalyze and i'm going to be even more confused, upset, hurt, and emotional than ever. Given enough time to begin to feel ignored and i will begin to doubt everything. Abandonment might work once, after that i'll see it as a pattern and all my issues with trust will reappear. It might be effective as a punishment, but it's also going to be pretty detrimental to the relationship.

Quint, I'm not sure any more what the other question would be, but I react more to sound than anything else. So I would have to say a change in tone or words used catches my attention much more quickly!

I react faster to a tone of voice than anything else. Combine a soft deep voice with "the look" and i'm a goner.
morninggirl5 said:
Abandonment is the absolute worst punishment for me. Thinking things to death is something i do too much of anyway and giving me too much time to overanalyze and i'm going to be even more confused, upset, hurt, and emotional than ever. Given enough time to begin to feel ignored and i will begin to doubt everything. Abandonment might work once, after that i'll see it as a pattern and all my issues with trust will reappear. It might be effective as a punishment, but it's also going to be pretty detrimental to the relationship.

I react faster to a tone of voice than anything else. Combine a soft deep voice with "the look" and i'm a goner.

Welcome, morninggirl5! I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Um, could you go stand over by WillowPuss? Yes, right there. (Heh heh heh...Operation Subbie Shield is working perfectly!)

I agree completely with a couple things you say here. I also have an annoying tendency to obsess and overanalyze things, and it gets much worse when T isn't here. I'm really trying to break myself of this habit as it benefits nobody, and besides, there are so many better things to dwell on. Still, old habits die hard.

Can easily see how abandonment could be distorted into more than mere disciplinary action. "Punishments" that could evoke emotional or mental distress should be avoided, I think, and this sounds like it fits in that category for you. I can't imagine how I'd react to being left to myself for any length of time. Probably not as easily as Chele would!

(Incidentally, Chele, I started this thread thinking of you. Just kind of felt you'd show up.)

Interesting that so far, voice has been unanimously the most effective way of eliciting a response. Do you ladies consider yourself auditory learners? Or are you usually looking down at the floor/blindfolded/squinting your eyes shut too much to notice the physical signs of dominance? Has anyone ever played while deafened by earplugs or those really intricate hoods? How would that affect your instant urge to submit?
A note, slid under the door....

....."From: Lance

To: Uppity, mouthy, and fun-loving subs

I love uppity, mouthy, fun-loving subs.

They are wise and beautiful in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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A note, slid BACK under the door....

Lancecastor said:
....."From: Lance
But remember....when you fuck with the heads of others...it will come back to you, one way or another.

Have fun;


~~~~~~~~~~~The is much I would like to address here but I will settle with this: Teasing is a head fuck? Sorry, not to me.I just love to have some fun sometimes. Everything does not need to be intense all the time.

Have fun back,

and aggressive?

Oh gimme a break. Unless you start attacking my character, my ethics or my hairdo, I wont turn aggressive. :heart:
A paper airplane, through the window...

A Desert Rose said:

~~~~~~~~~~~The is much I would like to address here but I will settle with this: Teasing is a head fuck? Sorry, not to me.I just love to have some fun sometimes. Everything does not need to be intense all the time.

Have fun back,


Teasing is not a head fuck....if it were, that would make me a headfucker extraordinaire.

Sorry to interrupt....see ya!

Re: A note, slid under the door....

Lancecastor said:
....."From: Lance

To: Alleged Submissives

Re: Your Truths

Over at the Dom lounge, we spend zero time talking about how we pretend to be Doms, but are actually shy sensitive submissive men at heart, in order to play with our subs.

There's a reason for that...it's not in our nature. It's not who we are.

Here in "UMFLSubs"....the conversation to-date has been completely er....dominated... by discussion of how you play coy and top from the bottom for fun and to piss off your Doms.

I've raised the question of alleged subs who really seek to wear the pants in their scenes on this Board and the alleged subs quickly turn aggresive, which I find quite telling.

I believe that while intentionally fooling yourselves and others might be fun at first, it ultimately harms your relationships with Doms and also attracts abusive Doms that will "control" you with aggression of one form or another.

Seek your truths. Be who you really want to be.

But remember....when you fuck with the heads of others...it will come back to you, one way or another.

Have fun;


Lancecastor said:

1. Of course you are right!
You are right because you are the only person that can decide who you are and what you stand for.
My personal view on labelling/behavior issues is that even if there was a big BDSM Book somewhere that anal-retentives could quote Chapter & Verse and argue the syntax of phrases ad nauseum...it's ultimately Your Call on who you are and what you stand for.
Lance "Me" Castor

Which is it? Are we supposed to find our own truths or are you now expecting us once again to accept your version?

It seems to me that it's not the subs here that are in denial.
to the guerilla.....

Lancecastor said:

Teasing is not a head fuck....if it were, that would make me a headfucker extraordinaire.

Sorry to interrupt....see ya!


~~~~~~~~and who says your not one?

See ya back and raise you 2,
A paper boat, up the drainpipe into the sink....

A Desert Rose said:
Oh gimme a break. Unless you start attacking my character, my ethics or my hairdo, I wont turn aggressive. :heart:

...."I love what you've done with your hair."
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Re: Re: A note, slid under the door....

morninggirl5 said:

Which is it? Are we supposed to find our own truths or are you now expecting us once again to accept your version?

You should always search for and embrace your true nature, grasshopper.

It's not up to me to tell you what your truth is.

I love uppity, mouthy, fun-loving subs.

They are wise and beautiful in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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Re: A paper boat, up the drainpipe into the sink....

Lancecastor said:

...."I wasn't talking about you; I was referring to my past experiences here at Lit.


PS: love what you've done with your hair."

~~~~~~~~~~Now look here pal, to begin with I am not about to let this all go unaddressed :). I subtitled this thread "Little subs who just want to have fun." You run along and start your deep, intense threads and when you want to play and laugh, come on back:heart:
And and thanks for the hair comment. Was hoping you would notice.:heart: