USS Dark Fire (IC)

Stardate 29870516.1020

Dark Fire:

“Dark Fire, just a few more questions. Why hasn’t Lt Commander Reeves been promoted to Commander?"

“There is no information on file to indicate why the Lieutenant Commander has been denied promotion. Captain Marcus sent required paperwork for Promotion to Vice Admiral Roanoke, Thirty-First Fleet Command, 3 times. Every Year on the Anniversary of The Lieutenant Commander joining the crew. Starfleet Command has not replied. Until they reply the Lieutenant Commander cannot be promoted.”

“And is he dating anyone?”

“Lieutenant Commander Jordan Reeves is not dating anyone. He is Married to L’Sa of the Vulcan Science Academy. She is assigned to the Xenobiology department.”

“What kind of females does he like or previously date?

“Athletic. Slender, blonde or light brown hair. Short to long Hair. Light Blue, Medium Blue, Green, or Brown eyes. Based on photo’s, audio/video records, and personal logs.”

“And finally what is the assigned uniform for the Vulcan lunch?”

“Diplomatic or Full Dress Attire is recommended for any Crew Present. For any initial Meal. Any secondary meal it is permissible by fleet regulations to wear a dress duty uniform.”
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After Lt Sol departed her cabin, Hora walked over to communication panel and activated the ship wide announcing system.

“Crew of the USS Dark Fire! This is your new Captain. Let it be noted in the ship’s log that I have assumed command of USS Dark Fire today. She is a great ship. She is made of some of the most advanced and exotic metals, she has sensors and weapon systems other fleet ships only dream about, her engines are a marvel of physics, but you are what make this ship great. I hope she is a part of you, and you a part of her. She is your home, your transportation, your place to eat, and your place to take shelter in a storm. She asks that you reach for your weapons to protect her, steer her away from dangerous shoal waters when you see it, and repair her when she is damaged. If we do these things, she will take care of us as well. Today, this ship is great because of the life you, its crew, have put into this ship. A blending of technology and blood into a powerful instrument for the fleet and the alliance. Your devotion to duty, conviction, vigor and fighting spirit will enable us to achieve our mission!

All previous captain standing orders remain in effect until I have had a chance to review them. I’m honored to work with you, to learn from you, and to keep this ship great.

Captain Hora, Out”

Hora turned off the communication systems.

She walked over to her closet and dug out her full-dress uniform with full-sized medals. Full Dress uniforms are worn for ceremonies such as changes of command, retirements, commissionings and diplomatic events. With full dress, full-size medals were above the left breast pocket, and ribbons worn on the opposite side for decorations without corresponding medals. The size of her big breasts, made the medals and ribbons pop. She did not have as many medals as Lt Commander Reeves, but she had two fleet silver crosses, both with “V’s” added for valor, and her highest award, the fleet science medal.

Swords or cutlasses are authorized in full dress, but almost never worn. She smiled and put on her Orion cutlass on her right side, and the accompanying dagger on her left. Both were family heirlooms. She was showing off a bit, but she loved to be noticed.

Then she searched her extensive alcohol collection and found an old bottle of Vulcan Brandy. “I hope they like this” She whispered to herself, as some Vulcans drank alcohol, and some did not. She also grabbed a few collar devices which she stuck into her pocket.

Then she headed for the lunch room. She arrived before anyone else and watched as the staff set the table.

“Dark Fire, analysis all food and drink being provided for our Vulcan guests. Check for any abnormally” She ordered the ship’s AI.
Stardate 29870516.1100

Dark Fire:
“Of Course, Captain,” Dark fire responded. The ship was continuously scanned as a matter of course, to ensure the safety and well being of the crew. Anything could be brought aboard inert and be blended with other inert chemicals resulting in something toxic for any of the dozens of races on board. Or all of them.

As such whenever a potentially hazardous substance was detected The Security Chief and XO was alerted, which is how Reeves knew about the ‘stuff hidden away’.

Whenever new cargo was brought aboard it was scanned at the subatomic level to ensure it wass safe, its chemical and molecular structure were analyzed and cross referenced against a very large data base of hazardous materials.

It had been an absolute joy when an ensign, from the Horticultural department, returning from a vacation on her families farm had accidentally brought aboard a material used in farm fertilizers on the bottom of her boot. While an officer had a bottle of ale with a label that had been attached with an adhesive. Both innocent items. But if combined they produced an explosive. Neither product was above .o3 grams but the substances resulted in decon for The Farmer's Daughter and a warning about cleaning boots before coming on board.

With the Captain’s directive everything within 100 meters of the Captain’s mess was scanned, including the Captain’s Chef. Including The Vulcan’s, their quarters, and their belonging’s. After all it wouldn’t be the first time Diplomats were used as assassin’s.

With Vulcan dignitaries on board the Chef prepared a menu that was half vegetarian. The other half was comprised of Orion, Klingon, Ferengi, Human, Denobulan, and Kzinti items. The chef did limit it to already cooked meats. Providing living animals to be consumed would do little to impress a Vulcan.

One hour to Lunch....​
Stardate 29870516.1130

Lieutenant Commander Jordan Reeves entered the room, his dress uniform glittered with the ornaments he was required to wear. He hated the uniform, but only because everyone wanted to know what everything was for. If loading went well, everything and everyone would be aboard before the Captain left for the Admiral’s office. To have whatever conversation she was planning.

At noon the doors opened and the Vulcan Delegate, and her companion, entered. Looking around the very empty room the Ambassador walked over to Reeves and handed him an envelope with Vulcan writing on it.

After glancing at the paper Reeves slid it into his pocket as he gave her a Vulcan Salute and said “Dif-tor heh smusma, Kevet-dutar M'chel.” Far more fluidly than would be expected of a human.​

Hora walked over and joined Lt Commander Reeves and Ambassador M'chel. She heard Reeves speak Vulcan and knew hers was not nearly as good.

“Show off” she whispered to him in a good-natured way.

“Greeting Ambassador” She said “Here is a small gift of welcome, and to honor our beneficial diplomatic relationships.” She said as she handed the ambassador the bottle of Vulcan Brandy.

Then she looked over to Lt Commander Reeves with a big grin on her face. “Commander, you appeared to be out of uniform. No worries, I have your correct rank in my pocket.” She pulled out the commander rank insignia and handed them to him. “Congratulations” she said.

“Now, I suggest we all take our seats. I’m certain we have much to discuss. In particular, how we can assist you in your mission. In turn, the commander and I wish to discuss some odd events which concern us.” Hora previewed. Then she took her seat, as drinks were poured and the first course was brought in.
Stardate 29870516.1200-1300

‘I apologize Captain I did not intend to show of, I simply showed due respect to our guests.’ Reeves replied as he waited for the ladies to sit and then seated himself... as Su’Nak sat.

“Thank you, Captain. I was not aware the paperwork had come through. I wish Captain Marcus could have seen it, he was a fine Captain.”

M’Chel smiled softly. “Yes, I remember him from before. It is saddening to hear of his death. May his memory live in the hearts of those that knew him best.”

Looking at Hora she continued in Human English, “My mission as you call it is to serve as The Federation’s Emissary with any first contact species you encounter, to assess them for potential participation in The Federation. This will serve as well that I have irritated several of my colleagues on Vulcan, a span of time away from them may allow calmer voices in the future.”

“If I can assist in ‘odd events’ I will do so.” She finished, though her face gave no emotion, she was most likely confused as to how she could help. "This Plomeek Soup is rather good, far better than I expected on a Human ship."

"We have a number of Vulcan's on board and the Chef prepares it for them once a week on the Holy Days of Vulcan." Reeves replied.​
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“Interesting, irritated Vulcans.” Hora replied in some puzzlement. But she quickly shifted to another question “How can the high command function without you there? I thought there were only 5 permanent members on that elite government body? Not that I mind your presence on this ship. We’ll… I mean… I’ll need all the help I can get with any first contact species.

How will your assistance be provided? During an encounter do I assist you? Or do you assist me?” Hora asked. "I'm not trying to be confrontational... I can follow orders just as well as I give them... I'd like to work this out ahead of time, before an encounter." Hora reached over and drank some more of her Orion's Belt. This lunch was turning out much different than she had thought.

M’Chel comments about Vulcans not liking her and her first contact mission could be the reasons why Hora had been placed in command of this ship. Orions might be the least logical race. Driven by lust and emotions. She was here to make the other races seem more illogical. Maybe to drive a wedge between Vulcan and the federation? Or Hora was in charge to screw up a first contact.
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Stardate 29870516.1200-1300


“Yes, Irritated Vulcan’s. Even we get irritated, but we have better control of our emotions. And do not allow irritation to become Rage.”

“As for my position, I stepped down and an adjunct has taken my place until I return. This ship is yours to direct, command, and do with as you see fit. We are simply passengers. If you request my advice I will provide. If you encounter a new species that is warp capable and cooperation is possible, then I will step in and do what I can to assist in that cooperative alliance”

“And I apologize if the lack of pre-warning upset any of your plans. We do not prefer to have the location of a council member broadcast. Simply being an Ambassador allowed me the movement I require without the disruptions that being a Council member would have caused.”

“The caution is and was understandable, Ambassador M’Chel. Not everyone appreciates the restraint of Vulcan’s, nor their logical move. Until after all is said and done. Your actions were very, logical.” Reeves commented.

“When possible, would either of you be interested in a game of Kal-Toh or Strategema? I’m not very good at either but I am trying to get better.”

“Kal-Toh is my game of choice, though Su’Nakis quite skilled at Strategema. Tri-chess is also agreeable for the mind and body in it’s discipline of Logic and strategy.” M’Chel responded

“Many of the bridge crew play Tri-chess and I’m sure they’d be more than happy to have new insight into the game and it’s moves, if you ever choose to play against any of them.”

“Thank you, Commander, I’m sure this will be a long voyage, and we’d find the exercise agreeable," M’Chel replied for herself and her companion​
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The Ambassador’ comments blew some of Hora’s theories out of the water. That meant she needed to go to plan B. Just tell her what was going on. It involved trust. She needed to trust the Vulcans.

Trust or the belief that someone or something can be relied on to do what they say they will, is a key element of social relationships and a foundation for cooperation and alliances. Hora should know, as trust was critical for romantic relationships and friendships as well.

“Well, if either of you vulcans want to play more pleasurable games” Hora said with a lusty smile as she looked at M’chel and then to Su’Nakis. “I’m highly skilled. Does not have to involve emotions, could be just for pleasure.”

There was a bit of an awkward pause at the table after her comment.

“Perhaps Orions speak too openly.” Hora said to fill in the silence. “Changing the subject, someone in fleet is playing games with us. We were provided no information on you, ambassador. Only that we were getting one. One, not a Diplomat and a guard or family member. One. Also, Commander Reeves was given no name, race, gender, nothing on my arrival.

On my end, I received orders to assume command of the USS Dark Fire, after switching to the fleet science track. When I switched, I gave up any chance of command. However, yesterday I received orders to assume command of USS Dark Fire. I have been given no brief, no orders, the admiral has not talked to me. It is highly unusual.

Add all this together and it has me worried.” Hora concluded. “Does this pattern mean something to you? What are your thoughts?”
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Ambassador M’Chel:

“Fascinating. I did transmit that I would be arriving as a Diplomatic Envoy. I requested of Ambassador Strek and his Attache that I replace them. They acquiesced and I transmitted the change of rotation myself to Starfleet Headquarters Diplomatic Division”

“To be honest, and Vulcan’s cannot lie, so I’ve always have been and will be Honest, some of my colleagues were… irritating me. The decisions that have been made were logical, but.. inaccurate and wrong. I needed a change. And Su’Nok is my bodyguard and Attache.”

“As for the other things, and why you were not given my Ambassadorial signet and authorization is puzzling. I would need more information before I could make a reasonable albeit hypothetical explanation.”

“If I were you, I would get more information from The Admiral. Vice Admiral Roanoke I believe, is in charge of this region and this vessel”

“Correct, Madam Ambassador, Vice Admiral Roanoke, Thirty-First Fleet.” Reeves replied. “I also find it strange that we’re being sent to map the Gamma Squadron alone. And we’re one of the most advanced ships in the fleet. Understandably we are a force to be reckoned with, but according to regulations we should have an escort ship or two.”

“Our Classification is ‘carrier’ not ‘frigate’ or ‘science’, hence sending us solo is, unusual at least, potentially treasonous.”

Steepling her fingers together Ambassador M’Chel closed her eyes for a moment before she spoke. “Speak with Vice Admiral Roanoke. Gather as much information you can. Why were you assigned to this ship? Why are you not assigned an escort ship as per regulations? Why was Dark Fire not notified of my Assignment? Why was your information withheld as well? Perhaps this was done in an attempt to ascertain your capabilities to handle unusual situations? Though I would calculate through past experiences that you’ve already been tested for your abilities to handle stressful situations as well as a rigorous psychological testing period.”​
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Hora smiled at M’chel answers. She felt they were honest and heartfelt. Trust was starting to form between them. Now, if only they’d be willing to sleep with her or Reeves or both of them, the foundation for cooperation and alliances would be accelerated. Oh well, not all races were as advanced as Orions.

“Thank you, Ambassador, that is some good advice.” Hora acknowledged. “I’m certain that you and Su’Nakis will not discuss our concerns with any other crew members. No need to worry the crew about this yet.” She finished her Orion’s Belt in one swig.

“I have a new security officer. A Croco-lamia. I was thinking of assigning him to you as added security. Do you think that would be wise?” Hora asked. She nodded in agreement to M’Chel reply.

Then main course for lunch arrived.

“Well, this does look wonderful. However, please excuses me, I’m afraid I have a meeting with the Admiral. Commander Reeves, please continue with the lunch. And we’ll be leaving the space station as soon as I return.” Hora said as she got up and walked out of the lunch room.

Meeting with the Admiral

The aide cracked open the door to the Admiral’s office “Captain Hora wants to see you sir”

"I don't care what the captain wants... I'm not talking to her, and that is Final!" A man voice replied rather loudly and sternly from the office. Hora quickly jumped over the receptionist’s desk and pushed past the aide.

When she walked into the admiral’s room he, the Admiral, was looking right at her. He had white hair and a face that looks tired from all the years in fleet.

"Sir... I’m Captain Hora, I need to know why the fleet ordered me, a "green" commander, pun intended, lacking any carrier experience to take command of the USS Dark Fire? That ship deserves the best officer available. Commander Reeves should be appointed as the CO.”

"Captain Hora, Follow your orders! And by the way, Commander Reeves is not Command Material. I should have him locked up in the Brig. Oh, I just signed off on your promotion to the Rank of Captain. NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!!"

Hora was in shock. In this state it was easy for the Aide to pull her out of the Admiral’s office.

Walking back down the passageway, wondering what the fuck was going on, several individuals from Starfleet intelligence walked past her towards the Admiral office. What do a Betazed, A Vulcan, Ullian, and a Psi Corp officer all have in common?

Telepathy… But, why were telepaths talking to an Admiral?
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When she was asked about adding a second security Officer to her small detail she raised an eyebrow. “Do you really believe that to be necessary My Attache has proven himself quite exemplary by himself, and I believe adding a second especially on from your crew would be unusual and might draw even more attention to myself. So, at this time, I would like to respectfully decline.”

“If, however, we meet with another species, I’d be willing to reconsider this situation.” Ambassador M’Chel replied.​
As soon as he had confirmation the Captain was on board he had the course plotted and laid in. As the door slid open with it’s distinctive tone he glanced at her. “Did you wish to man the helm and take it out manually yourself, Captain?” He asked.
Stardate 29870516.1402


“Of course, Captain.” He replied before looking at the Helms Control Officer. Take her out to .25 AU from Docking Station Keeping. Engineering prepare for Transwarp. Navigation calculate the jump to the Gamma quadrant. Helm sequence the coordinates.”

“.25 Au in 5...4...3...2…..1. Mark.” Helm control called out.

“Transwarp ready,’ The Engineering officer called across the bridge.

“Calculations confirmed and locked,” Navigation called.

“All hands. Transwarp shift in 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 - Engage.” Reeves called calmly. He’d done this enough he wasn’t stressed or nervous anymore. It was like walking across town, at high speed.

The main viewer went dark and Reeves looked at Hora. "We are in Transwarp Captain. Time to Delta. Four days.” a countdown started with just about four and a half days to go. “Unless you’d like me to call out the exact time to arrival?”​
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“You handle this big ship like it’s a fighter jet, Commander!” Hora complimented Commander Reeves. “And no need for a countdown clock… but I do hope we are headed for the gamma quadrant… not the delta.” She teased him over his verbal mistake. “I’ll be in my stateroom catching up on paperwork and getting some rest”

With that Hora walked off the bridge.

Ensign Cook

Riley finished up checking out the sensors she had assembled. It was the ultimate “tricorder”. She wanted to rename it a septem-corder as it now had 4 additional sensors, but that was an awful name. She placed sensor back into stand-by mode before she left.

She headed back to the Captain’s Cabin with the items she had requested. The captain had said there was no hurry, but when a captain wanted something, you always got in a hurry. On the Turbolift to the Captain’s cabin, the possible offer from her Captain crept into her mind. She had heard the rumors of the sexual skill of Orion females and wondered just what the Captain might do. She pushed it out of her head as the doors opened though. She walked down the passageway and stood in front of the cabin door. The computer told the captain she was there

“Come in” She heard Hora sleepy voice

The door opened and she was inside. Hora was standing in front of her, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She was only wearing a skimpy, sheer night gown. Her huge, green breasts pressing hard against the night gown, trying to open it. Her pussy and ass just barely covered as her long sexy legs were completely revealed. She was a sex pot and almost irresistible.

Ensign Cook had a thing for dominate men or women. She loved to read novels about hot romance where a young woman was taken by a dominate partner. This was just like one of those stories! She needed to speak quickly before Captain Hora’s erotic beauty overcame her will power.

“Captain, I have that equipment you requested” Riley told her commanding officer.

“Oh… I told you no hurry. You woke me up.” Captain Hora said still pretty sleepy. She could not believe a junior officer would wake her up, when she clearly said not to hurry. No officer was that stupid. Then Hora looked into Riley’s eyes and could see the young officer was turned on by Hora’s sexy body. But Riley was more turned on by the captain’s dominate position.

“Put the equipment in my bedroom” Hora ordered the Ensign

Ensign Cook walked into the captain’s bedroom. The room looked sexy and luxurious. The vanity was wood and beautifully engraved with satyrs and nymphs. It also had a large mirror. Gold gleamed along the mirror’s edges. The bed was large, big enough for a threesome. There was erotic art on the walls. Riley knew decoration were holograms, but those spoke to the captain use of this room for sex as well as sleep.

She put the equipment on the vanity as she turned the captain was right behind her.

“Captain, I know this is wrong, but your beauty is driving me wild” Riley said and grabbed the Orion’s shoulders and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with desire.

Zosh Sol

Lieutenant Sol walked back into Lt Commander Aegeri’s office. He knew he was going to get shit on. No awe, no respect, no fear… just shit.

“Sir, Captain no longer needs me. I'm reporting for duty” Zosh reported.
“We have several Klingon pilots in the brig, they need o be taken to the holodeck. Take one at a time. Allow them one hour on Security program 3, return that one then take the next.”

“Do not escort more than one at a time. They will try to beat you into submission. Now, from your record you can handle one. Two or more is doubtful, and would be a violation of a direct order. You don’t need to prove anything.”

“What is your desired shift duty while stationed on this ship?” Aegeri finally asked looking at Zol.​
Zosh Sol

“I understand, only one Klingon at a time” Zosh confirmed. He was actually surprised he had not gotten an even shitter assignment. Guard/escort duty was something the enlist security people should do, not an officer. But he could have been assigned to clean the bilges, or zeno-toliets, or something really awful.

Then he was asked about his preferred shift duty.

“Just to make you aware, I can do any job on this ship, and do it better than any mammal on this ship!” Zosh boasted. “That includes being Captain.”

Zosh was silent for a second, just to let that statement sink in. It also caused him to think about Captain Hora. She seemed to like Zosh for some reason, what other reason would she have to select him for her special assignment.

“I understand, being the captain is not possible. However, I’d like to stand bridge watch, maybe weapons officer or assistant weapons officer. I’ll take any shift, including the midwatch”


Hora returned the kiss with all its passion. But her mind was racing to decide what to do. On an Orion ship, she could have sexual relations with this young officer with no questions asked. In fact, most officers on Orion ships were fucking lots of people. That was an important difference with human crews. Human ships had so little sex, when it did happen, someone sleeping with someone else, that was thought to be a discriminator.

Hora wanted to change that. Humans really needed to learn to enjoy sex more.

However, something in Hora’s mind was telling her, not to fuck Ensign Cook. Commander Reeves had said, as long as the crew member was a scientist or deck hand it would not be a problem. Did scientist mean science officer?

She broke off the kiss.

“That was nice” Hora said “But I want you to stand bridge watches. If we sleep together, that would not be permitted.”

Ensign Cook legs were shaking, her pussy was so excited.

“I don’t care about that. I want you to take me. I want to experience the pleasure an Orion can give” She begged her captain.

Hora wanted to make riley cum so many times, she could not see straight. She wanted to show this human how good in bed Orions were. She wanted to dominate her.

“Riley, I’m sorry, but no” Hora said “Computer, activate simulation Hora 2-4. Please enjoy this simulation” She said as she walked out of her bedroom and closed the door.

The simulation started

“Remove your clothing… I need to have a proper look of you.” The busty Orion simulation ordered.

The words were a command that Riley obeyed without hesitation. She unzipped her uniform and it dropped to the floor, showing off her sexy body. The Orion was impressed.

“Oh you naughty little slut. turn around slowly for me” The Orion ordered. Riley slowly turned around so the Orion could take in every inch of her physique.

“Hmm, not bad, not bad at all. You’ve got an adequate body Riley, it’ll do I suppose. But don’t ever try to control me with these little TITS. MY BREASTS CAN CRUSH YOURS!” The Orion said bragging

“Now come over to me and get me wet.” The simulation ordered, pulling her night gown open showing Riley her already moist pussy. Her breasts swaying as she walked, she bent down and first kissed the orion’s feet and then up her leg to her inner thigh. Riley dragged her tongue along the inner thigh the rest of way to the Orion’s green pussy. She licked around the lips, tasting her sweet nectar. Riley moved her fingers to start to tease and play with the clit, but was stopped by the simulation.

The Orion’s eyes were closed; the ecstasy she was enjoying from Riley’s tongue had her getting wetter. She felt Riley’s fingers on her clit but she said, “No no, just…uh…ooooh fuck me with your tongue…no fingers.” The busty Orion ordered.

Riley stuck her tongue deep inside the pussy. She licked around and in the pussy. Spurred on by the feeling of her own juices now running down her legs. She could feel the Orion’s legs twitching, and still she continued to lick. Her hands moved to the Orion’s ass cheeks and she squeezed them. The move caused the simulation to let out another unintentional gasp, she was breathing quicker, panting at the amount of pleasure she was experiencing.

The simulation hologram, reminded Riley of so many dominate women in her novels she enjoyed reading.

Hora’s simulation loved to dominate other women, and there was no better way to show it than to spray pussy juices in the subs face.

“Oh yes… right there… keep licking that spot” the Orion moaned as her orgasm built. Riley added some sexy nibbling and biting which only turned on the simulation more. The Orion was thrust her pussy at Riley’s tongue and face. Then, when the time was right, it rammed her pussy in Riley’s face and held it there as she came. The green pussy twitched and quivered all over the young girl’s pretty face. Pussy juices sprayed out and covered Riley’s face like it was some kind of beauty spray.
Captain Hora

Captain Hora did want to stay in her cabin while Ensign Cook was having fun. But there was a slight problem. All of her clothes were in her bedroom.

“Crap” she said. She looked around her living area and saw a traditional Orion slave girl outfit framed on the wall. A gift from her time at the science lab. It was better than wearing her skimpy, sheer night gown around the ship. She quickly changed into the outfit. When she was done, she realized there was a problem. The outfit on the wall had no shoes. Slave girl’s feet are naked.

“Crap” she whispered and put on her pair of fuzzy pink slippers. “This will have to do” she said to herself. She walked out in the passageway. It was technical “night time” on the ship, so she did not bump into anyone.

She could walk to 10 forward and order a drink. But what would the crew think of that? No, she had to do something official. She decided to walked on to the bridge, which was also next to her cabin.

As the doors open and she walked in.

“Captain on the Deck” was called out by the comms officer.

As the bridge team turned around to look at the Captain, one said “Oh shit”.

The officer of the deck (OOD), who was sitting in her chair got up “Captain, do you want the deck?”

“No” Hora said. Everyone was still staring at her. She felt she needed to say something “There is someone in my bedroom right now, so I had to improvise some clothing.”

Her comment only raised more eyebrows, as people were trying to figure who was in her bedroom.

“Helm’s man… let’s see what you can do” Hora said to change the subject. “Computer… run helm man training simulation 1-2.5”

A training simulation came up which required the helm’s man to fly the ship through various and more difficult piloting situations. The actual ship was still in transwarp drive, but the simulation was on the main viewer. Captain Hora watched as the officer did quite well at handle the ship through the training simulation.

Some of the bridge team watched Hora’s sexy ass wiggle as she bent over and provided some advice at one point. Most of the time Hora learned as the officer driving the ship knew more than she did. But at one point, she gave pointers on when to use thrusters instead of the main engines. “Let the planet’s gravity pull the ship around, then engage the thrusters.” She commented.

“Hey, thanks Captain… that is a nice trick” The helm’s man commented.

Hora could have headed back to her cabin as enough time had passed. But she was having fun and decided to stay.

She walked back to the captain’s chair. “Ok Mid-watch standers… this is a fighting ship. Let’s see how you do with this combat simulation. Computer, simulate an attack from 3 Romulan Capital ships, Dagut dreadnoughts. Oh, and Dark Fire can’t launch fighters. 3 against one… that should be a fair fight.” Captain Hora announced.

The lee helm leaned over to the helm man “fair, like in the Kobayashi Maru training exercise back at Academy!!”

It was no shock to the watchstanders, but the Dark Fire was destroyed in the battle. The officer of the deck had the combat maneuvering training, but the odds were against him.

“Sorry Captain… we lost the ship,” he told her afterwards.

“Everyone did a good job! You just need to think more outside the box to win a battle like that” Hora commented.

“You mean there is a way to win?” He asked

“Sure. I’ll show you tomorrow night when I run the drill myself” Hora said. Then walked off the bridge.

“She is one very weird captain” OOD said

“I love her fuzzy pink slippers!” the lee helm joked.
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“If you can do any job on the ship... Why aren’t you chief Engineer or a helms officer? Why aren’t you Captain? The chip on your shoulder needs to get smaller before you’re near the bridge.”

“After each Klingon get their hour, report to Holodeck 3 for Combat simulations. Defend the ship from hostiles. It will help you to learn the ship layout, and maybe teach you to work with others.”

Part of the simulation had an enemy agent as part of Zosh’s team. And the faces of the crew always changed so you could never determine just who was going to sabotage the mission, or shoot you in the back. Dark Fire wouldn’t kill you or put you in a coma, but if you jerked around and played games the AI would make it hurt. Sections of the mission would have gravity plating going haywire, so zero-g would become heavy, or normal at random.​
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Stardate 29870517.0600

Walking into the holodeck with the entire alpha bridge crew Reeves pulled up a the the control and command functions. And for the next five hours the crew went through a full battle scenario of the computers design. Swarms of fighters, heavy cruisers assaulting the ship, engine failures. Anything the computer decided was realistic. And Dark Fire wasn’t nice. Nobody was truly hurt, but several were knocked out by stun settings as bulkheads blew out. But this is how Alpha team trained. Hard and fast and painful. They learned through pain to be more cautious and less reckless, thick and act.

The last half of their shift was on the bridge running diagnostics and making sure everything was within tight parameters. Fleet had protocols, and then Dark Fire had tighter protocols.

The pilots were also going through tactical drills in another holodeck, The Ground Pounders were in another, several squads going against each other. Weapons training, vehicle usage, assault and defend. Even boarding hostile ships, as well as repealing invaders.

Stardate 29870517.1200​
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Lt Zosh Sol did not have any idea what had caused these three Klingons to be placed in the brig. But he had seen ravenous sewer animals on the Sphere behave better. The leader of this pack, was a Klingon with a short beard peppered with grey, and large cranial ridges on his head.

“I’m here to take you to the holodeck.” Zosh stated

The Klingon growled at him. "What kind of Hurgh (Hurgh is Klingon for slime rodent) are you?”

“Come along” Zosh ordered as he drop the security field.

The Klingon bared jagged, yellowed teeth. "You don’t carry a weapon? You insult me. You don’t think I can defeat you? I should slice you open with my bare hands for insulting my honor!"

“Come along” Zosh said again and grabbed the Klingon’s arm and dragged him out of the brig. Klingons are strong, but Zosh pulled him along with no problem.

“You think you are a better fighter then me?” The Klingon declared

“I don’t think it, I know it” Zosh replied with no gloating.

"Take care, Hurgh, or your tongue will dig your grave." The Klingon warned. Then he got an idea “How about I forgo the simulation and we fight, one on one, instead”

Zosh smiled as he grabbed a emergency medical kit of the wall.

“Sure” He agreed

The second they stepped inside the holodeck, Zosh tossed the man across the room. Then he ran at him baring his claws. His claws sank into both the Klingon’s arms, tearing into the flesh and ripping it away. The blood spurting out, as Zosh slammed the Klingon head into the holodeck wall.

The Klingon tried to head butt Zosh right in the face, but that did nothing. Lt Commander Aegeri was right Croco-Lamia heads were harder than Klingons.

Zosh broke the Klingon's arm, and then kicked his leg so hard, the sounds of the cracking bone drowned out the Klingon's screams of pain.


“Now, I’m going set your injuries from your accident on the holodeck. You get a chance to be honorable and back up my story. Or you can be a coward and tell someone what happened.”

The Klingon nodded in agreement.

Zosh used the medical kit to set the Klingon’s bones and repair his torn arm muscles. Then he dragged the Klingon back to the brig. The other Klingons were staring wide eyed at there ring leader.

“Next” Zosh said as he took the second Klingon to the holodeck. He brought along the medical kit just in case.
Tapping on the controls at the Captain’s cabin Jordan waited. They needed to go over scheduling, when was she wanting to be on the bridge, when did she want to start her pilot training, the helm controls, and everything else?

Once she acknowledged his presence through the AI and granted him entry, he stepped across the threshold and looked around. He’d already removed the personal possessions and clothing of Captain Marcus, so at least he wasn’t being haunted by that. But seeing her method of redecoration was rather surprising.

It was warmer in here than the hallway, and the gravity was as he’d expected. She’d simulated her home world in her quarters. Light, Gravity, temperature, even the atmosphere had been altered to more closely resemble her home world.

“Captain, you are aware you have holo emitters in here and could easily replicate an Orion residence.” Senior Officer’s tended to do it. He’d met one that had changed his quarters to resemble an old earth Farmstead in the late nineteenth century. When that individual had been reassigned, they’d reset the holo image and found his quarters completely bare.


“Dark Fire, I have another job for you, please set up the replicators to produce 60 metric ton of disodium and store it in cargo bay 1.” Captain Hora ordered.

“Why?” Dark Fire asked.

“It’s my little secret, don't tell anyone.” Captain Hora replied.

“Commander Reeves is at your door” Dark Fire told the Captain.

“Let him in, but tell him I need a second to get dressed” Hora explained

“He might enjoy talking to you naked? I know I have.” Dark Fire suggested in a joking way.

“No, he would not.” Hora said firmly.

A few moments later she heard Reeves voice saying “Captain, you are aware you have holo emitters in here and could easily replicate an Orion residence.”

“Yes, I know that.” She replied as she pulled on her shirt. Checked to make sure she looked ok in her mirror and then walked out into her living quarters. “I like my room real. Old fashioned I guess”

She looked at him in a funny way “Are you here to chew me out? Because I must say that young ensign threw herself at me. It took all I had to say no to her.” The puzzled expressed on his face, told her he did not know what happened last night.

“Are you here to chew me out about wearing fuzzy pink slippers on the bridge?” She asked

Ensign Cook

Riley walked slowly down the passageway where Captain Marcus was killed. Her modified sensors collecting tons of data. She paused at the exact spot, appearing to be lost, where the explosion had occurred. Then she continued down the passageway.

She turned off the sensor and would analyze the data back in her lab. She hoped the Captain would like what she had done. The thought of the Captain brought her back to last night. It had been incredible. If the simulation was that good, what was a real Orion like. What was the Captain like!

She loved men, and always had a good time with them in bed. But in her experience the sexual skill of a woman in pleasing her was superior. Orion females were off the charts! She wondered what it would take to convince the captain to sleep with her?


Zosh was not happy. Three times during the Holodeck 3 combat simulations while he was defending the ship from hostiles he had died. It was not from his lack of knowledge of the ship’s layout. It was because of his lack of understanding warm bloods. Someone on his team sabotaged the effort. One time, a team member shot him in the back!

He had no trust for warm blood before this simulation, but that had grown after dying 3 times! The mission he was on now was going well. 9 of 10 aliens had been captured. The last one was cornered in engineering. He was approaching the alien, when all gravity went away. He was floating. Being from a Dyson sphere zero-g was like walking for him. He adjusted quickly, and angles to intercept the alien.

Red shirt one called out “Behind you”

Zosh did not look behind, his eyes remained on the last alien. Suddenly, a knife was shoved into his back. Red shirt 2 was a traitor! Zosh reacted and spun around and drove his elbow up and back into red shirt 2’s face, and then clamp his jaw around his throat, ripping into the flesh.

Zosh drew back, spitting out what was in his mouth, letting the red shirt 2 float off, dead. He pushed himself off a vent pipe and grabbed the last alien.

“Done!” Zosh declared.

“You failed the mission, because the knife attack killed you.” The computer announced.

“A human, yes, but not a Croco” Zosh argued.

“Grading is based upon a human standard” The computer replied.

Gravity returned and Zosh floated to the ground.

“Computer end simulation” Zosh ordered.
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“Being out of uniform is a minor infraction, Captain.” Reeves replied. “But no, I’m not here to criticize your work. Only to gain information on when you’ll begin your training on the bridge systems and your Fighter certification.”

“It’s best done in a holo deck, instead of in public. And if you crash a fighter into the hull it won’t need to be rebuilt. No matter how many times you crash. I destroyed forty-two Fighters, bombers, and shuttles in my training. And I managed to annihilate two hanger decks. My instructor was not impressed.”​