USS Dark Fire (IC)

Stardate 29870517.2100

Communications Officer:
"Captain, several flash messages have been received simultaneously. I can tell they came in, but I don't have the clearance to decode them."

"One is Military Grade and the other was a Security Flash Trans. Security Flash is usually about prisoners but gets duplicated through main Comms. I didn't get any duplications."
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A few hours before the messages arrived.

Ensign Cook became more and more fraught, more frenetic in her movements, and then Hora felt her vaginal walls squeezing her fingers and she was coming again.

“Oh dear god... oh yes... yes... oh shit... dying... I'm dying... nnnnnnngh,” she finally screamed out, helpless to stop reacting to Hora’s simulation. The overwhelming sensations and pleasures that were wracking her body.

Two hours before the messages arrived

“Oh fuck me,” Riley gasped. 'You're making it happen again... oh shit... oh god... yes... harder... please...” she begged Hora. Hora was licking her clit and thrusting her fingers into Riley’s beautiful pussy. She licked faster and finger fucked her harder. It was enough to tip Riley over the edge again, and away she went, bucking and thrusting back against Hora’s face, moaning and whimpering loudly as she came.

One Hour before the messages arrived

Thrusting her hips up at Hora’s mouth, pushing her pussy hard, really hard against that pleasure giving tongue. Hora held her tongue to Riley pussy. Hands grabbed Hora’s head tightly. Riley’s legs spasmed as powerful waves of pleasure crashed throughout her body, with the epicentre of that pleasure emanating from between her legs. Hora could still hear her moaning and whimpering even though her hearing was dampened by the softness of Riley’s thighs.

Finally, Hora felt her thighs gradually relax. The human woman lay there spread. Passed out on Hora’s bed, in front of her, naked. Hora looked at her lying, a smile on her face. Her body looked like a sexually satisfied woman, her pussy glittering with her wetness on display, long legs parted. It was a powerfully erotic picture.

“Computer end simulation” Hora ordered and Riley image disappeared. Hora went to take a shower and get cleaned up.

After the messages arrived.

"Lt, the messages are for my eyes only. I have it from here" Hora told the commo.

The comms badge on Commander Reeves beeped and he answered it “Commander Reeves, Captain Hora, please report to my office, urgent, Hora out”
Stardate 29870517.2115

Holding up his hand Jordan motioned for her to stop, her slim fingers moved across his back easing the tension of he day, and their earlier activities from his body. She didn’t want to stop but she complied her lips pressing against his spine for a moment before she slid from the bed.

Getting dressed he paused long enough to give her a kiss in the privacy of the quarters before he stepped into the hall.

A few minutes later he was outside the Captain’s quarters, his finger tapping the ‘doorbell’. “This is Reeves.”

Once she gave him the safe to enter, he stepped inside. “Are you alright?” He asked, his hand on his weapon, just in case. As he scanned the room for any potential hostiles.
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Hora's smiling face appeared from her bedroom door.

“That is quite a weapon you have there!” She said in a lusty, sexy, voice, as her eyes stared at his crotch. She was clearly not talking about the phaser in his hand, but what was between his legs. Then she got serious.

She stepped into the room and closed her bedroom door.

“I think I fucked up.” She said in a serious way. “I sent a few private communications to the star base flag officers and stirred up a hornet’s nest. I also think someone in security might be our spy.”

She walked over to her command display at her desk and turned it around for Reeves to see.

“Here is what I just received from General Hammond” She showed him the complete message.

When Reeves completed reading the message she said “I have not checked the authorization code, but I’m assuming it is correct. Also, the Commo told me there was a Security Flash transmission which is duplicated. That might be the way, someone is communicating to the spy. So the spy might be in security.

Finally, I had Ensign Cook run a few simulations on Captain Marcus' accident. Dark Fire concluded that “the panel had been serviced two hundred and sixteen times in the course of 1 year. That is statistically unlikely. Most panels receive an annual or quarterly check dependent upon the components behind such panel. That panel contained no critical functions, the only cause for continual access would be replacement of an inferior component with another inferior component.

Maintenance logs indicate forty-seven of the components used inside that access point have been changed. Because of this fact… The Captain may have been killed, but they took an extremely long time to do this.”

As a side note, Ensign Cook did a great job even if she did debrief me in her Rigal 4 outfit. I was so turned on I fucked a simulation of her for 3 hours. Actually, her wearing the outfit was kind of my fault. But seriously, if it gets out, she knows Capt Marcus’ death was not an accident, someone might try to kill her.”

“Back to the message… why are you, Xenobiologist L’Sa, Ambassador M’Chel, and Su’Nak on their shit list?”
Stardate 29870517.2130

“As executive Officer and And your Predecessors executive Officer I have access to all of the ship. Maybe They believe I know something? Xenobiologist L’Sa performed the Autopsy while the Medical Team was working with the other injured people. And The Ambassador did arrive under unusual circumstances and had the Holoimage sent to her. Maybe there’s more on the image than we know bout?”

Commander Reeves replied as he replaced his phaser in it’s holster. “We don’t have Captain Marcus’ remains anymore. But we do have the debris from the explosion. I believe the circle of people to be trusted is getting smaller.”

“Most security Flash Trans are about prison transfers, wanted persons, or escape attempts. New chemical’s being used by various species as intoxicants. Weapon designs. Main comms is normally duplicated in the Flash transmission just as protocol. In case the Security Officer, or the communications officer is the issue. It’s a rare occurrence, but it has happened.”

“As you have Ensign...Cook, performing a backup investigation have them continue. See if there is any correlation in whom was doing the repairs/replacements. Time frame, part, personnel, etcetera.”

“And if you trust Ensign cook, you can authorize them limited security protocols. Just short of Main AI control, or Command Overrides.”

“Do you have any questions for, or about, me, Captain?” He asked, setting his phaser on the table in case she wanted to use it against him. He’d never broken his Command Oaths, or his Officer Oaths, nor was he about to.

“Captain, Commander, I’m registering an unidentified warp signature. It’s using a Frequency Patterns not on record. It may be a new species. Cloaking Shield is holding at One Hundred Percent. Shall I alert Battle stations? Current distance is fifteen minutes. Speed Warp four-point-nine-one.” Dark Fire reported over the comms.

“Security Chief Lt. Commander Aegeri has set an appointment with you Captain for Stardate 29870518.0555. Major K'alena Daughter of K’Goz wishes to speak with you as early as convenient.”

Hora grabbed the phaser and pointed it at Commander Reeves. She was looking directly into the Commander’s eyes. “Do I trust you?” She said aloud. She thought about the question she just asked herself. It was hard for her to answer it. Now, had she slept with Reeves, she would have learned a lot about him. She felt confident she could answered the question. But this was the federation, the fleet, there were cultural issues with that option. She needed to figure this out without using typical Orion techniques.

The orders in the message traffic were pure crap. The person generating those orders was the enemy, not Commander Reeves. She had a gut feeling that Commander Reeves could be trusted.

“Yes” Hora said answering her own question as she lowered the phaser.

Then Dark Fire announced the detection of an approaching warp signature.

“Go to battle station, but remained cloaked. Do nothing to alert the inbound ship we are here. I’ll be on the bridge in a few minutes.” Hora ordered.

“Reeves… those orders are crap. You know it, and I know it. But what if I restrict you, Xenobiologist L’Sa, Ambassador M’Chel, and Su’Nak to your quarters? Or to non-essential parts of the ship? Or have the dinosaur follow you around. We head back to the space station. Playing along with these, fake, bull shit orders. Then catch them, the space station leaders, by surprise. The biggest threat to the federation right now, is the inside threat. The threat from the people in charge of that space station. Think about it while we deal with this encounter. To show due diligence, I’ll call Lt Sol to the bridge to watch over you. Sound good?” Hora suggested
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Stardate 29870517.2130

“I would point out that restricting us to our quarters would limit our capacity to help figure out what’s going on. Also heading back to the StarBase would simply being walking into their controlled facility. Once there they could simply seize the ship and arrest you as well, on more bogus claims.”

“Also Lt. Sol is a new entity, what if he’s part of it? Giving an unknown individual Bridge access is a bad idea.”

“When the Captain died, we went to the Starbase, then got assigned you and we left, now we’re going back. From what I can see... They want this ship. Or something, or someone, that is on it.”

“The Black hole says to me, If they can’t have it, they’ll destroy it.” Reeves said as his re-holstered his phaser. “And if you trust me, don’t trust knew crew. It would have been very easy to slip a spy aboard during the last rotation.”

Stepping to the door he walked with her to the bridge.


The deck officer handed a data slate over as he gave a verbal report. The Slate contained the frequency pattern of the potential hostile ship warp core. As well as its speed, angle of declination it’s origin point and most likely target destination.

“Five minutes until it intersects our location. We’ve oriented to be outside its direct path should it drop from warp. Fighter Squadrons are ready for launch. All Torpedo tubes are primed. The Marines are in position to strike if needed.”

Standing at the holo-console he indicated The Dark Fire and the enemy vessels path. It would pass three thousand five hundred and fourteen meters in front of the Dark Fire. If it dropped from warp, it would be in the goldilock zone of the Dark Fire’s main battery and torpedoes.

“All weapons batteries are primed; all drives are fully operational and ready for action.” With as many people as there were on the bridge, including medics, fire suppression crews, and security it was eerily quiet.

The deck of the Dark Fire wasn’t like any other Fleet ship, nor was it’s configuration. The fleet had brought together the best of everything, reinventing the way they designed ships. Gone was the saucer configuration, outboard nacelles and slender neck. According to observers the Dark Fire was more like a floating brick in space.

A brick that had enough weaponry to take on a Borg cube and survive, armour plating, defensive shielding, dozens of defense turrets, they could be manned independently or operated by the Dark Fire to batter an enemy ship from multiple angle’s simultaneously. Most hips were science and exploration, The Dark Fire was that and more. The days of getting beat to submission were gone. The Dark Fire was an evolutionary step towards science and war.

The Dark Fire was the younger sibling that watched older siblings get beaten by bully's, so he’d gone to the gym and worked out. Becoming the Nerd that stood up to bullies. And kicked them in the balls when needed.

Hora pressed her communication badge

“Lt Sol to the bridge, bring a weapon” She ordered. She looked over to Commander Reeves “I trust you. You need to learn to trust me.”

Then she communicated Major K'alena. “Major, once this encounter is over please come see me”

Then she communicated with Ambassador M’Chel “Ambassador, we might have a first contact situation. Can you report to the bridge?” She asked.

Then she called out the bridge team. “This is the Captain, I have the deck. This might be a first contact situation. I do not want any actions taken to provoke this ship. Only passive sensor and data collection. Rule of engagements are slow motion fun. We are going to sit here and watch. Discipline is important. If for some reason we are fired at… do not return fire. My plan is to take defensive measures only.”

At the end of her statement was when Lt Sol walked on to the bridge carrying anti-personnel phaser cannon. That was when Hora realized she might have made another mistake not listening to Commander Reeves.
Clenching his jaw Reeves stared at the security officer for a second, in a firefight that one had to go down first before he vaporized everyone with that weapon. But now wasn’t the time.

Turning his gaze he looked at Captain Hora for a moment. Before he turned back to the holo image. A moment later the doors opened again and Ambassador M’Chel stepped onto the bridge, her attache following a few feet behind her.

The Image zoomed in closer. One minute to contact. The warp probe was a simple enough device. A probe with warp engines and shielding, but no propulsion. It sat in the warp and was a probe. Simple and effective.

Reading started to come in of the targets structure. Whatever it was it was organic matter with a hard chitinous shell. Readings spiked as directed plasma came from the target and impacted the probe. Destroying it instantly.

“Captain, if the vessel continues on course it will encounter Deneb el Okab, Star System Zeta Aquilae, Population 3.8 billion. Either as an impact or an assault.” Reeves called out, as the target stayed in warp and kept going. “Home of the Denobulan Race.”

“Target mass... 6 million metric tonnes, Length 812 meters. No internal readings. Has shielding and armour plating Biological in nature.” The Primary Science Station called out.

“Sorry sirs, I can’t get a fix on the chemical make up of the armour. The shielding was blocking all passive scans before the probe was destroyed.”

“Well, that was interesting” Hora said aloud. “Warn engineering to prepare for warp.” She ordered the helm man. Then she looked over to Commander Reeves and Ambassador M’Chel. “I plan to give chase. Match its course and speed, try hailing it on frequencies. We’ll warn Deneb el Okab and report this back to fleet headquarter. Thoughts?” Hora asked Reeves and M’Chel.
Stardate 29870517.2135

“Fleet expects a report of several individuals being in custody. Reporting something else may cause problems,” Reeves replied looking around the Bridge. He didn’t want to say to much, you never knew which way someone would jump in certain situations.

“Navigation, time to intercept of Deneb el Okab, at current speed?” Reeves called out.

“Nine years, seven months, three days, four hours, Thirty-two minutes.” Navigation control called.

“Fascinating,” Ambassador M’Chel commented. “For a moment I perceived a mind. An Intellect. But it has passed. As if I was being.. scanned.”

Sometime you get lucky and a circumstance or situation prevents you from complying with orders. And sometimes, you can generate a circumstance or situation. Hora was going to use this encounter to delay complying with the orders she was given.

“Alright, decloak and let’s go to Warp four-point-nine-one. Match their course and speed.” Hora ordered. “Everyone, we’ll activate active sensors one at the time, to make sure none are perceived as hostile by the alien or aliens. Let’s start with the Communication officer, trying to hail them”

This might seem like Hora was being extra cautious. However, there was a well-known case, at least among Orions, where an Orion ship encountered Ophut race. Ophut people live on a planet near a brown dwarf star. This cooler brown dwarf, had a magenta or black color to Orion and Human eyes. This is because Humans and Orions lived on planets that orbited yellow dwarf star. Through evolution, their eyes were most sensitive to the peak light from a yellow star.

The Ophut eyes were most sensitive to the peak of their sun, which was long infra-red light. When the Orions turned on their lights to see, they blinded the Ophuts! The Ophuts, mistook their flashlight as weapons! They counter attacked and killed the Orion landing party.

Needless to say, first contact was always tricky.

“Lt Sol, please come over here” Hora asked as she waited on the hailing.

“Yes Captain” Zosh replied and walked over to the Captain.

“Why a phaser cannon?” she whispered so as not to humiliate the big t-rex.

“Wanted to be prepare for anything.” He answered.

“But that weapon can put a hole through the bulkhead! We’ll all be sucked out into space.” Hora pointed out.

“Only if I miss.” Sol replied and added “And there may be a situation where that would be useful.”

“I can’t think of one! Don’t fire that weapon in here unless I give you a direct order” Hora said firmly

“Aye, Aye, Captain” Lt Sol agreed and returned to his guarding location.
Stardate 29870517.2135

Dark Fire:
‘Matching course and speed,” called Helm Control as the Dark Fire slipped into warp space.

As active sensors came online the holoimage clarified and sharpened a great deal. Long, flat and wide, the vessel looked more like an aquatic hybrid of an Encrusted Lobster, a Mollusk, and an Octopus. The hard shell had bumps like sea faring barnacles, and glowing tendrils that drifted behind.

“No response on hailing frequencies,” Comms called. “Using alternative methods.” Using the ship surface lights it altered the color pattern as well as using pinpoint laser on a narrow energy level to prevent damage.

When the laser touched one of the tendrils the ‘bio-form’s’ other tendrils reached violently. Thrashing as the vessel dropped from warp.

Stardate 29870517.2240

Cracking open the bioform vessel spewed out thousands of chunks of debris that drifted out from the central mass.

Dropping from Warp as well the Dark Fire’s defensive batteries tracked the debris. And then the bigger pieces started moving towards the Dark Fire.

“Enemy contacts, self-controlled maneuvering.’ Called Tactical, "Possibility of fighter craft seventy-four percent. Possibility of mines is twelve percent. Eighty-six percent this is a hostile maneuver.”

“Shields are at Maximum. Fighter pilots ready for launch. Defensive batteries are on standby.” Came calls from across the bridge. “Warning Message to Deneb el Okab has been transmitted. Along with all current data of the … ship.." Communications added.

On the holo display the larger pieces came towards the Dark Fire even as they moved away from each other. The smaller pieces had been ejected towards the Dark Fire and seemed to be more drifting in space then they were on any attack vector.

“With all due respect to your position Captain. I can’t open diplomatic Dialog with them if we die.” Ambassador M’Chel commented from her position to the side, and out of the way. “I am.. feeling something... an oppressive pressure.’

“Frick… frack... break my back” Hora grumbled as the tentacle came apart. It was just what she was hoping would not happen. “Back away from these objects, we are not launching any fighters.” She ordered.

“Ambassador M’Chel… you are the closest form of communication we have with this thing. Is it hurt? Is it mad?” She asked

“Science station… I remember reading about a crystalline entity in the historical archives. The way to communicate with it was via emitting graviton pulses. That makes sense for a crystal. Not sure that would work on this creature. Any thoughts, any emission from the creature? Commander Reeves or Dark Fire… ideas on communicating?” Hora asked
Stardate 29870517.2240

The Dark Fire was already under maneuvering thrusters as Hora gave her orders. Raising an eyebrow Reeves looked at The Captain, “Frick Frack, Break my back?” he asked in confusion.

“I’m sorry, but my telepathic abilities aren’t that good.” The Ambassador said, “If I could make physical contact, maybe. But that thing is what’s making contact. Not me. And it’s not… words. It’s more like a pressure.”

“The entity external structure is similar in design to Underwater mollusks of the Human Planet Earth, as well as several other species on other worlds. The smaller particulates my be regurgitation/body fluid evacuation as a process of preparation for flight or fight. The larger particulates - the self guided ones – may be attack craft.”

Once Reeves took a breath the Dark Fire poke. “If the creature was submerged in water I would happily transmit sonar pulses to attempt contact. If it was in an atmosphere I’d attempt Echolocation. Perhaps.. radiation bursts? I am not detecting any transmissions on any frequency between the primary and any secondary target.”

“Target vessels are accelerating, Sublight speeds point nine-five. Matching course and speed in counter rotation.”

“Engineering can you beam one of the smaller vessels aboard and keep it in a containment field? Maximum biohazard?”

“Yes, Commander,” The Engineering officer on the bridge replied a moment later. “Just give the word.”

Looking at Hora Reeves said. “The Ambassador needs to touch one….”

“That is a great idea.” Hora commented to Commander Reeves. “Why don’t you go with the Ambassador. I’ll ask Major K'alena to provide some security” Hora had thought of sending Lt Sol for security, but the big lizard might kill everyone in the transporter bay.

“I’ll stay here. Tell me what you learn” Hora added. Then she turned to comm officer "try very low burst of radiation just above the noise floor" She recommended.
Stardate 29870517.2135

Tracking the multiple enemy craft The Dark Fire selected the smallest one based on external measurements and mass density. Beamed into an isolation chamber, maximum shielding was erected even before the transfer was complete.

Major K’alena had a full squad of Marines surrounding the vessel with heavy weapons ready to rip it apart if needed. Stepping into the chamber The Ambassador and Commander looked it over as scientists, including L’Sa walked around the room analyzing the readouts on their tablets.

Walking up to the Ship The Ambassador started to reach out when the Major yelled and Reeves grabbed her arm. “Could you wit until we know if it’s toxic or not?” He asked as the Major glared from across the room.

“Commander,” L’Sa said as she walked over. “We’re detecting one major biologic form with.. what might be bacterial enzymes on the surface. It’s like nothing Starfleet has encountered before. We’ve agreed that most likely the ship is the living organism, as opposed to an inhabitant inside of the ship.”

“Also the ship is covered with a residue that may be protective in nature, like a biological ‘shield’. We’ve also determined that the energy output of the craft is on par with a warp fighter. As for weapons, landing pads, propulsion.. we haven’t found any so far. Or a door to go inside. Which if the ‘craft’ is alive in and of itself would mean it doesn’t need a pilot.”

“Major… have someone touch the ship.” Reeves ordered.

“Commander, I should make first contact. A Marine could be interpreted as an attack. Taking the ship aboard may be interpreted as an attack as it is.”

Snarling The Klingon Major shouted, ‘Shut up!” and gestured for one of her Marines to step forward. Pulling off it’s glove the Marine stepped through the bio barrier and force-field until it was close enough to actually touch the ‘hostile’ vessel.

“It’s.. cold.. and slimy. And it’s soft here. Like ...bread tough dough.” The marine said over the intercoms. Moving her hand to the armour plating she kept her monologue going. “It’s bony.. like… dry clam shell.” After a sharp grunt she continued. “It’s .. punctured my skin.. needles I think. Maybe defensive spines like a puffer fish.. it stings.. Surrounding my hand. Shit!.. it’s.. burning…. Dissolving my hand.. Grr.. It’s.. burrowing.. up.. inside armour.”

“Ejection protocols..” The Major shouted. “A fraction later the ship was gone, the Marine’s arm severed at the shoulder by the transporter. A second transport and the Marine was in sickbay under a quarantine field.

Standing over the Ambassador the Major snapped, “And that’s why you need to stop being reckless.. Vulcan.”

On the bridge the data received by the Scanners in the Bio-shield had been auto replicated, making it so the Captain had instant access to everything happening.


Even as the vessel was being held in the Bio Containment Field the other vessels rotated as did the main ‘mothership’. When the Marine was being dissolved they opened fire, the collected hip opening fire even as it was de-materializing in the Biofield.

“Plasma energy impacts across Multiple Vectors. Shields are holding under attack vessels. Primary ship firing.” Tactical station called out. The Dark fire gave a shudder as two massive plasma bolts impacted the shields. “Shields are eighty-nine percent and holding.”

“There is a corrosive biological component in the attacks. If it gets through shields, it could potentially eat the hull.”

Was not happy with Major K'alena actions at the transporter station. but what was done was done.

“Hold fire.” She ordered. “Anything on the radiation communications?” She asked

“Nothing yet” The comms office said.

The ship shook as another set of plasma blasts hit them.

“Shields at 72%” Someone called out.

“Captain?” the weapon’s office asked.

“Folks… we can take a few beatings. Now everyone just calm down.” She said calmly. “How about a warning shot? Use our 48 primary batteries and shoot in front of these objects. Let see if it understand that”

“Ready captain” Weapon officer announced

“Fire” Hora ordered
Stardate 29870517.2200

The Emergency Medical Hologram stepped through the bio-containment field and sprayed a hyper coagulant on the wound before removing the armor. “Corporal Stonn, is infected. It’s in his bloodstream and is changing him on a genetic level. Based on the rate of genetic conversion by my estimate, he’ll stop being a Vulcan in a week. It will take some time to reverse the genetic change, and we may not be successful in time.”

Stepping into the Medical Bay Reeves heard the report and directed the medical team to do the best they could.

“We’re already pumping his blood stream with antibacterials, Steroids, and anti-fungal.” The EMH called as Reeves left and headed for the Bridge.


“Warning Weapons fire ineffective, enemy attacks not abating,” was called out.

“Enemy fire is focusing on defense grid fourteen. If it continues, we will lose shielding in that location. Grid fourteen down to 29%. Total shielding at 61%.”

“Radiation communications has no response. I’ve run through everything from Gamma, X-ray, Ultraviolet, Infrared, and including all visible light ranges. And Radio waves. Either it’s not working, or...

.... we’re being ignored.”

"Captain, I recommend a more aggressive stance and return fire." Reeves told Captain Hora.
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Commander Reeves was recommending more aggression. Hora wanted the situation to de-escalate.

“Helm… gets us out of here. Maximum warp. Head towards the nearest nebula.” Hora ordered.

“If it follows us… we might be able to use the particles in the nebula to produce a sound-like wave. It is a long shot, but it might work.” Hora explained to Reeves. She felt the ship lurch forward as they jumped into warp.

“Get damage control team busy on repairs. Why was it targeting grid 14? I also want a full analysis on everything we learned about this biological. Also, can we place our injured man in a cryo-stasis field? That could suspend the infection, as it renders everything motionless, buying us time to develop a cure.”
Stardate 29870517.2215

Breaking off pursuit the enemy bio-ship paused long enough for it’s independent craft to rejoin it and then passed into warp, speeding towards it’s original target.

“Captain, Enemy craft has disengaged. It’s resuming course towards Deneb el Okab, Warp four-point-nine-one.” Navigation control called out.

“Six minutes to Nebulae,” Helm called out.

“Captain,” Tactical called. “Grid fourteen is the closest point between the Enemy Mothership and where the Fighter had been transported too.”

“Captain, I never intercepted any communication of any kind between, or from, either ship.” Comms called out perplexed.

Stepping onto the bridge with a Marine and her Attache, The Vulcan Ambassador looked ill. “The.. craft.. they are telepathic.” Clenching her hand she fought the nausea as her stomach rolled in revulsion. “Strong. Overwhelming. It’s hungry.”
Stardate 29870517.2215

Breaking off pursuit the enemy bio-ship paused long enough for it’s independent craft to rejoin it and then passed into warp, speeding towards it’s original target.

“Captain, Enemy craft has disengaged. It’s resuming course towards Deneb el Okab, Warp four-point-nine-one.” Navigation control called out.

“Six minutes to Nebulae,” Helm called out.

“Captain,” Tactical called. “Grid fourteen is the closest point between the Enemy Mothership and where the Fighter had been transported too.”

“Captain, I never intercepted any communication of any kind between, or from, either ship.” Comms called out perplexed.

Stepping onto the bridge with a Marine and her Attache, The Vulcan Ambassador looked ill. “The.. craft.. they are telepathic.” Clenching her hand she fought the nausea as her stomach rolled in revulsion. “Strong. Overwhelming. It’s hungry.”

“No need to go to the nebula. Let’s turn around and stay this far away. Match its course and speed. Science team, try to figure out what this thing eats? Secure from battle quarters, go to yellow alert. Please keep me posted if anything changes. Lt Kaiwi has the deck” Hora ordered.

“I’ll be in my quarters… meeting with Commander Reeves and Ambassador” Hora told Lt Kaiwi.

“Lt Sol, come with me.” Hora said to the Croco-lamia

As Hora walked back to her quarters, she activated her comms badge “Major K'alena, I’ll be available for that meeting in a few minutes.”

Once at her door.

"Lt Sol please guard this door." she ordered

Then once she was inside, with the door closed. Hora showed the ambassador the orders she had received.

“These orders are crap. Any idea what is going on? I thought I could restrict you, Xenobiologist L’Sa, and Su’Nak to non-essential parts of the ship? Essential being defined as engineering and any weapon station. You have access to everything else.

I thought my dinosaur could follow Commander Reeves around. If anyone asks, it’s for his protection.

I can send an update to the base on the additional secure measure I’ve taken. Playing along with these, fake, bull shit orders.

We solve this biological space creature thing first. Then we head back to the space station.

I think the biggest threat to the federation right now, are the strange things going on at the space station.” Hora stated
Stardate 29870517.2230

“Compliance, new course laid in, station keeping pursuit of the Alien ship,” Helm Control called.

“Captain,” The Medical Officer called. “The Marine was placed in stasis ten minute ago. The CMH reports the bacterium is still spreading. A complete report has been sent to your ready room.”

After reading the order Hora had been given the Ambassador raised an eyebrow. “I suspected something was happening in the ‘back channels’ as you humans call it. Several of my colleagues have changed their stance on Starfleet politics recently.”

“Nothing important or specific, but there have been a number of meetings that occurred without me, even though I was on the subcommittee's involved. And even the sub-committees weren’t important. Negotiations for materials, vetting individuals for promotions.”

“I’m a Syrrannite, A true follower of Surak’s Teachings. As such my ‘mental abilities’ are better than most Vulcan’s. I was able to perceive mental and emotional changes in some of my colleagues, when I questioned them about their behavior, I became the target of several hostile actions against my person.”

“If you allow me access to your vessel, I may be able to locate any potential spies. Military and or Starfleet records can be altered easily, but thoughts cannot be done so easily.”

“But of course I’ll comply with your requirements. After all this is your chip, yes Captain?”

Looking over at the Captain Reeves spoke up. “You do realize that the ‘dinosaur’ as you call him has been reprimanded a number of times for his attitude and aggression and brought a phase cannon to the bridge. One pull of the trigger and he’d have executed the entire command crew. I’ve looked at his test reports. When he fails, he gets angry.”

“But if you want him following me, there are some area’s he’s not cleared to go into. Including my quarters. I doubt he’d like my atmospheric settings.”

“Jordan…” Hora said to Commander Reeves “Sorry, Reeves” She corrected her error. “This is your chance to help him become a better officer. Figure out what is going on in his pea sized brain. Provide him some guidance. If you are too busy… I’ll make him my body guard. Maybe I can figure him out.”

Then Hora turned to the Ambassador.

“I agree. There is some kind of mind control or memory altering going on. I saw a Betazed, A Vulcan, Ullian, and a Psi Corp officer on the space station.” Hora added “You have full access to the ship, except for engineering and any weapon station.”

“Lastly, Commander, Ambassador, any ideas to save the injured crewman? How good is the medical staff? Any ideas for our next encounter with the biological spaceship?” Hora asked.
Stardate 29870517.2230


“As you wish, Captain.” Reeves replied.

“Those four individuals, could you identify them if you saw their faces again? Were they together or seperate? Where did you see them? Just seeing four individuals without more information determines nothing.” Ambassador M’Chel said. “If you can, I would recommend finding out whom they are. It would help us determine what is going on.”

“Captain, we have some of the better xenobiologists in the fleet. As well as an excellent Medical staff. They will do what they can, but unfortunately no one is God,” Reeves replied. “Except he who shall not be named for fear of bringing his attention upon this ship.”

“As for our next encounter, if they launch fighters or fire upon us, we should do more than stand still and let them. Shoot them. Once. Perhaps take out a fighter or two. Show them that continually shooting at us has repercussions.”

“We are a warship after all.”
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