Vanessa 2

Followers of our thread will notice I've been putting in a bit of time with a slideshow programme / gif maker and being surprised with what it can come up with. ☺️

It's not one single bit of gear but two or three, and it took a little while to work out how to combine them all for the different effects. There's probably something out there that does it all but..........

Hi Richard. We all appreciate you going the extra mile to deliver such stunning images of Vanessa in so many fabulous formats. Please keep UP the great work!

We took the opportunity to take a couple of different sets, the same day.................

These were taken in 2010
It's lovely to return from holiday and catch up with so many wonderful images of Vanessa in a lovely rustic setting. I'm slightly jetlagged, so I think I'll just curl up and dream of that beautiful close-up of Vanessa's perfect pussy. I can't promise I won't be drooling on the pillow! X
Many thanks everyone for the very kind feedback on all the pics, gif experiments and short vid.

Have taken note of various preferences and particular photos from sets; will sort them out in due course. Some of the photos we have on record have been edited over the years and the Photos (Apple) programme does not like exporting a number of them for some reason.....not all, just some and I have no idea why. If it was the same with them all, I'd understand but it's a bit frustrating when everything is lined up to go and bang, two or three have been left behind....I'm referring to the archive stuff here. I can usually manage to locate the originals but not always.

Apple decided to discontinue their very excellent editing programme, Aperture. I really miss it. I have the programme on an older Mac using an older operating system which I still use occasionally for more detailed editing. If I try and use it too frequently, things start to get complicated unfortunately.☹️

I must say that it's been quite a pleasure trawling back through different libraries and locating pics not seen for yonks. "I remember those" is my usual response and then try to recollect what we did at the time to get the shots.

Thank again all
I’m sorry, is there something else to see? I’m a bit distracted by those mile-long legs 😍
Not to get to carried away ( I do) but great confirmation. Thin legs are nice but my preference would be for some muscle.

Followers of our thread will notice I've been putting in a bit of time with a slideshow programme / gif maker and being surprised with what it can come up with. ☺️

It's not one single bit of gear but two or three, and it took a little while to work out how to combine them all for the different effects. There's probably something out there that does it all but..........

Was this one of your sets first posted on Watchers Web?