Explain it to me. How did wokeness cause people to stop reading wapo rather than being in an industry where fewer and fewer people are reading newspapers these days.
Ask the four white guys who just took over the company after the woke boss bitch produced $100,000,000 in losses. Why does MSNBC have fewer viewers? Same problem. Get woke go broke. In short, people are smart enough to detect bullshit.
Ask the four white guys who just took over the company after the woke boss bitch produced $100,000,000 in losses. Why does MSNBC have fewer viewers? Same problem. Get woke go broke. In short, people are smart enough to detect bullshit.
So what was the Gateway Pundit's problem? I'm asking because you seem to be in the know. Did they get too "woke". Not enough subscribers? Lack of advertising revenue? Was it because the readers got smart enough to detect "bullshit"?
I thought MAGA boycotted the NFL into oblivion when Kaepernick started feeling during the national anthem. You mean, it's still around?
Shush, you're not supposed to point out the hypocrisy of outraging over the taking of a knee whilst approving the flying of the flag upside down.
Ask the four white guys who just took over the company after the woke boss bitch produced $100,000,000 in losses. Why does MSNBC have fewer viewers? Same problem. Get woke go broke. In short, people are smart enough to detect bullshit.

The problem with that is there's tons of newspapers out there that don't have woke boss bitches that are losing just as much money. So for them one could say don't go woke and still go broke. So obviously...the issue isn't wokeness it's that newspapers are a dying business.
I thought MAGA boycotted the NFL into oblivion when Kaepernick started feeling during the national anthem. You mean, it's still around?
It's so strange how MAGAts boycotted the NFL yet they somehow are managing to pull in record numbers. 🤷🏻‍♂️🧐
The problem with that is there's tons of newspapers out there that don't have woke boss bitches that are losing just as much money. So for them one could say don't go woke and still go broke. So obviously...the issue isn't wokeness it's that newspapers are a dying business.

Maybe we should be talking about the online newspaper readership, they're losing there as well. It is the wokeness. It's the DEI policy's insistence on appointing people to manage businesses based on ideology, gender, and skin color instead of actual management and marketing skills. It's the widespread politicization of the corporate and government space that failing the American people, all the way from the White House to government agencies, down to the Academy, media, social media, and on to Bud-lite. These meritless parameters for hiring are the problem across the board. We see these failures everywhere.
Maybe we should be talking about the online newspaper readership, they're losing there as well. It is the wokeness. It's the DEI policy's insistence on appointing people to manage businesses based on ideology, gender, and skin color instead of actual management and marketing skills. It's the widespread politicization of the corporate and government space that failing the American people, all the way from the White House to government agencies, down to the Academy, media, social media, and on to Bud-lite. These meritless parameters for hiring are the problem across the board. We see these failures everywhere.

You see I don't buy that, mostly because going with the whole anti-woke way is still managing a business based on ideology and skin color and political correctness. It's the widespread politicization of the corporate and government space by the right. You people made green M&Ms and light beer political statements rather than viewing them as ill-fated marketing gimmicks like the rest of us. That's what the anti-woke brain worm has done to you.
Maybe we should be talking about the online newspaper readership, they're losing there as well. It is the wokeness. It's the DEI policy's insistence on appointing people to manage businesses based on ideology, gender, and skin color instead of actual management and marketing skills. It's the widespread politicization of the corporate and government space that failing the American people, all the way from the White House to government agencies, down to the Academy, media, social media, and on to Bud-lite. These meritless parameters for hiring are the problem across the board. We see these failures everywhere.

Wokeness caused the downfall of Trump Airlines, Trump Beverages, Trump Casinos, Trump Magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, and Trump University. Stupid commies!

We see these failures everywhere Diaper Donnie goes. It's the widespread dumbing down of the corporate and government space that failed the American people, all the way from the White House to his fake university, media, casinos and on to failing Truth Social.
You see I don't buy that, mostly because going with the whole anti-woke way is still managing a business based on ideology and skin color and political correctness. It's the widespread politicization of the corporate and government space by the right. You people made green M&Ms and light beer political statements rather than viewing them as ill-fated marketing gimmicks like the rest of us. That's what the anti-woke brain worm has done to you.
In 2020 Democrats took most of the Corporate donations.
Wokeness caused the downfall of Trump Airlines, Trump Beverages, Trump Casinos, Trump Magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, and Trump University. Stupid commies!

We see these failures everywhere Diaper Donnie goes. It's the widespread dumbing down of the corporate and government space that failed the American people, all the way from the White House to his fake university, media, casinos and on to failing Truth Social.
all that said Trump blows the Biden Campaign out of the water in campaign donations. Over 200 million in less than a week right after the verdicts.
all that said Trump blows the Biden Campaign out of the water in campaign donations. Over 200 million in less than a week right after the verdicts.

Changing the subject because you ran out of dumb things to say about the thread topic?
Changing the subject because you ran out of dumb things to say about the thread topic?
You offered fantasy and conjecture. I posited that Trump out-draws Biden with massive political donations, and I'll add polling popularity and crowd size. Furthermore, he's still a billionaire with a hugely successful business enterprise. All of which is a condemnation by many of the principles of the Wokeism Joe Biden and his communists represent.
That's terrible but that doesn't mean I should support republicans because they're in second place. And I could do you one better. The justice democrats, the squad, has made a core of who they are to swear never to take corporate donations at all ever.

Also that really doesn't address the point I was making.
I never meant to suggest who you should vote for. I'm good with whatever you do in the voting booth.

How much of our political infrastructure do you think abstains from corporate donations of any kind? What percentage do you think?
I posited that Trump out-draws Biden with massive political donations, and I'll add polling popularity and crowd size.
now he'll never be a forever twice impeached, single-term, convicted felon, rapist.
I never meant to suggest who you should vote for. I'm good with whatever you do in the voting booth.

How much of our political infrastructure do you think abstains from corporate donations of any kind? What percentage do you think?

That's the swamp Donald Trump never got off his lazy ass to actually drain. We need a total ban on corporate donations and pass legislation to get the money out of politics. A good start would be the bill banning congress members doing insider trading that AOC and Matt Gaetz were reportedly working together on.
Maybe we should be talking about the online newspaper readership, they're losing there as well. It is the wokeness. It's the DEI policy's insistence on appointing people to manage businesses based on ideology, gender, and skin color instead of actual management and marketing skills. It's the widespread politicization of the corporate and government space that failing the American people, all the way from the White House to government agencies, down to the Academy, media, social media, and on to Bud-lite. These meritless parameters for hiring are the problem across the board. We see these failures everywhere.
Oh but your lovely sites are soaring since you lost all that garbage in so many places??

All about numbers…know what number count? It’s not the gathering rallies, it’s the voting numbers.
That's the swamp Donald Trump never got off his lazy ass to actually drain. We need a total ban on corporate donations and pass legislation to get the money out of politics. A good start would be the bill banning congress members doing insider trading that AOC and Matt Gaetz were reportedly working together on.
Recall he only had one hand to do it with. This time around the tables will be turned and it will be the Democrats who will get a dose of the law and some administrative discipline.
Recall he only had one hand to do it with. This time around the tables will be turned and it will be the Democrats who will get a dose of the law and some administrative discipline.
Authoritarianism is fun
Recall he only had one hand to do it with. This time around the tables will be turned and it will be the Democrats who will get a dose of the law and some administrative discipline.
So the tables will turn and magically your Orange Jesus will stop breaking laws? And Rep. Venmo will stop paying for dates?

What will you do? Oh that’s right, sugar Daddy Vlady to your rescue.

How will you magically get scores of Dems in office to commit crimes? The Republican’ts already beat them to it… and look a solid number you can say you are “better” at.

What a loser you are.
So the tables will turn and magically your Orange Jesus will stop breaking laws? And Rep. Venmo will stop paying for dates?

What will you do? Oh that’s right, sugar Daddy Vlady to your rescue.

How will you magically get scores of Dems in office to commit crimes? The Republican’ts already beat them to it… and look a solid number you can say you are “better” at.

What a loser you are.
There is already a list of their crimes, Clown Commander.
Took? WTF does that mean? Did they go grab money from corporate CEO's?

Corporations donated to Democrats more than Republican candidates, that is what this means. Yet you claim being "woke" is a death knell.

The 10 fundamental components of reading comprehension can vary slightly depending on the source, but generally, they include:

  1. Vocabulary Knowledge: Understanding the meanings of words.
  2. Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing and manipulating individual sounds in words.
  3. Phonics: Understanding the relationship between letters and sounds.
  4. Fluency: Reading with accuracy, speed, and expression.
  5. Comprehension Strategies: Using various techniques to understand text, such as predicting, summarizing, and questioning.
  6. Decoding: Translating written words into spoken language.
  7. Text Structure: Understanding how different types of texts are organized.
  8. Background Knowledge: Drawing upon prior knowledge and experiences to understand text.
  9. Inferencing: Drawing conclusions and making predictions based on clues in the text.
  10. Critical Thinking: Analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information from the text.
When you've finished come back and we can revisit the subject.