
The 10 fundamental components of reading comprehension can vary slightly depending on the source, but generally, they include:

  1. Vocabulary Knowledge: Understanding the meanings of words.
  2. Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing and manipulating individual sounds in words.
  3. Phonics: Understanding the relationship between letters and sounds.
  4. Fluency: Reading with accuracy, speed, and expression.
  5. Comprehension Strategies: Using various techniques to understand text, such as predicting, summarizing, and questioning.
  6. Decoding: Translating written words into spoken language.
  7. Text Structure: Understanding how different types of texts are organized.
  8. Background Knowledge: Drawing upon prior knowledge and experiences to understand text.
  9. Inferencing: Drawing conclusions and making predictions based on clues in the text.
  10. Critical Thinking: Analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information from the text.
When you've finished come back and we can revisit the subject.
Neat, but you've still failed to answer the questions posed about your posts.

A did the Gateway Pundit go broke from being woke?
B did the Gateway Pundit go broke from it's readers getting smart?

You said as much about other papers demise, so what happened here?

Took meaning :remove (someone or something) from a particular place.

So how exactly did the Democrats take money from the Corporations??? I can see where Corporation's donated more money to Democrats.

Donated meaning: give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity.
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There is already a list of their crimes, Clown Commander.
Oh there is? So please, provide that list from Legit journalistic sources.

Don’t have a legit source? We figured you didn’t.

Jersey Bob is likely on the list. And he is doing exactly what you want, running as an independent.
Oh there is? So please, provide that list from Legit journalistic sources.

Don’t have a legit source? We figured you didn’t.

Jersey Bob is likely on the list. And he is doing exactly what you want, running as an independent.
Any government employee found to have colluded with external entities to manipulate electoral processes or undermine the legitimacy of the Trump presidency should be held accountable under the legal statutes outlined in 18 USC 371. This includes those involved in attempts to prevent Trump's candidacy or unlawfully influence his presidency. Furthermore, individuals who have abused their positions by providing false testimony or spreading misinformation, as seen in cases such as the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials regarding the laptop incident, should not only have their security clearances revoked but also face prosecution under the same statute. This is just the beginning of ensuring accountability and upholding the integrity of our democratic institutions
Any government employee found to have colluded with external entities to manipulate electoral processes or undermine the legitimacy of the Trump presidency should be held accountable under the legal statutes outlined in 18 USC 371. This includes those involved in attempts to prevent Trump's candidacy or unlawfully influence his presidency. Furthermore, individuals who have abused their positions by providing false testimony or spreading misinformation, as seen in cases such as the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials regarding the laptop incident, should not only have their security clearances revoked but also face prosecution under the same statute. This is just the beginning of ensuring accountability and upholding the integrity of our democratic institutions
So you are saying the Orange Jesus… who looked to interfere in the 2020 election and did in some cases…

People like that eh?

Well looks like we got that one.
Wokeness caused the downfall of Trump Airlines, Trump Beverages, Trump Casinos, Trump Magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, and Trump University. Stupid commies!

We see these failures everywhere Diaper Donnie goes. It's the widespread dumbing down of the corporate and government space that failed the American people, all the way from the White House to his fake university, media, casinos and on to failing Truth Social.
Trump caused the downfall of ………
So you are saying the Orange Jesus… who looked to interfere in the 2020 election and did in some cases…

People like that eh?

Well looks like we got that one.
You are uninformed. The entire Democrat Party interfered with the 2020 election. They started it all in 2015 and they haven't stopped since.
You are uninformed. The entire Democrat Party interfered with the 2020 election. They started it all in 2015 and they haven't stopped since.
How, exactly did the DEMOCRATIC party interfere with the 2020 election when it was actually the OPPOSITE party who actually did so? With the fake electors, trying to "Find" votes, and overturn the results that went against them? Here's a newsflash- this wasn't the Democrats who were doing this.

Some of the shit you post is seriously so utterly fucking droolingly stupid that it barely credits a response. Maybe you really ought to check your news sources if you believe some of this shit.

If anything, it was the Russians who colluded with the Republicans on the 2020 election- on Trump's behalf, not Biden's. There is plenty of evidence out there that Biden should have won Texas, Utah and Florida, for example, but due to vote-flipping on the part of Russian hacking, those votes went to Trump. This was never investigated as it should have been.
You are uninformed. The entire Democrat Party interfered with the 2020 election. They started it all in 2015 and they haven't stopped since.
Ohhhh the entire party. Just because folks didn’t vote for your boy?

You are drinking the kool aid more than most.

If your boy didn’t poo poo mail in ballots… which he seems to not be doing now, maybe the results are different. But since he made that complete blunder, it doesn’t make fraud on the other side.

If he could have just let Mike handle the pandemic, and simply just congratulate and show off what his admin was doing… maybe the knuckle dragging small brains in your party would have done more to follow the science (shocking we know) instead of prolonging what happened. But yeah, that would be the fault of the Democratic Party eh?

He can’t get past his own ego and his own mistakes, but those are just unforced errors on his part.

But you worship him, is that because Daddy Vlady has told you to do just that?

Daddy Vlady is in you deep isn’t he? You like him in you so deep. It’s why you are pushing so hard these crap theories that sane educated folks see right through. You are pro Daddy Vlady not Pro America.

Enjoy your little trip this summer and your meet up. Make sure you pack some cute clothes.
Speaking of wokeness:

“Victory For Equality” As Atlanta-Based DEI Program Blocked​

1 Comment / By Shay Bottomley / June 6, 2024
A federal court has blocked a DEI program designed to only give grant funding to Black female business owners.

Neat, but you've still failed to answer the questions posed about your posts.

A did the Gateway Pundit go broke from being woke?
B did the Gateway Pundit go broke from it's readers getting smart?

You said as much about other papers demise, so what happened here?

Took meaning :remove (someone or something) from a particular place.

So how exactly did the Democrats take money from the Corporations??? I can see where Corporation's donated more money to Democrats.

Donated meaning: give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity.
Fucking crickets....

Nine NFL Teams Decline to Issue Pride Month Statements​

6 Comments / By Shay Bottomley / June 5, 2024
It’s looking like the ripple effects of the Bud Light boycott are still with us.

2024 marked the biggest cultural shift across the NFL with 9 franchises “boycotting” statements to mark the beginning of pride month.
Rainbow recognition often varies between the 32 teams; some will release a statement, add the rainbow colors to their profiles, or mix between the two. In course, the NFL reposts some of these messages if it doesn’t release its own.

This year, however, saw a notable absence among 9 franchises, namely the Atlanta Falcons, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Denver Broncos, New Orleans Saints, Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, Kansas City Chiefs, and Tennessee Titans.

More here: https://wokespy.com/nine-nfl-teams-decline-to-issue-pride-month-statements/

My my, looks like there's no pride in homophobia in those teams. Surely they'll be kicked out of the league.
You need to change your thread title since you've moved on from wapo
why is this imp to you
I just think having an accurate thread title helps with discussion participation.

I know that's confusing to you. Maybe your next alt will understand.

Nine NFL Teams Decline to Issue Pride Month Statements​

6 Comments / By Shay Bottomley / June 5, 2024
It’s looking like the ripple effects of the Bud Light boycott are still with us.

2024 marked the biggest cultural shift across the NFL with 9 franchises “boycotting” statements to mark the beginning of pride month.
Rainbow recognition often varies between the 32 teams; some will release a statement, add the rainbow colors to their profiles, or mix between the two. In course, the NFL reposts some of these messages if it doesn’t release its own.

This year, however, saw a notable absence among 9 franchises, namely the Atlanta Falcons, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Denver Broncos, New Orleans Saints, Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, Kansas City Chiefs, and Tennessee Titans.

More here: https://wokespy.com/nine-nfl-teams-decline-to-issue-pride-month-statements/

My my, looks like there's no pride in homophobia in those teams. Surely they'll be kicked out of the league.
Hmmm, well looks like there are more than half.. and that is something.

Plus the thing you and Vlady have… you aren’t proud of that?

I’m sure deep down you are…very deep.
Hmmm, well looks like there are more than half.. and that is something.

Plus the thing you and Vlady have… you aren’t proud of that?

I’m sure deep down you are…very deep.
The same people who "stopped watching the NFL" because of Kapernick ...weird