Neat, but you've still failed to answer the questions posed about your posts.Here:
The 10 fundamental components of reading comprehension can vary slightly depending on the source, but generally, they include:
When you've finished come back and we can revisit the subject.
- Vocabulary Knowledge: Understanding the meanings of words.
- Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing and manipulating individual sounds in words.
- Phonics: Understanding the relationship between letters and sounds.
- Fluency: Reading with accuracy, speed, and expression.
- Comprehension Strategies: Using various techniques to understand text, such as predicting, summarizing, and questioning.
- Decoding: Translating written words into spoken language.
- Text Structure: Understanding how different types of texts are organized.
- Background Knowledge: Drawing upon prior knowledge and experiences to understand text.
- Inferencing: Drawing conclusions and making predictions based on clues in the text.
- Critical Thinking: Analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information from the text.
A did the Gateway Pundit go broke from being woke?
B did the Gateway Pundit go broke from it's readers getting smart?
You said as much about other papers demise, so what happened here?
In 2020 Democrats took most of the Corporate donations.
Took meaning :remove (someone or something) from a particular place.
So how exactly did the Democrats take money from the Corporations??? I can see where Corporation's donated more money to Democrats.
Donated meaning: give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity.
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