Was macht Ihr, wenn Ihr nicht hier seid?

chris9 said:
Ich weiß, dass Du mich nie betrügen wirst. Kannst Du nämlich nicht, weil wir niemals eine Beziehung haben werden, die betrogen werden kann.

Never say never. ;)
Ich komme doch immer wieder gern hierher und schau mir das Sammelsurium von hirnverbrannten Spinnern an.
Da komm ich mir hinterher so beruhigend normal vor.
Theoderich said:
Ich komme doch immer wieder gern hierher und schau mir das Sammelsurium von hirnverbrannten Spinnern an.

Ja, und wenn Du 16 Jahre im Netz bleibst wirst Du auch so werden. :D
Aber die wirklich guten Spinner schreiben in Foren die unmoderiert sind, speziell die, die international sind. Da kriegst Du jeden Tag mehrfach todesdrohungen aus dem mittleren Osten

so sieht so eine Startseite aus, die Adresse war mal ein Al Quaeda board (www.al-neda.org) und wurde von America gehackt...

Enter Here

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You may have reached this website from one of a wide variety of web domain names, (internet addresses) (the WWWdot thing) that ultimately lead here.
Think about this.... What if people that typed the following web address: http://www.red-white-blue.net/ reached the same website as people looking for http://www.al-qaeda.com/?
What if the people that went to http://www.votegop.com/ ended up at the same place as the people that went to http://www.votedemocrat.com/ and the same as those that go to http://www.electionpolls.com/ to be met by those seeking http://www.nationaldebate.com/ and others looking for http://www.news4arabs.com/ and.......
What if, would be terrorists, trying reach known politically extremist oriented websites like the http://www.al-qaeda.com/ website at http://www.alneda.com/, the Hamas organization website at http://www.qassam.org/ or http://www.jihadonline.org/ and THEY reached the EXACT SAME website as the people that typed: http://www.holy-church.net/ or http://www.americathefree.net/ or http://www.godblessus.com/ into there browsers...and vice versa??
Suppose people that go to http://www.avengewtc.com/ got the same website as those going to http://www.bio-warfare.com/ and http://www.mideastwar.net/ got the same as http://www.monkeypox.com/, http://www.anthraxdisease.com/, http://www.nukepakistan.com/, http://www.dirtybomb.com/, http://www.h5n1.com/ , http://www.united-arab-emirates.net/, with www.Land-of-the-Free.org, with http://www.mad-cows.org/, http://www.madcowsdisease.net/, http://www.creutzfeldt-jakob.net/, http://www.ebola-virus.org/, http://www.smallpoxvirus.com/, etc, etc, etc.......
And others, perhaps seeking spiritual or political truth (double oxymoron noted) by directing themselves to http://www.church-service.com/ , http://www.protestant-church.com/ , http://www.armyofmohammed.com/ , http://www.thecatholicchurch.net/ , http://www.osama-bin-laden.net/ , http://www.qayamat.com/ , http://www.islam-war.com/ , Ayman-Al-Zawahiri.com , http://www.america-on-alert.com/ .....and http://www.world-war-iii.org/ , etc, etc, etc..... I think you see where I'm going with all this.
Now, realize I have added over a THOUSAND DIFFERENT WEB ADDRESSES that represent not just a diversity of interest, but views in direct opposition. All pointing to this ONE website.
Our web logs show access from everywhere.... literally EVERYWHERE. We've had visitors from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. This website has been found by a reporter listed in "FAVORITES" on the laptop computer left at an Al-Qaeda strong hold in Afghanistan. Even the official Iraqi government website owned by Saddam Hussein's son Uday, pointed HERE before it was taken offline by coalition forces.
This website is visited by US Government (.GOV), US Dept of Defense (.MIL), and met by traffic from SAUDI ARABIA (.SA), PAKISTAN (.PK), SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC (.SY), IRAN (.IR), KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (.KR), QATAR (.QA), JORDAN (.JO), INDIA (.IN), ISRAEL (.IL), and more than 200 other DIFFERENT nations access THIS website regularly!
So what is the point?
The point IS: you have reached an almost totally unmediated, non-moderated, uncensored, free, publicly accessible message board in which is possibly the most dangerous place on the internet.
Dangerous because visitors will read truths, read lies..... real life enemies meet and see in writing, what each feel, and why they feel the way they do. Everyone has a voice and the opportunity to share what they feel, openly and publicly, not through the misinterpretation of what the media or government would like us to know.
WARNING: Be prepared for one thing absolutely: Whatever you post, it WILL be challenged. Sometimes bitterly. Do NOT come onto this board and post your personal information, because it WILL be read by others who MAY wish to bring you ACTUAL PHYSICAL HARM.
The content of this website is not always pleasant to view. Many posts you read will appear to be written by a fool.... and what YOU post will be appear to be foolish by someone else.
I guarantee, that much of what you read, you WILL NOT like. But I guarantee also that NO message board ANYWHERE on the internet will contain the diversity of opinion and "fact" that you will find in THIS very website..... Most popularly known as- http://www.itshappening.com/ .
This website is simply an unending journal logging the thoughts, views, and opinions of the many many random visitors to this web board. None of the information or opinion expressed on this board represent views, information or opinion held by me personally, my community, my family, my company, my friends or associates.
Due to the brutally frank content expressed by visitors throughout this web log, we must be forced to limit access to only adult internet users. Children are prohibited, and their presence on this website is not welcome, as such we ask those not yet twenty-one years of age to leave this site immediately.
For better or for worse, you are welcome to join us in discussion. There is no cost to participate, only the desire to be heard.
I generate no revenue from this website and I started it on 9-12-01 as a way of coping with the horrific events the day before. I only want to better understand the world I live in. There is no catch.
regards ~JD aka Regis
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