Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Le's play rock, paper, axe...

Axe shatters rock, splits paper and shatters handle.

I need a good maul. (That's sex, doll {not sex-doll, Rob} )
Yes, I see your posts often.

You really feel the need to tell everyone how you're different.

As if I don't already know that

As if you believe it matters to me
That chud is a mental paraplegic. Wasting time by wanting a searchlight to help him pick his pimples. Possibly a Russ bot.

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Of all the lamebrained twits on this site you are the worst. PooPoo PeePee at least is relevant. You're just a back-of-the-nuthouse babbler.

Get the fuck out of the way, moron. Adults need the space.

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Run that by Wat and see who the moron is.

Truly. Should I call him?
Thank you!!! I realized awhile back that I'm not everyone's Cup O' Tea. That saved time in trying the please the Chronically Miserable and Perpetually Misguided. Acceptance has a lot to do with getting along in this world, especially when it comes to Adulting and Peopling. I like to engage in those two activities in limited doses, as the st000pidity, selfishness and hysteria tend to bring out the worst In me.

Ordered the book. You always pry open another piece of something which I would be better off knowing. Good thing I remain Intellectually Curious.

Funny you mention the peace that comes from an armed populace. The local US microcosm of that is the gun show. I find them fascinating studies in Humanity. There are tens of thousands of firearms and a couple of million rounds of ammunition in a large room with maybe 2500-3000 people. Quiet people. Polite people. There's no yelling and needless noise like howling hungry children kept up past their bedtimes and dragged to Walmart. It's positively pleasant. Even the people who accidentally bump into you apologize half a dozen times, and it's not out of fear. There is a courtesy that seems to be bought a long with the entry ticket that everyone just practices as a matter of course. And I've had the opportunity to meet some interesting people at gun shows. They're not the stereotypical "arms bazaar" that the banners would have the world believe.

And that's one more reason I question people about their actual experience. The people here with the venomous opinions of Wat have no experience with the Real Deal, live and up close. Wat has met many a Litster, including one met two weeks ago. We had a lovely visit, actually. No experience means it's just opinion, or worse still, Teh Narrative. We all know that opinions are like noses. Everyone has one, many have been broken, and some more than once.

The world may have 7 billion too many inhabitants. And the Industrial Revolution may have been dehumanizing.
You're not alone.

Fundamentally, the state in its modern form is a cancer.

Real Marxists -- those who know the works -- recognize that the critique of the modern state is the foundation of the original vision of revolutionary social democracy.

Put simply, the "progressive" conception of governance and rebellion originates with peasants like your namesake. It migrates to the class of petty German princes who resented papal taxation (Lutherians, not Lutherans) and landlords who opposed clericalism in general (the Cromwellian army).

It then gravitates to American colonists and the French urban class (Jacobins).

Marx called the American Revolution the birth of the first state ruled by the middle class, rather than a monarch, the nobility, and the church. He described this as the greatest leap to freedom in human history.

Marx loved America. He hailed the conquests of the Mexican War as an opening for global commercial expansion. He supported Lincoln and his radicals like Seward and Stanton.

When that old ho Victoria's bunch of fruitcakes and drag queens threatened intervention against Lincoln, Marx and the Celts [great name for a band!] called for massive terror against the English. The limey losers backed off. We won.

The greatness of Marx was his recognition of the new political power of labor. His tragedy was in failing to understand that communism as he conceived it could not be imposed by the state.

Marx was not a good guy personally. He was a gross racist and philanderer who drove his daughter Laura to suicide. He persecuted the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, causing his early death.

Bakunin was no Tim Walz. He supported Slavic genocide of Muslims in the Balkans. Lady Butthead (Genocide Granny) and BrutalStupidGarbage woulda baked cookies for him, while Serbs baked Muslim and Albanian children alive.

Marx's beautiful German socialism failed. It produced the first social security system. Otherwise it crashed and burned.

The Paris Commune offered an alternative: rule by the Armed People.

It inspired Lenin. And the worst failure of all: Bolshevism in power.

With that, socialism as democracy disappeared.

It was replaced by bureaucratic collectivism. The rule of parasites: experts, academics, functionaries. Supporting the parasitic economic formation of finance capital.

The first demand of the post-1945 parasitical state is the disarming of the people. Which is why i defend you.

The Spanish anarchists offered the only defensible revolutionary option: libertarian communism. Imagine this when the Shitsters try to get their minds around that:

Read Orwell to understand it.

Regarding socalled "gun violence," the great city of Barcelona, pop. 1.5m, experienced almost no personal crime during the 1936-39 war. Political violence was curbed. By the Armed People.

Ditto Bosnia 1992-95. Where i was involved with CIA, Mossad, and Iran. Funny how that worked.

Back to basics.

Every Marxist knows that capitalism overthrew feudalism. Wealth based on association with the state (monarchy, nobility) was replaced by wealth based on enterprise.

The French Jacobins ended on the guillotine when they attempted to privatize personally the wealth expropriated from the feudal state.

Stalin revived feudalism. Under Russian Neo-Bolshevism wealth was controlled by the party-state.

Where next?

Re your namesake: CIA/Pentagon strategy in dealing with Neo-Bolshevism and radical Islam rests on a reading of this fine volume:

The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages (Galaxy Books) https://a.co/d/2NISzDL.

Once Cheney's back in i'll try to get you an invite to the WH.

I can do this.


Meanwhile, i'm upping the ante.

Anybody on this site who doesn't denounce PooPoo PeePee for gross hate speech is on my radar. Nobody needs a Nazi sex website.

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Why was the Mossad involved in Bosnia in 92?.....
So am I. I don't look at what is right or what is wrong, or what is good and what is bad. I look at what works and what doesn't.

And I'm not trying to ass-rape your civil rights.

Reality check. That chud has no civil rights. He's this:

He belongs here:

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Why was the Mossad involved in Bosnia in 92?.....
To attempt, first, to convince the Bosnian Jews to emigrate to Israel.

The Bosnian Jews refused. They were split between pro-Serbs and pro-Muslims. The most famous Bosnian Jews rallied to the Muslims in recognition of the role the latter played as Righteous Gentiles in the Holocaust.

Check this out:
For Sale: Women and Children https://a.co/d/fhNEf7u


Serbia attempted to summon Jewish opinion to their side at the beginning of the war. That failed.

Israel was not involved in arming the Bosnians. That was CIA+Iran.

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I'll wager it could be welded back to functionality. There would be a lot of grinding and filing, but I think it could be done by the Technically Proficient.

Which wouldn't make a person any friends over to the BATF and E . . . .