Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Thank you more than you can imagine, Big Friend.

Let me say this.

First, the haters are too fucking dense to realize that as i live two lives, literary/cinema intello and trans ho, my existence is at risk.

I don't complain. This is my literary adventure and nobody who is not Big Domme, a major book editor, film person, lawyer, accountant, shrink, prescriber, surgeon, dentist, union official, cop, CIA/DIA/NSA, Mossad, IRGC, etc and who is not 2A gets to opine.

Review my books. Leave all guns alone.

BD and i discussed 2A this morning. She's from a hunting and shooting fam (pheasants, rabbits) that ate everything.

She's edgy about firearms because my stepson, a bit too new in the world, hangs with typical dudes who don't know shit. Gearhead, which is cool, but drifting.

In my family the boys are allowed to be boys. Both don't even know what gay sex would involve. They vote as they wish. I think BD went DJT in 2016. I didn't like Hil and wouldn't go with DJT for all the cash in the Rothschild Bank plus etc. But voted Hil.

I was offered $300k in 2016 by DJT's backers and said no. Was alresdy disabled.

So the terrible trans is actually quite conservative in some things.

The point: if someone like me trusts someone to talk openly about lethal weapons anybody should.


I am perfectly thrilled to be seen as a male dressed as a female when it comes to defending bodily autonomy, i.e, choice, for cis women.

I have no uterus. Never did.

Morphadyke: boy waist down, girl waist up.


No uterus, no standing to discuss. Women have choice. Women will defend choice.

The haters may consider this self-doxxing if they wish:


Geoffrey Rush, a kind of Rickman, as L.D. Perfect script.

( O )( O )
Thank you more than you can imagine, Big Friend.

Let me say this.

First, the haters are too fucking dense to realize that as i live two lives, literary/cinema intello and trans ho, my existence is at risk.

I don't complain. This is my literary adventure and nobody who is not Big Domme, a major book editor, film person, lawyer, accountant, shrink, prescriber, surgeon, dentist, union official, cop, CIA/DIA/NSA, Mossad, IRGC, etc and who is not 2A gets to opine.

Review my books. Leave all guns alone.

BD and i discussed 2A this morning. She's from a hunting and shooting fam (pheasants, rabbits) that ate everything.

She's edgy about firearms because my stepson, a bit too new in the world, hangs with typical dudes who don't know shit. Gearhead, which is cool, but drifting.

In my family the boys are allowed to be boys. Both don't even know what gay sex would involve. They vote as they wish. I think BD went DJT in 2016. I didn't like Hil and wouldn't go with DJT for all the cash in the Rothschild Bank plus etc. But voted Hil.

I was offered $300k in 2016 by DJT's backers and said no. Was alresdy disabled.

So the terrible trans is actually quite conservative in some things.

The point: if someone like me trusts someone to talk openly about lethal weapons anybody should.


I am perfectly thrilled to be seen as a male dressed as a female when it comes to defending bodily autonomy, i.e, choice, for cis women.

I have no uterus. Never did.

Morphadyke: boy waist down, girl waist up.


No uterus, no standing to discuss. Women have choice. Women will defend choice.

The haters may consider this self-doxxing if they wish:


Geoffrey Rush, a kind of Rickman, as L.D. Perfect script.

( O )( O )

You do you, as the kids say. I love the judgybits around this cesspool, hating because someone does something different. Give me a motherfucking break. But, they do it because they rest assured that they're safe behind their tiny screens and no hands will reach through to exact retribution.

Your book should arrive Tuesday. It took them fucking long enough to ship it ahready!!!
II was in high school ROTC. You were ahead of me.

I have had a crush on the AR since these days:

( O )( O )

I was a 30 caliber fella until I got a decent chance to spend some time (because I spent some money) with an AR. It's really handy at carbine distances. That's where most of the shootable shit hits the fan anyway, it seems.
I'm proud to be on the tit of Laurel-n-Manu(re). I'm a Company Guy like that. So we keep this here thread running and I keeps gettin' paid. But, there is a problem. The last cheque bounced.