Were you spanked as a child?

I have been on both sides of the equation of abuse and discipline my dad killed himself when i was month old my mom told me he was a gentle giant but he was manic depresive like me he did drink but he never touched her but her husband after that was a devil he drinked all the time and beat the shit out of my mom but he was worse on me when i was 3 and 4 i got scars on my wrist where he cut me with glass once i got scars on my head where he would back slap me with a ring on he was a person who took out anger on me and me only but i would go thru it a million times again to make sure he left my mom alone my second step dad beat the shit out of him and legally adopted me he is a diamond in the rough he cares alot for me i was disciplined a belt for lighting the trash can on fire he took a leather belt and smack my asses 10 tens for that thats discipline i hit my sister a couple weeks ago out of anger for he throwing a rock at me and he smacked me in the head about 5 times i thought that was a bit extreme but i believe he does in the right conditions i love my dad but i think he does take discipline a bit far but i would rather have him then any other step father ive had
RisiaSkye said:

I don't think I've made peace, and I don't know if I ever will. But, I choose my life, I own my choices, and I refuse--as I always have--to consider myself broken by these things I could not control. I left home the minute I could, and I'll never go back. The past is a closed door, and that's enough. It has to be.

R, thank you. It sounds like you've made the choice to be a survivor rather than remain a victim. That was my first step towards peace. Always hold on to your inner core of strength which was refined in a crucible. It will see you through whatever comes as you make your choices in life.
The youngest BDSMer ever

Well, I wasn't spanked but I probably had my first BDSM experience when I was about 8 or 9. Without making this into a thread that is banished due to child pornography let me say that there was a certain (german) blonde hair girl in my neighborhood. She decided she would practice her spells with a magic wand on me. You can guess the rest. What a shock it was to realize that after all these years, it was in my blood way back then!

Is there a Doctor in the house?
My dad was a drill instructor and didn't really seem to get into spanking us so much. Now mom would throw a shoe across the house and hit just the kid she was aiming at, and she was evil about making us go pick our own switch off the tree and bring it to her, but mom didn't spank us on the ass, she would make us stand in the street and hit us on the top of the feet and front of the legs with the switch.... Dad on the other hand was more of the back hand you across the room, or draw back and punch you type :shurgs: so my desiring to be spanked by my Master really doesn't seem to have anything to do with being disciplined by my parents cause they really didn't spank :eek:
The spankings I "suffered"

I was never spanked by my dad and only a few times by my mom when I was untypically naughty and I deserved it. They weren't severe, just a little humiliating. The one who spanked me repeatedly was my big brother.

I was the youngest in my family and one of only 2 boys. My brother was 8 years older and we shared a room until he left after high school. As far back as I remember he would tease and roughhouse with me. He would tackle me and hold me down on the bed and tell me to say "Uncle!" I never knew why "Uncle." I would struggle and protest and always surrender and say it.

As I got older things got a little more interesting. He would at times give me a swat on the bottom when he had me down. I was a little embarrassed and annoyed, but they weren't painful. Then when I was 8 or so he would catch me in our room when I was dressing. He would pin me and spank me like before but now I had on just my undershorts. He would get me over his knee and hold my wrists behind my back and swat away till I said the magic word. Funny thing is- as time when on it would take more and more swats on my behind to get me to surrender. But I always did. Other times he would just grab me and hold me. I would struggle and try to get away, but he held on untill I said "uncle" or started bawling. My little head was flooded with emotions I didn't understand at the time.

I see now that this behavior on his part was probably sexually abusive. I don't think he meant me harm, he probably just wanted to be intimate with his adorable little brother. :) There was not any overt closeness or intimacy in our family and I think that's what he was seeking. I have to admit that part of me enjoyed the treatment. At least I got some hugs and close contact this way.

Things progressed to the point that by the time I was 10 or so he would get me when I was naked and put me over the knee and swat my bare ass. I would tell our Mom that "he was picking on me." I never of course thought to say that " he was sexually abusing me." Things came to an end just before he left home. He must have known that if things went any further, he would probably at some point..well..you know.. make me his little sister.

I don't think I was permenantly harmed by this treatment. We have gotten along fine ever since. Aside from the fact that I fantacize about gay sex, bondage and humiliation as part of my erotic imagination, I think I am pretty healthy and normal. Who knows which came first- the treatment or the tendencies.

I myself as a child was spanked growing up, except my grandparents firmly believed in "picking a switch* I had to go out to the front yard of off on little tree and fing a switch. At the time it sucked and as i grew up i had painfull memories of it/

I can't say that when i do have kids they wont be spanked, but only by hand, and nothing traumatic like i went through. It took me a long part of my life to "forgive and forget"
One of my buddies growing up would get whipped with a belt in his backyard by his dad. It must have been humiliating for him.
Being raised in the time when children did not have rights, I was never spanked...I was whipped with a leather belt (if my Mom could find one). I used to hide them. She never hit me in places that would scar. And I learned to avoid them by doing what she advised meto do:

Obey her as long as I lived in her house, and bide my time until I was an adult. It was good advice then, and it is good advice now.
I was spanked as a child...I don't think it has any relevant to what I am into now. Although I was raised to be leader, and independent. Nevertheless, I am a switch. So, go figure.

As a mother, I do spank my child...but feel awful afterwards and end up apologizing but give her the reason why it was given. I think I feel horrible because in my mind it should be pleasurable?
Some times I give her little "love" spanks (She came up with the name of" Love Spanks") as she does the same to me...Ex: we are laying on the couch and I will pat her toosh. Alternatively, when I am in the kitchen she will come up and give me a couple taps on the butt and then she will give me a big hug and kiss and tell me she loves me.

I think when she grows up she will enjoy spankings as I do... Sick thought! However, it is inevitable that one day she will have a boyfriend and have sex.

I was hit randomly and chaotically, not for specific offenses, but for generally acting out and being hard to handle. Beatings were episodic rather than chronic, you might say, but they were not good parental discipline, they were signs of my mother's inability to cope with me, I knew she was weaker than I was even when I was small and she was dragging me around by my hair.

I won't submit to a "punishment" spanking for any fucking reason for anyone to this day, whereas the more neutral "beating" can be a welcome meander down bottoming lane. Discipline that is too regulated makes me queasy, I like an artful thrashing given simply "because."

I Top the same way.
I wasn't spanked as a child, but everynow and then my mom gave me a good whack with her wedding ring on ...ouch... i don't even remember what I did to deserve it either, I was one of those rare good kids.
I don't think my bdsm nature has anything to do with it.
Yes i was spanked on a regulary basis as a child, and even as a 13 yo, and a variety of implements where used, belts, wooden spoons, the works, what ever Dad could lay his hands on, and i spent a lot of my high school years wearing dark stockings, to cover the welts on my legs that went up to my butt, so it was a real shameful thing for me.
Cos i am not a fulltime lifestyler, i do have a nilla life, and am very Dominant, so my submission is a way to release, and the pain for me was just an added bonus, but i do not relate it to my childhood, cos like some one said i don't want my Dad in the room when i am playing, i like the erotic pain more, not pain given in anger!!!
Our mother was very harsh with us when she saw reason to be and very apologetic afterwards. She had trouble reconciling her politics of equality and her love for us with her out of control temper.

It's only recently that something like forgiveness has been possible with the reasoning that she was young and we were watching her grow up and learn to cope too, but I don't think there is ever a good reason to beat children, especially these days where I live, our society doesn't have room for it.

Sexuality-wise, I don't seek the same dynamic (i.e. out of control anger only does it for me in my fantasies) but I do have difficulty seeing how there couldn't be a link between how I used to cope and my sexual nature now. How closely knit are character and sexuality after all?

Eaenyway, because of that abuse of power and other influences, I constantly interrogate myself about why I enjoy the things I do and whether I want to change and whether I can. I'd like to sort out the coping mechanisms from "the good stuff" to my satisfaction.

I doubt that anyone can truly disengage from childhood influences, but I respect the ones who try to figure out what's going on and on which side they are operating from.
was abused as a pre-teen and teenager... my stepfather used belts, switches, yard sticks, wooden spoons... anything he could get his hands on. Once, he made me stand w/ ice in one hand while he beat the palm of my other hand w/ a spatula to show me the difference between hot and cold water for dish washing. So now, I do have a large problem with being spanked, though I am starting to enjoy light spanking with an open hand while we are having sex.


edited for spelling
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I was only spanked once as a child and that time I had done nothing wrong, though my sister did go to great lengths to create convincing evidence.

No, although....

mother used the leather strap on my brother twice.

I remember hearing it happen.

I don't consider myself being beaten, i consider it being killed then brought back for more, if you knew my mom, you would have to know that she is about 5 foot nothing and she beleives once you are taller than she is, she has the right to knock you out or whatever she can do to you, and with anything she can find, I still can't look at a hotwheel track the smae way anymore
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My mother spanked me as a child constantly. She would find me up to something and whack me on the ass a few times. I'd wander off rubbing my ass then find more trouble to get into. This is what she tells me but I don't remember a bit of it.

When I was eight, I moved away from my mother to live with my father's mom – a woman I'd never met before. Having a complete stranger spank you is a vastly different thing than having your mother spank you. If memory serves she employed her hand, a leather belt, the rubber-bottomed slipper she wore and switches. The slipper hurt the most but when she used the switch I always had to be the one to find the best branch on the tree, strip it, and bring it back to her so I liked it the least.
My step-father beat us black and blue with a stick. Literally. Abuse sucks. I have some hard limits regarding caning because of my experience as a child.

I do spank, and I do enjoy it... but I have to know that the submissive is enjoying it.
Getting spanked, along with other forms of punsihment, was a part of the cirriculum for the elementary school I attended. Recall having a metal ruler slam down upon my knuckes a few times as my hands rested upon the wooden desk. There were more incidents throughout my school years but that was just a part of what went on in my life.

Aside from school home was another story. Sticks, belts, belt buckles, hangers, bamboo stick with one end shredded, you name it , whatever was handy including a ukulele...go figure that one.

Guess that's why I know say "if it ain't consensual then forget it!"
i received my fair share of spankings. i am not sure if the spankings attributed to my being submissive or not.
