What’s your platform?

All of mine are achievable.

Why do the forum’s right wing nuts have such difficulty listing a few serious issues they’d campaign on? Are you bereft of ideas?
The only one of yours that is politically achievable is codifying access to contraception but doing so will not mean that it will be taken advantage of by ignorant women and men who don't give a shit one way or the other. Number 3 isn't possible politically and would still allow 5000 illegals a day to cross the border which amounts to 1,825,000 illegals a year which is catastrophically unsustainable. The rest all present Constitutional Issues or the amendment process.
1-Deport All Dumz and Liberals and Muslims
2-ANYONE with a record of violence, DEPORT
3-Stop funding IVY LEAGUE "schools"
4-Eliminate voting for unmarried white women
5-Make any student that "majored" in cunt studies or same pay back THREE times what they borrowed.
6-Stop funding any school that has a DEI dept
7-Tax movie "stars" and ball players 88%, use the extra money to increase military pay
1, 2 & 4 are unconstitutional. If we can list unconstitutional things, I'll add one more: Ban all firearms.
I agree with RG. For RG’s benefit the OP should’ve placed the word “achievable” in the heading.

Here is my simple platform:

1. Elect Joe Biden (very achievable).
1a. Implement Project 2025 proposals against rivals.
1b. Let SCOTUS backed presidential immunity and Seal Team 6 take care of the rest.
My sincere apologies MR, not really my intent to make a mockery of your thread but I believe that you, unfortunately, already hit the nail on the head. The RNC has been without a national platform for 8 years and I’m not expecting anything to change in that aspect so yeah - even if some conservatives here are able to share ideas, it’s doubtful the party they support will recognize in charter. Bereft!
My sincere apologies MR, not really my intent to make a mockery of your thread but I believe that you, unfortunately, already hit the nail on the head. The RNC has been without a national platform for 8 years and I’m not expecting anything to change in that aspect so yeah - even if some conservatives here are able to share ideas, it’s doubtful the party they support will recognize in charter. Bereft!

Sure, but the idea is to propose the issues you’d run on if you ran the party. The real life RNC or DNC are irrelevant.

The RNC has nothing, and the DNC doesn’t exactly do a bang up job of setting legislative priorities and running on them either. It’s a major reason why Hillary lost.
The only one of yours that is politically achievable is codifying access to contraception but doing so will not mean that it will be taken advantage of by ignorant women and men who don't give a shit one way or the other. Number 3 isn't possible politically and would still allow 5000 illegals a day to cross the border which amounts to 1,825,000 illegals a year which is catastrophically unsustainable. The rest all present Constitutional Issues or the amendment process.

You missed part of the instructions. The list of issues is like the famous “contract with America” the Republicans successfully used in 1994 to win control of the House. In this case, it’s a promise that if voters give us control of Congress and the Presidency, we’ll do these things.

(None of the things on my list require an amendment to the Constitution. Anyway, my list has no relevance to yours or anyone else’s. What is on your list?)
You missed part of the instructions. The list of issues is like the famous “contract with America” the Republicans successfully used in 1994 to win control of the House. In this case, it’s a promise that if voters give us control of Congress and the Presidency, we’ll do these things.

(None of the things on my list require an amendment to the Constitution. Anyway, my list has no relevance to yours or anyone else’s. What is on your list?)
That's because your ignorant.
Forgot the 5th. Heh.

Voting reform - 18 auto reg, civics/voting how to unit in public schools
2. Extend Medicare to all.

I considered putting healthcare reform on my list, but as a campaign issue it’s basically a nuclear weapon. High risk, high reward. The Republicans would kick up a fearmongering shit-storm, and the public has proven to be pretty easy to scare when it comes to healthcare.

It requires a Presidential candidate with a spine of steel, and the party’s Congressional candidates would have to be fully committed too.

Anyway, it’s a righteous issue because our ultra-expensive current system is a drag on the whole economy and bankrupts far too many individuals.
1. Workers' democratic control of workplaces and economy
2. Government to serve workers and ordinary people
3. Nationalized universal healthcare free at the point of use
4. Abortion for all up to 24 weeks
5. An armed people to replace the cops and army bosses of the rich
6. Guaranteed jobs and a universal basic income for all individuals, regardless of circumstances
7. College and university grants for all
8. Affording rents, mortgages and property taxes
9. An end to imperialist meddling across the world that wastes our federal taxes
10. Kick out the Zionist lobbies

I could go on and on.
1) protect life

2) move money from crap things to things that benefit society in general

3) make voting more valued and less stupid
I considered putting healthcare reform on my list, but as a campaign issue it’s basically a nuclear weapon. High

That ^ is the reason I posted a link to President Biden’s platform.

A WINNING platform has to include some pragmatism.


(See: Post # 43 for an example of a LOSING platform).

That ^ is the reason I posted a link to President Biden’s platform.

A WINNING platform has to include some pragmatism.

I think Biden’s campaign has a case of Hillary-itis. Too unfocused. He’d be better served to pick 3 priorities and just hammer them over and over.
  • Healthcare Reform:
    • Expand Access to Healthcare: Ensure affordable and comprehensive healthcare for all Americans through policies such as expanding the Affordable Care Act or implementing a public option.
    • Lower Prescription Drug Prices: Address the high cost of prescription medications through regulatory measures and negotiating drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies.
  • Climate Action and Environmental Protection:
    • Transition to Renewable Energy: Invest in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Strengthen Environmental Regulations: Reinforce regulations to protect air and water quality, conserve natural habitats, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Economic Equity and Job Creation:
    • Raise the Minimum Wage: Advocate for a livable minimum wage that adjusts with inflation to ensure economic security for all workers.
    • Support Small Businesses: Provide grants, tax incentives, and resources for small businesses to stimulate local economies and create jobs.
    • Tax Reform: Implement a more progressive tax system in which higher-income earners pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes, ensuring that those with the greatest ability to pay contribute their fair share. Implement an ultra-taxpayer plan that assures the wealthiest contribute more. End corporate tax shelters that reduce their fair share.
  • Education and Workforce Development:
    • Increase Funding for Public Education: Ensure equitable funding for public schools, improve teacher salaries, and invest in infrastructure to provide a high-quality education for every child.
    • Expand Access to Higher Education and Vocational Training: Make higher education more affordable through measures like reducing student loan interest rates and expanding access to community colleges and vocational programs.
    • Mandatory Public Service:
      • One year of military service [selection based upon military's needs.]
      • Military pay equal to first-year police officers' wages.
  • Social Justice and Equality:
    • Criminal Justice Reform: Implement policies to address systemic racism, reduce mass incarceration, and promote rehabilitation over punishment.
    • Protect Voting Rights: Strengthen and protect voting rights by expanding early voting, mail-in voting, and combating voter suppression tactics.
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  • Mandatory Public Service:
    • One year of military service [selection based upon military's needs.]
    • Military pay equal to first-year police officers' wages.

Britain’s Tories have floated mandatory national service in their current election campaign. It will be interesting to see if it helps their dire prospects in the election.
Britain’s Tories have floated mandatory national service in their current election campaign. It will be interesting to see if it helps their dire prospects in the election.
that's one point i didn't agree with in dmallord's post; it's never gonna float.

having said that, perhaps a non-military national service concept could be instigated, whereby there's a choice of (for example) working in a hospital, or school, food prep and distribution for the needy, childcare in local gov't creches, or some job that offers benefit to the community they live in, with the option for military service for those who'd prefer.