What’s your platform?

I'm probably as middle of the road as anyone you'll find.

There is a saying, First, Do no harm. I think most things should be allowed and with little regulation as long as they do not harm others. Business mega mergers harm most people, so they need to be dealt with harshly. The rouge medical industry is hurting nearly everyone and needs to be reigned in.

Fully and absolutely opposed to any form of mandatory service at all levels. Some high schools mandate a certain aamount of volunteer hours to graduate. That is not what schools are for and it should be ended.
SCOTUS reform - judges to match circuit numbers, 10 year term limits

FULL reform of the Judicial system nationwide. I've seen the US Courts from the inside as an employee. It's a freaking mess.

I've posted stories of bad judges at the state and local level and the difficulties in holding them accountable.

We need a clear path of disciplining Judges at all levels to the point of prosecution for misconduct, not just removal.
I think it’s time for Democratic Party to force this election campaign to focus on issues by making a dramatic policy announcement (and get every damn Democratic candidate to sign on in support).

Pull out the big gun.

Promise Medicare for All if Democrats win both Houses of Congress and the White House.

Previously in this thread I called healthcare reform the nuclear option of issues. But fuck it, either you take the initiative or Trump is going to continue to control the election narrative with his flood of bullshit.

The medical industry is trying to bankrupt everyone in this nation, and spiraling insurance costs are a gigantic burden on US businesses.

Medicare for All along with stringent price caps for medical care can collectively save us all a ton of money. Healthcare in every other country is far cheaper than in the US. We pay through the nose and the standard of care here is eroding.

Healthcare is the one issue that can dominate every discussion until Election Day. It would push immigration and age right off of every news site.

The progressive wing of the party will finally have a reason to be energized.

The Republicans have no healthcare policy, so they will have to defend our current system which is fiscally (and morally) indefensible. They’ll fearmonger but that can be crushed by focusing the argument on costs.