Why We Have the Political Opinions We Have, by John Engelman

I am a Christian Racist who admires Jews, respects Judaism, and loves Israel.

I was banned from Stormfront after two weeks for pointing out that one of Hitler's accusations against German Jews during World War I was incorrect.


Almost every clerk a Jew and every Jew a clerk. I was amazed by this multitude of fighters of the Chosen People and could not help comparing them with the few representatives they had on the front.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter VII, "The Revolution"

Footnote on the same page:

Jewish citizens of Germany at the time the War broke out numbered about 550,000. Of these 100,000 were in uniform, and of these four-fifth saw duty at the front. There were 12,000 casualties, so that the ration was virtually the same as that for the population as a whole. 35,000 Jews were decorated for bravery...These figures are based on official German war records.


My edition of Mein Kampf was printed in 1940, so I could not add that Anne Frank's father was a German soldier during World War I on the Western Front.
Nothing you post above denies my assertion that you would have grovelled at Hitlers feet....NOTHING!

Fucking Racist piece of shit....BTW are you ever going to go back and post the WHOLE of Jessie Jackson speech to the PUSH organisation? Nah you're just gona pretend it never happened, that what Racists fuck like you do....if it doesn't support your fucked up views, then you ignore it!!!

FUCK OFF AND DIE *chuckles*
Nothing you post above denies my assertion that you would have grovelled at Hitlers feet....NOTHING!
If anything, the fact that he has a fairly early edition of Mein Kampf...why would anyone want that? I can see buying a more recent copy for a course you took in college (although I can't imagine JE taking a course where that would be a factor), but a 1940 edition?
If anything, the fact that he has a fairly early edition of Mein Kampf...why would anyone want that? I can see buying a more recent copy for a course you took in college (although I can't imagine JE taking a course where that would be a factor), but a 1940 edition?
I bought it at a used book sale at my church. I have read it. I enjoy investigating different points of view.

Hitler had good insights into social psychology and human nature. He had to have good insights to be as successful as he was politically.

I felt condescending about his condemnations of the Jews. They were obviously not true, and no one seemed to think that way. Now I am alarmed to find those opinions expressed on the internet.

I do not want anti Jewish arguments to be suppressed. I want the opportunity to refute them. On anti Jewish websites I have not been allowed to do that.
Nothing you post above denies my assertion that you would have grovelled at Hitlers feet....NOTHING!

Fucking Racist piece of shit....BTW are you ever going to go back and post the WHOLE of Jessie Jackson speech to the PUSH organisation? Nah you're just gona pretend it never happened, that what Racists fuck like you do....if it doesn't support your fucked up views, then you ignore it!!!

FUCK OFF AND DIE *chuckles*
That is because you adhere to the Guilt by Association Fallacy.
That is because you adhere to the Guilt by Association Fallacy.

Nothing you post above denies my assertion that you would have grovelled at Hitlers feet....NOTHING!

Fucking Racist piece of shit....BTW are you ever going to go back and post the WHOLE of Jessie Jackson speech to the PUSH organisation? Nah you're just gona pretend it never happened, that what Racists fuck like you do....if it doesn't support your fucked up views, then you ignore it!!!

FUCK OFF AND DIE *chuckles*

NO it's because you ARE a FUCKING RACIST.

And a lying chicken shit too, you have done nothing but deflect from posting all of Jessie Jackson's speech to PUSH back in 1993.





I bought it at a used book sale at my church. I have read it. I enjoy investigating different points of view.

Hitler had good insights into social psychology and human nature. He had to have good insights to be as successful as he was politically.

I felt condescending about his condemnations of the Jews. They were obviously not true, and no one seemed to think that way. Now I am alarmed to find those opinions expressed on the internet.

I do not want anti Jewish arguments to be suppressed. I want the opportunity to refute them. On anti Jewish websites I have not been allowed to do that.
Hitler had no good insights into anything because his entire philosophy was based on killing people because of their race.
Hitler had good insights into social psychology and human nature. He had to have good insights to be as successful as he was politically.
Hitler was am excellent orator, and spoke directly to the peoples gripes of the day, kind of like the former guy who was just president.
He knew exactly which buttons to push, to get their support.
Hitler was am excellent orator, and spoke directly to the peoples gripes of the day, kind of like the former guy who was just president.
He knew exactly which buttons to push, to get their support.
I'm not sure if I'd say that made him a great orator. Convincing people to blame all their problems on people they already didn't like isn't very hard to do. All you need to be a Hitler or a Trump is bucketloads of shamelessness.
I'm not sure if I'd say that made him a great orator. Convincing people to blame all their problems on people they already didn't like isn't very hard to do. All you need to be a Hitler or a Trump is bucketloads of shamelessness.
Don't forget a loyal supporting cast, who are just as shameless and greedy!
Hitler was am excellent orator, and spoke directly to the peoples gripes of the day, kind of like the former guy who was just president.
He knew exactly which buttons to push, to get their support.
One does not get places in politics by changing people's minds. One gets places by articulating and channeling sentiments that already exist.

If in 1930 there had been a public opinion survey that asked the German people, "Do you believe that Germany should try to conquer the mainland of Europe and kill all the Jews there?" I am confident that the overwhelming majority of Germans would have voted "No." Many Nazi Party members would have voted "No."

If instead the question had been, "Are you angry about your circumstances in life and the situation Germany is in, and to you think the Jews bare much of the blame?" I suspect most Germans would have voted "Yes." That was the consensus Hitler had to work with.
One does not get places in politics by changing people's minds. One gets places by articulating and channeling sentiments that already exist.

If in 1930 there had been a public opinion survey that asked the German people, "Do you believe that Germany should try to conquer the mainland of Europe and kill all the Jews there?" I am confident that the overwhelming majority of Germans would have voted "No." Many Nazi Party members would have voted "No."

If instead the question had been, "Are you angry about your circumstances in life and the situation Germany is in, and to you think the Jews bare much of the blame?" I suspect most Germans would have voted "Yes." That was the consensus Hitler had to work with.
As I said, he spoke to the peoples gripes of the day.

I don't need a fucking explanation from a cock sucking Hitler lover such as yourself. Fuck off and die you Racist piece of shit.
As I said, he spoke to the peoples gripes of the day.

I don't need a fucking explanation from a cock sucking Hitler lover such as yourself. Fuck off and die you Racist piece of shit.
Hitler was the #grievancePorn champion of the 1940s
As I said, he spoke to the peoples gripes of the day.

I don't need a fucking explanation from a cock sucking Hitler lover such as yourself. Fuck off and die you Racist piece of shit.

NO it's because you ARE a FUCKING RACIST.

And a lying chicken shit too, you have done nothing but deflect from posting all of Jessie Jackson's speech to PUSH back in 1993.





My racism consists of, and is restricted to, evaluating blacks by the same criteria I used in evaluating whites. It is one thing to respect blacks who perform and behave well. It is something else to make excuses for high rates of black crime and illegitimacy.
My racism consists of, and is restricted to, evaluating blacks by the same criteria I used in evaluating whites. It is one thing to respect blacks who perform and behave well. It is something else to make excuses for high rates of black crime and illegitimacy.
Nothing about that is true.

You hate blacks and refuse to show them any form of respect unless they prove themselves to you. You consistently argue that blacks are inherently inferior and that those that are not inferior, by your metrics, are abnormal.

You continue to ignore the full and update datasets which have been provided time and time again which show that you're both racist and full of shit.
You continue to ignore the full and update datasets which have been provided time and time again which show that you're both racist and full of shit.
No one here has ever posted data from credible sources that indicate that the white race and the Negro race are equivalent in average intelligence and rates of crime and illegitimacy.
No one here has ever posted data from credible sources that indicate that the white race and the Negro race are equivalent in average intelligence and rates of crime and illegitimacy.
Of course they haven't.

It's everyone else's fault that your a racist be a use they haven't shown you why you're a racist...lol
You hate blacks and refuse to show them any form of respect unless they prove themselves to you. You consistently argue that blacks are inherently inferior and that those that are not inferior, by your metrics, are abnormal.
On a number of occasions I have explained why this ^ is a distortion of my nuanced appraisal of the Negro race.

Distorting an opponent's argument is known as the Straw Man Fallacy. Because you are unable to refute my arguments, you resort to insults, name calling, obscene words, and logical fallacies. I suspect that you are privately aware that what I say is true.
On a number of occasions I have explained why this ^ is a distortion of my nuanced appraisal of the Negro race.

Distorting an opponent's argument is known as the Straw Man Fallacy. Because you are unable to refute my arguments, you resort to insults, name calling, obscene words, and logical fallacies. I suspect that you are privately aware that what I say is true.
Yes, you have lots of reasons why it's other people's fault that you're a racist.