What are you looking for?

What are you looking for?

  • someone to play with

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • nothing, I have what I want

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • a third to bring into an existing relationship

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • multible subs

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • multible Dom/mes

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • one special sub to treasure

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • One special Dom/me to treasure

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • one Dom/me but I don\'t mind sharing

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • a switch for play

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a switch for life

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters
Thanks, Des. Perhaps we can compare notes over a drink at the Atlanta lit-together.

I'm doing better today than i was yesterday. One foot in front of the other is my mantra.
MG, I'm looking forward to meeting you and comparing notes.:rose:
MG... I am so sorry you did not find what you were looking for... perhaps I need to consult the cards again...
morninggirl5 said:
Thanks, Des. Perhaps we can compare notes over a drink at the Atlanta lit-together.

I'm doing better today than i was yesterday. One foot in front of the other is my mantra.

I think I need to adopt that one myself.
cellis said:
MG... I am so sorry you did not find what you were looking for... perhaps I need to consult the cards again...

It wasn't all bad. In fact for about 3 hours it was wonderful. The wonder lasted a little over a day.

Keep consulting those cards. And pass the water bottle that had the "relationship curing" water in it.
Verypowerful said:
I was not really looking, but now I am on my journey with s nevertheless *smile*.


and i WAS looking for someone special for five years, leaving no stone unturned, and refusing to settle for a Power Exchange relationship that i did not KNOW in my heart was right in every way.......

::climbs onto the train and sits at the feet of Mistress VP...resting his head in Her lap...settling in comfortably for their journey to places heretofore only imagined by them::
Wow, not even Switches want a switch. :rolleyes:

Given my disenchantment with the women I'm attracted to, I'll take "I have what I want." I have a wonderful husband, and right now I just don't have the stamina for the kind of drama that a 3rd party (especially an fsub...sorry girls, but you know it's true) would bring.
RisiaSkye said:
Wow, not even Switches want a switch. :rolleyes:

Given my disenchantment with the women I'm attracted to, I'll take "I have what I want." I have a wonderful husband, and right now I just don't have the stamina for the kind of drama that a 3rd party (especially an fsub...sorry girls, but you know it's true) would bring.

That is an interesting thought Risia.

what do switches prefer for each role they are playing?

Would they prefer a real Dom/me when they feel submissive or a switch that is playing a Dom/me role?

Would they perfer a real sub when they feel Dom/me or a switch that is playing the sub role?

In addition... if you are a switch and you play with a switch.. can you play with that same switch in either role? or do they loose their dominating "aura" once you have dommed them? For example, say Risia had dommed a female sub... could you ever submit to that same person knowing that just last week you were the one spanking her red little ass? <grin>. Or do most switches need different people for each role?

I know these questions probably belong elsewhere... so if ya need to move this... or need me to start/post to a differnt threat... just say so. :)

I would enjoy finding a play partner. If it turned into more, so much the better.

Only a third of have what they want.

What does that tell us about this group of people?

Are we hard to please or do we live through many transient relationships as a life style?

Re: mmmmmmmm

pierced_boy said:
Only a third of have what they want.

What does that tell us about this group of people?

Are we hard to please or do we live through many transient relationships as a life style?


uggh.. posted to wrong forum... my bad...

PBW "Dumbass"
Re: mmmmmmmm

pierced_boy said:
Only a third of have what they want.

What does that tell us about this group of people?

Are we hard to please or do we live through many transient relationships as a life style?


I am wondering if maybe the reason many of us are even here is because we don't have what we want (I know - that's another thread). So the people who have what they want aren't really logging in to post . . .
I wonder also... if we all had what we wanted... would all of us still be here on Lit? :)

P. B. Walker said:
I wonder also... if we all had what we wanted... would all of us still be here on Lit? :)


Exactly. (now why couldn't I just say that?)
I guese I should have answered

Since I did vote and I am in the contented 33%.

Lets see the SO can switch although her normal tendancy is more neutral. So I guese I already do have a switch and as far as who Topped whom last it is only the moment that matters as far as I am concerned.

Why be at Lit. Because it is entertaining, enlightning and even enlivining at times. My SO is also at Lit but she haunts other areas.

And lastly saying that I already have what I want dosent mean I am opposed to change. Without change comes entropy and THAT is BAD thing.
PBW & Redlicious

I come to add to my knowledge base and to find ways to enrich my parntner and my life. This is not the only place I come nore the only subject I pursue.

I hope many "contented folk" still seek to enhance the human experience and are not really disatisfied.

my opinion and aspirations only of course


Ps I notice Hot 4 Heels comments late. I guess I am saying something similar
The above Unreg Post

My Pc is having trouble with cookies or else the board is having LO Problems

It was Me
P. B. Walker said:

That is an interesting thought Risia.

what do switches prefer for each role they are playing?

Would they prefer a real Dom/me when they feel submissive or a switch that is playing a Dom/me role?

Would they perfer a real sub when they feel Dom/me or a switch that is playing the sub role?

In addition... if you are a switch and you play with a switch.. can you play with that same switch in either role? or do they loose their dominating "aura" once you have dommed them? For example, say Risia had dommed a female sub... could you ever submit to that same person knowing that just last week you were the one spanking her red little ass? <grin>. Or do most switches need different people for each role?

I know these questions probably belong elsewhere... so if ya need to move this... or need me to start/post to a differnt threat... just say so. :)


Really PB that is a good question.

And it depends on the situation, but truly I want both.

I want that Masterful Dom to submit to, to give myself to, to do to and for me all the things he does.


Then on the other hand, I want that little subbie slave girl. The one that calls me Ma'am because it turns me on more than I can say.. to be with and play with and of course I want to share her with Himself.

I have to admit... I am feeling a little out of control with this third person thing... It is exciting for me to have this option and to have finally found someone we both want and who wants us back.

But in all the looking that we have done, we had talked to a few switches, but they always wanted to be the top and I am not ready for that. ( Sorry Risia! Although I could make an exception for you!).

cellis said:

Really PB that is a good question.

And it depends on the situation, but truly I want both.

I want that Masterful Dom to submit to, to give myself to, to do to and for me all the things he does.


Then on the other hand, I want that little subbie slave girl. The one that calls me Ma'am because it turns me on more than I can say.. to be with and play with and of course I want to share her with Himself.

I have to admit... I am feeling a little out of control with this third person thing... It is exciting for me to have this option and to have finally found someone we both want and who wants us back.

But in all the looking that we have done, we had talked to a few switches, but they always wanted to be the top and I am not ready for that. ( Sorry Risia! Although I could make an exception for you!).


Good post cellis... thanks for sharing your experiences. It really kinda jived with what I thought about switches. I maybe out in left field here.. but it's almost like switches do not go well together. They usually want a dom or a sub... depending their mood, but nobody that would fulfill both moods. Course.. this is a generalization... so of course there will be exceptions to the rule. Plus I'm thinking mainly of people that are not already in a commited monogamous relationship (because if a switch is in that relationship, then it would be obvious they have found someone they can be both sub and dom with... otherwise they are in a relationship that does not fulfill all their needs, in which case it is a doomed relationship or they are denying a big part of themselves). Anyhoo... enough rambling.

P. B. Walker said:

Good post cellis... thanks for sharing your experiences. It really kinda jived with what I thought about switches. I maybe out in left field here.. but it's almost like switches do not go well together. They usually want a dom or a sub... depending their mood, but nobody that would fulfill both moods. Course.. this is a generalization... so of course there will be exceptions to the rule. Plus I'm thinking mainly of people that are not already in a commited monogamous relationship (because if a switch is in that relationship, then it would be obvious they have found someone they can be both sub and dom with... otherwise they are in a relationship that does not fulfill all their needs, in which case it is a doomed relationship or they are denying a big part of themselves). Anyhoo... enough rambling.


I consider the relationship with Himself to be a committed relationship. We have made commitments to one another. However, we both realize, Himself way before me, that even though we would both be happy with one another from now on, that perhaps I needed to explore this other side.

I will submit to him with her as well as have her submit to the two of us. I don't know if this is strange, it is something we both feel comfortable with and it feels right with her. Of course, Himself being a man, has this little girl/girl fantasy... but then so do I...

We are so well suited to one another.

PB, that's just for us. I don't know how any other poly couples do it.
cellis said:

I consider the relationship with Himself to be a committed relationship. We have made commitments to one another. However, we both realize, Himself way before me, that even though we would both be happy with one another from now on, that perhaps I needed to explore this other side.

I will submit to him with her as well as have her submit to the two of us. I don't know if this is strange, it is something we both feel comfortable with and it feels right with her. Of course, Himself being a man, has this little girl/girl fantasy... but then so do I...

We are so well suited to one another.

PB, that's just for us. I don't know how any other poly couples do it.

I don't think any of it is strange cellis... I think you two should do what you both feel comfortable with. As long as all involved are happy and want to continue ... what is the harm? I think the way you two are going about it is really awesome. I wish ya both the best of luck in finding someone that is a perfect fit :)

P. B. Walker said:

I don't think any of it is strange cellis... I think you two should do what you both feel comfortable with. As long as all involved are happy and want to continue ... what is the harm? I think the way you two are going about it is really awesome. I wish ya both the best of luck in finding someone that is a perfect fit :)


Aww PB... Thanks!
P. B. Walker said:
I wonder also... if we all had what we wanted... would all of us still be here on Lit? :)


I have what I want.
I had what I wanted before I ever started to post here (and basically this is the only forum I post on ... the GB is just way to scary for me!).

Why do I continue to come here ... to learn, to share what little knowledge I have, basically to interact with people who have a similar sexual outlook on life as I do myself. :)
I have what I want and have had it for a long time. Like Willow, I come here for support and to learn and to share.