What Are You Working On RIGHT NOW?

Lime said:

In that case we all owe him. Buy him a pint (or two) and put it on my tab.;)


Thanks, Lime. That was very sweet of you. He says, "Cheers, mate!"

Lou :rose:
KenJames said:
Really long stories intimidate me and I suspect it's the same for many readers. It seems like such an investment in time and energy.

I usually write a complete long story, then break it into chapters. That lets me classify the chapters better, too. One chapter may be anal, the next is lesbian, then group sex . . .

The problem with writing a long story and breaking it down into different categories is that a person might read one part by itself and not know what it is about. Breaking into chapters is okay but there should be someway to tell people something like "Hey, this is chapter 3 of this story. To know what it is about, read chapters one and two first." Of course, the stroke parts of it are okay whether you read the chapters out of order or not, but if I write a long story I would ratheer have people read it in order.
what I'm working on

I've been busy as a cat covering a turd. I've written four story's and I'm now putting togather a web magazine for erotica. Yes its a pay sight but not a high priced pay sight. but i'll still be around on the AH forum.

I'm trying to write two real life experience stories, well accounts you could call them, and because they are based on real life and things I've seen and done, I don't have the luxury of altering anything to make it fit written English standards, those as prescribed by the so called experts that is. I'm affraid people have to put up with my brand of English, and if they don't like it, they can hit the back button.

I've struggled to free both stories of cliche's and contrived plots, but unfortunately real life is riddled with cliche's and contrived plots, such things are only banned in fiction writing.

I'm swapping from one tale to the other as the mood takes me, some days I'm in swinging free sex mode, some in devious cheating mode.

LOL - WHAT am I not working on? Seems more appropriate for me - I bounce from 3 novels, and any short stories or articles that come up and out, among other thing. Too semiotic bound - which - in the end cums up perfectly for me . . .
Later I'll continue to instruct my bunny not to crap on the sofa.

Oh, good luck on that, Perdita. I'm having trouble instructing one of my cats not to pee in front of the catbox. I can't cover the entire floor of the house with plexiglass after all.

as busy as a cat covering a turd
I like that! Ziba should know that it would be a hell of a lot easier covering her deposits if she'd go in the box--there's litter there.
Scully craps in the box but claws at the walls and carpet so nothing gets covered up! I swear she was dropped on her head as a kitten!

I'm working on not yelling at her for mewling for food all the damn time even though she's chronically overweight!

Other than that I'm trying to get enthusiastic about re-editing book two of a fantasy series I started when I was about twelve and writing chapter six of Habit, which won't get posted now until the whole thing is complete and registered I'm 'fraid.

I've been working on a TV series idea with another friend based on witchcraft and set in Cheshire and Manchester, it's a kind of cross between Charmed and Jonathon Creek right now and that's as much as I can say about it. *grin*
Boxlicker101 said:
The problem with writing a long story and breaking it down into different categories is that a person might read one part by itself and not know what it is about. Breaking into chapters is okay but there should be someway to tell people something like "Hey, this is chapter 3 of this story. To know what it is about, read chapters one and two first." Of course, the stroke parts of it are okay whether you read the chapters out of order or not, but if I write a long story I would ratheer have people read it in order.
It's definitely hard to read my stories out of order and figure out what's happening, so I always put the chapter numbers in the titles of my multi-part stories. If someone is choosing a story to read by category, I hope they'll go to my profile and find the other chapters.

Sequels are another thing. When I posted "Evening Woods," a sequel to "Trespassers," I included "(Trespassers 2)" in the description. I expect most people will figure out "Ginger and the Twin Peaks" is a sequel to "Ginger."

There are also the four stories I extracted from "Sex Education" (The complete story is available on my website, but not Literotica). In that case, the stories are essentially stand-alone and the order in which they're read is irrelevant.
When I write a sequel I reference events in the the previous story during the text The sequel will stand alone but if someone is really interested in following everything closely, which is unlikely in my stories, I include references at the end of the story.
Boxlicker101 said:
When I write a sequel I reference events in the the previous story during the text The sequel will stand alone but if someone is really interested in following everything closely, which is unlikely in my stories, I include references at the end of the story.
I've only done sequels to two stories. In those, I do a quick recap of essential events in the text, but the stories are essentially stand-alone, anyway. So far, I haven't felt the need to include references.
I'm working on not yelling at her for mewling for food all the damn time even though she's chronically overweight!

After my experience with Zoey (see, even in a sex forum, eventually all threads end up being about cats) I am inclined to leave overweight cats alone. However, it's quite possible that Zoey would have become ill even if I hadn't started her on a Lite diet. Is your cat on a Lite diet? And does she have anybody to romp with?

I always keep a small section of my vast personal library in the bathroom, and thus have recently re-read Poul Anderson's The Merman's Children. I always forget what a good story that is and what a fine writer Anderson was. I think the book would make a fine movie, especially in light of the popularity of fantasy movies and the serious discussions about Christianity that people have been having lately.

I'm also trying to work through an html course.
Well.... Right now I'm working on fixing up this house, planning a life for me and whisp, getting to know her family, making new friends in the local music scene here in Southern Vermont. Oh, and looking for a job.

Oh, wait, you meant writing-wise?

Well, I'm mostly done editing Silver, my NaNo novel. It's part 3 of a trilogy, of which part 2 is a short story that I've already written... Soooo.. I'm working on turning the short story into a full length novel, and fighting against writer's block on the 1st part of the trilogy, working title: Condemnation

Of a more lit focus, I'm in chapter 4 of my 22-chapter serialized lit story, Assigned Risk, full of sex, lies, corporate intrigue, betrayal and murder. But mostly sex.

It's flowing a lot easier than Condemnation, that's for sure, mainly due to the invaluable help of Colly and Mrs D. Oh, and whisp's never-ending patience with me stealing the keyboard from her. :)
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SlickTony said:
After my experience with Zoey (see, even in a sex forum, eventually all threads end up being about cats) I am inclined to leave overweight cats alone. However, it's quite possible that Zoey would have become ill even if I hadn't started her on a Lite diet. Is your cat on a Lite diet? And does she have anybody to romp with?
Cats are the writer's familiars, according to Frank Herbert.

I'm not sure what a Lite diet is, but Snowball (who's dozing beside me right now) is a 15-pound cat who'd happily eat herself up to 30 pounds if I didn't give her a limited amount of food per day. She dominates the food bowl, so I have to give Kit extra food in a different room. He's just gone from 7 to 8 pounds. Strangers think Kit's the girl and Snowball's the boy.

After two years, Snowball still complains about the feeding arrangements, but the health problems for overweight cats are sufficiently severe that I'll continue fighting the endless battle of wills.
Your high-end brands of cat foods usually include a Lite variety--especially made up for overweight cats. Purina One on the low end of that scale, and Science Diet, Iams, etc. on the other end.

I don't know if you read my account of the passing of Zoey, the cat that's my current avatar. She was quite happy weighing 15 lbs. but I was concerned about her. When my other cat, Zandra, died of breast cancer, I figured that this would be a good time to start Zoey on a weight reduction diet. She ate the stuff, but I could tell that she was always hoping it would turn out to be something else. Then she quit eating. By this time I had acquired Ziba, and I didn't know whether it was upset because of a new cat, renewed displeasure at the lite diet, or what--but it turned into liver failure, and then I found that she had cardiomypathy as well. I don't suppose it's any good mindfucking the whole situation; she's gone. But I'm still not used to losing a cat when she's only 5.
I am sorry to hear about your kitties -

I am working on a very dark and creepy Erotic Horror story. Different from my usual, and very draining.

I write and edit and write and edit and then have to take a break. My husband says - "C'mon, write some dick haiku or something - something light - you'll feel better."

I laugh at his comments but he has the perfect suggestion.

As for cats? We have six of the rascals, though I am worried about our 22 pounder named Mac. He's borderline diabetic, and even though we have special Science Diet food to put him on the "Catkins Diet" he still isn't losing much weight. I think I'm going to start chasing him around the house (he's currently sleeping on my feet under the computer desk).

Another sweet kitty we have lost some weight over the summer but we found out she had a bad tooth. After surgery she is much improved, though still thin. So we're trying to fatten one up and slim one down.

(I send very warm thoughts about your lost kitties. The reason we have six cats now is because I lost a very special cat and kept trying to replace her - silly me.)

SlickTony said:
Your high-end brands of cat foods usually include a Lite variety--especially made up for overweight cats. Purina One on the low end of that scale, and Science Diet, Iams, etc. on the other end.

I don't know if you read my account of the passing of Zoey, the cat that's my current avatar. She was quite happy weighing 15 lbs. but I was concerned about her. When my other cat, Zandra, died of breast cancer, I figured that this would be a good time to start Zoey on a weight reduction diet. She ate the stuff, but I could tell that she was always hoping it would turn out to be something else. Then she quit eating. By this time I had acquired Ziba, and I didn't know whether it was upset because of a new cat, renewed displeasure at the lite diet, or what--but it turned into liver failure, and then I found that she had cardiomypathy as well. I don't suppose it's any good mindfucking the whole situation; she's gone. But I'm still not used to losing a cat when she's only 5.
No, I hadn't read about Zoey. I'm so sorry to hear that. 5 is awfully young for losing a cat.

My experience has been that a cat stops eating because he or she is sick. I really don't think the diet was to blame for Zoey's health problems. Cats will complain if they don't like their food, but they won't starve themselves.

Snowball is healthy at 15 pounds, but she's a big-bodied cat. The vet's warned me not to let her get any bigger.

Kit's on a special diet to prevent urinary tract infections (common in male cats). Fortunately, Snowball can eat his food without problems. She didn't seem to notice when I switched them from regular Science Diet to the special food.
I started a very controversial gay male story last night. Controversial because it's about a male prostitute being interviewed about his life on the street, and I have to verbally tiptoe around his age. I've managed to make it so you can't really tell how old he was when he started his "career", and there's no mentioning of minors doing anything sexual, only him telling the interviewer that he's been a prostitute for 5 years, and the interviewer wonders to himself how old he is, since he looks so young.

Tip-toe. Tip-toe.;)
I'll have to give it a read.

Oddly enough, two black cats I used to have had tooth troubles. Zappa had a swelling on the right side of his jaw, and at first the vet thought that it was a tumor, but when he went to do a needle biopsy on it, it turned out to be full of fluid. Then he wanted to clean it out, but I didn't have any money. I saved up $200 and sent it to him and then he did it. He never had any more swelling, but a few years later, I came into the kitchen and found him there with a lot of blood on the kitchen floor, very startling considering the floor was white. The lower fang near where his swelling--which I guess was an abscess--had fallen out. I saved it and have been meaning to make some kind of piece of jewelry out of it, but haven't gotten around to it. I told the vet about the fang dropping out and he said that Zappa must have had a deep rooted bone infection there. After the fang fell out he never had any more trouble and lived to be almost 19.

Then a few years later the vet told me that Zandra needed her teeth cleaned, so I had to shell out another $200 to have that done--what with the blood work and the sedation and all. At that time, they removed a lower fang from her jaw, in the same place where Zappa's had been except it was on the left side and not the right. She had been kind of off color for some time, and after the fang was removed she was much better; you could tell. I wish I could have had the other fang--I could have had them made up into earrings.

I also went through the urinary tract stoppage thing with Zappa--the vet had to ream out his bladder, so to speak. This was when we were stuck in Central Louisiana with my husband's unemployment and my 2/3 of a job between us and I had to get my parents to wire me the money so I could pay her.

I've resigned myself to spending more money than I used to on cat food, what with having to worry about such things as urinary tract and dental health.