What do you want right now?

I want my cell to work. I do not want to have any more multi-national 90 minute calls, I do not want to put in set after set of 21 number codes, I do not want to repeat the serial number, the SIM number, I do not want to continue to the phone number changed (I'd like to know what it is), and I most especially do not want this dumb phone to tell me I'm "not allowed" any more. I only want the phone to work, I only want to make a few calls if needed. Frankly I don't care about receiving calls, voice mail, text stuff, I just want to dial on occasion.

I want to be allowed to use it.
I want my friend to go through these difficult times as peacefully as possible.:rose:
I want my cell to work. I do not want to have any more multi-national 90 minute calls, I do not want to put in set after set of 21 number codes, I do not want to repeat the serial number, the SIM number, I do not want to continue to the phone number changed (I'd like to know what it is), and I most especially do not want this dumb phone to tell me I'm "not allowed" any more. I only want the phone to work, I only want to make a few calls if needed. Frankly I don't care about receiving calls, voice mail, text stuff, I just want to dial on occasion.

I want to be allowed to use it.

But just think how many lovely friends you made in Belize! :D
Thank you. :rose: And nice to see you here! :)

Hugs and cookies and wishes for peace my sweet.

I want a big warm batch of chocolate chip cookies with pecans. And I'd really like someone else to make them please.
for my bleep bleep bleep bleep phone to work after having a cup of tea tipped over it by my toddler.... if this one doesn't work it will be the 6th smart phone in 2 years.... I had never broken any before having him!!!

It's currently drying out so we shall see.... fingers crossed and yes I have insurance but feel like my arm is cut off without it!