What I Wrote and Why: the support thread

we can figure out what kinds of WIWAWs people want to read.

I don't want this to sound negative, because it's certainly not intended to, and I think the WIWAW challenge is a worthwhile one.

That said, I'm not sure who else besides other writers and / or someone who enjoyed the particular story in question is going to be all that drawn to them.

I seriously doubt any average reader will see a WIWAW in the new stories listings and be drawn to it, especially if they didn't read the original story.

Now most of us do have our regular, loyal readers, and sure, they might check it out.

But if I had to guess, even then that's hit or muss.

So my thoughts (and they're just random) are that perhaps if one chooses to participate, that the best results would come from writing about one of your most popular stories or series as opposed to something brand new you just wrote that's only just finding an audience.

Mine, if / when I get to it, will be mostly about the behind the scenes work that went into the collaborative / shared universe stories between myself and Emily Miller that's become what we call the Angels and Demons Saga.

I certainly don't expect to to appeal to the average reader. it's really only going to draw readers while actually read parts or all of not just my stories, but Emily's as well.

And that's only if even they care 😆.

Buy I'm interested in writing it for me, anyway. To document the history and process behind it all.

I'm very proud of the stories and am hoping to publish the latest very soon. Then maybe get to work on the WIWAW to support it.
I seriously doubt any average reader will see a WIWAW in the new stories listings and be drawn to it, especially if they didn't read the original story.

Now most of us do have our regular, loyal readers, and sure, they might check it out.

But if I had to guess, even then that's hit or muss.

So my thoughts (and they're just random) are that perhaps if one chooses to participate, that the best results would come from writing about one of your most popular stories or series as opposed to something brand new you just wrote that's only just finding an audience.
I think it's not quite as black and white. Yes, I've had most views for my WIWAW on my most popular series, but I've had more interaction with my WIWAW on writing techniques. I've had comments and favourites from anonymous posters and from people who aren't writers.

But it's all very new, both for us and for the readers, and that was the entire point of my post. I don't want to dictate to anyone what they should write, but if we can analyse the reception we might at least be able to define some general principles of what works and what doesn't. That information might then encourage people to give it a try.

FWIW, I plan to rework a WIWAW about writing orgasms that I posted as a thread here in the AH. I think that might be of interest to readers, as might some other technical topics.
I don't want this to sound negative, because it's certainly not intended to, and I think the WIWAW challenge is a worthwhile one.

That said, I'm not sure who else besides other writers and / or someone who enjoyed the particular story in question is going to be all that drawn to them.

I seriously doubt any average reader will see a WIWAW in the new stories listings and be drawn to it, especially if they didn't read the original story.

Now most of us do have our regular, loyal readers, and sure, they might check it out.

But if I had to guess, even then that's hit or muss.

So my thoughts (and they're just random) are that perhaps if one chooses to participate, that the best results would come from writing about one of your most popular stories or series as opposed to something brand new you just wrote that's only just finding an audience.

Mine, if / when I get to it, will be mostly about the behind the scenes work that went into the collaborative / shared universe stories between myself and Emily Miller that's become what we call the Angels and Demons Saga.

I certainly don't expect to to appeal to the average reader. it's really only going to draw readers while actually read parts or all of not just my stories, but Emily's as well.

And that's only if even they care 😆.

Buy I'm interested in writing it for me, anyway. To document the history and process behind it all.

I'm very proud of the stories and am hoping to publish the latest very soon. Then maybe get to work on the WIWAW to support it.
Besides all that, Reviews & Essays is a very low activity category. We've dumped a year or so's worth of posts there in the last two weeks. When this started, there were stories on the new page from April. Not many people will read them no matter what.
I think it's not quite as black and white. Yes, I've had most views for my WIWAW on my most popular series, but I've had more interaction with my WIWAW on writing techniques. I've had comments and favourites from anonymous posters and from people who aren't writers.

But it's all very new, both for us and for the readers, and that was the entire point of my post. I don't want to dictate to anyone what they should write, but if we can analyse the reception we might at least be able to define some general principles of what works and what doesn't. That information might then encourage people to give it a try.

FWIW, I plan to rework a WIWAW about writing orgasms that I posted as a thread here in the AH. I think that might be of interest to readers, as might some other technical topics.
I would be interested in that as it was a question in my Delight is in the Detail?
At first, I was of a similar opinion, @Djmac1031. Who's going to just pick one of these up and read them except for someone who is already a fan of the work in question? Then I realized that's kind of the point: these exercises are the Literotica equivalent of the special features you find on your DVDs and Blu-Rays. The producers create things like behind the scenes montages, making-of videos, and commentary tracks for the fans who want to know a little bit more about how something they enjoyed came into being.

What's more, as an author, they're a way to archive and chronicle my own thought processes. Doing it for "Kendra" was simple, because I'd literally just finished it and the creative process was quite fresh in my head. Doing it for one of my older stories though? That would be more difficult. "Four Little Words" is far and away my most successful piece here, based on viewership, comments, vote counts, and story rating. But I wrote it in 2015. I don't remember what made me want to write that particular story, where the thought came from, or how it even came together. That was nine years ago. I'm proud of that story, but even I, the person who wrote it, has forgotten what inspired it. I don't work from outlines and I don't make notes for my stories, so I have no reference for it. I think it was just one of those shower thoughts, but I honestly don't know anymore, and that's kind of sad to me.

So I recommend doing one for yourself. Not for your readers, or your followers, or anybody else, but just you. Put it out there. And the same sorts of fans who dig the special features on their DVDs will read and (hopefully) enjoy it as much as they did the story. :)
So I recommend doing one for yourself. Not for your readers, or your followers, or anybody else, but just you. Put it out there. And the same sorts of fans who dig the special features on their DVDs will read and (hopefully) enjoy it as much as they did the story. :)
When I wrote my first few WIWAWs here in the AH, I made myself analyse my writing like I used to do for the set reading at university. Sometimes I was aware of what I was doing, but other times I only discovered it during the analysis. Using one word instead of another because of its onomatopoeic qualities, or using short, staccato sentences to reflect the narrator's jittery mindset. That kind of thing.

It can be quite an eye-opener, and a confidence-booster as well. A lot of people said that they didn't put that much thought into their writing techniques, but I think that if you go back and examine your writing you'll find you do a lot of it unconsciously. And knowing that, you can start doing it deliberately as well.
I enjoyed writing mine, and got a few insights for myself in the process of so doing. For that alone, it was worthwhile.
To me the whole thing once again pokes at my biggest frustration with Literotica: Interaction.
The best thing we could get out of these WIWAWs would be the ability to engage on the subject, to have a back-and-forth. but since there is no function to notify a commenter that there are more comments after theirs, I just never bother to reply to comments. @AlexFourways has a good one on my entry, and I didn't reply to it there. I've been debating whether to reply to it here, so they will see it, or over in comments that made my day. Meaning I didn't reply at all...
I've been debating whether to reply to it here, so they will see it, or over in comments that made my day. Meaning I didn't reply at all...
I'd see it in either place. A reply in the comments will enlighten anyone who reads the comments later about my naivety (insult yourself first, it reduces other people's scope). 😁
It's not even worth worrying about. Your entry is at 4.62, you are doing great. Mine is sitting at 3.55 with 11 votes.
You just got another one...and it's a 5!!! I'm having a weird time writing mine, I must say, but I've certainly been enjoying everyone else's! Very interesting all round, good people!! 😁
I have a new one that's both "gray pending" and "orange new" but with no publish date listed. Hmm?
My submission, WIWAW: With a Little Help from Her Son, just went up. And look, it has a longer title! Totally cheating :cool:

It's a little tongue-in-cheek since I just cannot treat Incest/Taboo completely seriously. But it was definitely a fun little essay to write.
I am very much a fan of the 'trope-avoidance' branch of I/T as well as sexy older men who aren't written off as past it, so this one appealed to me quite a bit. I was pleased to see it was a conscious choice all along! x Five stars
Really nice private feedback yesterday. One of the ones that are a reminder of how we need to encourage not just new writers, but ones that have been around, but maybe in a funk.

This message contains feedback for: lovecraft68
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Thanks for your last piece where you discuss "That Damned Red Dress"! I am a newbie author on this site, a big fan of your work, and I struggle immensely with fear of other people's judgement. It actually prevented me from publishing anything for the last couple months. Your two last sentences were truly liberating to read and gave me some confidence back. Thanks a lot man!

The last two lines in question

You write what your muse tells you to write. You write it faithfully, you write it with passion, you write it hard, and you make that bitch yours, because that's what it is; yours.

Inspire in whatever way you choose, some will trash it, but some will thank you for it, and those readers, other than ourselves, is who we write for.

But of course they sent this anonymous, which sucks because I would have liked to have struck up a conversation.
Really nice private feedback yesterday. One of the ones that are a reminder of how we need to encourage not just new writers, but ones that have been around, but maybe in a funk.
Like I think I mentioned upthread, hopefully these WIWAWs will not only help readers to better understand the process, but also make it seem less daunting for them to embark on themselves.
Out of a fit of madness I have submitted one called 'Plot Premise Plant Pivot and Patch' Summary 'World Building, Chekov’s Gun, Turning Point, Reveals and ...' Point.
Don't know if it will clear the gate it time, but literally had the idea to write it five hours ago when the thoughts wouldn't let me sleep - but it was nearly getting up time! (but it didn't take me five hours to write! And it probably shows!)
Yesterday I wrote a WIWAW on names in speculative fiction, and the ones that work and the ones that don't. It will be published tomorrow morning.

Out of a fit of madness I have submitted one called 'Plot Premise Plant Pivot and Patch' Summary 'World Building, Chekov’s Gun, Turning Point, Reveals and ...' Point.
Don't know if it will clear the gate it time, but literally had the idea to write it five hours ago when the thoughts wouldn't let me sleep - but it was nearly getting up time! (but it didn't take me five hours to write! And it probably shows!)
Looking forward to this one!
By my count, we're up to 39 WIWAWs so far. This is wonderful, people!

I'd still love it if some of the other regulars shared their thoughts. No pressure, but @onehitwanda @Omenainen @Devinter @theWollstonecraftWoman @Voboy @AwkwardlySet @Bamagan @RejectReality @Rob_Royale @Bramblethorn @ElectricBlue @Djmac1031 @SimonDoom @Kelliezgirl @NoTalentHack @AlinaX @FifthEstate @MyBareTorso @AG31 @MrPixel @THBGato @MelissaBaby @AwkwardMD @ChloeTzang @8letters @Lifestyle66 @ronde @TheRedChamber @TarnishedPenny @Trionyx @joy_of_cooking @MillieDynamite @Kumquatqueen @oneagainst @intim8 ... (deep breath) ... and of course everyone else not mentioned by name, how about it?
By my count, we're up to 39 WIWAWs so far. This is wonderful, people!

I'd still love it if some of the other regulars shared their thoughts. No pressure, but @onehitwanda @Omenainen @Devinter @theWollstonecraftWoman @Voboy @AwkwardlySet @Bamagan @RejectReality @Rob_Royale @Bramblethorn @ElectricBlue @Djmac1031 @SimonDoom @Kelliezgirl @NoTalentHack @AlinaX @FifthEstate @MyBareTorso @AG31 @MrPixel @THBGato @MelissaBaby @AwkwardMD @ChloeTzang @8letters @Lifestyle66 @ronde @TheRedChamber @TarnishedPenny @Trionyx @joy_of_cooking @MillieDynamite @Kumquatqueen @oneagainst @intim8 ... (deep breath) ... and of course everyone else not mentioned by name, how about it?
I'm unlikely to participate, because it wouldn't take me even 750 words to answer it. I wrote [anything in my catalog] because if I hadn't, it wouldn't exist except in my head, and it's very crowded and confused in there. Literotica is my Pensieve.
Yesterday I wrote a WIWAW on names in speculative fiction, and the ones that work and the ones that don't. It will be published tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to this one!
Just realised I left out the WIWAW 24 from the notes to Admin, so have just added them! I figured with over 24 hours pending it was not being processed! Silly me. 🤦‍♂️😒😥🤔
By my count, we're up to 39 WIWAWs so far. This is wonderful, people!

I'd still love it if some of the other regulars shared their thoughts. No pressure, but @onehitwanda @Omenainen @Devinter @theWollstonecraftWoman @Voboy @AwkwardlySet @Bamagan @RejectReality @Rob_Royale @Bramblethorn @ElectricBlue @Djmac1031 @SimonDoom @Kelliezgirl @NoTalentHack @AlinaX @FifthEstate @MyBareTorso @AG31 @MrPixel @THBGato @MelissaBaby @AwkwardMD @ChloeTzang @8letters @Lifestyle66 @ronde @TheRedChamber @TarnishedPenny @Trionyx @joy_of_cooking @MillieDynamite @Kumquatqueen @oneagainst @intim8 ... (deep breath) ... and of course everyone else not mentioned by name, how about it?

Thanks, but I did a WIWAW for a thread here. It was fine, but not something I feel an urge to do more of.