What kind of sex would you like to have right now? Part 4

A suddenly flirty conversation that turns into a gentle, unexpected kiss. A kiss that deepens as our lips part and our tongues meet, unable to resist the urge to wrap her in my arms and draw her body to mine. Her hand suddenly rubbing my crotch, teasing even through my jeans which makes me pause. This is all moving so damn fast, what are we doing? Pulling away to try and voice this concern only to have my words swallowed by her eager mouth as she seeks another kiss. Her hand finds mine and lifts it to her bountiful bosom, urging me to knead a large and tantalizing breast through her top. But then pulls my hand down, only to retrace the path beneath her top. Her bra feels lacy, her nipple firm.

She growls hungrily deep in her throat and it escapes in quick breaths between almost desperate kisses. I squeeze her boob, fingers teasing her nipple as she undoes my belt, and I moan in unconditional surrender as her hand slides down my pants and finds my rapidly hardening shaft. Our kiss breaks and I glare at her dejectedly as she withdraws her hand, riffling instead through her purse. Our eyes lock, hers full of mischief, desire and humor as she pulls a condom from her bag and holds it up to me.

There is no hesitation in me, only want. Lust driven purely by this amazing and adventurous creature as I take it from her. Our course set she pulls back, hands shimmying her panties down and off beneath her skirt as I slide my jeans down to my ankles and quickly sheathe myself. Her ass finds purchase on the table as she boosts herself onto it, skirt hiked and legs spread. Her juices drip down her thighs as I move into her, mouth seeking hers. My hands move of their own accord, one tugging her shit up to expose her amazing tits as the other grips as smooth thigh. Her hand finds my cock, and wastes no time pushing it to her sweet lips.
A while ago i woke up in the middle of night only to find out that i was very aroused. Her loving hand was wrapped on my cock and moved up and down. ........ I need this to happen more often ;)