What kind of sex would you like to have right now? Part 4

I want this...now:

Fresh from a hot bath and lying prone on the bed before me, her only clothing the movement of the air in the room, she anticipates the next moments. I gaze upon her beauty, hungry to devour every inch of her.

Without looking away, my hands drop to my jeans, removing first my belt...I smile as she gives a sharp intake of breath seeing the belt come free...she glances into my eyes, biting her lip. I smile. "Perhaps later" I respond, dropping the belt on the floor.

Unfastening my jeans, I take my time unzipping them. It is my first exposure to her and I want to tease her as she has teased me.

Spooning with a lover, stroking her hair and telling her how much I love her. Her butt rocking against my growing erection... while she softly moans, "I love you, too! Please fuck me, Daddy."