What Made You Smile Today, v6

Me and my work wife telling co-workers in no uncertain terms how we fucking rocked the utterly shitty stressful bullshit we went through this summer.

It's fucking gooooood to feel you couldn't have had anyone better by your side, and hearing that other person steal the words out of your mouth before you can say them yourself,.
Seeing Crush's sister, who gave me a big smile and a wave as she shot past in her little green car.
It’s not my favorite place but some cool people are there and it’s on my way to better states 😂
Perhaps the ONLY way to enjoy those places is to be passing through it at a high rate of speed on the way to somewhere way better. :)

And when I say enjoy.....that's code for Tolerate ;)
I currently identify as a person who completely understands and supports people who are annoyed by other people :)

Plus I can make an array of balloon animals and can recite from memory every important comedic quote in any Marvel movie..........Yeah, I'm a catch 🤷‍♂️
Sounds like it. I’m sure you’ll make excellent arm candy one day, if you keep your standards high and keep practicing those balloon animals.