What pissed you off today?

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No, he's talking, very specifically, about the assholes you want me to be deferential to because they are Christians.

Not all Christians are assholes.

I would bet that not even all people named DVS are assholes, for that matter.
LOL, don't put words in my mouth, Stella. I agreed with you that those people were assholes for offending your friend. And I don't think they were true Christians. Just like fake doms, fake subs, fake anything, there are people who feel they benefit from being called Christians, when they really aren't Christians. So, those people were assholes, but I wouldn't ever call all Christians assholes no more than I'd call all atheists all assholes.
LOL, don't put words in my mouth, Stella. I agreed with you that those people were assholes for offending your friend. And I don't think they were true Christians. Just like fake doms, fake subs, fake anything, there are people who feel they benefit from being called Christians, when they really aren't Christians. So, those people were assholes, but I wouldn't ever call all Christians assholes no more than I'd call all atheists all assholes.
They claim to be true Christians.

They have a church and a cross and bibles and everything. They have the tax writeoff from the government. Truely, if they are NOT Christians, it's up to REAL Christians to put a stop to the imposters. Until that starts happening, it's no one else's job to differentiate.
It was a simple yes or no answer. I am quite capable of understanding what you have said;

So you are not a Christian but you feel compelled to speak up in case someone here is. And now that I've made the direct request you are terrified that no one will prove you right, so you're inventing feaful posters.

Seriously... not everyone here is the kind of coward you are.
LOL, call me coward if you want. That's just like you, too. But, coward is the best you got?

I don't feel compelled to speak up for anybody. I know that nobody is going to post here except those who agree with you. I'm just playing with you, now. This thread is quickly going down the drain. You don't see that? This isn't a discussion. It never was. Of course, I knew I was stepping into it, when I first posted. LOL, some would say that took a little bit of courage. :D
They claim to be true Christians.

They have a church and a cross and bibles and everything. They have the tax writeoff from the government. Truely, if they are NOT Christians, it's up to REAL Christians to put a stop to the imposters. Until that starts happening, it's no one else's job to differentiate.
Come on, Stella. If they want to keep their tax exempt status, don't you think they are going to play the part? That means they meet in a building on Sundays that has a cross on top and there's bibles, and hymnals and offering plates. It's up to the federal government to remove their tax exempt status, but if you can find something that proves they aren't real Christians, I'm sure the IRS would love to hear from you. You pay taxes, right? They are taking money out of your pocket!

But, I agree with you that there are far too many ministers (Christian or otherwise) driving around in a BMW or a Lexis, and living in very, VERY nice homes. If the people who give them money don't mind that, I guess I can't say anything. I don't give anybody money, because I don't go to church.
Come on, Stella. If they want to keep their tax exempt status, don't you think they are going to play the part? That means they meet in a building on Sundays that has a cross on top and there's bibles, and hymnals and offering plates. It's up to the federal government to remove their tax exempt status, but if you can find something that proves they aren't real Christians, I'm sure the IRS would love to hear from you. You pay taxes, right? They are taking money out of your pocket!
You're the one that said they weren't real Christians. I say they are.
But, I agree with you that there are far too many ministers (Christian or otherwise) driving around in a BMW or a Lexis, and living in very, VERY nice homes. If the people who give them money don't mind that, I guess I can't say anything. I don't give anybody money, because I don't go to church.
yep, those are real Christians too.

Come on, big brave man--- yes, or no?
Then who were you speaking up for?

Give me a yes or no answer. Does Xtian actually offend you, your very own self?
What is your problem, Stella? Can't you go back and read my first post? I said if you use Xtian, you could be pissing off Christians. I have friends who are Christian. But, I also have friends who are atheists and friends who are agnostic. I've been around. Fuck, Stella. I've lived a long life and have met a whole lot of people, with many different backgrounds. Do you just have your small group of Christian hating friends and that's it?

There's a world out there with people in it and they live their lives without offending anybody else. Why is it I continue to meet these people and you continue to meet those who offend you?
What is your problem, Stella? Can't you go back and read my first post? I said if you use Xtian, you could be pissing off Christians. I have friends who are Christian. But, I also have friends who are atheists and friends who are agnostic. I've been around. Fuck, Stella. I've lived a long life and have met a whole lot of people, with many different backgrounds. Do you just have your small group of Christian hating friends and that's it?

There's a world out there with people in it and they live their lives without offending anybody else. Why is it I continue to meet these people and you continue to meet those who offend you?
You sure do make a lot of assumptions about me and my life and the people I meet. Speak absolutely only the facts that you know. And remember that you know nothing about me.

Yes, or no?
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You're the one that said they weren't real Christians. I say they are.
Then you don't care if they are really Christians or not. You just want somebody to hate.

yep, those are real Christians too.
I think those who live off of someone else's money are fake. Many ministers are fakes. But, many aren't.

Come on, big brave man--- yes, or no?[/QUOTE]This is fun, but I'm getting tired of the same old thing. I already told you I wasn't a Christian. So, why do you keep asking? Do you think I'm lying to you?

Now, I'm not just a coward, but also a liar? :eek:
You sure do make a lot of assumptions about me and my life and the people I meet. Speak absolutely only the facts that you know. And remember that you know nothing about me.

Yes, or no?
You say a lot about yourself by the way you post. And you really want to put that Christian label on me, so you can hate me even more. :p
Then you don't care if they are really Christians or not. You just want somebody to hate.
Again, you are making shit up about someone you do not comprehend.
I don't want to be hated-- but yet they do hate me as they hated my friend, because they believe that Christians are allowed to hate people like us.
I think those who live off of someone else's money are fake. Many ministers are fakes. But, many aren't.

Come on, big brave man--- yes, or no?
This is fun, but I'm getting tired of the same old thing. I already told you I wasn't a Christian. So, why do you keep asking? Do you think I'm lying to you?

Now, I'm not just a coward, but also a liar? :eek:
Oh, yes, you lie like a cowardly rug.

I keep asking you if the word Xtian offended you personally, and you know that quite well. Again you will do everything you can to avoid that single word statement.

I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone simply for being Christian. I hate people who use their religion as a reason to oppress and demean others, and I dislike you for being an officious, ignorant, passive-aggressive tool.
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I repeat; Were any Christians here in this forum offended with my use of the "X" word?

I'm not a Christian, nor would I ever go so far as to be "offended" by something like that, but I've pointed out to you before that it is unnecessarily antagonistic. Not that I expect you to change because I said so or anything, but you have had your attention called to it in the past.
I'm not a Christian, nor would I ever go so far as to be "offended" by something like that, but I've pointed out to you before that it is unnecessarily antagonistic. Not that I expect you to change because I said so or anything, but you have had your attention called to it in the past.
Umm... so your answer is "not me, but maybe somebody who is Christian?"
Umm... so your answer is "not me, but maybe somebody who is Christian?"

Stella, I like you. I do. But given your responses in this thread and in the past when religion comes up, do you honestly believe that anybody who's offended or irritated is going to bother to answer you? Or, I dunno, maybe that's your goal.

I'll bow out now. I'm too old for this type of thing, anyhow.
Stella, I like you. I do. But given your responses in this thread and in the past when religion comes up, do you honestly believe that anybody who's offended or irritated is going to bother to answer you? Or, I dunno, maybe that's your goal.

I'll bow out now. I'm too old for this type of thing, anyhow.
Well, admittedly, this is the "What pissed you off"? thread.

Something made me angry, so came here to vent in a place that wasn't crucial to the conflict.

Someone took exception to one contracted word, and used it to lecture me on a whole invented scenario in his head that I must have done. He made many statements about my behavior, where he was not a witness.

Which brings a whole new dimension to "what pissed me off," and ALL of my responses have been to that one person.

Seriously, and I think everyone knows this is true;

Make a statement relation to yourself. I can accept that with absolute equanimity. I will absolutely say with conviction that it's factually your opinion. And that is all I am asking for here.

"yes, I am Christian and I feel that 'Xtian' is demeaning."
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Well, admittedly, this is the "What pissed you off"? thread.

Something made me angry, so came here to vent in a place that wasn't crucial to the conflict.

Someone took exception to one contracted word, and used it to lecture me on a whole invented scenario in his head that I must have done. He made many statements about my behavior, where he was not a witness.

Which brings a whole new dimension to "what pissed me off," and ALL of my responses have been to that one person.

Seriously, and I think everyone knows this is true;

Make a statement relation to yourself. I can accept that with absolute equanimity. I will absolutely say with conviction that it's factually your opinion. And that is all I am asking for here.

"yes, I am Christian and I feel that 'Xtian' is demeaning."
Wow, Stella? You're a Christian? I'm shocked. Who would have known? :eek:

I have a question;

Were any Christians on this forum offended by my use of the "X" word?

I was at work when this escalated, got this far and I don't plan on reading the rest. But, yes, this is offensive.
I think you, Stella, spelled it that way on purpose because you were frustrated and angry. Not as an abrivation.
When I was a little girl, I made the mistake of abbrivating "Christmas" to "Xmas" and my Mom said I was "crossing Christ out" so now, yes, every time I see it, it bothers me.
But, I also am one of those advocates for "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" and I know too many comics (personally) who are tired of walking on eggshells, in this, too polically correct, thin-skinned world.
I also have many gay, cross-dressing, and drag friends who use the word "tranny" very freely. It's almost like the "N-word" used amongst black people.

LOOK!!!!! Lumping any group of people together is offensive to me. Why do that? Christians, Jews, black people, Gays, hetero-sexuals, women... Etc. we aren't all the same. Just stop it, PERIOD.

Either offended everyone or no one, you can't pick and choose :p
Maybe, calling people out when they use an offensive word is the best approach.
"Excuse me, do you know the term "tranny" is offensive? No? Well now you do."
It works even better on obviously offensive terms. "Excuse me, did you know the word 'whore' is offensive and unwelcome here? No? Well, now you do"
Softly spoken, with manners, somehow makes it more poignant. Never let em see you sweat, kill em with kindness, and all that.
Plus that quote about winning an argument on the Internet... Now shake hands you two
Thank you, Loverskitten. You said yes, and you gave me your reason why it bothers you. I appreciate that, and I apologise for the offense. :rose:

You are quite right; "Tranny" is very similar to the "N" word. Drag queens and cross dressers and their friends may use it among themselves. I am not and never have been a tranny, I am trans gendered. It's not a matter of cross dressing. Furthermore, I, and my friend, are trans MEN, not trans WOMEN. Most trans men, who have lived their lives in female bodies already-- feel about as far away from "tranny" as it's possible to get.

Maybe, calling people out when they use an offensive word is the best approach-- when they are the kind of people who care. People who believe that trans folk are sinners who will burn in hell and it serves them right-- they don't care very much about offending anyone. They are absolutely offended by the fact that we exist despite their big book. Remember, they also called my friend a whore.

There are real genuine reasons why so many minorities have become so thinskinned. The kinds of persecution trans people, blacks, gays, have faced and DO face, right now-- it's not just someone saying they think belief in god is unnecessary. "Tranny"and "faggot," like "Nigger" in the mouths of those who are not-- is as likely to be the prelude to a beating. Trans people get killed for being trans. Trans men, especially-- get raped, to teach them that they are still and always women.

(IMO, it's good that many comics walk on eggshells. Unfortunately, the ones that don't care-- they are the kind that think hatefulness is funny, and they cater to the hateful. They are the reason your comic friends walk on eggshells, and once more-- moderate comedians might think about speaking up, because otherwise we, who are the butt of these jokes, will. And we would rather not hear any of that shit from people who don't know us, who don't care about us. Laugh at yourself. You know and care about you.)

Now folks, you probably do not understand this, but I am not angry at these church members and their word choices. It's what they do. They get rewarded, by each other, for that kind of talk. I might as well be angry at jackasses for braying, at bulls for shitting, at pigs for oinking.

What made me angry was the way in which several other trans people rushed to defend themselves as Christians from an accusation which was not made about them as Christians. It was made about a particular subsect of Christianity. These people did not deny that fundies are likely to behave this way, they did not try to explain or excuse the fundamentalist church in question. However, self-protection from an adjacent opinion, so to speak, was their first impulse instead of, as Primalux pointed out, showing compassion and acknowledging what had happened, and frankly I find that appalling, that's my opinion about that kind of behavior. It pissed me off. So, I show up in this little backwater thread to vent for a moment. :rolleyes:

And thus was born this stupid man's belief that I am a hater of everything and everyone.

No, I will not "shake hands" with DVS. My dislike of him is purely personal, though-- not because he is a member of any sort of group.
Let's get real. You were not using the Greek word for Christ. Growing up an Orthodox Christian, no, Greek people don't use "Xtian" or "Xmas" no
In the Greek Alphabet, "CHI" looks like an "X."


To defend the use of Xmas, the first thing I must explain is that "X" is the Greek letter "chi," and "chi" is the first letter in the Greek word christos, meaning Christ. From the earliest days of the Church, "X" has been used as an abbreviation for Christ. During the days of Roman persecution, Christians used the symbol of the fish to identify themselves to each other because ichthus, the Greek word for fish, was an acronym for their beliefs.


In English, the phrase reads, "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior." Note that the CH in ichthus (an English transliteration of the Greek word) would have been represented by an "X," the Greek letter "chi," in the original word. This is the earliest example of "X" being used as an abbreviation for Christ.
Ms. Lortz is not especially a bible scholar, of course. But this common knowledge.
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Thank you, Loverskitten. You said yes, and you gave me your reason why it bothers you. I appreciate that, and I apologise for the offense. :rose:

You are quite right; "Tranny" is very similar to the "N" word. Drag queens and cross dressers and their friends may use it among themselves. I am not and never have been a tranny, I am trans gendered. It's not a matter of cross dressing. Furthermore, I, and my friend, are trans MEN, not trans WOMEN. Most trans men, who have lived their lives in female bodies already-- feel about as far away from "tranny" as it's possible to get.

Maybe, calling people out when they use an offensive word is the best approach-- when they are the kind of people who care. People who believe that trans folk are sinners who will burn in hell and it serves them right-- they don't care very much about offending anyone. They are absolutely offended by the fact that we exist despite their big book. Remember, they also called my friend a whore.

There are real genuine reasons why so many minorities have become so thinskinned. The kinds of persecution trans people, blacks, gays, have faced and DO face, right now-- it's not just someone saying they think belief in god is unnecessary. "Tranny"and "faggot," like "Nigger" in the mouths of those who are not-- is as likely to be the prelude to a beating. Trans people get killed for being trans. Trans men, especially-- get raped, to teach them that they are still and always women.

(IMO, it's good that many comics walk on eggshells. Unfortunately, the ones that don't care-- they are the kind that think hatefulness is funny, and they cater to the hateful. They are the reason your comic friends walk on eggshells, and once more-- moderate comedians might think about speaking up, because otherwise we, who are the butt of these jokes, will. And we would rather not hear any of that shit from people who don't know us, who don't care about us. Laugh at yourself. You know and care about you.)

Now folks, you probably do not understand this, but I am not angry at these church members and their word choices. It's what they do. They get rewarded, by each other, for that kind of talk. I might as well be angry at jackasses for braying, at bulls for shitting, at pigs for oinking.

What made me angry was the way in which several other trans people rushed to defend themselves as Christians from an accusation which was not made about them as Christians. It was made about a particular subsect of Christianity. These people did not deny that fundies are likely to behave this way, they did not try to explain or excuse the fundamentalist church in question. However, self-protection from an adjacent opinion, so to speak, was their first impulse instead of, as Primalux pointed out, showing compassion and acknowledging what had happened, and frankly I find that appalling, that's my opinion about that kind of behavior. It pissed me off. So, I show up in this little backwater thread to vent for a moment. :rolleyes:

Thank you Stella!
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