What will history say about Trump?

Growing up the highway sign used to say each farmer feeds seven people and over the years, that number just kept getting bigger and bigger almost exponentially at times, and we have yet to scratch the oceans when it comes to farming.
You’re right about that.
Plus there’s Algae blooms and Soylent Green. Yum.
What will history say about Trump? A single picture is worth a thousand words.....

There is timing in the void.

Either way I think it's about time for you guys to do some self reflection and figure out where you went wrong.

Or just keep shitting on white people, men and the working/middle class some more like the tone deaf morons in the MSM..... :D
As seen above, MAGAts are perpetual victims, even when they win.

So MAGAts, now that you control the four main branches of government, show us how you're gonna make this the new "golden era".
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History will remember Trump for achieving the greatest American political comeback of all time.
The fossil is durable, I’ll grant him that.
He’s good at reading the room and saying whatever balms the udders.
No tax on tips? Nice. Overtime? Sweet. Social Security benefits? Hallelujah!
There’s also a good chance he will have fallen from grace by Mid-Term. People don’t like being fibbed at.

Stephen Colbert called it ‘truthiness.’ It sounds right. Trump’s no dummy. He is a master at it.
First and foremost, he’s an entertainer.

He’s floating the idea of a year-long celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Bread and Circus, anyone? What’s next? Tossing coins with his image stamped on them to the mob?
‘And on the 4th day of Antioch, the Emperor Trumpus marked the occasion with the casting out of the Undesirables.’
He even appears to have a libidinous eye toward his daughter. ‘Jared, take a hike.’
Can’t fault him for that. I do too.

It’s likely to be an interesting time. He no longer has concerns about running for re-election.
I’m waiting for him to shed his skin. Whoever emerges is likely to be @RealDonaldTrump.
Or he may just be a MAGAlomaniac.
‘May you live in interesting times’ is also a Chinese curse.
We seem to be looking at the same man, but seeing two completely different persons. Trump completely out energized, outmatched and out smarted his political opponent who was decades younger. To the point where he won an impressive landslide victory in the election.
He tailored his campaign to those who prefer their politics as entertainment, and energized their vote.
How that translates to effective leadership remains to be seen.

“Care for some gopher, Everett?” — RFK jr.
Four Branches of gummint:

1: Death
2: Taxes
3: Dicktastership
4: Bootheel of Oppression

That should cover it . . . .
Talks about facts, posts leftist propaganda outlet as a source on leftist Kabuki theatre......LMFAO!!! The MSM lied and lied and lied and lied and just kept lying about SO MUCH OF IT there is no way for me to buy into their bullshit anymore. I just automatically assume the MSM is LYING again because that's all they fuckin' do. All the corporate press is 100% propaganda outlets and I don't believe them anymore.

Look the bottom line is, you guys have had infinite resources, the institutions almost all on your side and almost 10 years and you got NOTHING BUT LIES AND OBFUSCATIONAL BULLSHIT.

Either democrats really are the totally up their own ass fart sniffing smug idiots who can't do anything for themselves that they appear to be, or DJT really is the 9D chess super genius that trounced you all, several times now. Either way I think it's about time for you guys to do some self reflection and figure out where you went wrong.

Or just keep shitting on white people, men and the working/middle class some more like the tone deaf morons in the MSM..... :D

Hey dumb shit,

Manafort was prosecuted by the Justice Department, pled and was found guilty by federal judges while Trump was in office.

Nice try blaming the MSM.
So with your great critical thinking skills in place, were they really eating the dogs? Were they eating the cats?
I havent personally seen it....but ive seen a lot of videos of people saying it was happening. If thats the foundation of your argument, then i find it pretty weak.
But nothing that doesn't fit. Even Godwin agrees Trump-Hitler comparisons are fair.
Look past the swastikas and death camps and world domination and observe their behavior.
Citizens were miserable and in abject poverty by terms imposed by the armistice signed at the close of WWI.
Their lot improved in the late 20s. They didn’t particularly care how. Cue a global depression.
Hitler enters stage left. Sieg Heil!
After his first term history will say he was the worst president we had ever had.

After his second history will probably say that it was the beginning of the end of a once great nation
Based on....what?

Its easy to just spew out empty rhetoric. Defend your statement with some substance.

Trump hasnt taken office yet and China is wanting to negotiate trade deals bc they dont want tarriffs, mexico is already breaking up immigrant caravans and some immigtants are turning around bc they know change is about to happen, new york is stopping the handouts of gift cards to illegals, hamas wants to talk peace deal, Hungary is gonna buy american energy. Yeah, Trump really sounds like he is terrible at getting things done.

Maybe one day u will start thinking for yourself instead of relying on the view telling u how to think
I havent personally seen it....but ive seen a lot of videos of people saying it was happening. If thats the foundation of your argument, then i find it pretty weak.
I worked with a Vietnamese fellow who fled Saigon in 1975. He lived in a trailer park and kept a ,22 rifle to snipe his neighbor’s pets with short rounds. He wasn’t starving. He liked eating cats.
I worked with a Vietnamese fellow who fled Saigon in 1975. He lived in a trailer park and kept a ,22 rifle to snipe his neighbor’s pets with short rounds. He wasn’t starving. He liked eating cats.
I agree that other cultures find it normal. Why some people knock trump for sayin it shows how far they ae reaching. Apparently haitians use dogs, cats and geese for food and religious/voodoo rituals. I ont say it doesnt happen, but im not naive enough to think it dont

Ultimate 4Cs

Trying to tell us (Bitches!) that our lying eyes saw nothing during the first term, we were blind, but he can see...

Hey, loser. The losing team lost. You lost. Loser. Maybe, next time you can go with a winner.
Pick one of your hateful Billionaires payers of protection contributions and public lip-service and let him teach you how to run a successful campaign and administration.

You'll love the former and learn to tolerate the latter in the name of Party Unity.
(Hint: He'll rule just like one of the Conservatives you hate, if not more ruthlessly having the Mandate of Heaven.)


I’m sure that made sense in their head when they wrote it.



Every intelligent individual saw how each party governed in the face of the varying conditions that the previous opposing party’s administration left them.

GHW Bush (Reagan) left Bill Clinton a nightmare to handle. Bill Clinton governed exceptionally well and left GW Bush a decent situation.

GW Bush took over a decent situation from Bill Clinton and left Barrack Obama a nightmare.

Barrack Obama governed exceptionally well and left DonOld a decent situation

DonOld took over a decent situation and left Joe Biden a nightmare.

Joe Biden governed exceptionally well and is leaving DonOld a decent situation.

I see a pattern developing with my own two “lying eyes”.


It is going to be darkly enjoyable seeing DonOld and the MAGAt "republican" congress FAIL…again…and then watching another Democratic President and congress clean up the mess (if the country and the planet survives), only to get zero credit, and then losing to the next “DonOld” type "republican" politician in the following election.

The fossil is durable, I’ll grant him that.
He’s good at reading the room and saying whatever balms the udders.
No tax on tips? Nice. Overtime? Sweet. Social Security benefits? Hallelujah!
There’s also a good chance he will have fallen from grace by Mid-Term. People don’t like being fibbed at.

Stephen Colbert called it ‘truthiness.’ It sounds right. Trump’s no dummy. He is a master at it.
First and foremost, he’s an entertainer.

He’s floating the idea of a year-long celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Bread and Circus, anyone? What’s next? Tossing coins with his image stamped on them to the mob?
‘And on the 4th day of Antioch, the Emperor Trumpus marked the occasion with the casting out of the Undesirables.’
He even appears to have a libidinous eye toward his daughter. ‘Jared, take a hike.’
Can’t fault him for that. I do too.

It’s likely to be an interesting time. He no longer has concerns about running for re-election.
I’m waiting for him to shed his skin. Whoever emerges is likely to be @RealDonaldTrump.
Or he may just be a MAGAlomaniac.
‘May you live in interesting times’ is also a Chinese curse.
He'll be hosting the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles as well. Much to the chagrin of California Democrats who will be forced to clean up the streets.
Better than imitating a cuck

Trump will be on Mt Rushmore at some point in the future. He is already having a positive global impact within 3 days of being elected. Migrant caravans being broke up by mexico, russia gonna sell oil in the u.s. dollar, hamas talking peace Haters are gonna hate but even the haters will have to admit Trump benefits them when their dollar starts goin further than what it has the last couple years.
Do you mean the sacred hills taken from Native Americans in order to boost tourism?
The Lakota Sioux might want a say-so in that proposal.
I visited that site once. There were activists scampering all over the rocks with Park Rangers in hot pursuit..

I’d say you’d be more likely to see an image of his freshly bleached anus pointed to the heavens and a couple of ICBMs, one marked with a hammer and sickle, the other the stars of the CCP targeting his starfish, old son.

Do you mean the sacred hills taken from Native Americans in order to boost tourism?
The Lakota Sioux might want a say-so in that proposal.
I visited that site once. There were activists scampering all over the rocks with Park Rangers in hot pursuit..

I’d say you’d be more likely to see an image of his freshly bleached anus pointed to the heavens and a couple of ICBMs, one marked with a hammer and sickle, the other the stars of the CCP targeting his starfish, old son.

Why do u feel its relevant to go way back into the history books to justify your argument? Thats dumb and whats done is done there. 2nd) who cares if there are activists there. Your always gonna have whiny karens that think their minority opinions should be catered to by the majority. That may sway someone like u, but idgaf about those peoples whining.
After his first term history will say he was the worst president we had ever had.

After his second history will probably say that it was the beginning of the end of a once great nation
That would be leftist taking over.

Leftism (collectivism and equity seeking) is ANTI-AMERICAN.