What's the sexiest setting

Just about anywhere indoors or out in Venice, Italy (with or without masks).

Perdita la Serenissima
hmm. La Ponte de sospiri. Always sounded extremely romantic to me.


Edited to include Bridge of Sighs is also the title of a v.good Robin Trower album which includes the very atmospheric track of the same name.
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Gawd, you took me out of myself for a moment (*and* caused me to change my AV in midday). Do you know it is called the bridge of sighs because it led from the courts to the prison and prisoners (including Casanova) would be heard to sigh as they looked out on the lagoon for the last time.

Oh, I want to be in Venice so badly right now; I love being there even alone.

sighing, Purr
I can't come up with the sexiest setting I've read in a story is. Probably elevator.

Otherwise I find these settings really sexy;
In front of fireplace
Shower (Mmmmmmm)
Concert hall
Re: What's the sexiest setting?

Quasimodem said:
All the women that I have asked, say 'Spin Dry." :eek:
Geez, Quas, what kind of women live around you? (Rhetorical query, please don't answer.) P.
Marco Casanova

Have to share this. Marco was my first gondolier, also Mr. September in the 2002 gondolieri calendar. Multo bene.

Perdita la Passionata