What's your favorite poem/poems and it's/their author/authors?

Tzara said:
Thank you, Ange, for the gift of Ted Berrigan this year.

Um, almost my best newest poet. But perhaps, not the one that I was looking for this year.

Uh, perhaps Kim Addonizio wins that competition because she is, is, uh, is....

Well, she...


Oh, anyway! Lookie here.

As Ms. Swirls implied: Woof!

Yes I know. She is. :D

And she is wonderful.

Ted is my man though. Ted and Lester Young. I have odd heroes, I know lol.

I wish there were mo better Berrigan online I could link for you all. There's woefully little of digital Ted to share. His sonnets are a revelation and some of his early stuff from the late 1960s is some of the (simultaneously) funniest and most stunning poetry I've ever read. There's a Ted Berrigan poetry fellowship offered by the Naropa Institute. If Santa could grant me a Christmas wish, that'd be it. That or the money and leisure to write a dissertation about him.


I forgot, Pathenogenesis by Pablo Neruda is another poem I adore. Can't link it though because the few versions I've seen online are inky-stinky translations, imo.
There's so many to list, but two of my favs, as disperate as they may be, are Chuck Bukowski and Gary Snyder. I gobble their stuff like mad.
Tzara said:
Thank you, Ange, for the gift of Ted Berrigan this year.

Um, almost my best newest poet. But perhaps, not the one that I was looking for this year.

Uh, perhaps Kim Addonizio wins that competition because she is, is, uh, is....

Well, she...


Oh, anyway! Lookie here.

As Ms. Swirls implied: Woof!

Are you sure you are infatuated with her poetry Tzara or is it because her mind seems to linger below her waist?