Post Illegal Alien Crimes Here

more or less racists in this thread or wat's? same is the correct answer
Another day more wetback crime....this time the filth murdered a bald eagle in Nebraska using a firearm.
Where did this filth aquire a gun? These sub humans have no respect for our home, the eagle is a national symbol and is protected by federal law....will these two sub humans receive any jail time?..... where are the animal rights groups?
While your at your mundane job, These criminals are laughing at you as you pay for their well-being....
Another day more wetback crime....
Hey, Buffy...when the exact same crime is done by a born n' bred White American, what kneejerk ethnic slur do you use?

or do you wait to see if their appropriate European heritage can be gleaned from their appearance before throwing any willy-nilly darts?

As a follow up to these Haitians terrorizing the people of Springfield, in the photo featured in the article, the sub human is carrying what appears to be an Canadian goose.. this is poaching, a federal protected wildlife species these are migratory birds. That was murdered out of season. the filth disregards our laws. If I hunt geese I am required a license, a goose stamp, and a bag limit... in addition these terrorists are selling the wild game as well which is against the law...
My question is where the fuck are the police? Where the fuck are is the division of wildlife? This is a federal crime where the fuck are the feds?😡
These terrorists are a protected demographic that you are paying for. They are your replacements....
Hey, Buffy...when the exact same crime is done by a born n' bred White American, what kneejerk ethnic slur do you use?

or do you wait to see if their appropriate European heritage can be gleaned from their appearance before throwing any willy-nilly darts?

Do you consider a child rapist human? Or a vicious predator? Or do you coddle it?
Enjoy your day paying off other people's debt and paying for the well-being of the illegal aliens.....
Alf ate a cat.

Alien crime!

Are you having a little trouble eating this shit sandwich? This entire situation rest squarely on the current crime family in power. These are your replacements. when you snivel about not having money remember you support this shitfuckery.
The feds just gave the wetbacks another 380 million dollars to piss away on the illegals.......
All the while your cost of living continues to rise.......they are laughing at you.......
Do you consider a child rapist human? Or a vicious predator? Or do you coddle it?
Enjoy your day paying off other people's debt and paying for the well-being of the illegal aliens.....
You can call a child rapist or a predator out without having to resort to racist rhetoric, though.

see, that's a choice that you made.


And you didn't answer my question at all. There's a long, continuous line of child rapists and predators in this country that is filled to the brim with pastors and cops being outed on the socials...and they are almost all White males.

So what ethnic slur do you call them, Buffy? Fair's fair, let's have it.