Post Illegal Alien Crimes Here

Illegal Immigrant Arrested After Allegedly Kidnapping, Raping 13-Year-Old Girl​

By Zach Jewell

Sep 5, 2024

An illegal immigrant from Honduras suspected of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl in Louisiana surrendered to the Kenner Police Department on Wednesday.

Diego Rodriguez-Salvador, 24, is accused of holding a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint while driving her to his trailer park home and raping her, NBC’s New Orleans affiliate WDSU reported. Police asked for the public’s help in finding Rodriguez-Salvodor before he turned himself over to authorities in New Orleans. WDSU reported that police initially struggled to find the suspect because he is “undocumented,” and Kenner Police Chief Keith Conley described him as “a ghost.”

“I’ve said it over and over again, it is a challenge for law enforcement across the whole country. When [illegal immigrants] come into this country, they’re basically ghosts,” Conley said at a news conference. “They disappear. We have no identifiers. It’s challenging to even identify them through any of our databases.”

The 13-year-old victim told police that she previously knew Rodriguez-Salvador since he was one of her brother’s friends. The girl said that Rodriguez-Salvador told her he was driving her to the store, but when she noticed he was driving in the wrong direction, she told authorities that the suspect pulled out a knife. After arriving at his trailer park home, Rodriguez-Salvador allegedly forced himself on the girl.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have imported a rape culture into the US.

Illegal Immigrant Arrested After Allegedly Kidnapping, Raping 13-Year-Old Girl​

By Zach Jewell

Sep 5, 2024

An illegal immigrant from Honduras suspected of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl in Louisiana surrendered to the Kenner Police Department on Wednesday.

Diego Rodriguez-Salvador, 24, is accused of holding a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint while driving her to his trailer park home and raping her, NBC’s New Orleans affiliate WDSU reported. Police asked for the public’s help in finding Rodriguez-Salvodor before he turned himself over to authorities in New Orleans. WDSU reported that police initially struggled to find the suspect because he is “undocumented,” and Kenner Police Chief Keith Conley described him as “a ghost.”

“I’ve said it over and over again, it is a challenge for law enforcement across the whole country. When [illegal immigrants] come into this country, they’re basically ghosts,” Conley said at a news conference. “They disappear. We have no identifiers. It’s challenging to even identify them through any of our databases.”

The 13-year-old victim told police that she previously knew Rodriguez-Salvador since he was one of her brother’s friends. The girl said that Rodriguez-Salvador told her he was driving her to the store, but when she noticed he was driving in the wrong direction, she told authorities that the suspect pulled out a knife. After arriving at his trailer park home, Rodriguez-Salvador allegedly forced himself on the girl.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have imported a rape culture into the US.
Trump should be ashamed of himself for letting this killer into the country.
Oh look. A compendumb of anecdata for Rightguide's Rightwing Rolodex.
Sowing the seeds of immigrant hatred wherever he may roam.


Back on topic: My lawn service neglected to trim the three large bushes in my front yard this week. They are all Spanish speaking. I paid them in advance for this. They blamed "unexpected torrential rain, including thunder and lightning".

According to Desecrator Derpy's legal dictionary. none of the above excuses theft of services. Desecrator Derpy's Dictionary suggests considering suing for treble damages, deportation and/or teh death penalty.

I don't care if they are a legit bonded lawn service, THEY SPEAK SPANISH! AND I DON'T!
Buffalo girl sounds like he's calling for the next version of Kristallnacht, using extreme language choices from 1938.
Oh' really gotta ask were any of your children on this particular school bus that a few filthy illegal aliens tried to gain entrance? Hmmm?......
I'll make this simple....... these filthy heathens kidnap children, hold them for ransom, as proof of capture the sub humans amputate an ear,maybe a few fingers maybe a hand or arm.... have the appendage delivered to the terrified parents.
Google the shit these heathens do in Latin America.......
Oh'...FYI it's buffalogurl..... if your gonna attempt to insult me at least have the common courtesy to get my name correct.
Fair enough sweetie 😊.......
Oh' really gotta ask were any of your children on this particular school bus that a few filthy illegal aliens tried to gain entrance? Hmmm?......
I'll make this simple....... these filthy heathens kidnap children, hold them for ransom, as proof of capture the sub humans amputate an ear,maybe a few fingers maybe a hand or arm.... have the appendage delivered to the terrified parents.
Google the shit these heathens do in Latin America.......
Oh'...FYI it's buffalogurl..... if your gonna attempt to insult me at least have the common courtesy to get my name correct.
Fair enough sweetie 😊.......
Are you suggesting that non citizens don't shower?
Oh look. A compendumb of anecdata for Rightguide's Rightwing Rolodex.
Sowing the seeds of immigrant hatred wherever he may roam.


Back on topic: My lawn service neglected to trim the three large bushes in my front yard this week. They are all Spanish speaking. I paid them in advance for this. They blamed "unexpected torrential rain, including thunder and lightning".

According to Desecrator Derpy's legal dictionary. none of the above excuses theft of services. Desecrator Derpy's Dictionary suggests considering suing for treble damages, deportation and/or teh death penalty.

I don't care if they are a legit bonded lawn service, THEY SPEAK SPANISH! AND I DON'T!
There's an app for language translation. ;)

Tip: Never pay for services in advance again.
Oh' really gotta ask were any of your children on this particular school bus that a few filthy illegal aliens tried to gain entrance? Hmmm?......
I'll make this simple....... these filthy heathens kidnap children, hold them for ransom, as proof of capture the sub humans amputate an ear,maybe a few fingers maybe a hand or arm.... have the appendage delivered to the terrified parents.
Google the shit these heathens do in Latin America.......
Oh'...FYI it's buffalogurl..... if your gonna attempt to insult me at least have the common courtesy to get my name correct.
Fair enough sweetie 😊.......
Oh right, gurl, not girl. Autocorrect on a cellphone does not acknowledge crossovers. Sorry.

But seriously, have you been tested for rabies? Your language is over the top. Or are you just hoping to become the next Joseph Goebbels?
Oh' really gotta ask were any of your children on this particular school bus that a few filthy illegal aliens tried to gain entrance? Hmmm?......
I'll make this simple....... these filthy heathens kidnap children, hold them for ransom, as proof of capture the sub humans amputate an ear,maybe a few fingers maybe a hand or arm.... have the appendage delivered to the terrified parents.
Google the shit these heathens do in Latin America.......
Oh'...FYI it's buffalogurl..... if your gonna attempt to insult me at least have the common courtesy to get my name correct.
Fair enough sweetie 😊.......
Was the kid who shot up the school in Georgia illegal? Don’t see you asking to deport American teenage boys. The vast majority of crime in this country is committed by citizens yet nary a word from you. You’re a stupid cunt and I hope you die of cancer.
I'm adding this report to the mix as well....
150 billion dollars pissed away on illegal aliens when our veterans are homeless, infrastructure crumbling, and the current crime family in power wants to raise taxes on real Americans
The world is laughing at Americans while we bleed out
Enjoy your day paying off other people's debt and paying for the well-being of the illegal aliens..........
P.s. rightguide if you ain't taking flak your not over the target....just say'in 🤷‍♀️
You're goddam right we are and you deserve it.
My friend Billy Bob has a cousin whose dentist was one of them people abducted by aliens. Got an anal probe by little green men and everything!

That’s some illegal alien activity right there.
Was the kid who shot up the school in Georgia illegal? Don’t see you asking to deport American teenage boys. The vast majority of crime in this country is committed by citizens yet nary a word from you. You’re a stupid cunt and I hope you die of cancer.
This..... is criminal, these sub humans literally occupying a peaceful town and terrorizing the locals
The unfortunate thing is rockymtnman these 20,000 turd world heathens don't live in your neighborhood 😡 terrorizing your family, friends and defecting in your life
The entire situation with the wetback crime is, these crimes are preventable..... because these filthy heathens wouldn't be here in the first place.....
Oh'...... you hope I die of cancer? Seriously? Attack the messenger because you hate the message? Welp the law of averages are stacking up on you, it is inevitable you or your loved ones will be a victim of wetback take a bite of that shit sandwich when it occurs and remember your words......enjoy your day paying off other people's debt and paying for the well-being of the illegal aliens sucking up valuable resources that includes your pay check....
This..... is criminal, these sub humans literally occupying a peaceful town and terrorizing the locals
The unfortunate thing is rockymtnman these 20,000 turd world heathens don't live in your neighborhood 😡 terrorizing your family, friends and defecting in your life
The entire situation with the wetback crime is, these crimes are preventable..... because these filthy heathens wouldn't be here in the first place.....
Oh'...... you hope I die of cancer? Seriously? Attack the messenger because you hate the message? Welp the law of averages are stacking up on you, it is inevitable you or your loved ones will be a victim of wetback take a bite of that shit sandwich when it occurs and remember your words......enjoy your day paying off other people's debt and paying for the well-being of the illegal aliens sucking up valuable resources that includes your pay check....
It's good that you support immigration law reform. For example, adding budget for additional ICE agents to address nuisance claims such as this. Or even building out new housing for migrants. Adding resources for migrant education/cultural classes.

Or perhaps setting up stations in foreign countries to intercept and assist asylumees.
The pinnacle of illegal alien activity is when an alien baby bursts out of your chest.

I hate it when that happens.

Illegal Alien Arrested for Voting In U.S. Elections​

Sarah Arnold | September 08, 2024 4:00 PM

The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for impersonating Americans and voting in federal elections.

42-year-old Angelica Maria Francisco was taken into custody after it was revealed she had been illegally voting in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. She was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.”

For instance, the Heritage Foundation pointed out that more than 11,000 illegal aliens have been on Virginia’s voter roll in the past ten years, with at least 616 known non-citizens on the state’s voter registration system within the last couple of years. Arizona also encountered a similar issue, finding that more than 200 illegal immigrants have been found on the state’s voter rolls since 2021.

Democrats tell us this never happens.

Illegal Alien Arrested for Voting In U.S. Elections​

Sarah Arnold | September 08, 2024 4:00 PM

The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for impersonating Americans and voting in federal elections.

42-year-old Angelica Maria Francisco was taken into custody after it was revealed she had been illegally voting in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. She was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.”

For instance, the Heritage Foundation pointed out that more than 11,000 illegal aliens have been on Virginia’s voter roll in the past ten years, with at least 616 known non-citizens on the state’s voter registration system within the last couple of years. Arizona also encountered a similar issue, finding that more than 200 illegal immigrants have been found on the state’s voter rolls since 2021.

Democrats tell us this never happens.
No, Democrats tell you that it's already illegal for them to do so and therefore another law isn't needed to be passed to make it illegal.

Trump's DoJ obviously failed to address this.

Illegal Alien Arrested for Voting In U.S. Elections​

Sarah Arnold | September 08, 2024 4:00 PM

The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for impersonating Americans and voting in federal elections.

42-year-old Angelica Maria Francisco was taken into custody after it was revealed she had been illegally voting in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. She was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.”

For instance, the Heritage Foundation pointed out that more than 11,000 illegal aliens have been on Virginia’s voter roll in the past ten years, with at least 616 known non-citizens on the state’s voter registration system within the last couple of years. Arizona also encountered a similar issue, finding that more than 200 illegal immigrants have been found on the state’s voter rolls since 2021.

Democrats tell us this never happens.
Democrats do tell us it sometimes happens. Honesty isn't totally vanquished in politics yet.

Incidents like this are extremely rare and have negligible influence on presidential elections.

The fact that both states know the numbers and have taken action shows that the validation processes are working. Now, if Trump could just find those millions of illegal votes that were cast as he claimed, then that would be a horse of a different color.