Where are the men at?

SummerMorning said:
Real life occasionally supercedes the virtual

Only occasionally? Damn, so *that's* what I've been doing wrong! I should've known better...guess I can just trash this whole time management chart then....<g>
Re: Re: Where are the men at?

Remec said:
Isn't the call supposed to be "Ally-ally-outzen-free"? <g> Where's the safe space we're shooting for, or have I been playing the wrong game all this time? <sigh>



I thought it was olly-olly-oxen-free..

Raph, no expert on childhood games.
Re: Re: Re: Where are the men at?

raphy said:
I thought it was olly-olly-oxen-free..

Raph, no expert on childhood games.

That's what I thought, too! I've also heard olly-olly-all-come-free which seems more site appropriate.
I've never heard a phrase anything like that, but it's great to see all you guys. Thanks for checking in!

Not that I'm complaining (much), because I love women, but it was starting to feel like we were pushing the men out a bit.

When I was in 'the mood' last night, there were just no men around. ;)

Rumple! Great to see you, I've been wondering where you've been. Awesome to hear you've been working on a novel. Good on ya!

Now, if only we can locate Quasi. Any ideas anyone?

Lou :rose:

Am I late?
Would love to date!
Just you.

Extent of my poetry. Missed the chance to throw my post out. So here I am, early in the morning. Good to see you!

Just got done snowblowing the drive, kids got off to high school. Now time for me to head downstairs to my gym, do 4-miles on the treadmill....... yuck, but heart healthy.......

Then another good cup of coffee and some breakfast. I'm fixing hash browns, eggs, and sausage........ anyone hungry? Come on by!
Re: Howdy!

Hey mtn,

Great to see you, too! I loved the poem. :kiss:

That sounds delicious. If it's not too late, I'm on my way over. ;)

Your morning routine sounds very much like mine. I drop the girls off at school, then take Billy (my doggy) on a five mile run. Knackers us both, but great for the muscles and cardio-vascular system. Then it's home for coffee and munchies.

Lou :rose:
Tatelou said:
Are you all hiding?

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Lou :devil:
Pitchers and catchers report to spring training today, so good luck finding anyone outside of Florida and Arizona.
Hi Lou

Just arrived back in Lisbon from London via Madrid. Damn network won't work on a plane. ;)

Take care now.

Will's (Always around - but not often seen)
Lo mate

Wills said:
Hi Lou

Just arrived back in Lisbon from London via Madrid. Damn network won't work on a plane. ;)

Take care now.

Will's (Always around - but not often seen)

Hello wills wondered where you'd been, how goes it??
Hi there Pop's

Busy as hell, hence the all too brief postings.

Had to take a shift in prioritising work, converting an old building into five apartments, once I sell them I can concentrate on writing, so that is the goal and the incentive.

Will look in from time to time, sorry about your nano rejection, gonna try again?

Hey and congrats on the Oxford job. Could do with a good Elec Eng out here!

Take care now.

Tatelou said:
Dilemma? I have no dilemma. I have a hubby, been married nearly ten years, and he still makes me smile, and laugh and all the rest of it.

I just like to flirt, is all. ;)

It's all good fun! :D


P.S. I meant he looks scared in the respect that he knows I'd eat him for breakfast, and spit him out again, when I'm in this kind of mood. :devil:

Babe that lucky guy of yours can rest, you can use me for target practice.:devil:
Where are the men at?

I've been being a Dad and a husband for the whole of half-term week. I'm fucking knackered.

Somewhat looking forward to Monday to be honest....
I've been in a new relationship that's pretty much been consuming my every waking moment, and even the not so awake ones.

Funny thing is, I wasn't even looking for one, it just sort of came up and snatched me.

*looking for an emoticon that denotes bewilderment yet happiness at the same time...guess this one will have to do :)
Re: hiya

LorriLove said:
hiya guys, lorri's about if you're all out to play:D :kiss:

I'd love to Lorri, but my Mum -- I mean the Missus is wondering what I'm up to right now... I don't have the time...

Unless you're up for a really quick thirty-second <ay caramba> to wet you up for later on?
Re: Re: hiya

Sub Joe said:
I'd love to Lorri, but my Mum -- I mean the Missus is wondering what I'm up to right now... I don't have the time...

Unless you're up for a really quick thirty-second <ay caramba> to wet you up for later on?

thirty seconds, thirty minutes, what's the difference a humps, a hump;) anyway most guys don't last the course, the thirty second one that is, giggle.:devil:
dr_mabeuse said:
Sorry. We’ve all been at a big secret convention under the Jura Mountains planning the next fashion trend that will be demeaning to women.

Looks like we’ve got a winner too: Crop tops that end just under your nipples and tight pants so low that a hint of pubic hair shows. The only women who’ll be able to wear this outfit are models between the ages of 14 and 14.33 years old. The rest of you will go nuts trying.


hmm thinking about open ended chaps at first. but alas - your wife has the key to the chastity belt - DAMN her!!! :):kiss:

I'll go get me one of what you you descibe - too enticeing . . . ;)

Fall fashion cumming up?
Wills said:
Hi Lou

Just arrived back in Lisbon from London via Madrid. Damn network won't work on a plane. ;)

Take care now.

Will's (Always around - but not often seen)

Great to see you, Wills! Been missing ya. I hope you and your lovely lady are doing well, if being rather busy.

Lou :kiss:

P.S. Blacksnake, you bad! :eek: Why, I should bend you over my knee and... :devil:
Lo mate

Wills said:
Hi there Pop's

Busy as hell, hence the all too brief postings.

Had to take a shift in prioritising work, converting an old building into five apartments, once I sell them I can concentrate on writing, so that is the goal and the incentive.

Will look in from time to time, sorry about your nano rejection, gonna try again?

Hey and congrats on the Oxford job. Could do with a good Elec Eng out here!

Take care now.


Hope your sales go through without a hitch mate, yes I'll try again with the nano thing, trouble with these people they just don't understand British piss taking too well:D and want everything too bloody serious and proper.

You should have said you needed elec's, trouble is I'm semi retired now:D in my little cosey office and all, can't see me wanting to work again;)

Take care mate, see ya about. pops
Hm, surprised - sigh - dear Pops - you didn't put me in my sarcastic place - goading, but lol - yes goating in English - lol:kiss: I had SO hoped for intelligent brit humour. :rolleyes: Alas, guess I need to watch the BBc now.