Where are the New England Peeps?

Thirty days… IF everything goes on schedule.

That agency is having a cruel summer. You could write a “day in the life” story about being the person in charge of the T and you’d have to post it in BDSM.
The T’s police chief’s son was just arrested for murder, killing his estranged wife’s boyfriend. There’s a day in the life for you.
So New Englanders, what is your all time favorite movie? I love older movies and I’d have to say The Hustler with Paul Newman is mine. Watched it for the first time with my Grandfather when I was a kid. He was an old time pool shooter and also loved this movie.
All time for me has to be "The Hunt for Red October". In the book the river they sail up in the closing scene is the Penobscot, right up here in Maine.
On of my longest friendly and platonic Lit friends is in UK. There are good and bad/annoying people in every country. That's why we're referred to as individuals. Celebrate diversity seek common ground, expand your thinking. Those are traits worth demonstrating and seeking in others.
We Massachusetts residents aren’t called “Massholes” for nothing!
We Massachusetts residents aren’t called “Massholes” for nothing!
Funny story there. Back a couple decades ago I got stranded on a dirt road up in Rangely. Lost count of the local plates that drove by didn't even slow down. The one person who stopped had Mass plates on the car. Got me running well enough to reach civilization again. Now driving in Mass, that's taking your life in your hands, lol
So New Englanders, what is your all time favorite movie? I love older movies and I’d have to say The Hustler with Paul Newman is mine. Watched it for the first time with my Grandfather when I was a kid. He was an old time pool shooter and also loved this movie.
Gotta go with The Godfather, 1&2. Shawshank Redemption is a close third.
Has anyone been to the interactive King Tut exhibit at The Power Station? If so, what’s your take on it? I’m going next month.
Grew up in Metro west area and the Cape now living in So Cal, been here for about 24 years