Where Are We?

That's the art of mincing words. I've repeated time and time again that she HAS helped people but that in the long run (100 years down the road or even 10 or 30) it will have changed nothing on a big scale. Sure, many people are alive today because of what she did, but the world is still a shithole and despite her best efforts will remain one for quite some time.

...Is this really not getting through to anyone? Is it some internet glitch that zones out the brain into missing the repeated times I've said that she and many others have done wonders for the world but that in the long run it'll have changed nothing because not enough people are helping?

And as for more people are helping than I think. If we put it in numbers, I'm pretty sure the ratio would range around the 10:1.

For every 10 people who don't help at all, 1 person does.

What is the BIG SCALE you keep referring to? We all know history repeats itself so how does anything ONE person does REALLY affect the future? 100 years down the road is too far to worry about anyway as none of us will be there to give a shit....
That's the art of mincing words. I've repeated time and time again that she HAS helped people but that in the long run (100 years down the road or even 10 or 30) it will have changed nothing on a big scale. Sure, many people are alive today because of what she did, but the world is still a shithole and despite her best efforts will remain one for quite some time.

...Is this really not getting through to anyone? Is it some internet glitch that zones out the brain into missing the repeated times I've said that she and many others have done wonders for the world but that in the long run it'll have changed nothing because not enough people are helping?
No, we're just disagreeing with you. That doesn't mean we don't understand what you're saying, it just means we're not buying what you're selling. And that might mean you're a really lousy salesman and/or your product (message) sucks.

And as for more people are helping than I think. If we put it in numbers, I'm pretty sure the ratio would range around the 10:1.

For every 10 people who don't help at all, 1 person does.
That's not the ratio in my world. I'm surrounded by people who do what they can to improve the lives of others. Even when I've been in very poor areas here and abroad, I've seen incredible generosity and strength. And a lot of those people are just trying to survive.

I suspect you're seeing those numbers because you've chosen to surround yourself with shitty people and/or giving people don't choose to be around you and/or your definition of "helping" is incredibly narrow. I suspect it's all three from what you've said.
Do you understand the way numbers work, Mac? I'm sure you did, you've been to school.

Say one person helps one person. That means one person on the planet has been helped.

Now, say ten people help ten people, that means ten people on the planet have been helped.

If you look at the REALITY of the situation, hundreds of thousands of people all over the planet are helping hundreds of thousands of people.

THAT IS DRASTIC LARGE SCALE IMPROVEMENT. Hundreds. Of. Thousands. Of. People. All over the world.

You are ranting over something that only really exists in your head. Know why? Because there are more people than you know of out there doing things that COLLECTIVELY, add up to that drastic large scale altruism you claim doesn't exist.

You can sit here all day long and try and say that no one does anything to help anyone. You can sit here all day long and try and say that everyone is selfish and greedy and stupid.

But you've been told more than once that you're wrong. The ball is in your court. You can believe us or not, but if you choose not to, you'll be wrong.

Also, here's something that might be food for thought.

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If you don't mind, LBC, would you share how you changed your outlook? What clicked for you and/or made you want to change? How did you learn new coping mechanisms, or was there anything you found particularly helpful while you were growing?

I think it'd be helpful for me and others. I'm not usually an angry person, but I certainly have my moments, and I definitely have trouble dealing with people who are angry in general.

Hi SweetErika,

I'm not going to say these things work all the time and that I don't have occasionally angry moods about my life or in reaction to others. But the ways I try to not be angry include the following:

(1) It's exhausting to be angry and my body just doesn't want to spend the energy on it anymore. That's probably something that comes with age or aging, I don't know really, but that's how it is for me.

(2) The main thing is I've learned to focus on dealing with *what is.* You might laugh but I used to watch Dr. Phil quite a bit and he hammers this point into people. A primary source of anger for me was (and sometimes still is) to insist the world conform to my viewpoints and expectations, and to get repeatedly frustrated and feel cheated over the unfairnesses, inequities and injustices of the world and within my own life. But no matter how any of us struggle against *what is*... it doesn't change and it WON'T change for us and we have to learn to work with it, to cope with it as best we can. Resigning to how reality really IS can be, in my opinion, the first step to a productive and emotionally healthy life. It isn't easy to do for some, especially if one is very fairness and justice minded.

(3) Gratitude is a necessary sentiment. This begets the following reactions: There are ALWAYS things to be grateful for... to notice the beauty in, to be joyful about each day. One thing that has always helped in that regard is music.... What else ? To realize that others sometimes have things in their own lives way worse than I do. To never assume others have it better and to know everyone has skeletons in their closets and problems in their soul that others may never know the depths of...to never forget those two facts. To be glad for the strengths and advantages I do possess. To dwell, as little as possible, on the downsides to my life and my own weaknesses. To do what I can to make myself better. And basically, to shut the fuck up and not complain too much because others get sick of hearing it and I also don't really know what they're going through personally at any given time and maybe my anger and frustrations just might inadvertently add to their misery and they don't need that. Who does?

(4) Control. Stopping trying to control things helps a lot. We control nothing. There are too many variables. Control may be gained temporarily but it is lost easily so what's the point ? Plugging in to situations and trying to contribute works. No one can really control anything or anyone. Influence maybe...if I'm lucky. But not control.

(5) Lastly, friends and supporters. I try if I can to dwell more on those who make me feel good and to ignore or devalue in my head my detractors, haters, evil-wishers and cruel and indifferent strangers of the world. There will always be those kind of fuckers around and I've had my share... and I've spent a LOT of time trying to make those kind of people happy and pleased with me and it's often wasted effort that sucks out your soul in the process. It's easy to get trapped into trying to make discontent and unhappy people, happier...to think and scheme if I do that, then maybe they will like/love/approve of me... and to forget or take for granted those who DO encourage, support, like and love you. Ann Landers once said not to let your enemies live rent-free in your head. That's what I think about... how much time in my head am I giving my enemies?

Hope this helps. :)
(6) I forgot to add one other thing. Forgiveness. It's especially important to me because I've tanked a few relationships because I simply wouldn't allow for others' faults and weaknesses...to accept and overlook them. It's no use being angry at others for what they don't do or aren't capable of doing. No one responds well to condemnation and it certainly doesn't motivate them to change anything about themselves.

It helps for me to remember my own, numerous faults and how many times I expected and hoped others would overlook and forgive them...and remembering how it FEELS when they won't overlook or forgive.

Sorry to hijack your thread for a bit, Mac, but just wanted to answer SweetErika's questions completely. I done now. :p
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Mac, it's not the art of mincing words. If you want to rant about how people being humane to other people still leaves the world as a shithole, fine.

And why the insistence on being one of the 10 who don't help?

Ach. Whatever. I give up. You're too full of misplaced righteous indignation to hear sense.

I've never insisted on being one of the 10 who don't help? What I've been saying is "what's the point if the people helping are all alone?". The point is for everyone to start pitching in... and in the long run, to start pushing toward a more drastic positive change.

Sorry to hijack your thread for a bit, Mac, but just wanted to answer SweetErika's questions completely. I done now. :p

S'all good! Kinda' fit into the discussion anyways...

What is the BIG SCALE you keep referring to? We all know history repeats itself so how does anything ONE person does REALLY affect the future? 100 years down the road is too far to worry about anyway as none of us will be there to give a shit....

That's a great mentality to keep given that this is the world you'll be passing on to your kids and grandkids... and so on. Who cares? We'll be dead anyways! Let THEM correct our mistakes!

No, we're just disagreeing with you. That doesn't mean we don't understand what you're saying, it just means we're not buying what you're selling. And that might mean you're a really lousy salesman and/or your product (message) sucks.

That's not the ratio in my world. I'm surrounded by people who do what they can to improve the lives of others. Even when I've been in very poor areas here and abroad, I've seen incredible generosity and strength. And a lot of those people are just trying to survive.

I suspect you're seeing those numbers because you've chosen to surround yourself with shitty people and/or giving people don't choose to be around you and/or your definition of "helping" is incredibly narrow. I suspect it's all three from what you've said.

Well, that would make a lot of sense given that I'm not interested in becoming a salesman. And to be honest, I don't know where you're from but where I live, it's a business before pleasure mentality and there's no room for helping anyone but ourselves. Sure, there are people going down to soup kitchens to help out, we have our share of volunteer workers in hospitals, but the VAST majority of people prefer driving their Mercedes and BMWs to their big meetings on our version of Wall Street.

The mentality here is really "I work hard for my money so why should I be giving any of it away?"

Do you understand the way numbers work, Mac? I'm sure you did, you've been to school.

Say one person helps one person. That means one person on the planet has been helped.

Now, say ten people help ten people, that means ten people on the planet have been helped.

If you look at the REALITY of the situation, hundreds of thousands of people all over the planet are helping hundreds of thousands of people.

THAT IS DRASTIC LARGE SCALE IMPROVEMENT. Hundreds. Of. Thousands. Of. People. All over the world.

You are ranting over something that only really exists in your head. Know why? Because there are more people than you know of out there doing things that COLLECTIVELY, add up to that drastic large scale altruism you claim doesn't exist.

You can sit here all day long and try and say that no one does anything to help anyone. You can sit here all day long and try and say that everyone is selfish and greedy and stupid.

But you've been told more than once that you're wrong. The ball is in your court. You can believe us or not, but if you choose not to, you'll be wrong.

Also, here's something that might be food for thought.


Compare 500,000 to 6 billion people and this proves what I'm trying to say. that's 1:12,000 (my math sucks, so I may be wrong, but that's what my calculator gives me). You're all entitled to your opinions but there's no way you can tell me I'm wrong. My opinion isn't wrong. Opinions never can. That's why we call them opinions. Also, I'm basing this on personal experience and observations of the people and environment around me as well as current news about what's going on across the world. Never can any of you say that most people are out there helping. In terms of numbers, yes! Hundreds of thousands of people is a large number. But compared to how many people inhabit the Earth, it's quite small.

That, added to the fact that if the majority of people helped out, it would innevitably spawn a change in mentality and we'd stop accepting the way things are. This is what bothers me! People saying that they can never change the world. No, of course not! Not if you keep thinking you can't! If everyone I knew woke up tomorrow morning saying "Fuck this!" and started working to better the world, much could be accomplished. But if only 250,000 or 500,000 (hard to put an exact number on it) people out of 6 billion are, then what do you expect??
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I've never insisted on being one of the 10 who don't help? What I've been saying is "what's the point if the people helping are all alone?". The point is for everyone to start pitching in... and in the long run, to start pushing toward a more drastic positive change.

It's really very simple. As long as you sit around bitching about how there's no point in helping unless everyone else helps too, you are part of the problem. You are one of those 10 who don't help.

Which is more futile? Getting off your ass and helping someone in a charitable way, or sitting on your ass and bitching about how uncharitable everyone else is?
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It's really very simple. As long as you sit around bitching about how there's no point in helping unless everyone else helps too, you are part of the problem. You are one of those 10 who don't help.

Which is more futile? Getting off your ass and helping someone in a charitable way, or sitting on your ass and bitching about how uncharitable everyone else is?

Helping, of course! But this is what I have planned as soon as I'm done moving. But the fact of the matter remains that it'll be futile. I'll feel better cuz at least I won't be part of the problem, but my help might change or help an individual's life, but it won't ever help the world. Not until we all start pitching in.
You consistently, and MASSIVELY, underestimate the value of helping individuals on an individual basis.

Possibly once you start doing it you'll understand better what we've all been saying.
I've told myself I won't post here anymore. But I like you, and you worry me. And I think you've knotted your boxers up irrationally. Truth is, life has always been tragic. Hell, we all die - How's that for depressing?

But you seem to think we're in particularly bad shape now. We aren't. More people are wealthy and healthy now than at any previous time. Even the poor of the world are mostly better off than at any other time. It's the contrast that makes them seem worse off.

Check out this video. It's a really cool graphic expression of the increase in human well being over the past couple of centuries, narrated by a fellow who's an expert in global health. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo

Now, if it's your particular friends that are dicks, well, I can't help you.
What a pile of drug-induced horse shit.

I wonder what the Peace Corp thinks about Mac's belief?

I wonder what the Red Cross thinks about this?

I wonder what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2 people that according to Mac can't make a difference because they are only 2 people) says about this?

I wonder what Save the Children says about this?

I wonder what Feed the Children says about this?

I wonder what any of these 120 top rated national charities have to say about this?
http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html I wonder if any of them...even one...thinks that they are not making a difference? That it is futile. That they are not helping the world. That none of this makes a difference because "we" aren't pitching in.

I wonder what my local food bank thinks of this?

I wonder what any of these local charities in my county thinks of this?

But nope...you have heard the truth from the great omnipotent Mac...nothing "we" do matters. It is futile. Nothing will ever change. All these people are wrong. We just haven't evolved enough to care and it doesn't matter to the world if he does anything because "we" aren't. But he will do something later because then he isn't part of the problem, but "we" still are.

This is called denile. Mix it with a helping of pessimism, anger, depression, futility and violence and you have the common symptoms associated with rampant and ongoing drug use. Mac has stated previously what his mother thinks of his drug use. He has also stated what his ex-gf thinks of it (the primary reason she is an ex according to her). But again...they both are wrong. Mac doesn't have a problem and I'm an ass for even insinuating it. Of course he doesn't. Everyone can clearly see that the real problem is us. It is our views that are distorted.

I understand these symptoms because they were me 24 yrs ago. Twenty-four years of active recovery and I have yet to be wrong when my spidey sense tingles...and it always tingles when I come across a person who is like this. I get it...I understand it...because it was me.

This is not meant to be a comdemnation or a criticism of Mac (I know what his immediate response will be because that is how I felt), but this response is meant to be a clarification to those following this thread trying to piece together what is happening here. Mac, I believe, is a good person. I believe he cares. Alot. I believe he is saying these things to "protect" himself from the shit that is happening around him. He believes them, because not to opens himself up to other hurts. When people fuck you over enough...this is what happens. You retreat inward, seeking solice in the one thing that you think you have control over...but in reality, you don't. So when you see this in a friend you know, and you will....remember what I am saying here...one person can make a difference. One person made a difference in my life.
Compare 500,000 to 6 billion people and this proves what I'm trying to say. that's 1:12,000 (my math sucks, so I may be wrong, but that's what my calculator gives me). You're all entitled to your opinions but there's no way you can tell me I'm wrong. My opinion isn't wrong. Opinions never can. That's why we call them opinions. Also, I'm basing this on personal experience and observations of the people and environment around me as well as current news about what's going on across the world. Never can any of you say that most people are out there helping. In terms of numbers, yes! Hundreds of thousands of people is a large number. But compared to how many people inhabit the Earth, it's quite small.

That, added to the fact that if the majority of people helped out, it would innevitably spawn a change in mentality and we'd stop accepting the way things are. This is what bothers me! People saying that they can never change the world. No, of course not! Not if you keep thinking you can't! If everyone I knew woke up tomorrow morning saying "Fuck this!" and started working to better the world, much could be accomplished. But if only 250,000 or 500,000 (hard to put an exact number on it) people out of 6 billion are, then what do you expect??

Where are you getting your statistics at, exactly? How do you KNOW for SURE that 'Only" 500k people are charitable on the earth?

Fact is, opinions CAN be wrong. You can have the OPINION that the Earth is flat, but you'd still be wrong because opinions come from what a person think about certain things. If your facts are wrong, your opinion is wrong, period. That's the way opinions REALLY work.

Massive amounts of people everywhere do things on a daily basis to help their fellow man. The reason the world is such a "shithole" to you is because you are not looking at reality from a realistic POV. You're looking at it from an angry, twisted POV because you are an angry and twisted person.

Once you get over yourself, you'll see things clearly.
That's a great mentality to keep given that this is the world you'll be passing on to your kids and grandkids... and so on. Who cares? We'll be dead anyways! Let THEM correct our mistakes!

MAC...I don't have any kids....so I won't have any grandkids. BUT...if I had, I would have raised them like I was raised to help others when they could and to be good people....not sit on the sidelines and criticize everyone else like you are doing.
Where are you getting your statistics at, exactly? How do you KNOW for SURE that 'Only" 500k people are charitable on the earth?
Fact is, opinions CAN be wrong. You can have the OPINION that the Earth is flat, but you'd still be wrong because opinions come from what a person think about certain things. If your facts are wrong, your opinion is wrong, period. That's the way opinions REALLY work.

Massive amounts of people everywhere do things on a daily basis to help their fellow man. The reason the world is such a "shithole" to you is because you are not looking at reality from a realistic POV. You're looking at it from an angry, twisted POV because you are an angry and twisted person.

Once you get over yourself, you'll see things clearly.

I clearly stated that I don't know what the numbers really are. It was a hypothetical to Satindesire's comment.

And stare at a starving orphan dying of AIDS and tell me that I have no reason to be pissed off. Take a look into the world of Human Trafficking and tell me that the world really isn't that bad. Sure, America and parts of Europe are free from the huge wreck we're in, but that doesn't mean that this is how it goes everywhere. The FACTS are that most countries are empoverished and its people suffering. In fact, look no further than Cuba.

That's a great mentality to keep given that this is the world you'll be passing on to your kids and grandkids... and so on. Who cares? We'll be dead anyways! Let THEM correct our mistakes!

MAC...I don't have any kids....so I won't have any grandkids. BUT...if I had, I would have raised them like I was raised to help others when they could and to be good people....not sit on the sidelines and criticize everyone else like you are doing.

It wasn't meant as a lowblow, what I said. Kids or no kids, I'm sure you know better than to tell yourself "Who cares! I won't be around in 100 years anyways!" and that's all I was pointing out. I'm sure your kids would be standup achievers and not complete morons and emotional losers like I seem to be here...

I've told myself I won't post here anymore. But I like you, and you worry me. And I think you've knotted your boxers up irrationally. Truth is, life has always been tragic. Hell, we all die - How's that for depressing?

But you seem to think we're in particularly bad shape now. We aren't. More people are wealthy and healthy now than at any previous time. Even the poor of the world are mostly better off than at any other time. It's the contrast that makes them seem worse off.

Check out this video. It's a really cool graphic expression of the increase in human well being over the past couple of centuries, narrated by a fellow who's an expert in global health. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo

Now, if it's your particular friends that are dicks, well, I can't help you.

Knotted up my boxers?? lolll I'm writing that one down :D. I checked out your video and it reminds me a lot of the article satindesire gave me. The only problem with this graphic is that although many countries are much more prosperous than ever, their wealth is split in two. You've got a select few who are extremely rich and the rest of the country wallowing in poverty (China is a perfect example of this). Life expectancy has climbed in large part due to hygiene. Science has come a long way, but the fact of the matter is that our LE would be far higher were it not for corporate control of genetic modifications and, well... you get the jist of what I mean. In the end, a lot of what you eat isn't all that great for you (or isn't as natural as it should be). True, we've come a long way in science and health and all, but in terms of wealthy countries... it doesn't mean its people aren't poor as shit.

And I agree. No longer do we have slaves (although I still call working for 30cents a day to be a form of slavery), but there are MANY countries who live in conditions rival to the 18th and 19th century.

You consistently, and MASSIVELY, underestimate the value of helping individuals on an individual basis.

Possibly once you start doing it you'll understand better what we've all been saying.

Possibly. I'm sure I'll feel better about myself. I'm not sure I'll feel better about the rest of the world.

What a pile of drug-induced horse shit.

I wonder what the Peace Corp thinks about Mac's belief?

I wonder what the Red Cross thinks about this?

I wonder what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2 people that according to Mac can't make a difference because they are only 2 people) says about this?

I wonder what Save the Children says about this?

I wonder what Feed the Children says about this?

I wonder what any of these 120 top rated national charities have to say about this?
http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html I wonder if any of them...even one...thinks that they are not making a difference? That it is futile. That they are not helping the world. That none of this makes a difference because "we" aren't pitching in.

I wonder what my local food bank thinks of this?

I wonder what any of these local charities in my county thinks of this?

But nope...you have heard the truth from the great omnipotent Mac...nothing "we" do matters. It is futile. Nothing will ever change. All these people are wrong. We just haven't evolved enough to care and it doesn't matter to the world if he does anything because "we" aren't. But he will do something later because then he isn't part of the problem, but "we" still are.

This is called denile. Mix it with a helping of pessimism, anger, depression, futility and violence and you have the common symptoms associated with rampant and ongoing drug use. Mac has stated previously what his mother thinks of his drug use. He has also stated what his ex-gf thinks of it (the primary reason she is an ex according to her). But again...they both are wrong. Mac doesn't have a problem and I'm an ass for even insinuating it. Of course he doesn't. Everyone can clearly see that the real problem is us. It is our views that are distorted.

I understand these symptoms because they were me 24 yrs ago. Twenty-four years of active recovery and I have yet to be wrong when my spidey sense tingles...and it always tingles when I come across a person who is like this. I get it...I understand it...because it was me.

This is not meant to be a comdemnation or a criticism of Mac (I know what his immediate response will be because that is how I felt), but this response is meant to be a clarification to those following this thread trying to piece together what is happening here. Mac, I believe, is a good person. I believe he cares. Alot. I believe he is saying these things to "protect" himself from the shit that is happening around him. He believes them, because not to opens himself up to other hurts. When people fuck you over enough...this is what happens. You retreat inward, seeking solice in the one thing that you think you have control over...but in reality, you don't. So when you see this in a friend you know, and you will....remember what I am saying here...one person can make a difference. One person made a difference in my life.

I saved THIS one for last...

Please. You don't really know much about me so you can stop prying into my personal life and there's no need to start blurting speculations out to try and make me look like a zoned-out heroin addict. If you REALLY disagree THAT much with what I'm saying, you aren't obligated to read, let alone comment. For the sake of making things clear, however, I will answer this post.

1st off: I've never taken anything away from amazing organisations like this. I'd throw Amnesty International and Greenpeace in there too (well, I guess they fall in your top 120). In fact, I'm saying more people should be helping out. MORE PEOPLE SHOULD BE HELPING OUT. Not: "These organisations are ridiculous and achieve nothing! They should stop 'cause they're wasting their time!"

2ndly: I never said I wasn't part of the problem. I don't know where you picked THAT up...

3rdly: Stop using my weaknesses against me. There's no need for it. You wanna' go with the lowblows? Then PM me and let it all out. That way you said what you've had to say without trying to lump people up against me or change their perspective. In the end, no one gets hurt and you've vented what needed to come out. Violent? Why? Because I punched through a door? Like that's a sign of a manic anger-ridden individual looking for nothing more than destruction? Who here can honestly say they've never blown a gasket before? I'm not much into the bible, but there's a passage in there I find truely wise... it goes:

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." John 8:7

4thly (?): I'm not sure you should use the term "drug-use" for the occasional marijuana toke. Let's be honest. Who's parents threw their arms up in celebration when they found out they were smoking cigarettes or that they occasionally toke? No, of course my mother isn't for it. Why would she be? She's my mom! Also, I'm not sure where you get your news from, but I've never had any girlfriend leave me because drugs was an issue... I think you may have me mixed up with someone else. Ultimately, call it what you want to call it, but I abuse of marijuana as much as the next guy abuses alcohol (plus I don't drink). Admittedly (and I don't know why any of this is your business, but whatever, we're all friends here!), I went through a one-month phase where smoking was on a more regular basis (for personal reasons, one of them being that my hand was broken and the only real activity available was... getting high), but things have been checked back into place rather quickly... But hey, call me a pothead if that makes you feel better and explains my crazy, ludicrous mental-rants.

Lastly: Don't pretend to know who I am because of what you've read about me on an internet page. In fact, that's possibly the worst psychological evaluation you could ever make of someone. There's this phenomena that happens when you turn your computer on. You fall into your "internet persona". Everyone has this. Me, you, her, him... we all do. We aren't liars, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that out personality skews just a little. That, added to the fact that it's exremely hard to read tone. I don't know much about your past, but I don't pretend to know who you are today. You don't know me and I don't know you. All you know is what I've posted on ONE internet site about a few subjects. That's it. Never have you conversed or had a one-on-one discussion with me to see who I really am. If you did, you wouldn't have posted what you did.

I'm glad your life was saved. Kudos to the person who helped you out and I hope you one day get to return the favor or pay it forward. Congradulations.
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I understand that people are suffering, people are suffering right here in the very town I live in. That doesn't mean people aren't doing what they should be. And no, you shouldn't be pissed off, because your anger will solve exactly NOTHING. Your anger will help ZERO people and it serves NO purpose.

Here's what you should feel instead. Motivation. Empathy. Compassion. Not anger, because anger is a toxic and mostly useless emotion that clouds your vision, delays purpose and hides truth, which is EXACTLY what your problem is.
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It wasn't meant as a lowblow, what I said. Kids or no kids, I'm sure you know better than to tell yourself "Who cares! I won't be around in 100 years anyways!" and that's all I was pointing out. I'm sure your kids would be standup achievers and not complete morons and emotional losers like I seem to be here...

MAC it's not that I don't give a shit in 100 years what I might have accomplished during my time on earth or what anyone else did....it's just that you can't worry about that every day of your life while you are here. You can only do your best to help others when and where you have the chance.
Worrying about the BIG SCALE seems to be keeping you from doing something in the HERE AND NOW.
Science has come a long way, but the fact of the matter is that our LE would be far higher were it not for corporate control of genetic modifications and, well... ]

Bullshit. Genetically modified grains have increased productivity and consequently the food supply.

[you get the jist of what I mean. In the end, a lot of what you eat isn't all that great for you (or isn't as natural as it should be). ]

Natural doesn't mean healthy. Strychnine is natural. Cobra venom is natural.

[True, we've come a long way in science and health and all, but in terms of wealthy countries... it doesn't mean its people aren't poor as shit. ]

Did you actually look at the video I sent? Poor is a relative thing. Relative to 200 years ago, hardly anyone is poor.

[And I agree. No longer do we have slaves (although I still call working for 30cents a day to be a form of slavery), but there are MANY countries who live in conditions rival to the 18th and 19th century.]

Yep, and those with sound government and free market economies are catching up. Nothing happens overnight, or all at once. And in some places, 30 cents a day isn't bad money. How much worse would those folks be with no job? It's all relative to the local economy, no the North American economy.

Cuba, btw, and China, are terrible examples (Although China is improving). The reason for their poverty is decades of communism. We can't change that for them.
I understand that people are suffering, people are suffering right here in the very town I live in. That doesn't mean people aren't doing what they should be. And no, you shouldn't be pissed off, because your anger will solve exactly NOTHING. Your anger will help ZERO people and it serves NO purpose.

Here's what you should feel instead. Motivation. Empathy. Compassion. Not anger, because anger is a toxic and mostly useless emotion that clouds your vision, delays purpose and hides truth, which is EXACTLY what your problem is.

Malcolm X used his anger and accomplished a lot. So did Martin Luther King. I use these names again and again because I feel these are great examples. Anger isn't really that bad, as long as you can channel it into something productive and positive.

MAC it's not that I don't give a shit in 100 years what I might have accomplished during my time on earth or what anyone else did....it's just that you can't worry about that every day of your life while you are here. You can only do your best to help others when and where you have the chance.
Worrying about the BIG SCALE seems to be keeping you from doing something in the HERE AND NOW.

I know, I was simply pointing out that your choice of words was very poor. I'd be shocked if anyone ever really thought "Who cares? I won't be there!". And sue me for thinking about it all the time. It's this guilt that I live with and I don't much enjoy it. However, I'd much prefer a balanced world than one where I alone feel happy and comfortable.

Yep, and those with sound government and free market economies are catching up. Nothing happens overnight, or all at once. And in some places, 30 cents a day isn't bad money. How much worse would those folks be with no job? It's all relative to the local economy, no the North American economy.

Cuba, btw, and China, are terrible examples (Although China is improving). The reason for their poverty is decades of communism. We can't change that for them.

They aren't terrible examples. China is supposed to be on its way to becoming one of the wealthiest and most powerful countries on Earth, yet the population itself is dirt poor. And have the people of China chosen to be in this mess? No. Absolutely not. Cuba's the same thing (although I find Castro's decision to raise both his middle fingers at the US to be somewhat brave and noble, he still put his people through a lot of hard times). These people shouldn't be discarded as a bad example. The fact remains that China is one of the most populated country's in the world and its people are really really poor. Then you have most of Africa (especially the western and southern regions). A lot of Eastern Europe is poor. 30 cents a day, no matter what your country's economy is, is nothing. No one can survive comfortably on 30 cents a day. Added to the fact (I know, I use that term too much) that the working conditions are usually anything but satisfactory.

And this is what I mean. Why can't we change that for them? Cuz they're another country and it doesn't concern us? As far as I know, they still inhabit the same planet and they're still human beings. If everyone got up and started putting the pieces together and realizing we have so much more potential than this, we could start working together and helping others out of the mess they're in. I don't see it as impossible. It's not.
I clearly stated that I don't know what the numbers really are. It was a hypothetical to Satindesire's comment.

And stare at a starving orphan dying of AIDS and tell me that I have no reason to be pissed off. Take a look into the world of Human Trafficking and tell me that the world really isn't that bad. Sure, America and parts of Europe are free from the huge wreck we're in, but that doesn't mean that this is how it goes everywhere. The FACTS are that most countries are empoverished and its people suffering. In fact, look no further than Cuba.

It wasn't meant as a lowblow, what I said. Kids or no kids, I'm sure you know better than to tell yourself "Who cares! I won't be around in 100 years anyways!" and that's all I was pointing out. I'm sure your kids would be standup achievers and not complete morons and emotional losers like I seem to be here...

Knotted up my boxers?? lolll I'm writing that one down :D. I checked out your video and it reminds me a lot of the article satindesire gave me. The only problem with this graphic is that although many countries are much more prosperous than ever, their wealth is split in two. You've got a select few who are extremely rich and the rest of the country wallowing in poverty (China is a perfect example of this). Life expectancy has climbed in large part due to hygiene. Science has come a long way, but the fact of the matter is that our LE would be far higher were it not for corporate control of genetic modifications and, well... you get the jist of what I mean. In the end, a lot of what you eat isn't all that great for you (or isn't as natural as it should be). True, we've come a long way in science and health and all, but in terms of wealthy countries... it doesn't mean its people aren't poor as shit.

And I agree. No longer do we have slaves (although I still call working for 30cents a day to be a form of slavery), but there are MANY countries who live in conditions rival to the 18th and 19th century.

Possibly. I'm sure I'll feel better about myself. I'm not sure I'll feel better about the rest of the world.

I saved THIS one for last...

Please. You don't really know much about me so you can stop prying into my personal life and there's no need to start blurting speculations out to try and make me look like a zoned-out heroin addict. If you REALLY disagree THAT much with what I'm saying, you aren't obligated to read, let alone comment. For the sake of making things clear, however, I will answer this post.

1st off: I've never taken anything away from amazing organisations like this. I'd throw Amnesty International and Greenpeace in there too (well, I guess they fall in your top 120). In fact, I'm saying more people should be helping out. MORE PEOPLE SHOULD BE HELPING OUT. Not: "These organisations are ridiculous and achieve nothing! They should stop 'cause they're wasting their time!"

2ndly: I never said I wasn't part of the problem. I don't know where you picked THAT up...

3rdly: Stop using my weaknesses against me. There's no need for it. You wanna' go with the lowblows? Then PM me and let it all out. That way you said what you've had to say without trying to lump people up against me or change their perspective. In the end, no one gets hurt and you've vented what needed to come out. Violent? Why? Because I punched through a door? Like that's a sign of a manic anger-ridden individual looking for nothing more than destruction? Who here can honestly say they've never blown a gasket before? I'm not much into the bible, but there's a passage in there I find truely wise... it goes:

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." John 8:7

4thly (?): I'm not sure you should use the term "drug-use" for the occasional marijuana toke. Let's be honest. Who's parents threw their arms up in celebration when they found out they were smoking cigarettes or that they occasionally toke? No, of course my mother isn't for it. Why would she be? She's my mom! Also, I'm not sure where you get your news from, but I've never had any girlfriend leave me because drugs was an issue... I think you may have me mixed up with someone else. Ultimately, call it what you want to call it, but I abuse of marijuana as much as the next guy abuses alcohol (plus I don't drink). Admittedly (and I don't know why any of this is your business, but whatever, we're all friends here!), I went through a one-month phase where smoking was on a more regular basis (for personal reasons, one of them being that my hand was broken and the only real activity available was... getting high), but things have been checked back into place rather quickly... But hey, call me a pothead if that makes you feel better and explains my crazy, ludicrous mental-rants.

Lastly: Don't pretend to know who I am because of what you've read about me on an internet page. In fact, that's possibly the worst psychological evaluation you could ever make of someone. There's this phenomena that happens when you turn your computer on. You fall into your "internet persona". Everyone has this. Me, you, her, him... we all do. We aren't liars, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that out personality skews just a little. That, added to the fact that it's exremely hard to read tone. I don't know much about your past, but I don't pretend to know who you are today. You don't know me and I don't know you. All you know is what I've posted on ONE internet site about a few subjects. That's it. Never have you conversed or had a one-on-one discussion with me to see who I really am. If you did, you wouldn't have posted what you did.

I'm glad your life was saved. Kudos to the person who helped you out and I hope you one day get to return the favor or pay it forward. Congradulations.

no anger in this post ;) Facts are facts. Convince others all you want. No one cares Mac....remember?
Malcolm X used his anger and accomplished a lot. So did Martin Luther King. I use these names again and again because I feel these are great examples. Anger isn't really that bad, as long as you can channel it into something productive and positive.

And that's exactly what you're not doing. Hence, your anger IS bad.
no anger in this post ;) Facts are facts. Convince others all you want. No one cares Mac....remember?

I'm not too sure I understand what point you're trying to proove.

And that's exactly what you're not doing. Hence, your anger IS bad.

My anger IS bad, but everyone starts somewhere. My anger isn't positive, but the message I'm trying to get across shouldn't be ignored because my delivery isn't up to par with what people would like it to be.
If you want to be angry then you can be angry all you want. Your anger isn't going to get you the results you want however. You won't want to do anything to help unless other people join in because you feel you can't do it alone. Maybe if you started other people would too. All it takes is one person to get the ball rolling.
Maybe if you started other people would too. All it takes is one person to get the ball rolling.

If that were true, we wouldn't be in this mess. If everyone joined in, then I wouldn't even be here and would never think twice about helping. Maybe I might inspire one or two people to do it, but never a population.
If that were true, we wouldn't be in this mess. If everyone joined in, then I wouldn't even be here and would never think twice about helping. Maybe I might inspire one or two people to do it, but never a population.

So what's the solution?

You sit around while waiting for everyone else to mobilise?
If that were true, we wouldn't be in this mess. If everyone joined in, then I wouldn't even be here and would never think twice about helping. Maybe I might inspire one or two people to do it, but never a population.

You shouldn't have to think twice about helping. If you want to help then help. If you don't then don't but don't use other people as an excuse not to.

Inspiring just one person to take time out of their day and help someone less fortunate then them is still something to be proud of.