Who Won in the 7th Annual Awards for Poetry?

My Erotic Trail said:

Thanks eve

and 'all the poets' nominated and not. I think we have all taught, supported and read each others works. To say one is more influencial than another is mere numbers for it is the whole, that moved this forum with poetry in 2005. The readers, the critics, the supportive, the harsh, the postings, the submissions, the poets, the poems, the people, the threads and the community. Being a part of the lit poetry circle, is influencial in itself. As much as I want to thank you all ... I want to congratulate each and every one for being influencial to me.

bows (~_~) humble
<grin> (now the work out)

and I think Angeline said this very well, I agree...

Angeline said:
Everyone who won (uh including me) and everyone who was nominated and everyone who submits poems and posts on this forum should feel good about the fact that there are places like this where we can gather and write and learn together. Some take it more seriously than others. Some take it way too seriously, but I said this in the awards forum and I'll say it here: it's about the writing folks, not the awards. Always the writing.

Congrats, Angeline, Cloudy, Charley, and Neonurotic~
I think it has been said a few times but, we all (everyone) have been influencial, encouraging, inspirational and supportive here at Lit. I thank every one for their support, kindness, lessons and of course reads. I think we can all agree that I recieved this award for being encouraging and commenting on poetry in an inspirational way rather than for my 'intellectual' poetry. I always said that "I do not try to win any popularity contests," so if I stepped on a few toes along the way, I will apologize now. For I have a warrior heart and a poetic soul and found my self here by chance and I enjoy each and every one's poetry. Even those I do not understand <grin...thanks to every one for being a part of this community and sharing their thoughts, words and poetry. I hope every one has a Quality year in 2006.

Thanks ... Art~
Back from Texas, trying to catch up....I got lost trying to read through this thread and gave up... so I will just leave my mark at this mile...

Congratulations to all who were selected!

I hope that nothing that flies around here chips anything away from the happy glow of recognition.

:rose: .......... :rose: .......... .......... :rose:

.......... :rose: .......... .......... .......... :rose: .......... .......... .......... :rose: .......... ..........

:rose: .......... :rose: .......... :rose: .......... ..........
WickedEve said:
The votes were low this year. Only 35 for Met. I know he has at least 35 poets who adore him. That's always been obvious. So it doesn't seem that anyone voted twice. Or if they did, their votes were removed.
Why do we go through this every year? During nominations, it's all that bickering about who is nominated and who isn't and who should be off or on the list. Then when it's all over, we have what's happening now to look forward to. Like Liar said, it's just a poll. You get your name displayed on some page, and you get a pen. I got a pen last year. Maybe it's paper this year. Who knows. I think it's nice of Laurel to do this in the first place. I'm sure she rolls her eyes at all the fuss.
I'm rolling MY eyes.
Duh, the reason the votes were low last year was you has too sign in as somebody.

My guess would be close to eleven people, 35 names. Humorless bunch, cowardly also. Check Votes to Comments.

MIP's Poetic Moment No Description.
2.44 9 88 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/10/06
Public Comments: 1 Moderate Public Comments

MIP- if then zen No Description.
2.50 14 109 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/03/06
Public Comments: 2 Moderate Public Comments

MIP~Little Pig No Description.
2.08 12 100 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/04/06
Public Comments: 2 Moderate Public Comments

My crayon box has many colors No Description.
2.23 13 146 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/03/06
Public Comments: 1 Moderate Public Comments

Eleven or twelve zombie voters. I get an H you get an H Hee-haw.
Circumstanial evidence is pretty good some serious fudging has been going on.
My guess is this is one reason the Top List has been so crowded out.
MyNecroticSnail said:
I'm rolling MY eyes.
Duh, the reason the votes were low last year was you has too sign in as somebody.

My guess would be close to eleven people, 35 names. Humorless bunch, cowardly also. Check Votes to Comments.

MIP's Poetic Moment No Description.
2.44 9 88 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/10/06
Public Comments: 1 Moderate Public Comments

MIP- if then zen No Description.
2.50 14 109 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/03/06
Public Comments: 2 Moderate Public Comments

MIP~Little Pig No Description.
2.08 12 100 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/04/06
Public Comments: 2 Moderate Public Comments

My crayon box has many colors No Description.
2.23 13 146 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/03/06
Public Comments: 1 Moderate Public Comments

Eleven or twelve zombie voters. I get an H you get an H Hee-haw.
Circumstanial evidence is pretty good some serious fudging has been going on.
My guess is this is one reason the Top List has been so crowded out.

Fool of April...your point is?

you call voters cowards yet look at your self <bigrin'
I can honestly say I have not read nor voted on your stuff. Perhaps they were grading your tastless charactor and cowardly alt? Your obviously not balanced well behind your irisis's, so I ignore you. If you have something to say, just say it, don't be a'skeared <grin

there were three members that openly stated they voted low on the top list and stated their reasons (not to get into all that) their fudging was suppose to change the ratings of the top list (in some way) (did you miss all that?) so, once again, what are you implying? Or are you just boasting/posting <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
Fool of April...your point is?

you call voters cowards yet look at your self <bigrin'
I can honestly say I have not read nor voted on your stuff. Perhaps they were grading your tastless charactor and cowardly alt? Your obviously not balanced well behind your irisis's, so I ignore you. If you have something to say, just say it, don't be a'skeared <grin

there were three members that openly stated they voted low on the top list and stated their reasons (not to get into all that) their fudging was suppose to change the ratings of the top list (in some way) (did you miss all that?) so, once again, what are you implying? Or are you just boasting/posting <grin
Myabe, perhaps they are just zombies. Omm, poetic moments, must eat some brains.

Why don't you get your thin chicken hide up in the Poetry Discussion Circle?

Maybe some real poets will get out the rubber gloves. If your lucky both Senna Jawa and TaraBlackwood22 will both join in. They can't agree on anything, so at least one will be on your side.

I'm sure all your Ack-O-Lites will show up to tell, but not show the rest of us why, right teach? Really on the 5th post someone nominates you because you're a great teacher - Reality check here.

Tell me about the book deal, who's the pub?
MyNecroticSnail said:
I'm rolling MY eyes.
Duh, the reason the votes were low last year was you has too sign in as somebody.

My guess would be close to eleven people, 35 names. Humorless bunch, cowardly also. Check Votes to Comments.

MIP's Poetic Moment No Description.
2.44 9 88 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/10/06
Public Comments: 1 Moderate Public Comments

MIP- if then zen No Description.
2.50 14 109 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/03/06
Public Comments: 2 Moderate Public Comments

MIP~Little Pig No Description.
2.08 12 100 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/04/06
Public Comments: 2 Moderate Public Comments

My crayon box has many colors No Description.
2.23 13 146 Non-Erotic Poetry (English) 04/03/06
Public Comments: 1 Moderate Public Comments

Eleven or twelve zombie voters. I get an H you get an H Hee-haw.
Circumstanial evidence is pretty good some serious fudging has been going on.
My guess is this is one reason the Top List has been so crowded out.
12, what is bothering you? Are the MIP poems yours?
I just looked at the top list. It's changed a lot since I looked a couple of months ago. Looks like some different names and poems, which is good, right?
MyNecroticSnail said:
Myabe, perhaps they are just zombies. Omm, poetic moments, must eat some brains.

Why don't you get your thin chicken hide up in the Poetry Discussion Circle?

Maybe some real poets will get out the rubber gloves. If your lucky both Senna Jawa and TaraBlackwood22 will both join in. They can't agree on anything, so at least one will be on your side.

I'm sure all your Ack-O-Lites will show up to tell, but not show the rest of us why, right teach? Really on the 5th post someone nominates you because you're a great teacher - Reality check here.

Tell me about the book deal, who's the pub?

you didn't address the question, then you spin off into some other things that bother you? And said them in a bitter and jealous way. Remaining anonamouse as you speak with the knowledge only aquired by being a part of this forum last year, as... another? <grin so, its obvious you have a sore toe and doing the dance of anger and your words are mere swet off your brow rather than searching to ammend your wound. Have a quality day in your peculiar play.
WickedEve said:
12, what is bothering you? Are the MIP poems yours?
I just looked at the top list. It's changed a lot since I looked a couple of months ago. Looks like some different names and poems, which is good, right?
If you are refering to twelveoone here, Thank you, but wrong O' Eve of dimmness. The MIP poems are mine. What does bother me is what I see as a crass manipulation of the system by a bunch of po's, jerkin themselves off to the tune of "poetic moments" and celebrating simplistic over intelligence.
The score I received looks about right, but most of the H's I see don't deserve much more than it, if that.

I will be quite happy to furnish you with a list of names clustered (and arrival dates) around certain H accumulators that I ran across when I "5" bombed 71 people on 4/1. (No complaints, 10 thank yous.)
MyNecroticSnail said:
If you are refering to twelveoone here, Thank you, but wrong O' Eve of dimmness. The MIP poems are mine. What does bother me is what I see as a crass manipulation of the system by a bunch of po's, jerkin themselves off to the tune of "poetic moments" and celebrating simplistic over intelligence.
The score I received looks about right, but most of the H's I see don't deserve much more than it, if that.

I will be quite happy to furnish you with a list of names clustered (and arrival dates) around certain H accumulators that I ran across when I "5" bombed 71 people on 4/1. (No complaints, 10 thank yous.)
I must be dim. I really thought you were 1201. Hmm... there are two of you. Well, I'll be.
Yeah, sure. Furnish away. :) Be as detailed as possible.
My Erotic Trail said:
you didn't address the question, then you spin off into some other things that bother you? And said them in a bitter and jealous way. Remaining anonamouse as you speak with the knowledge only aquired by being a part of this forum last year, as... another? <grin so, its obvious you have a sore toe and doing the dance of anger and your words are mere swet off your brow rather than searching to ammend your wound. Have a quality day in your peculiar play.

I've never see you answering anything, just mouthing off, diverting. Either get your thin chicken hide up in the poetry discussion circle or get your zombies to explain why you win over three others that are published extensively elsewhere.Oh excuse me 4 of the contenders made it to the PDC. Neo didn't , but we don't have to suffer his preachiments. People prefer simplistic, my ass.
I repeat:
get your thin chicken hide up in the poetry discussion circle or get your zombies to explain why you win over three others that are published extensively elsewhere.
MyNecroticSnail said:
get your thin chicken hide up in the poetry discussion circle or get your zombies to explain why you win over three others that are published extensively elsewhere.
I explained this a few posts up. It's embarrasingly simple. Read it, if you really don't understand. But I think you do and just want an excuse to bitch, for some reason or the other.
Liar said:
I explained this a few posts up. It's embarrasingly simple. Read it, if you really don't understand. But I think you do and just want an excuse to bitch, for some reason or the other.


As usual, I think you're right. Sounds like sour grapes to me.
I'm just baffled people seem to give a toss. It's just a poll fer chrissake.
WickedEve said:
What happened to the rant? :catroar:

I give up.

"Man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." Paul Simon

on the swim team,
coach B would give out sets
to the fastest lanes
custom made for distance or speed
then he would say
"the rest of you..."
and give us our workout.

I remain, "the rest"
Liar said:
I explained this a few posts up. It's embarrasingly simple. Read it, if you really don't understand. But I think you do and just want an excuse to bitch, for some reason or the other.
I read it and ignored it. And cloudy yes this is "grapes", not sour on my part. More like sour reasoning on some of the voters. Maybe one of you two can show to me why tell/tale/trail's poetry is better let alone should have more influence than three others who are published extensively elsewhere. My guess, you can't.
What don't you understand?
Wrap the yellow tape around it, some kind of crime took place. I'm just looking at the evidence.
MyNecroticSnail said:
I read it and ignored it. And cloudy yes this is "grapes", not sour on my part. More like sour reasoning on some of the voters. Maybe one of you two can show to me why tell/tale/trail's poetry is better let alone should have more influence than three others who are published extensively elsewhere. My guess, you can't.
What don't you understand?
Wrap the yellow tape around it, some kind of crime took place. I'm just looking at the evidence.

Why do you care? What do you get out of this? If it's not sour grapes, why can't you let it go? It is patently obvious to me who you're an alt for because your issues and the way you construct your responses are exactly the same as that person's.

What is your purppose for doing this? Do you think you're going to make anyone "see the light"? You're not. You'd be better off writing a poem.

The best-written poems rarely win contests here outside of the ones done on this forum. That is because, as Liar says, people vote for their friends. Are some votes alts? Of course they are. Everyone knows that. Do you think getting anyone to admit that will change anything?

I don't have anything else to say on this subject so don't come back and demand I prove anything to you. I couldn't even if I wanted to and anyway I don't. Being "extensively published" outside of here has no bearing on this contest--and in any case could mean a person writes good poetry or not. And that also has no bearing on anything because people vote for the person they like, whose poems or posts here they like best. That may or may not have anything to do with good poetry.

The only thing you're accomplishing is making people uncomfortable and who here deserves that? Is it going to make them write better poems? It's just a contest. Get over it.
MyNecroticSnail said:
I read it and ignored it.
That explains a lot. You don't want to hear the truth, you just want to have an excuse to bitch like a little baby.

Nevertheless, I will try, one more time...
And cloudy yes this is "grapes", not sour on my part. More like sour reasoning on some of the voters. Maybe one of you two can show to me why tell/tale/trail's poetry is better let alone should have more influence than three others who are published extensively elsewhere. My guess, you can't.
What don't you understand.
I can't tell you why it's better. Because in my opinion, it's not. I find his poems sometimes really good, but not consistently so. Any way, that's irrelevant. It's not Most Influental Collection Of Poetry, but Most Influental Poet. Which many voters have intepretetd as Most Influental Person In The Poetry Community. M.E.T's activities in the community have affected lot of people, if you've been around here before, you'll know that. If it's quality influence or not is irrelevant.

Are the others better poets? Maybe, maybe not. Once more, with feeling, in bold, blue letters: That is irrellevant! The category was "Most Influental Poet" NOT "Best Poet". It's not the same thing. Get it?

Now, get over it and grow a spine, whoever you are.
Last edited:
saldne said:
What's even more funny is that 1/2 of you are upset with the person who has the most kindness here on the poetry forum, My Erotic Trail. Y'all could probably learn something from the guy. I don't know how he sticks around putting up with this shit but more power to him. Tough guy, keep up the good work.
You can't mean n this thrtead, right? Because the only ppl whining here that I can see are Senna and Snail (almost a cool band name ;) )

Or do you mean prior to now? In the past, there have been reasons to be upset. Long since resolved though, as far as I'm concerned. And any which way, that's irrelevant on this thread.

Kudos to the winners. :rose:

U R All
saldne said:
This thread was fun to read. There are some of you that are SO jealous, it's almost funny.

*moving on to better things*

dear Sal--

some folks might very well BE jealous, while others are mischevious, some lack tact ( points to self) and some are just friggin mean.

I admire anyone who sticks it out and does so little to instigate and I am disappointed on those who DO the instigating. I thought this site was for 18 years and up, but I know preschoolers with more class than some on this site lately. Since at times I fit into the classless group, I apologize for my rant much earlier in this thread where I was sarcastic and REMISS in congratulating the winners and everyone involved with writing this past year. so, Congrats to everyone who entered, wrote read reviewed or changed the "channel". Good luck in the upcoming year. :)

Personally, I thought Memory Like GLass was one of the best Angeline has EVER written and very much deserved to win. Some categories I didnt even vote because I was less than impressed with the offered choices.

THats just the point---CHOICE, freedom of speech and freedom to read or not read and to like or not like. There is no reason to KEEP ON AND ON AND ON ad nauseum abut the contest, it breeds disharmony and drives away the people who make this place what it used to be...USED TO BE!!! :(

I came back to claim my wrong cast at this thread, which I have treid to do, and to apologize for my rudemess.

be kind to each other and smile!!
