Who Won in the 7th Annual Awards for Poetry?

Liar said:
You can't mean this thread, right? Because the only ppl whining here that I can see are Senna and Snail
Liar is an unfair pig toward me again. What's your problem Liar? I irritate you? So what?

First of all, MyNecroticSnail should be totally ignored. This kind of anonymous posting can destroy any forum, and fast. A lesser solution than ignoring would be an intervention from the moderators. I am afraid though that if more individuals start this kind of shady business the forum will be doomed. Any views are fine. It's the way one proceeds that can be harmful. Thus please, simply ignore MyNecroticSnail. That's the best one can do in such a situation.

Now, about my posts in this thread. I consider this forum to be a poetic forum, and not a false sisterhood & brotherhood society or Good Scouts Organization. Thus in my opinion, when one congratulates someone on the account of a poem, it should mean that one likes the poem. Otherwise this forum is turned into something meaningless. If a poem in question is in your opinion poor then your congratulations are misplaced, phoney. Instead of congratulating an mass, you should rather read each poem and then make up your mind about congratulating. (What is so important about congratulating when it is phoney?)

It so happened, that the first category of the winning poems on the list were the "erotic poems". All I said was that the two poems that won were very bad, had no poetic value whatsoever. Thus it made no sense for me to congratulate the winner and the runner up in the "erotic poem" category--that's all. In my opinion it didn't make sense for anybody, but if you liked these poems, then sure, fine.

In the case of the "most influential award" I simply asked a question (especially that to me "My Erotic Tail" is still a relatively new participant on Literotica). That's all. I was hoping to read answers like: MET showed me how to use light and colors in poetry; or how to avoid cheap metaphors, etc. I didn't see any answers like this.

So once again, several of you had to pour your diarrhea onto the screen. So be it.
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Maria2394 said:
dear Sal--

some folks might very well BE jealous, while others are mischevious, some lack tact ( points to self) and some are just friggin mean.

I admire anyone who sticks it out and does so little to instigate and I am disappointed on those who DO the instigating. I thought this site was for 18 years and up, but I know preschoolers with more class than some on this site lately. Since at times I fit into the classless group, I apologize for my rant much earlier in this thread where I was sarcastic and REMISS in congratulating the winners and everyone involved with writing this past year. so, Congrats to everyone who entered, wrote read reviewed or changed the "channel". Good luck in the upcoming year. :)

Personally, I thought Memory Like GLass was one of the best Angeline has EVER written and very much deserved to win. Some categories I didnt even vote because I was less than impressed with the offered choices.

THats just the point---CHOICE, freedom of speech and freedom to read or not read and to like or not like. There is no reason to KEEP ON AND ON AND ON ad nauseum abut the contest, it breeds disharmony and drives away the people who make this place what it used to be...USED TO BE!!! :(

I came back to claim my wrong cast at this thread, which I have treid to do, and to apologize for my rudemess.

be kind to each other and smile!!


maria, you're a sweetheart. I'm flattered by what you say about my poem. I thought of all the poems I submitted here in 2005 that might be nominated in that category, Winter Harbor was my best. Maybe it was just my favorite. In any case, I was also flattered to be nominated and then to win. There are others here (like you, for example) who I know wrote nonerotic poems as good or better than Memory Like Glass, which is why I keep the contest in perspective.

And most influential is a hard category to call because some people define it by poems, some by influence on the forum. Art has written some excellent poems this year and there's no question that he has been very influential for many here as were other poets--both those nominated and those not. It was a good contest and there were a lot of votes. I'm glad there are 80-some people here who care enough about poetry to vote! And it wasn't without its competition. Neo almost beat Art. I, for one, was thrilled to see Neo get those votes because he has been very influential on the forum for years--particularly in the area of illustrated poetry at which he excels. He's also a modest guy who is helpful and kind to everyone here without exception. There's a lot to be said for that. And I'm happy for Art. He had been a very positive influence on many people here and they voted for him. As I told him privately there are people writing poems here now who would not have felt free to do so were it not for his encouragement. That, in itself, is win-worthy imo.

Bottom line for me though is that each of us has gotten something good out of being here. That--and the fact that we do write and help each other--is really all that matters. Why anyone has trouble understanding that and just getting on with their poetic lives is beyond me. Also, it's good to be gracious. Builds character. :D

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Senna Jawa said:
Liar is an unfair pig toward me again. What's your problem Liar? I irritate you? So what?

Wait. The system somehow sent this when I was just starting. I'll post my comment in a few.

I don't think he recognizes that you're opining, not whining. Some people really dislike your opining as you know. I'm not one of them, but I'm in the minority on that.

I usually agree with your opinions about my poems. I don't always like hearing them, lol, but I try to learn from what you have to say.
Senna Jawa said:
Liar is an unfair pig toward me again.
What was that thing about personal attacks again?

Two people have posted dissenting and inflammatory remarks questioning the talent/quaity/credentials/whatever of the contest winners. You and the Snail character.

(Who, as you pointed out, should be mostly ignored, the whole reason for that alt's existance seems to be a childish personal attack that really does nothing but embarrass himself. But that's irrelevant in this argument.)

You don't like the winning poems and poet? Fine. How does that give you the right to invalidate other people's taste and choices? Agressively and offensively so, none the less. At the end of an election, it's good courtsey to congratlate the winner, even if you disagree. You don't like poetically pointless and cuddly congratulations-threads? Fine. Then I suggest you don't particiate in them. It's disrepectful to the thread starters, if nothing else.


Yes, Angeline, he's opining. A nice semantic volley, there. So am I. And you. And saldne. And when it comes down to it, so is Snail.
Liar said:
What was that thing about personal attacks again?

Two people have posted dissenting and inflammatory remarks questioning the talent/quaity/credentials/whatever of the contest winners. You and the Snail character.

(Who, as you pointed out, should be mostly ignored, the whole reason for that alt's existance seems to be a childish personal attack that really does nothing but embarrass himself. But that's irrelevant in this argument.)

You don't like the winning poems and poet? Fine. How does that give you the right to invalidate other people's taste and choices? Agressively and offensively so, none the less. At the end of an election, it's good courtsey to congratlate the winner, even if you disagree. You don't like poetically pointless and cuddly congratulations-threads? Fine. Then I suggest you don't particiate in them. It's disrepectful to the thread starters, if nothing else.


Yes, Angeline, he's opining. A nice semantic volley, there. So am I. And you. And saldne. And when it comes down to it, so is Snail.

You're right. :)
With all this drama and bickering about the contests and winners, I'm kinda glad I didn't win. :)
Liar said:
What was that thing about personal attacks again?
Oh, don't be stupid.

Two people have posted dissenting and inflammatory remarks questioning the talent/quaity/credentials/whatever of the contest winners. You and the Snail character.
Not true. I've written only about two poems, that's all. And I also don't see what is so important about making phoney congratulations, when you admitted yourself that you don't value one or both of the two poems which I have addressed. Otherwise I didn't write anything about "talent/quaity/credentials/whatever of the contest winners". Zero. Zelch. You act dishonestly.

(Who, as you pointed out, should be mostly ignored, the whole reason for that alt's existance seems to be a childish personal attack that really does nothing but embarrass himself. But that's irrelevant in this argument.)
No, I have written that MyNecroticSnail should be ignored totally. And yes, all this is relevant to this thread, because you are using the appearance of MyNecroticSnail to abuse me. These are ugly rhetorical methods. Somehow you don't feel ashamed.

You don't like the winning poems and poet? Fine.
You're continuing your dishonest act. I have never written anything about disliking the winning poet.
How does that give you the right to invalidate other people's taste and choices?
Wrong again, but this time it's a bit more subtle. If you said: I like this poem and I congratulate the winner for such a fine poem, I would have no problem with this. But you have admitted to congratulating the winner without attaching much value to his/her poem.

You can see from this thread that I am ignoring some people who due to the lack of any merit to their posts do not deserve any attention. I am still answering your posts because I still hope that you just have an abberation when it comes to me, that perhaps otherwise you make some sense and are not such a bad person with weak character. I am losing this hope. I guess I'll have to ignore you and your unfair toward me, dishonest ways. Perhaps you don't care anyway, so it's all the same, doesn't matter.
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Angeline said:
You're right. :)
You lost the focus. The point was that Liar was dishonest when he wrote that I was supposedly "whining". (He was joining the other idiotic posts which claimed that I was suppossedly "envious". That's how certain atmosphere is created, very friendly indeed, oh how friendly).
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Senna Jawa said:
Oh, don't be stupid.
By all means. Did you have a point there? Or did you just wish to smear charachter?

Not true. I've written only about two poems, that's all.
Where did I say that YOU went after ALL the winners?

And I also don't see what is so important about making phoney congratulations, when you admitted yourself that you don't value one or both of the two poems which I have addressed.
Not important. Never said it was imoirtant. Just said that that was the purpose of the thread.

And, since you're trying youir best to ram the label 'dishonest' down my throat, please don't lie about what I've said and not in this thread. I have not expressed either my like or dislike of the poems you mentioned (Cloudy's and Neo's).

No, I have written that MyNecroticSnail should be ignored totally.
Mea fucking culpa for adding and expressing my opinion.

And yes, all this is relevant to this thread, because you are using the appearance of MyNecroticSnail to abuse me.
Yes, I'm evil, and I like to abuse you. Happy now?

These are ugly rhetorical methods. Somehow you don't feel ashamed.
That's because I'm evil and I like to abuse you.

You're continuing your dishonest act. I have never written anything about disliking the winning poet.
You're quick to cry dishonesty at the top of your lungs. This was sloppiness. Combing the thread, it seems I mistook one of Snail's posts where he attacks the only winning poeT (M.E.T) for yours. My mistake, but your style and attitude choices here are easy to mix up.

Wrong again, but this time it's a bit more subtle. If you said: I like this poem and I congratulate the winner for such a fine poem, I would have no problem with this. But you have admitted to congratulating the winner without attaching much value to his/her poem.
This is correct. So?

You can see from this thread that I am ignoring some people who due to the lack of any merit to their posts do not deserve any attention. I am still answering your posts because I still hope that you just have an abberation when it comes to me, that perhaps otherwise you make some sense and are not such a bad person with weak character. I am losing this hope.
Yep, there it is. The reasonable and non personal, clean, honest and fair debate. I use ugly rhetorics? Mhm. K.

I guess I'll have to ignore you and your unfair toward me, dishonest ways. Perhaps you don't care anyway, so it's all the same, doesn't matter.
Perhaps so, I have constructive things to do with my time.

My last post about this. Feel free to twist it into me being evil and dishonest once again.
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Senna Jawa said:
You lost the focus. The point was that Liar was dishonest when he wrote that I was supposedly "whining". (He was joining the other idiotic posts which claimed that I was suppossedly "envious". That's how certain atmosphere is created, very friendly indeed, oh how friendly).

you've managed to add hypocrisy and disrespect to women to the growing list of character flaws you don't seem averse to displaying. and in the past few days you've also somehow managed to make me feel a bit embarrassed to be the same gender as you. i like being a man, so that took some doing.
Senna Jawa said:
Liar is an unfair pig toward me again. What's your problem Liar? I irritate you? So what?

First of all, MyNecroticSnail should be totally ignored. This kind of anonymous posting can destroy any forum, and fast. A lesser solution than ignoring would be an intervention from the moderators. I am afraid though that if more individuals start this kind of shady business the forum will be doomed. Any views are fine. It's the way one proceeds that can be harmful. Thus please, simply ignore MyNecroticSnail. That's the best one can do in such a situation.

Now, about my posts in this thread. I consider this forum to be a poetic forum, and not a false sisterhood & brotherhood society or Good Scouts Organization. Thus in my opinion, when one congratulates someone on the account of a poem, it should mean that one likes the poem. Otherwise this forum is turned into something meaningless. If a poem in question is in your opinion poor then your congratulations are misplaced, phoney. Instead of congratulating an mass, you should rather read each poem and then make up your mind about congratulating. (What is so important about congratulating when it is phoney?)

It so happened, that the first category of the winning poems on the list were the "erotic poems". All I said was that the two poems that won were very bad, had no poetic value whatsoever. Thus it made no sense for me to congratulate the winner and the runner up in the "erotic poem" category--that's all. In my opinion it didn't make sense for anybody, but if you liked these poems, then sure, fine.

In the case of the "most influential award" I simply asked a question (especially that to me "My Erotic Tail" is still a relatively new participant on Literotica). That's all. I was hoping to read answers like: MET showed me how to use light and colors in poetry; or how to avoid cheap metaphors, etc. I didn't see any answers like this.

So once again, several of you had to pour your diarrhea onto the screen. So be it.

Really I should be ignored, because people think I am twelveoone. Interesting. Interesting we have some one come on that has multiple personalities, tell me I suck. One vote maybe for each personality.
I am asking the same question, someone nominates the tell/tale/trail because he is a great teacher, sets up a red flag. I see a thread "Simpliistic vs intelligence". I see unsual clusters in voting, a sameness in the comments. I question the validity.
A whining "that's just an opinion" when in reference to a poem, but then an opinion voiced over motivaton.
Easy enough to ascribe supposed motivations, seems quite hard to supply a reason. Why is that?

Do you think I'm a coward tell/tale/trail, when I go up up against 35 supposed voters, I think more like eleven or twelve. Still the numbers out weigh me.
Another thing to consider if I was twelveoone, these numbers are greater than he got, so why make If I were him would I make that an issue.
Do you want me to shut up salde/christineoleigh?
Do you want me to shut up senna, liar, angeline?
I know that tell/tale/trail does.

So who is the publisher of these 3 books, tell/tale/trail? And congrat's also on the MIP. Ha,ha,ha.
It's time to undo the influence.
It's going to be a long year for your hypocritical zero leavers. What are you going to do, complain, blame it on twelveoone, some other new kid on the block?
MyNecroticSnail said:
I am asking the same question, someone nominates the tell/tale/trail because he is a great teacher, sets up a red flag. I see a thread "Simpliistic vs intelligence". I see unsual clusters in voting, a sameness in the comments. I question the validity.
Why? if you're going to throw accusations around, at least give the community the credit of being concrete and specific.

I suspect he has been a good teacher in at least one aspect - by encouraging novice poets to write. I hate to sound like a broken record and bring out the word "irrelevant" again, but whether you agree with his voters about what good teching is or not, is irrelevant.

Do you want me to shut up senna, liar, angeline?
Naah. I'd want you to come out of the closet, though. Since you know the history of the tell/tale/trail (heh... 'telltale trail', now there's a handle...) and the community, you must have been here under another name. Twelveoone or not, I couldn't care less. But hiding behind a pathetic alt even named as a snide attack against one person, makes it very hard to take you seriously.
Perhaps it's time for us all to stop replying to these posts. The awards are over, so let it be over.

Liar said:
I'm just baffled people seem to give a toss. It's just a poll fer chrissake.

lol :kiss:

Well shit - I WON something!

I did not actually know until someone told me. Quite frankly didn't even know I was in the running, so did not even up my vote with my own or get any advertising. I do have a sweet voice though (vanity) and the tongue in cheek metaphoric nature of penis and lipstick was just a perfect lil' bit 'o cultural satire. I am glad I won because I want to know what the prize is this year! I am glad others won so they can know what the prize is this year, and happy that some were nominated, and I am certainly much happier that I get to read so many wonderful and diverse poets with a kinky kind of edge. :D You can't find THAT kind of explicitness in my high school poetry anthologies. :devil:

Congrats to all poets every where!

PS: to SSSarah? You plannin' on given that BJ, love? lol :catroar:

Edit: for smilie addiction :D
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MyNecroticSnail said:
Wrong Tara
This is not a community, suck circles of pathetic egos, groups of organized political factions. Call it what it is.

Maybe it is just me, but that sounds like a microcosm for the community of mankind.
Bill Dada said:
Maybe it is just me, but that sounds like a microcosm for the community of mankind.
laughs :D

“That which has been believed by everyone, always and everywhere, has every chance of being false.”

~Paul Valery