Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

I'm so happy with myself, I've only had one cup so far...,


... although, I have topped it off and rewarmed it twice.
There’s a goat farm a few miles away. Do you think they’ll mind if I shoot a few? It will probably be fine unless they’re some kind of commie Marxist pinko libtards.
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Call me a hick if you want, but I think more people should own goats. They are not only "nature's lawnmower" but are handy little friends and good watchdogs. Their droppings make even the bleached-out tan soil into topsoil over a few years' time. They are resilient little creatures that demand little from their humans.
Call me a hick if you want, but I think more people should own goats. They are not only "nature's lawnmower" but are handy little friends and good watchdogs. Their droppings make even the bleached-out tan soil into topsoil over a few years' time. They are resilient little creatures that demand little from their humans.

Our goat is low maintenance. He hangs with the horses. Good luck touching him.

I want a donkey.
You sure do not talk like a lady. You sound like another angry, bitter, Leftist metrosexual...
Yes, we get it. You don't like women who stand up for themselves. You're a bitter fat old man daydreaming about about how your life could have been.
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Man. To think that he wanted this future for himself. Mindboggling, I say.

You're like those people who think that push cart vendors dreamed of that life as they grew up.

The homeless are homeless because they want to be. MANY people are broke and desperate and still manage to find shelter and food without living homeless. MANY of the homeless have managed to overcome that obstacle and return to a productive life.

Yet despite the TRILLIONS which have been poured into combating homelessness, we still have homeless people everywhere. The reason is the same one regarding someone who smokes and them quitting; they don't want to quit.

Neither do the homeless.
You're like those people who think that push cart vendors dreamed of that life as they grew up.

The homeless are homeless because they want to be. MANY people are broke and desperate and still manage to find shelter and food without living homeless. MANY of the homeless have managed to overcome that obstacle and return to a productive life.

Yet despite the TRILLIONS which have been poured into combating homelessness, we still have homeless people everywhere. The reason is the same one regarding someone who smokes and them quitting; they don't want to quit.

Neither do the homeless.

You’re an embarrassment to all good people.
I noticed this thread has gone from reasons to own a gun to denigration of homeless people.

Can't wait until we get to Democrats and Biden.....which I'm sure will be next.