Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

Maybe I’ll shoot some horses. Krazy Kristi says that’s fun.

Horses, goats, puppies … the world is truly a target rich environment.

Serious question: How many puppies do I need to shoot to get elected in South Dakota? Do goat and horse kills count less than puppy kills?
Maybe I’ll shoot some horses. Krazy Kristi says that’s fun.

Horses, goats, puppies … the world is truly a target rich environment.

Serious question: How many puppies do I need to shoot to get elected in South Dakota? Do goat and horse kills count less than puppy kills?
If you actually shoot a puppy you get to be president. all Trump ever did was kick a kitten

Man. To think that he wanted this future for himself. Mindboggling, I say.
Many do want that lifestyle, It's called drug use and mental illness. There is plenty of help for these people but they don't want to give up their drugs and alcohol, others don't have enough brains left to seek it out. They are a major health and sanitation problem for the cities and should be taken off the streets and institutionalized until they are well enough to be released.
Many do want that lifestyle, It's called drug use and mental illness. There is plenty of help for these people but they don't want to give up their drugs and alcohol, others don't have enough brains left to seek it out. They are a major health and sanitation problem for the cities and should be taken off the streets and institutionalized until they are well enough to be released.
Forced institutionalization was ruled unconstitutional, not to mention was abused.

Aka your solution isn't viable.
Many do want that lifestyle, It's called drug use and mental illness. There is plenty of help for these people but they don't want to give up their drugs and alcohol, others don't have enough brains left to seek it out. They are a major health and sanitation problem for the cities and should be taken off the streets and institutionalized until they are well enough to be released.

Getting clean on the streets is no simple task, especially for those with mental illness and drug addiction.

Did you know that many drug treatment programs won’t take people with mental illnesses?

Did you know that many places that treat mental illnesses won’t take people with drug addiction?

What sort of programs are you requesting that will take people into custody and provide residential treatment for uninsured patients? Sounds like a sort of taxpayer funded social program, doesn’t it?
I noticed this thread has gone from reasons to own a gun to denigration of homeless people.

Can't wait until we get to Democrats and Biden.....which I'm sure will be next.
Biden, democrats, crime, and homelessness are all related.
Biden, democrats, crime, and homelessness are all related.
Was it still related when the exact same things were happening under Cheeto, which he didn't do anything about because weekend golf trips were more important?
Getting clean on the streets is no simple task, especially for those with mental illness and drug addiction.

Did you know that many drug treatment programs won’t take people with mental illnesses?

Did you know that many places that treat mental illnesses won’t take people with drug addiction?

What sort of programs are you requesting that will take people into custody and provide residential treatment for uninsured patients? Sounds like a sort of taxpayer funded social program, doesn’t it?
All of these help programs either private or public require personal discipline or the imposition of discipline. This can be almost impossible with people who are mentally ill and therefore without understanding or motivation. Many of them are unpredictable and violent and would be better off being confined in safe places and getting three square meals a day. Some can be redeemed and some will fail but we cannot let them take their failure into the public spaces that are paid for by healthy, productive, law-abiding people who are taxed to keep public places safe.
All of these help programs either private or public require personal discipline or the imposition of discipline. This can be almost impossible with people who are mentally ill and therefore without understanding or motivation. Many of them are unpredictable and violent and would be better off being confined in safe places and getting three square meals a day. Some can be redeemed and some will fail but we cannot let them take their failure into the public spaces that are paid for by healthy, productive, law-abiding people who are taxed to keep public places safe.

Are you recommending concentration camps?
Are you recommending concentration camps?
No. we need to reopen or construct more state hospitals or low level confinement institutions to house these people. the answer isn't to allow them to take down our cities and public places. Hard decisions by courageous men need to be made and acted upon.
No. we need to reopen or construct more state hospitals or low level confinement institutions to house these people. the answer isn't to allow them to take down our cities and public places. Hard decisions by courageous men need to be made and acted upon.

So you’re suggesting socialist draconian policies to mitigate symptoms while ignoring regulations and tax structure strategies that could help make housing more affordable, and ignoring investment in public education and healthcare that could help prevent homelessness in the first place. ✅
How Farming Reduces Homelessness

For example, one farming rehabilitation program in Santa Cruz, California, has had so much success that 100% of its graduates in 2019 got jobs and 78% found housing.

The program, called Homeless Garden Project, hires homeless people to work on a 3-acre organic farm for 20 hours per week for one year.

It also provides participants with a social worker and four meals per week, to ensure a successful result at the end of the program.

In addition to helping homeless people rehabilitate, farms can provide healthy nutritious food to shelters, food banks and other nonprofits.

For example, Homeless Garden Project has donated more than 6,000 pounds of produce from the farm to local non-profits, that are also combatting homelessness.

I have no problem with programs like that.
No. we need to reopen or construct more state hospitals or low level confinement institutions to house these people. the answer isn't to allow them to take down our cities and public places. Hard decisions by courageous men need to be made and acted upon.
Forced institutionalization is not an option.

Hard choices certainly should be made. That is not one of them.
Many do want that lifestyle, It's called drug use and mental illness. There is plenty of help for these people but they don't want to give up their drugs and alcohol, others don't have enough brains left to seek it out. They are a major health and sanitation problem for the cities and should be taken off the streets and institutionalized until they are well enough to be released.
Sorry, but we reject Communist "solutions" here in the USA.

Go back to your CCP handlers and come up with something else.
All of these help programs either private or public require personal discipline or the imposition of discipline. This can be almost impossible with people who are mentally ill and therefore without understanding or motivation. Many of them are unpredictable and violent and would be better off being confined in safe places and getting three square meals a day. Some can be redeemed and some will fail but we cannot let them take their failure into the public spaces that are paid for by healthy, productive, law-abiding people who are taxed to keep public places safe.
How the fuck do you know? Are you,or have you either been an addict, or homeless? Or both? If you haven't just shut the fuck up, because this is another subject with which you have zero knowledge.
No. we need to reopen or construct more state hospitals or low level confinement institutions to house these people. the answer isn't to allow them to take down our cities and public places. Hard decisions by courageous men need to be made and acted upon.

So you’re suggesting socialist draconian policies to mitigate symptoms while ignoring regulations and tax structure strategies that could help make housing more affordable, and ignoring investment in public education and healthcare that could help prevent homelessness in the first place. ✅

Take a really good look at that ^ exchange.

That exchange is the difference between the "two sides" in a nutshell.

Decide for yourself which side is more decent, sane, and reasonable.


I would only add to AB’s response:

"Right"guide doesn’t have the first clue as to the challenges, costs, and consequences of institutionalizing massive numbers of homeless individuals from varying circumstances and with varying needs.


MR’s post seems like the appropriate endnote / endpoint to the exchange:

How Farming Reduces Homelessness
I have no problem with programs like that.

That ^ is a hopeful success story.



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You continue to demonstrate your delusions.

You have issues understanding complex thinking

San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Portland are all falling apart with Homelessness, crime, and corruption. They are all victims of decades of Democrat left-wing social policies that have failed.
So the reason why every adult should carry a gun is that when they are passing a school, or a homeless shelter, and bullets are flying they can return fire. Because nothing is more American than joining in with a random shooting.