Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

The solution to homelessness in my view is to abolish all liquor and nicotine taxes, then decriminalize drugs. Let the homeless gather away from everyone else and enjoy whatever it is they have left, poor devils.

Where should they ‘gather’? Away?

Where is ‘away’?
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Nothing raises property taxes more than the rising costs of housing real estate. A house that has doubled in value has double the tax base.

Once again you prove your financial idiocy. Property is taxed at its assessed value not its value on the market.

Thus property which hasn't sold is taxed less than property which is newly sold regardless of whether the market believes the unsold home is worth more than its assessed value.

Which means the real estate market has some effect on property tax revenues to the state but when the market doubles the tax revenues don't necessarily double.

Nor does this affect the cost of living in any great way.

As in all you post, the lack of understanding of how things actually work is your downfall.
I don’t know what that is.

You supposedly have good health, but that could change today. My wife did shelter intake for a realtor earlier this week who was in a car accident two years ago. He was in an accident and received a traumatic brain injury. His medical bills piled up and he was unable to handle his business and was unable to keep up with his insurance payments. His wife left him. He’s unable to remember account numbers or appointments, so now he’s on the street.

America! Fuck yeah!

It could happen to anyone, even you, Harpy.

May your luck humble you.

That you don't know who The Morningstar is, is why you're a fuckwit. You have no depth of knowledge, no understanding, no real world acumen. Instead you drip hateful seething lies and bullshit in place of actual understanding and think you're clever for it.

Perhaps you should invest some quality time THINKING, and maybe doing a google search or 5000 so you'd actually LEARN SOMETHING, instead of proving your stupidity over and over again as if we didn't already figure it out after your first stupidity laden post.
And yet the consumer economy depends on people having disposable income. 🤔

Is this not what I said? And did I not say that if you wanted a home of your own you needed to NOT BUY INTO IT?

How many people have you ever seen who wear sports memorabilia exclusively but can't afford to own a car? Do you think that perhaps their choice in clothes gets in the way of owning a car?

Do you think that maybe those who own $100K pickup trucks might have the same lack of money problem when it comes to buying a house? Or those who upgrade to the latest and greatest smart phone every chance they get? Diamonds and pearls and gold anyone? Weed and booze?

Buy whatever the fuck you want but don't blame me or anyone else when the money left over isn't enough to buy what you desire when it comes to a place to live because you spent the rest of it on transient and selfish pleasures.
Welcome to the world of the democrat economy where the first thing they do is raise your taxes and them blame you for not making enough money to pay them.
True, and these costs get passed directly to the consumer, which means that the poor suffer more.
Once again you prove your financial idiocy. Property is taxed at its assessed value not its value on the market.

Thus property which hasn't sold is taxed less than property which is newly sold regardless of whether the market believes the unsold home is worth more than its assessed value.

Which means the real estate market has some effect on property tax revenues to the state but when the market doubles the tax revenues don't necessarily double.

Nor does this affect the cost of living in any great way.

As in all you post, the lack of understanding of how things actually work is your downfall.


Houses today cost more than they did ten years ago. The cost of living for a new home buyer will include a higher tax basis than someone who bought a similar house ten years ago.

This means that the cost of living has increased.

When a corporation buys houses for their rental inventory they can hold them in perpetuity, as you said maintaining a lower tax basis than a future homebuyer will have. The more corporate owned rentals in an area, the lower revenue state or other local municipality will have in the future which will have to be raised by higher taxes on future homebuyers.

You almost get it… if only you wanted to.

Also, a corporation can be sold without having the property in its portfolio reassessed for a higher tax basis. 😉

Houses today cost more than they did ten years ago. The cost of living for a new home buyer will include a higher tax basis than someone who bought a similar house ten years ago.

This means that the cost of living has increased.

When a corporation buys houses for their rental inventory they can hold them in perpetuity, as you said maintaining a lower tax basis than a future homebuyer will have. The more corporate owned rentals in an area, the lower revenue state or other local municipality will have in the future which will have to be raised by higher taxes on future homebuyers.

You almost get it… if only you wanted to.

Also, a corporation can be sold without having the property in its portfolio reassessed for a higher tax basis. 😉
Matlock will summarily get back to you with yet another three or four-post screed in angry retort, just as soon as Mr. Morningstar gives him another blowjob at the family brunch table. ;)
I'm in my 50s and literally have never found myself in a situation where having a firearm on me would have improved things. If you're an adult, and don't know how to avoid or de-escalate a conflict, then I have to question the competency of your upbringing.
If you're an adult, and don't know how to avoid or de-escalate a conflict, then I have to question the competency of your upbringing.
This assumes that you are dealing with rational people. Drugs and alcohol come into the mix too. A real criminal parasite does not care what you say; he will simply take your stuff and then kill you so that there are no witnesses.

Houses today cost more than they did ten years ago. The cost of living for a new home buyer will include a higher tax basis than someone who bought a similar house ten years ago.

This means that the cost of living has increased.

When a corporation buys houses for their rental inventory they can hold them in perpetuity, as you said maintaining a lower tax basis than a future homebuyer will have. The more corporate owned rentals in an area, the lower revenue state or other local municipality will have in the future which will have to be raised by higher taxes on future homebuyers.

You almost get it… if only you wanted to.

Also, a corporation can be sold without having the property in its portfolio reassessed for a higher tax basis. 😉

In the same time period earnings have increased proportionally to the cost increases. Which means that the cost of living is still basically static. the numbers are bigger but the cost/earnings equation is the same.

Unless you're telling us that Bidenomics hasn't produced the "best economy" ever.

So, one again you've only proven that financially you're an idiot.
I'm in my 50s and literally have never found myself in a situation where having a firearm on me would have improved things. If you're an adult, and don't know how to avoid or de-escalate a conflict, then I have to question the competency of your upbringing.

Staying in "safe" areas tends to lead one toward this analysis.

I, on the other hand, carry because I'm a target for people with grudges against lawyers. Which is a very real concern and for which the only logical answer is to be armed and prepared/trained for the possibility.

This means your opinion is not only limited to "best case" scenarios it's also quite wrong.
In the same time period earnings have increased proportionally to the cost increases. Which means that the cost of living is still basically static. the numbers are bigger but the cost/earnings equation is the same.

Unless you're telling us that Bidenomics hasn't produced the "best economy" ever.

So, one again you've only proven that financially you're an idiot.

Are you saying the cost of housing to income ratio has not been increasing over the last several decades?

I’m sorry, I don’t need to say what an idiot you are or how uninformed you may be. You prove it yourself nearly every time you post.
Are you saying the cost of housing to income ratio has not been increasing over the last several decades?

I’m sorry, I don’t need to say what an idiot you are or how uninformed you may be. You prove it yourself nearly every time you post.

Not what I'm saying at all since I clearly addressed COST OF LIVING vs EARNINGS.

Which you seemed to have either missed completely or you just plain fucked up again. Not that there's a difference except in the vacuum expanse inside your cranium.
Not what I'm saying at all since I clearly addressed COST OF LIVING vs EARNINGS.

Which you seemed to have either missed completely or you just plain fucked up again. Not that there's a difference except in the vacuum expanse inside your cranium.

Dear shit for brains,

The cost of housing is a major part of the cost of living.

Just curious:
Do you live in a house you inherited from your parents?
Did your parents pay for your law school?

You sure fit the profile.
Dear shit for brains,

The cost of housing is a major part of the cost of living.

Just curious:
Do you live in a house you inherited from your parents?
Did your parents pay for your law school?

You sure fit the profile.

Not my fault you've succeeded at being an ignorant asshole.
Once again you prove your financial idiocy. Property is taxed at its assessed value not its value on the market.
I'm not sure how it assessed where you are. But in Ontario they are assessed every four years. The assesment is based upon the value of the market in the immediate area. IE If the house next door to you, sold for X and the one next to that did the same, within a year, then logic dictates your house if similar is worth what X is.
Thus property which hasn't sold is taxed less than property which is newly sold regardless of whether the market believes the unsold home is worth more than its assessed value.
Read above,
Which means the real estate market has some effect on property tax revenues to the state but when the market doubles the tax revenues don't necessarily double.
In most municipalities tax on CVA (Current Value Assessment). There are not many systems to determine fair taxing methods.
Nor does this affect the cost of living in any great way.
Yes you're an idiot.
As in all you post, the lack of understanding of how things actually work is your downfall.
This is the funniest line. You're so lost in your own little world, you truly believe what you just posted...
In the same time period earnings have increased proportionally to the cost increases. Which means that the cost of living is still basically static. the numbers are bigger but the cost/earnings equation is the same.

Unless you're telling us that Bidenomics hasn't produced the "best economy" ever.

So, one again you've only proven that financially you're an idiot.
This does not hold for those on fixed incomes that have no cost of living increases. Rising taxes both in sales tax and property taxes affect many of those individuals. Even those that have local tax caps for the elderly.

You are right about Bidenomics not producing the best economy. It has room for improvement that he is proposing. Donald Trump's plan is - shitty - at best for these folks.
I'm in my 50s and literally have never found myself in a situation where having a firearm on me would have improved things. If you're an adult, and don't know how to avoid or de-escalate a conflict, then I have to question the competency of your upbringing.
So if your in a store and a guy comes in and out of nowhere starts shooting the place up and your loved one gets killed that's your fault right? Because you didn't read the situation and de-escalate it. Do you see how simpleton and ridiculous your viewpoint is? Tell me how you avoid that? Stay home? Never leave your house? How do you de-escalate a lunatic bent on killing as many people as he can? You can't calmly talk them out of it. Your choices are run, fight back, or die.
You want every adult to carry a gun. Do you have the fucking decency to teach your 16 yo old daughter how to shoot a gun before you hand her one? Do you have the fucking decency to warn her about kickback? Do you have the gd decency not to laugh when she ends up on the ground because you were a fucking piece of shit? Hey, don't get me wrong, my dad was a good man. But he had some gd issues like everyone else. Fuck off.