Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

You want every adult to carry a gun. Do you have the fucking decency to teach your 16 yo old daughter how to shoot a gun before you hand her one? Do you have the fucking decency to warn her about kickback? Do you have the gd decency not to laugh when she ends up on the ground because you were a fucking piece of shit? Hey, don't get me wrong, my dad was a good man. But he had some gd issues like everyone else. Fuck off.
Ahahahahah somebody sniffs their daddy's cologne as an aphrodisiac!
You want every adult to carry a gun. Do you have the fucking decency to teach your 16 yo old daughter how to shoot a gun before you hand her one? Do you have the fucking decency to warn her about kickback? Do you have the gd decency not to laugh when she ends up on the ground because you were a fucking piece of shit? Hey, don't get me wrong, my dad was a good man. But he had some gd issues like everyone else. Fuck off.
I taught my daughter to shoot at ten. I even got her her own little .22 which travels with her everywhere.

You sure do not talk like a lady. You sound like another angry, bitter, Leftist metrosexual...
I taught my boy to talk polite to whoever he meets, so he has no need to back up whatever he says with threats from a gun.
The proper question(s) is how many guns/ammo have the Left told me that I cannot now own and why do they still they clamor for even more "common-sense" gun laws: people to whom "common-sense" means prohibition.
so we wait till they show up to take the guns before we raise a flag and say 'um nope' ??
Every single Republican candidate since I started paying attention has campaigned on 'Dems will steal your gunz'.

The only President who actually suggested gun control was Trump.
Only if gun control == confiscation and prohibition

They truly believe that government will always be on their side. I also believe that most of Dem also flunked history.
That's because they think it started when they woke up this morning . . . .
No guns is a good thing. In the UK the roadmen have replaced them with machetes and big knives so makes little difference.

To be honest the only answer is in the punishment of the crime. Cut off a hand and the perpetrator will think twice about reoffending. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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No guns is a good thing. In the UK the roadmen have replaced them with machetes and big knives so makes little difference.

To be honest the only answer is in the punishment of the crime. Cut off a hand and the perpetrator will think twice about reoffending. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I agree with this answer, but here in the states, incarceration has been reduced to racism by the Left since it falls hardest on the minorities who commit the most crimes because our Left lives by the rule of 4Cs...

Conflicting Concepts Comfortably Compartmentalized
Little dogs should be set aside as play toys for real dogs.

Or chew toys...

Pew pew pew! Shoot them puppies! Goats too.

Horses too. Kristi Gnome is makin’ killin’ all your animals great again!

US Surgeon General warning: Excessive plastic surgery may cause brain damage leading to lethal violence against animals. Do not handle firearms after botched plastic surgery.