Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

In Idaho, open carry is allowed without a license for anyone at least 18 years old who can legally possess a firearm. This applies to both handguns and long guns, including AR-15s. However, there are certain restrictions and prohibitions, such as carrying firearms on K-12 school campuses, courthouses, or jail facilities. It is essential to be aware of and follow all state and federal laws when carrying firearms in public.

To provide more specific information, here are some restrictions and laws related to firearms in Idaho:

  • Open carry of firearms is generally allowed, but certain cities or counties may have specific ordinances that regulate the discharge of firearms within their boundaries.

I don't own an AR-15 at present but I own everything else, and carry what I damn well please, concealed of course.;)
You're in Idaho? IDAHO?!?

Goddamn, that explains a lot.
Enjoy this shout out. It's the last one you'll get from me.


Yes, after being successfully refuted you did leave our conversation.:rolleyes:
He was referring to the other poop-fetisher, not you. ;)
You didn't refute anything.

O'Connor v. Donaldson

Good luck with your obviously extremely well thought out solution 👍
The key to understanding O'Connor v. Donaldson is "a non-dangerous individual who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by themselves or with the help of willing and responsible family members or friends." Which is the opposite of those I mentioned as "individuals who are a danger to themselves or others." So as stated you stand refuted.
You only have one?!?
Who needs two chainsaws in their truck? When I'm in the woods it's very common to find blowdowns blocking the road in front of you or when you are trying to leave. A chainsaw is an important tool to have while in the mountains, anywhere.
The key to understanding O'Connor v. Donaldson is "a non-dangerous individual who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by themselves or with the help of willing and responsible family members or friends." Which is the opposite of those I mentioned as "individuals who are a danger to themselves or others." So as stated you stand refuted.
Lol... Incorrect. The problem you have here is that you generalize all homeless people into this category. As stated in previous sources, a good portion are not and, I would suggest that over half wouldn't stand up to a court challenge.

Your solution isnt possible on a large scale and would suffer more from abuse than solution.
I've never lived in California, but I'm sure they thank you for your departure.
Actually, the state of California hates those of us who have the means to leave. They are at present trying to find ways to tax all who leave their state. Democrats are evil hateful people no matter what state they're in and you're a fine example.
Lol... Incorrect. The problem you have here is that you generalize all homeless people into this category. As stated in previous sources, a good portion are not and, I would suggest that over half wouldn't stand up to a court challenge.

Your solution isnt possible on a large scale and would suffer more from abuse than solution.
All of those who are homeless and using drugs, or committing crimes, which is the majority of the street people in Los Angeles and San Francisco, can be removed from public places. They are breaking several laws. It is possible.
Who needs two chainsaws in their truck? When I'm in the woods it's very common to find blowdowns blocking the road in front of you or when you are trying to leave. A chainsaw is an important tool to have while in the mountains, anywhere.
So what happens when the Demoncrat zombie apocalypse happens, and your one chainsaw jams?
All of those who are homeless and using drugs, or committing crimes, which is the majority of the street people in Los Angeles and San Francisco, can be removed from public places. They are breaking several laws. It is possible.
Thanks for confirming everything I just said. 👍
At least I don't lie to myself and say that all the homeless need is more tax dollars spent on them.

The homeless population exists because society has made it easy to abuse yourself into total immorality and dependence on drugs and alcohol. SOCIETY has thrown the homeless away.

That means you as well as I are somewhat responsible for the result because we are members of society as a whole. Except I fight against legalized drugs and self debasement and you don't. Instead you blame ME for others who debase themselves at the alter of self pleasure to the exclusion of everything else. Others you help continue to fuck themselves over until they die from it. And you don't even see your role in it all or feel sorry for the havoc you spread.

BTW, I've already been both a judge and judged. In one I succeeded, in the other I failed. You can decide which is which because no matter which way you think it works out I'm STILL better than you'll ever be. Why? Because I don't lie to myself and I certainly don't lie to myself about myself. Nor do I need internet "friends" to pat me on the back just so I feel better about being a liar.

Good luck with your delusions. May your world not crumble around you faster than you can deny it.

You are a fool who uses nothing but his own opinions and biased observations to justify his selfish thoughts.

You’ve worked in the criminal justice system. You’re used to looking at people through that lens. You should do yourself and the world a favor and actually do something tangible to help make the world a better place.

Are you one of those people who hates playing games because other people just piss you off? ✅

I’ve seen the type. You radiate that toxic attitude.
His divorce financially cripple him, and he could no longer afford to live in California on his meager Social Security stipend each month, so he now lives in a "bunker" in Idaho.
What a delusional gas bag. I have to admit you are funny at times. This sounds more like a projection, Rob. I'll bet you're divorced and living on an SS stipend every month.:D
No, dipshit. I'm suggesting medical and psychological care. Involuntary if required to keep the public safe.

You believe that everyone has the same potential and that success or failure is solely a choice. ✅

That’s an ideal, not a reality. I assume you went to school at some point with people of different talents and abilities. Why does it escape you that not everyone will attain the success you have?

Conservatives like you feel that they deserve their success and that you earned it without acknowledging any of the infrastructure and resources that helped you along the way. You are the beneficiary of many social benefits.

Honestly, can you say that you aren’t fortunate to be born who and where you were?

Bad shit can happen to anyone. You probably made some of your own luck in addition to everything that was handed to you. Too bad you aren’t grateful and have compassion for others who aren’t so fortunate or able.

Nope. You literally think people choose to be misfortunate .
You believe that everyone has the same potential and that success or failure is solely a choice. ✅

That’s an ideal, not a reality. I assume you went to school at some point with people of different talents and abilities. Why does it escape you that not everyone will attain the success you have?
I have never said they could or would. Everyone is a product of "their own" decision-making and work ethic. Those who think that Providence is going to pay them a visit with a bag full of success and an endless supply of money are sadly mistaken. Once you do have money and some success you still have to work hard to build on it and keep it. I've had some kind of job since I was ten years old. I've never had a free ride. When I was out of High School I worked during the day and went to school at night. After a while working becomes a way of life, a daily need, like working out. A day off to me was like a waste of time. Now, I know that isn't normal but it was for me. I got to where I am today by doing more than my job required. The management of my company recognized this and gave me more work, More responsibility and compensation came with it until after some years I was given a partnership in the company which I retain today. I don't say this to blow my own horn but to emphasize the need to work hard if you expect to have success. Many levels of success exist for different people, but none of them are gained without a personal commitment to hard work.

So, what about the masses who do not want to work but want a decent lifestyle? I say dream on and enjoy the rut you've dug for yourself.