Why is it so hard to find a female Domme??!

Chunkamunk said:
I've been looking around my area and for every Domme I find I find dozens of female subs. It's not fair, I want to serve! I need dicipline, where are all the mistresses out there??!

Maybe you could find a 'nilla girlfriend and teach her how to be a Domme - a Domme custom-tailored to your personal preferences.
just a thing said:
Maybe you could find a 'nilla girlfriend and teach her how to be a Domme - a Domme custom-tailored to your personal preferences.
Humes are many things, weak, greedy, blind, panicky, lazy... but Malleable is not something they exhibit in abundance.
as difficult as finding a Domme is, I'm sure teaching or god forbid training a girl to Domme me would be even more difficult.

I joined a local munch mailing list, so thanks to Geoff for pointing me in the right direction. Hopfully I'll meet some local Dommes now ;)