Why it's better to be Canadian than American.

I agree with the original poster. I've lived twenty minutes from the bridge to Windsor, Ontario all my life. The people are the main thing. They're so much nicer than Americans. When you cross the border, it's another world. If it were feasible, I'd move to Canada in a minute. It's a wonderful country!

As for those who think Canadian healthcare is inferior, you are wrong! The three stats that are used to evaluate a system are:

1-life expectancy (Canada is higher)

2-infant mortality rate (Canada is lower)

3-amount of money spent per person (Canada spends far less)

I love Canada!!! :)
I've found Canada and Canadians delightful other than the temperature. I think I probably could be happy living in Vancouver--at least most of the year.
Lots of positives...

But you will never have a Canadian team hoist Sir Stanley ever again. That's just how it goes.
Lord Stanley.

I’ve visited much of America and most of its major cities dozens and dozens of times.

And of course I’ve seen much of Canada and know all the major cities really well, having lived in most of them.

I love the idea of America, but for most Americans it’s a raw deal.

Canada is much more even handed with all Canadians.

Canada is safer, cleaner, quieter, friendlier, sexier, more liberal, more democratic, more natural, healthier, bigger, less crowded… it just goes on and on.
Lots of positives...

But you will never have a Canadian team hoist Sir Stanley ever again. That's just how it goes.
Maybe, but any hockey team that does hoist Lord Stanley's ( not Sir) cup, will have about 60% of it's players from Canada, and that's just how it goes....
Canada has banned all handgun sales, and any handguns crossing its border.
I considered moving to Canada when I was young. That could have been an unhealthy mistake. Decades later, it took a sharp turn into authoritarianism with the push to get untested gene therapy shots marketed as vaccines, like some parts of the US but across an entire nation.
I considered moving to Canada when I was young.

Thanks for staying home.

Did you know over half of all americans have been to fewer than 10 US States in their lives?

Top of my head I’ve been to 21, maybe more.
Thanks for staying home.

Did you know over half of all americans have been to fewer than 10 US States in their lives?

Top of my head I’ve been to 21, maybe more.
been to all 50. Plus all the provinces but newfie / lab in canukistan. Have relatives all over Canada. Lovely place. Lovely people.
I considered moving to Canada when I was young. That could have been an unhealthy mistake. Decades later, it took a sharp turn into authoritarianism with the push to get untested gene therapy shots marketed as vaccines, like some parts of the US but across an entire nation.

It's what I've been hearing more and more lately on youtube, about Canada and NZ.

That they're still over-hyped internationally as isles of goodness,
but in truth, Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Adern, who were schooled in Tony Blair's school of third wave woke neoliberalism,
are turning their countries into authoritarian statist-corporatist shitholes.
It's what I've been hearing more and more lately on youtube, about Canada and NZ.

That they're still over-hyped internationally as isles of goodness,
but in truth, Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Adern, who were schooled in Tony Blair's school of third wave woke neoliberalism,
are turning their countries into authoritarian statist-corporatist shitholes.
I really doubt, Trudeau and Tony Blair ever met. As for being from the same "school of political thought". Nope.

All JT did was borrow the "deliverology dude" from Tony's cabinet, since he kind of thought deliverology worked out for McGuinty.

Perhaps you should ditch youtube. The ideas you come up with after visiting the site are for the most part off target, or just outright wrong.

Currently Canada is operating under a Minority Parliament. Perhaps you should read up and learn what that is....
it's just hillarious, the way you moo-ers 'like' each other.
in your mind, it shows us 'look, you're stupid!'
Great self insight...that is EXACTLY what I think of you....and every time you post, I prove it....*chuckles* However you could "wake up and smell the coffee", but you purposely choose not to.....

Did you check what a Minority Government is btw......if you didn't, well for our Government, it's about as far from "Authoritarianism" as you can get....lol