Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

I haven't seen so many crazy posts since I was last on the Internet.

Wait, this is the Internet.

Never mind.
landslider2000 said:
I haven't seen so many crazy posts since I was last on the Internet.

Wait, this is the Internet.

Never mind.

With an IQ the same as your shoe size, you dont display any critical thinking powers, whether the information you have been presented is right or wrong.

For you, what you know is unimpeachable truths. making you a sucker for lying propaganda...... now where has that been exploited more recently?
magnacum said:
I may be new to Lit, but I'll say this: there are lots of weird and creepy motherfuckers around this place. Debating the existence of the Holocaust? What a bunch of scrotes.

The debate is not that there was a Holocaust of sorts but homes in on the veracity of certain facts that form the pillars of the myth that resulted and on which on which Israel was founded.

Where a story includes bullshit episodes, any self respecting person would be willing to remove the nonsense from the truth.

Are you standards so low that you grasp at anything that meets your need to maintain your "truths" irrespective of reality.

It is generally accepted that the 6 million Holocaust is a religious icon emanating from old Jewish doctrines relating to the requirements for Jews to return toi Israel but the Zionists have distorted and obfuscated WWII experience to manufacture a story that is so full of holes as to be laughable.
However, prozionist power has created a legal censorship of such discussions in Europe and Canada, with underhanded support from the US.

Lying about lies makes zionists the worst kind of deceivers. Are you a liar too?
If you check the figures for Auschwitz at present, it's now only 1.1 million (down from the 1.5 million, which was previously 4 million), but with no effect on the SIX MILLION total for Jews at all. That dates the joke email a little, so it probably originated BEFORE Nizkor changed their argument a bit (and they still apparently can't admit to lying for so long about "human soap" after the story officially collapsed)

You will find if you check with Google on many sites, that the "human soap" story was being pushed for years and years after it was discovered to include no human DNA. Some people still try and push it though, and the "human skin lampshades" are still being promoted as fact on many Jewish holocaust sites.
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magnacum said:
I may be new to Lit,

Yes, you're most likely a complete fake, a mere alt, created entirely to pretend a popularity of opinion. Want a jam donut?
ImpWizard said:
If you check the figures for Auschwitz at present, it's now only 1.1 million (down from the 1.5 million, which was previously 4 million), but with no effect on the SIX MILLION total for Jews at all. That dates the joke email a little, so it probably originated BEFORE Nizkor changed their argument a bit (and they still apparently can't admit to lying for so long about "human soap" after the story officially collapsed)

You will find if you check with Google on many sites, that the "human soap" story was being pushed for years and years after it was discovered to include no human DNA. Some people still try and push it though, and the "human skin lampshades" are still being promoted as fact on many Jewish holocaust sites.

What do you mean the earth is round? You will be put to death for blasphemy..Oi Vey Oi vey. the earth is flat and we will put you in prison if you disagree with us...OI VEY
ImpWizard said:
If you check the figures for Auschwitz at present, it's now only 1.1 million (down from the 1.5 million, which was previously 4 million), but with no effect on the SIX MILLION total for Jews at all. That dates the joke email a little, so it probably originated BEFORE Nizkor changed their argument a bit (and they still apparently can't admit to lying for so long about "human soap" after the story officially collapsed)

You will find if you check with Google on many sites, that the "human soap" story was being pushed for years and years after it was discovered to include no human DNA. Some people still try and push it though, and the "human skin lampshades" are still being promoted as fact on many Jewish holocaust sites.

I just remember watching a documentary in school that schowed the concentration camps when soldiers first went in to free the people. It showed the dead bodies, hooks they hung people on, the 'human skin' lamp shades and the work rooms they were made in, discribed the process used to ' tan' the skin and showed the little puckered areas that used to be nipple, adn talked about the SS wife whose hobby it was. ANYWAY, if the skin is a lie, it was very convincing and I will never get those images our of my head lie or not. *cold shiver*
ImpWizard said:
If you check the figures for Auschwitz at present, it's now only 1.1 million (down from the 1.5 million, which was previously 4 million), but with no effect on the SIX MILLION total for Jews at all. That dates the joke email a little, so it probably originated BEFORE Nizkor changed their argument a bit (and they still apparently can't admit to lying for so long about "human soap" after the story officially collapsed)

You will find if you check with Google on many sites, that the "human soap" story was being pushed for years and years after it was discovered to include no human DNA. Some people still try and push it though, and the "human skin lampshades" are still being promoted as fact on many Jewish holocaust sites.

What if it was only 5 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 4 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 3 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 2 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 1 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 100,000? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
What if it was only 5 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 4 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 3 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 2 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 1 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 100,000? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

100,000 is way less than 6 million as any American would argue for their Holocaust in Iraq.

What happened in the war was shocking and horrible but you dont see the Russians or the Germans bleating on about their millions of dead all the time to make the rest of mankind feel bad because the Jews lost a political war they declared on Hitler in 1933.

The problem that exists is the linkage of war travesties with the mythical Holocaust religious connotatoions from Kabbalistic Talmudism. The blending of religious fantasy with real events has not gelled because so much of the "reality" of Holocaust horrors was overembellished to make the case for an Israel to return to.

All that has resulted is that the "antisemites" (those Jews want to hate) now find endorsement for the age old tradition of Jews being deceptive, greedy and coercive. How else can the history be interpreted considering the vigour with which Jewry protects the historical record from investigation even today after so many lies and motives have been exposed?
Valcorie said:
I just remember watching a documentary in school that schowed the concentration camps when soldiers first went in to free the people. It showed the dead bodies, hooks they hung people on, the 'human skin' lamp shades and the work rooms they were made in, discribed the process used to ' tan' the skin and showed the little puckered areas that used to be nipple, adn talked about the SS wife whose hobby it was. ANYWAY, if the skin is a lie, it was very convincing and I will never get those images our of my head lie or not. *cold shiver*

I think that you were watching a propaganda film. You actually saw bodies of people on the hooks did you? You also can attest that the lamp shades you saw were made of human skin. Did you also see Germans taking baths using "human soap"? Hey a pig has lots of nipples, or a dog.

Naturally the camps were full of skeleton starving people. Did you also see the Germans. I think they were starving too. The Allied raids killed off the infrastructure for Germans and Jews in camps alike. Or did you ever think about that. Did you ever even think or just pass your own ignorant observations as truths.

Not only do you believe the lie you are also a perpetrator of it.
Valcorie said:
I just remember watching a documentary in school that schowed the concentration camps when soldiers first went in to free the people. It showed the dead bodies, hooks they hung people on, the 'human skin' lamp shades and the work rooms they were made in, discribed the process used to ' tan' the skin and showed the little puckered areas that used to be nipple, adn talked about the SS wife whose hobby it was. ANYWAY, if the skin is a lie, it was very convincing and I will never get those images our of my head lie or not. *cold shiver*

That is the power of propaganda which is why everyone now thinks Hitler singlehandedly destroyed the worldlast century and that Osama pulled off the impossible from a cave in Afghanistan without running water and the western policing system collapsed when the hijackers were issued US visas while being on the international wanted list.

Enemies are always darstardly and evil with superpowers.
woody54 said:
All that has resulted is that the "antisemites" (those Jews want to hate) now find endorsement for the age old tradition of Jews being deceptive, greedy and coercive.

Let me ask you something woodrow.

How does your rhetoric differ from those you consider anti-semetic?

(Or is there even such as thing as an anti-semite in your hate filled sad pathetic world?)
manamus said:
I think that you were watching a propaganda film. You actually saw bodies of people on the hooks did you? You also can attest that the lamp shades you saw were made of human skin. Did you also see Germans taking baths using "human soap"? Hey a pig has lots of nipples, or a dog.

Naturally the camps were full of skeleton starving people. Did you also see the Germans. I think they were starving too. The Allied raids killed off the infrastructure for Germans and Jews in camps alike. Or did you ever think about that. Did you ever even think or just pass your own ignorant observations as truths.

Not only do you believe the lie you are also a perpetrator of it.

Voice overs are a powerful guide to the interpretive process when setting a memory from horror pictures. Look how voice overs promoted a belief in WMD that didnt materially exist and people cant shake that stuff once infected.

Of course all the piles of bodies in the Camps were surplus gas chamber production because you were told they were without any validating evidence.
Not surprisingly, similar piles of bodies in Russian camps were just those expired from their ordeals of starvationa and illness. But we know a Jewish death is far more importan because we are told all the time about their travesty.

Of course the Nazis all had skin lamps and Jew soap because they couldnt be real monsters if they didnt.
woody54 said:
Voice overs are a powerful guide to the interpretive process when setting a memory from horror pictures. Look how voice overs promoted a belief in WMD that didnt materially exist and people cant shake that stuff once infected.

Of course all the piles of bodies in the Camps were surplus gas chamber production because you were told they were without any validating evidence.
Not surprisingly, similar piles of bodies in Russian camps were just those expired from their ordeals of starvationa and illness. But we know a Jewish death is far more importan because we are told all the time about their travesty.

Of course the Nazis all had skin lamps and Jew soap because they couldnt be real monsters if they didnt.
You know the funny thing is that I was given the same kind of propaganda back then. Somehow I made up my mind as to the truth. Guess what I did. I used ny brain.
woody54 said:
That is the power of propaganda which is why everyone now thinks Hitler singlehandedly destroyed the worldlast century and that Osama pulled off the impossible from a cave in Afghanistan without running water and the western policing system collapsed when the hijackers were issued US visas while being on the international wanted list.

Enemies are always darstardly and evil with superpowers.
No. Enemies do not have superpowers, but they often are dastardly and evil.

But nutcases like you always have their conspiracies to justify their hate.
manamus said:
I think that you were watching a propaganda film. You actually saw bodies of people on the hooks did you? You also can attest that the lamp shades you saw were made of human skin. Did you also see Germans taking baths using "human soap"? Hey a pig has lots of nipples, or a dog.

Naturally the camps were full of skeleton starving people. Did you also see the Germans. I think they were starving too. The Allied raids killed off the infrastructure for Germans and Jews in camps alike. Or did you ever think about that. Did you ever even think or just pass your own ignorant observations as truths.

Not only do you believe the lie you are also a perpetrator of it.

No of course we didn't see bodies on hooks. No they did not talk about the human soap. Yes, the camp was full of starving people- probably because they were starving. Which is horrible. I never *vouched* that any of that was real. If you take another glance at my post you will see that it seemed real, and it wil haunt me. Wich is the truth.

I am suposed to feel sorry for the germans because their infanstructure was destoyed by the allies, and they were starving too? I'm sorry I don't. you say 6 million jews were not killed fine. But there were plenty on non-jewish people persicuted and killed also. Many of those in concentration camps. Can you account for them? Because the numbers are off, does that excuse the atrocities that happened? NO! People were torchered, starved, killed, men women and children. That is never right. EVER.
Valcorie said:
No of course we didn't see bodies on hooks. No they did not talk about the human soap. Yes, the camp was full of starving people- probably because they were starving. Which is horrible. I never *vouched* that any of that was real. If you take another glance at my post you will see that it seemed real, and it wil haunt me. Wich is the truth.

I am suposed to feel sorry for the germans because their infanstructure was destoyed by the allies, and they were starving too? I'm sorry I don't. you say 6 million jews were not killed fine. But there were plenty on non-jewish people persicuted and killed also. Many of those in concentration camps. Can you account for them? Because the numbers are off, does that excuse the atrocities that happened? NO! People were torchered, starved, killed, men women and children. That is never right. EVER.

Dont let him intimidate you with his revisionist history.

Dig deep enough into every holocaust denier and you'll find that anti-semite hiding within.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dont let him intimidate you with his revisionist history.

Dig deep enough into every holocaust denier and you'll find that anti-semite hiding within.

:D (Shh-I don't think it's that deep!)
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Let me ask you something woodrow.

How does your rhetoric differ from those you consider anti-semetic?

(Or is there even such as thing as an anti-semite in your hate filled sad pathetic world?)

In truth, the Ashkenazim are the real anti-semites because they are trying to destroy the people of Ishmeal for their own profit. This is a biblical reality.
I do live in a sad . pathetic world and the power of Zionism has played a factor in making it so and it needs to be noted for that..

"Anti-semitic" is a word I revile as it is a zionist construct to deflect blame and bad conscience onto anyone who Jews think question or oppose them and their "entity". The slur presumes the worst of the receiver and its success hinges on the need for the declared 'antisemite" to justify their alleged prejudice. Jewish verbal combat is seldom on facts and substance but on deflection and denigration but that is an automatic position for a Talmudist to take. When did you last have a Jew related argument where you stuck to the context and never abused someone of being antisemitic or a Nazi? Its just not in your makeup.

But to the underlying point of your question, I think my rhetoric is fairly consistent, give or take a few frothy days.

Do I hate Jews? No, I certainly do not and I respect many representatives of the culture for who they are and equally, I thoroughly despise many representatives for who they are and what they perpetrate on behalf of the cause. Everyone is judged on their merits which is why I struggle with you.
The Christian faith is as full of hypocrisy and deceit and assholes as is Judaism but on this board, the Jew groove is deep and in need of enlightenment.

Do I despise Zionism and Talmudism considering what its root objectives are?

Any non Jew would have to unless they are total idiots. The masking of Talmudism with the aura of a Judeo-Christian myth has been propganda boom for the Zionists because the Goys are basically too lazy and stupid to do their own research. If more people undertook the effort to find stuff out, Zionism would stop in its tracks, Americans wouldn't fund Israel anymore and nature woiuld restore its proper balance with .001% of the world population having as much effect on the group.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dont let him intimidate you with his revisionist history.

Dig deep enough into every holocaust denier and you'll find that anti-semite hiding within.

That's not revisionist at all. Allied bombers killed a lot of German civilians, men , women and children. Dresden alone counted for about 130,000 and burning to death is a hard way to die. War is hell. WW2 accounted for over 40,000,000 deaths, and yes many of them were Jews, but a lot more were Russians and other ethnic group. The thing is that the other groups have moved on with their lives and not made a litany of it as the Jews have. Of course the Jews do have an agenda don't they?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
No. Enemies do not have superpowers, but they often are dastardly and evil.

But nutcases like you always have their conspiracies to justify their hate.

You dont need conspiracies.

You need objectivity and facts and it then becomes obvious that the official line is not the truth. If it has factual errors, then the whole construct is brought into sharp critical interest.

When you lied to your parents, did they need a conspiracy to debunk your bullshit. Certainly not and nor do honest people anywhere need a conspiracy theory to question a crooked political icon like the Holocaust or 9/11.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dig deep enough into every holocaust denier and you'll find that anti-semite hiding within.

I just told you you cant make valid arguments so resort to denigration.

If you believe the stories about the hooks, front up with some evidence for them or just admit you are a fake pushing a religious myth.

You are free to hold whatever myths you like in your head [that is religion]but it is scummy to denigrate others who see the debunking evidence [those are facts]showing you to be out of the reality/truth loop.

We just need to know from whence you pontificate about the Holocaust.
For me, religion is full of crackpot twisters like you so I will stick to hard facts.
So, all these documented concentration camps, and mass graves, with forensic evidence, survivor stories, confessions, paper trails from Nazi Files, and nothing happened; no hollocaust

hmm...using my brain and still, yep-I can't deny that it ever happened. I think there is too much evidence to prove it did. The burden of proof really falls to the deniers and revisionist at this point.
