Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

woody54 said:
You dont need conspiracies.

You need objectivity and facts and it then becomes obvious that the official line is not the truth. If it has factual errors, then the whole construct is brought into sharp critical interest.

When you lied to your parents, did they need a conspiracy to debunk your bullshit. Certainly not and nor do honest people anywhere need a conspiracy theory to question a crooked political icon like the Holocaust or 9/11.

LOL...lets put the Holocaust aside for the moment. Now...LOL... show me those facts that PROVE whatever nutcase theories you have about 9/11.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
LOL...lets put the Holocaust aside for the moment. Now...LOL... show me those facts that PROVE whatever nutcase theories you have about 9/11.

Good catch! That one skated right by me.
Valcorie said:
So, all these documented concentration camps, and mass graves, with forensic evidence, survivor stories, confessions, paper trails from Nazi Files, and nothing happened; no hollocaust

hmm...using my brain and still, yep-I can't deny that it ever happened. I think there is too much evidence to prove it did. The burden of proof really falls to the deniers and revisionist at this point.


Ask him to tell you how the Jews started WWII back in 1936 LOL.
Valcorie said:
No of course we didn't see bodies on hooks. No they did not talk about the human soap. Yes, the camp was full of starving people- probably because they were starving. Which is horrible. I never *vouched* that any of that was real. If you take another glance at my post you will see that it seemed real, and it wil haunt me. Wich is the truth.

I am suposed to feel sorry for the germans because their infanstructure was destoyed by the allies, and they were starving too? I'm sorry I don't. you say 6 million jews were not killed fine. But there were plenty on non-jewish people persicuted and killed also. Many of those in concentration camps. Can you account for them? Because the numbers are off, does that excuse the atrocities that happened? NO! People were torchered, starved, killed, men women and children. That is never right. EVER.

If you feel so bad about concentration camps and people being tortured, starved, and killed then you would have to support the cause of the Palestinian people but then you would have seen other movies about them, this time showing how an imprisoned race is somehow a severe military threat to the third most armed country in the world to justify their subjagation.

What you hate Germany for is being done by jews to Palestinians. It is a copycat case of disenfranchisement(Jews taking over their stuff), bulk forced mobilisation out of Israels zone and after 1067 , the imprisonment of the bulk of palestiniand in camps under Nazi/IDF condition.
Now we have 120 checkpoints, the wall, thousands of miles of barbed wire , Palestinians living in abysmal poverty totally controlled by Israel,and Jews stealing lannore land every day this goes on.

If you get sensations of horror at persecution, then you will struggle to support the Nazi Israelis in their work.

Why do I get the impression you dont think this deeply?
Valcorie said:
So, all these documented concentration camps, and mass graves, with forensic evidence, survivor stories, confessions, paper trails from Nazi Files, and nothing happened; no hollocaust

hmm...using my brain and still, yep-I can't deny that it ever happened. I think there is too much evidence to prove it did. The burden of proof really falls to the deniers and revisionist at this point.


It is a measure of your ineptitude that you can enter a thread 13 pages long and say that.

If you are that intellectually lazy to not familiarise yourself with the material already covered, you shouldn't be here looking stupid.

Start on Page 1 and use your brain and follow the discussion on the burden of proof.

A question of interest may be, Why is it that the major validators of truths against the Holocaust mythology are now either dead, in prison or silenced with death threats?

When you find a good answer, then you may swoon in mythological bliss with the rest.
woody54 said:
It is a measure of your ineptitude that you can enter a thread 13 pages long and say that.

If you are that intellectually lazy to not familiarise yourself with the material,

That proves (A) that the holocaust DID happen and thus (B) you are a hate mongering anti-semite.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Ask him to tell you how the Jews started WWII back in 1936 LOL.

It was 1933 and BEIL is blinded to realities of the pervasive nature of Judaism when stuff goes against them and showing up his total lack of understanding of prewar European politics.

Mein Kampf set out a programme in the 20's and Hitlers rise to power put the wind up all jewry when he disenfranchised their power, Germany having become the most powerful Jewish influenced country outside the Soviet Union at the time. Hitler wanted the power back in German hands.

World Jewry rallied against Germany economicly and politically. War was inevitable after that. Poland was the first strike because Poland was a key bridge for Jewry between East and West and to Hitler, Jewish anti Nazi interests were his Al Qaida, an enemy with no country. He just did what Bush is doing now, striking at his enemy where he could using the age old tactics of deceptive reasonings, brutatity , torture, extraordinary rendition, ultra rightwing security considerations, public propaganda campaigns and an open hate campaign on a religious entity. In fact , what is the difference except scale at this point.

Luckily for the Nazis, they too had powerful friends in the USA like the bankers (Prescott Bush)who secretly funded their military buildup and campainging.

Did Jews declare war?
Read their own record and decide their intention for yourself.

BlueEyesInLevis said:
That proves (A) that the holocaust DID happen and thus (B) you are a hate mongering anti-semite.

So speaks the logic of BEIL, fuckwit.

You didn't do well in critical thinking and deductive validity classes did you?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
What if it was only 5 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 4 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 3 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 2 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 1 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 100,000? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

From this post it follows logically that you do not support the illegal, immoral, imperialistic invasion of sovereign Iraq by the infidel AmeriKKKans and their subsequent occupation carpet-bagging of resoures especially unmetered oil theft and genocide of the Iraqi people because they are 'mop-heads' or 'moose limbs'.

Then with similar, logic, you would not support the intereference by U$ government security agencies in the internal politics of other sovereign nations, especially in Central and South America where first hand memoir accounts by the CIA operatives who survived clearly state that they were acting at the direction of U$ government officials.

In both these cases, the instigators of the offences would be eligible for trial as perpetrators of 'crimes against humanity' in the same manner as senior Nazi officers after WWII where it could be shown that unlawful deaths had resulted from these policies. :)
Valcorie said:
No of course we didn't see bodies on hooks. No they did not talk about the human soap. Yes, the camp was full of starving people- probably because they were starving. Which is horrible. I never *vouched* that any of that was real. If you take another glance at my post you will see that it seemed real, and it wil haunt me. Wich is the truth.

I am suposed to feel sorry for the germans because their infanstructure was destoyed by the allies, and they were starving too? I'm sorry I don't. you say 6 million jews were not killed fine. But there were plenty on non-jewish people persicuted and killed also. Many of those in concentration camps. Can you account for them? Because the numbers are off, does that excuse the atrocities that happened? NO! People were torchered, starved, killed, men women and children. That is never right. EVER.

So you logically do not support AmeriKKKan policies that start an illegal, immoral, imperialistic invasion, occupation carpet-bagging and genocide in another sovereign nation.

The question then becomes 'what are you doing to get American military personnel out of Iraq?' :)
woody54 said:
If you feel so bad about concentration camps and people being tortured, starved, and killed then you would have to support the cause of the Palestinian people but then you would have seen other movies about them, this time showing how an imprisoned race is somehow a severe military threat to the third most armed country in the world to justify their subjagation.

You make a lot of assumtions about my views. I think is is always a little ironic when there is one sided media attention showing the threat of Palesinian violence. The pictures always show palistinians throwing rocks at Israli tanks. Hmmm. I side with the Palesintians.

I notice, you haven't ever said that you think killing, imprisionment, or genocide is wrong...
Don K Dyck said:
So you logically do not support AmeriKKKan policies that start an illegal, immoral, imperialistic invasion, occupation carpet-bagging and genocide in another sovereign nation.

The question then becomes 'what are you doing to get American military personnel out of Iraq?' :)

Don, what we have here is a classic case of "Lack of communication".

This poster, likw BEIL, is tribal but doesnt know the background for their faith.

To know the mantra is their faith, being the Good Guys that is all that counts.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
What if it was only 5 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 4 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 3 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 2 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 1 million? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

What if it was only 100,000? Would it lessen the crime, or excuse the guilty?

The answer is yes. In fact, lower death tolls means that the indicated crime, a state-directed policy of extermination, never happened.
woody54 said:
It is a measure of your ineptitude that you can enter a thread 13 pages long and say that.

If you are that intellectually lazy to not familiarise yourself with the material already covered, you shouldn't be here looking stupid.

Start on Page 1 and use your brain and follow the discussion on the burden of proof.

A question of interest may be, Why is it that the major validators of truths against the Holocaust mythology are now either dead, in prison or silenced with death threats?

When you find a good answer, then you may swoon in mythological bliss with the rest.

The biggest arguement that deniers and revisionist use is arguing about the burden of proof. The mainstream opinions of the hollocaust actualy occuring IS support by a mountain of evidence. BUT, people such as yourself keep hiding behind descredited theories, and irrational argumentation. YOU DO HAVE A BURDEN OF PROOF!
unculbact said:
The answer is yes. In fact, lower death tolls means that the indicated crime, a state-directed policy of extermination, never happened.

That does not use logic. If the death toll is lower, then german government did not order it? It would only mean if the death toll was lower, then the nazi's killed less people. It doesn't mean they didn't kill anyone.
woody54 said:
It was 1933 and BEIL is blinded to realities of the pervasive nature of Judaism when stuff goes against them and showing up his total lack of understanding of prewar European politics.

Mein Kampf set out a programme in the 20's and Hitlers rise to power put the wind up all jewry when he disenfranchised their power, Germany having become the most powerful Jewish influenced country outside the Soviet Union at the time. Hitler wanted the power back in German hands.

World Jewry rallied against Germany economicly and politically. War was inevitable after that. Poland was the first strike because Poland was a key bridge for Jewry between East and West and to Hitler, Jewish anti Nazi interests were his Al Qaida, an enemy with no country. He just did what Bush is doing now, striking at his enemy where he could using the age old tactics of deceptive reasonings, brutatity , torture, extraordinary rendition, ultra rightwing security considerations, public propaganda campaigns and an open hate campaign on a religious entity. In fact , what is the difference except scale at this point.

Luckily for the Nazis, they too had powerful friends in the USA like the bankers (Prescott Bush)who secretly funded their military buildup and campainging.

Did Jews declare war?
Read their own record and decide their intention for yourself.


OK Woody, I read the link . . . and my first impression is that all those statements are taken out of context and across a long time frame, 19923 to 1945. Thus there appears to be some 'revisionism' within them.

MY question is a little more basic:- "How could the Jews who were less than 1% of the german population, go to war against the rest (99%) of the German people?"

Of course, then there are the 'minor' historical details of the impact of Reischmarshall Schact and his banking deals with the British and Americans in the 20s to overcome the repressive reparations payments.

Then, one has to consider that poor financial circumstances of the Nazi Party before they came to political power in 1933.

Oh, and what about the Evian Conference where all European nations plus USA decided that the Jews were a European problem but nobody would accept Jewish immigrants except Haiti?

Then where does good old Aryan Germans coverting the wealth of the talented Jewish community fit in? The jews were less than 1% of the population but filled most of the professions and department store retailing empires because they were very good at what they did. :)
Valcorie said:
The biggest arguement that deniers and revisionist use is arguing about the burden of proof. The mainstream opinions of the hollocaust actualy occuring IS support by a mountain of evidence. BUT, people such as yourself keep hiding behind descredited theories, and irrational argumentation. YOU DO HAVE A BURDEN OF PROOF!

BURDEN OF PROOF? Ha ha that's a good one. If I am not mistaken the Israelis under the auspices of the Austrian government just imprisoned David Irving for trying to get proof.

That's the way it is with all you that represent oppression and lies..You demand proof but then look how you act when we try and get it..Off with their heads.. Your kind is so pitiful....that so called mountain of evidence you claim is just a molehill and being eroded every day. Your mountain is being stripped down lie by lie.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
LOL...lets put the Holocaust aside for the moment. Now...LOL... show me those facts that PROVE whatever nutcase theories you have about 9/11.

You wouldn't believe any proof if it smacked you in your pimpled face...
Valcorie said:
You make a lot of assumtions about my views. I think is is always a little ironic when there is one sided media attention showing the threat of Palesinian violence. The pictures always show palistinians throwing rocks at Israli tanks. Hmmm. I side with the Palesintians.

I notice, you haven't ever said that you think killing, imprisionment, or genocide is wrong...

Oh really, have read my not inconsiderable political posts here?

I abhor violence, religious hypocrisy, greed and the associated political connivances it creates.

Religion and greed are the root cause of most political deaths and none of them can be justified on those grounds.

Imprisonment for valid reasonings pertaining to civil laws is part of our societal structure. Political travesties are a carry over of the barbarity that preceded civilised life because someone always thinks they can gain advantage by ignoring the rules and laws that restrain us from anarchy. To break the laws by political agenda is no justification which is why politicians make shit up to confuse people. When you break through the hype, you find they are no better than street thugs and criminals but operate on a national and international basis.
It is all to do with gaining power or advantage by any means, and this is the point of variance between civil society and barbarians.
The USA has crossed that line in its drive to be No. 1, the Israelis were always on the wrong side idealistically because they think the world hates them, a hang up that is a religious icon of theirs.
unculbact said:
The answer is yes. In fact, lower death tolls means that the indicated crime, a state-directed policy of extermination, never happened.

But, but, but..... :D

I admire your simple logic of language.
Valcorie said:
So, all these documented concentration camps, and mass graves, with forensic evidence, survivor stories, confessions, paper trails from Nazi Files, and nothing happened; no hollocaust

hmm...using my brain and still, yep-I can't deny that it ever happened. I think there is too much evidence to prove it did. The burden of proof really falls to the deniers and revisionist at this point.


Hey. None of these pictures shows any holocaust.

A short sampling:

The pictures of Majdenek are irrelevant. Nobody claims that that was an extermination camp anymore. The death toll, claimed at 4 million by the Soviets in 1945, is now down to 58,000 and dropping fast. The shoe pile they show at Majdenak doesn't show anything incriminating. Majdenak was a center of shoe repair, it was the camp's main industry. The burned corpses they show are in a building that has burned down. Heh. This site is out of date.

The pictures at Belsen are irrelevant. Nobody ever claimed that anybody was ever exterminated there.

The Warsaw Ghetto pics just show people with their hands in the air.

The shrunken head is obviously a souvenier, the Javero Indians of the Amazon have been selling those since the turn of the century. They're the only people on earth who know how to do it. This thing was shown in the opening moments of the Nuremburg trials, and it hasn't been seen since. Note the wooden base, typical of Amazon souveniers.

Since when did revisionists deny that there was a ventilation system in Krema II? Germar Rudolf analyzes it in detail in "The Rudolf Report"

The date on the letter asking for a truck to bring Zyklon B to Auschwitz is dated October 2, 1942. In other words, during the 2nd big typhus epidemic there. ALSO - according the Auschwitz myth, no gassings were taking place then. The first of the Birkenau Krema's, Krema II, didn't begin operation until May of 1943. Krema I in Auschwitz had been shut down almost six months before. Zyklon B has a shelf life of only 60 days. Believer or revisionist, an order for Zyklon B in October of 1942 could only be for lice control. Makes sense, with winter approaching, lice are going to be breeding in winter clothing.

I can't find any holocaust in any of these pictures.
Don K Dyck said:
So you logically do not support AmeriKKKan policies that start an illegal, immoral, imperialistic invasion, occupation carpet-bagging and genocide in another sovereign nation.

The question then becomes 'what are you doing to get American military personnel out of Iraq?' :)

US isn't in Iraq trying to exterminate the Iraqi people. Germany systematically trying to wipe out a certain group of people (all non Arians). It is comparable to Slobodan Milosevic wiping out Ethnic Albanians.

woody54 said:

World Jewry rallied against Germany economicly and politically. War was inevitable after that. Poland was the first strike because Poland was a key bridge for Jewry between East and West and to Hitler, Jewish anti Nazi interests were his Al Qaida, an enemy with no country. He just did what Bush is doing now, striking at his enemy where he could using the age old tactics of deceptive reasonings, brutatity , torture, extraordinary rendition, ultra rightwing security considerations, public propaganda campaigns and an open hate campaign on a religious entity. In fact , what is the difference except scale at this point.

Even Woody admitted that Hitler specificly, intentionaly commited genocide, using torchure, brutality and propaganda. That was the hollocaust.

I have heard a clear voice for denial accross the board and woody just refuted it.