Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

Sean Renaud said:
No, I wouldn't have. I personally don't see what we gained from it.

Personally if Bush had said I want to kill Saddam Hussien because he made fun of my daddy I would have shrugged and gone to Iraq with an M16. quote by Shaun.

Shaun I think that you need some serious help. Get some. You have evidently become so brainwashed by the bush people that you don't even know what you are saying anymore.
These are not contradictory.
As President I would not have gone to war. I don't see what we gained.

As an individual he is going to pay me, and Saddam is/was a bad guy. Turns out his country is better off with him in it but that doesn't make him a good person. Just proves that sometimes doing the "right" thing has bad results. And that there was no planning.

I have no problem being a mercenary. I have a problem being a decieved mercenary.

And I don't know why this bothers me so much but holy shit please spell my name the way I spell it. For some reason reading Shaun just drives me nuts. Thank you.
Sean Renaud said:
These are not contradictory.
As President I would not have gone to war. I don't see what we gained.

As an individual he is going to pay me, and Saddam is/was a bad guy. Turns out his country is better off with him in it but that doesn't make him a good person. Just proves that sometimes doing the "right" thing has bad results. And that there was no planning.

I have no problem being a mercenary. I have a problem being a decieved mercenary.

And I don't know why this bothers me so much but holy shit please spell my name the way I spell it. For some reason reading Shaun just drives me nuts. Thank you.

Just drives you nuts huh?
krastner said:
Just drives you nuts huh?

Thanks I needed to smile today. And for whatever reason that little bitty line is the funniest thing in the fucking world right now.
manamus said:
Hey Krastner. I think this boy is missing a few shingles on his roof.

Yeah buddie, There are a lot just like him here. See why I invited you to come. Enjoy.

Hey S-e-a-n- why do you say that saddam is such a bad guy. That's what bush says. Are you agreeing with that nut. Like Saddam just said at his trial..he didn't distinguish between sunni and Shii. He wants them to stop fichting each other and focus their attention on the US..Now that doens't sound like a bad guy.
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Sean Renaud said:
If I'm not mistaken the terms of peace in the Gulf War were that we (The UN) could do inspections on any of his facilities any time we (The UN) wanted. With that said when he kicked out inspectors in '97 we had reason to go to war. We didn't but he violated the treaty right then. My problem with the war is the reason we went, not that we went.

The USA is not the UN when you refer to it as "we".

If you read the UN resolutions , you will see the wording that noncompliance can lead to serious consequences. There is no clause that can be interpreted as giving the US the right to attack Iraq when they want.
For military action against Iraq, it was always going to require the legality of a resolution of the Security Council because International Law demands it.
Bush knew China and Russia would veto a resolution because the Inspectors had found nothing damning.

The problem with Iraq is that you (the US) went at all.
Sean Renaud said:
Yes history does show that the dominant peoples are who ever are more advanced technologically. Now I suppose you could make a case that the they were only superior killers. In all fairness it would be hard, if not impossible to truly put that particular argument down. So I won't try.

What I'm saying is that if a nation is technologically superior in all or most ways does it not stand to reason that the conquered peoples are overall better off now? Do you believe that if American money and technology were put to work in Etheopia that we couldn't end their starving at the very least. Probably a few other problems as well.

Imperialism is a short-term plan, that can last hundreds of years. Do you have a long term plan? I'm all about finding a better solution.

I don't approve of capitalism by gun. I know it is a fact in a lot places though. I wish it weren't, once violence is brought into a solution it stops being capitalism and becomes theft. It doesn't matter how smart you are, how well prepared, how well thought out your plans are. It just matters if you can kill the other guy and that is a sad fact of life.

The world changed when Queen Elizabeth I sent her ships away to cross the oceans in search of spices and gold. The British were lucky enough to maintain a major control of the seas although all major European countries benefitted from capitalism with guns. This era has modified itself now to Corporations ignoring national boundaries and changing the world with capitalism by Globalism in cahoots with orchestrated international financial controls that "create" free markets to be preyed upon.
The current thrust of US Imperalism is difficult to seperate from the military because it is the use of military power that maintains US dollar hegemony and that is the only factor that prevents the US from being another Mexico right now with its bankrupt and productive financial systems.

One question though and I don't mean this to be offensive but are you American? And if so why do you stay when it seems to me that you disagree with just about everything America has done, pretty much ever. I understand I have a rather narrow view of you since I've never seen you post on other issues. Or if I did I agreed with you and thus didn't notice you.

I am a New Zealander so have a different perspective from you.
I have views on a number of political issues and dont mind sharing them even though much of what I say is not in accord with mainstream American thinking.
krastner said:
Shaun I think that you need some serious help. Get some. You have evidently become so brainwashed by the bush people that you don't even know what you are saying anymore.

Getting back to the thread title, that quote sums up the mass mentality about the Holocaust too, with people trained from birth now to unquestionably believe a set version of history irrespective of the holes in the story.

No-one thinks too deeply about the anomalies.
Sean Renaud said:
My argument for Bush was that he will not be recorded in history as being a Zionist Puppet. And you really haven't said anything to prove that history will ever read that he was. (Note I never said he was or wasn't. Its simply a matter of I can't see an outcome that has that written in 5th grade history.)


I like to deal in realities after cutting through the crap that masks it.

Bush must be judged for what he does and how he does it. The Neoconservative cabal of scumbags and criminals from the past "run" Bush and his image. Karl Rove has made a type of silk purse out of a sows ear with him.
It is my contention that Cheney is the power behind the throne and he is the arch zionist in hiding. Bush is the gumby frontman although he is strong on corporatist graft and exploitation . He certainly has no head for military endeavours.

As a backgrounder, you cant go past this as an initiation of the man who is president. The Bush family history is one of sordid money gathering in dubious areas and George Bush I is aligned with the drug smuggling efforts of the US Government. The seediness is transgenerational.
Read this and see if you learn anything new.
woody54 said:
I like to deal in realities after cutting through the crap that masks it.

Bush must be judged for what he does and how he does it. The Neoconservative cabal of scumbags and criminals from the past "run" Bush and his image. Karl Rove has made a type of silk purse out of a sows ear with him.
It is my contention that Cheney is the power behind the throne and he is the arch zionist in hiding. Bush is the gumby frontman although he is strong on corporatist graft and exploitation . He certainly has no head for military endeavours.

As a backgrounder, you cant go past this as an initiation of the man who is president. The Bush family history is one of sordid money gathering in dubious areas and George Bush I is aligned with the drug smuggling efforts of the US Government. The seediness is transgenerational.
Read this and see if you learn anything new.

Hi Woody . . . that link is scary stuff . . . is there another link to the Bush involvement in Nazi financing during the 30s? :)
I am sure that most of you all read the book and saw the movie "Milia 18"
Now that was a bit of early zionist propaganda. The movie and book were in my early years of development. Paul Neumann and all Hollywood conspired to put a smiley face on the attrocities commited by the Israelis there. It was just accepted that the Arabs, that were being displaced were the bad guys. Then for years were treated to movies and books about the nasty old Palestinians. We were aghast at the scene of Palestinian terrorist pushing some corpse of a Jewish Israeli out of a plane. We cheered when a small force of Israelis raided Entebbe, where a small group of dedicated Palestinians had hijacked a palne.

Well that's all changing now, We finally see that the Palestinians , who weren't as vicious as the Israeli, was slaughtered by Israeli troops, funded by the US might. I personally came to admire the Palestinians for their fight against overwhelming odds, against the Israeli goal of domination of the entire Arabe world. I was proud when I saw TV reports of the first Palestianian police force.

I am proud now to see Hamas become a viable force in the area. After all these people only got pissed because they were thrown off their land by maddog Israelis and wanted their homes back. They will get them too. Unless the gang of bush neo cons here have a say so . So don't call me anti-semitic or a hater like I have seen you do with Krastner and Woody54. It don't wash anymore..You are being defeated day by day and one day the Palestinian will conquer.
krastner said:
This post was the authors answer to those that are trying to cruify him for his stand.

Good post. Here's an email that I recieved. Just a bit of dark humour.


# Learn Holocaust math! No matter what the reduction or difference in numbers, the answer is always SIX million. Here's some examples;
Auschwitz deathtoll reduced by 2.5 million. Does this have any effect on the insane math of the dedicated holocaust propagandist? No, of course not! The total death toll remains SIX million.
6 minus 2.5 doesn't equal 3.5, it equals 6. See! No change!
Here's another example;
Majdanek deathtoll reduced by 1.6 million. Again does this have any effect with the insane math of the holocaust propagandist? Don't be silly! 6 minus 1.6 and minus the 2.5 reduction from Auschwitz still doesn't reduce the total in any way at all! The total death toll remains, as always, SIX million!
Just throw away that calculator! No matter what the reduction in deathtolls is, always answer SIX million! Do you believe this? Good, let me sell you a bridge in Brooklyn you idiot.

# Learn how SIX million can come from NOTHING! The United Nations figure for Jewish world population given in 1947 was the same as that given by the League of Nations in 1938. The World Almanac's population statistics for Europe show virtually the same number of Jews both before and after the War's end. In all of German-occupied Europe, there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. So, before the war, 2.4 million, and after the war 3.8 million, a population increase of 1.4 million! Wow, Jews were the only ethnic population to increase during WW2 while every other ethnic population was devastated as they were busy fighting a war! What were the Jews doing? They went into these camps where they had SIX million people appear out of thin air, then disappear again without a trace like MAGIC! Wow! Amazing! No bodies, no mass graves, not a trace at all! Can I still sell you that bridge in Brooklyn or are you starting to get suspicious that you've been CONNED?

# Learn how to call everyone an anti-semitic! It's the perfect insult for every occasion, PLUS you can always get away with insulting people no matter what they do simply because they disagree with you! Here's some examples;
Normal Man-in-the-Street: “Those numbers don't add up!”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a vile filthy anti-semite!”
American Protester: “Israel has no right to slaughter innocent Palestinians and bulldoze their homes..It's wrong.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a stinky anti-semite!”
Historian: “...but there's no evidence that Nazis made human soap, it's been tested and there was no trace of human DNA.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite holocaust denier!”
Chemist: “...I could find no trace of cyanide in those gas chambers at Auschwitz.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite holocaust denier and should be jailed!”
Politician: “Why are we sending four billion dollars every year to Israel?”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite for even asking!”
Movie critic: “I didn't think that it was a good movie, it lacked quality and the acting was terrible.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a disgusting anti-semite!”

# Remember the Nuremberg Trials? Does it matter if they got everything wrong and just made stuff up? Of course not! For the dedicated holocaust propagandist just carries on as always. Some examples;
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans had “brain-smashing machines”, but now it's known to be complete crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit...but it's really a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans had “giant conveyor belts that dropped Jews onto huge electric grids to cook them”, but now it's known that this is complete crap and nonsense too.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit too...but it's really and truly a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans had “steam-chambers and giant cooking vats for melting Jews in”, but now it's known that this also is complete crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit as well...but really honestly it's a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans were “turning Jews into bars of soap”, but now it's known that this is just more complete crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit again...but it's really, really, really a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans were “flaying people and using their skin to make boots, riding britches, saddles, lampshades, and coats”, but now it's known this was more utter crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit as well you know...but it's really, truly, really, really a reliable source, honest...why are you looking at me like that?

# Don't forget, as a dedicated holocaust propagandist there's a lot of money riding on you continuing the great con-job on all those gullible fools! Billions of dollars annually going to Jews throughout the world, and Jewish organisations everywhere! Israel's coffers to be kept filled by American and German money, as well as unlimited supplies of ammo and weapons to kill more filthy Arabs with, and buy Caterpillar bulldozers to kill a few more Rachel Corries and knock-down more Palestinian homes and lobby (bribe) more American politicians...and if anyone questions you or brings up uncomfortable facts, remember the insult; call them a filthy anti-semite!

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I have read from a reliable source that the six million figure of the holocaust was set well before the," supposed," event ever took place..It was supposedly set in 1940 by the world Council of jews..the same ones that declared war with Germany in 1933, well before Hitler invaded Poland and just after he came to power.

What people fail to realize is that the Zionist ( yes they were there back then) were preparing for a Jewish state as early as the turn of the century, when Theodor Herzl founded what we know as the present day zionist. The illuminati has been around for centuries more and today there seems to be some intertwining between the Illuminati and the zionist.

The 1940 six million figure was dreamed up in the mind of some zionist and hell and be damned if that wasn't the way things were going to be , no matter what. In David Irving's recent illegal imprisonment, it was plain to see that challenging the zionist was to be punished. Irving would have been sentenced to death, but that might have caused some , normaly lack a disticle people wake up. Couldn't have that. I am sure that the zionist jews have that scenario planned when they have consolidated their power to the extent that they can do what ever they want.

My own personal feeling is that the zionist jews want to execute , en mass, all those who question the holocaust. Including yours truly. I would be foolish to think that my stand against the world take over by the zionist jews has not been noticed. I am also sure that there are some very vocal, very nasty, zionist on the forum. They cane be identified by the way they make nasty remarks at any poster that dare question their " self proclaimed superiority".

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The "six million Jews killed" claim was used much earlier than you realise....

Jews complained about a holocaust back in 1919 -
"Six million men and women are dying ... eight hundred thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, ... but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life ..." --The American Hebrew (New York, issue 582 of October 31, 1919)

The true reality is that the claimed death-tolls were a cover-up for what the Jewish Communists were doing in Russia, amd many of the mass-grave photos that are paraded around as being filled with dead Jews are in fact filled with dead Russian Christians (Blame the anti-German wartime propaganda of the Russians, British, French, Polish, and Americans for using so many of them to continue the lie). The place names are frequently lied about, and sometimes if you check you'll find some blatant ones (eg. a mass-grave photo for a place where there was never a mass-grave found (i.e. somewhere in Germany like Bergen-Belsen), or worse still, a few of the bodies are wearing Christian crosses). It's always most suspicious when the only thing saying where the mass-grave is, is the label on the photo (or it's file name), but nothing in the picture; no visible uniforms of soldiers standing around or a place name sign or anything else to really identify the place and time.
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ImpWizard said:
The "six million Jews killed" claim was used much earlier than you realise....

Jews complained about a holocaust back in 1919 -
"Six million men and women are dying ... eight hundred thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, ... but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life ..." --The American Hebrew (New York, issue 582 of October 31, 1919)

The true reality is that the claimed death-tolls were a cover-up for what the Jewish Communists were doing in Russia, amd many of the mass-grave photos that are paraded around as being filled with dead Jews are in fact filled with dead Russian Christians (Blame the anti-German wartime propaganda of the Russians, British, French, Polish, and Americans for using so many of them to continue the lie). The place names are frequently lied about, and sometimes if you check you'll find some blatant ones (eg. a mass-grave photo for a place where there was never a mass-grave found (i.e. somewhere in Germany like Bergen-Belsen), or worse still, a few of the bodies are wearing Christian crosses). It's always most suspicious when the only thing saying where the mass-grave is, is the label on the photo (or it's file name), but nothing in the picture; no visible uniforms of soldiers standing around or a place name sign or anything else to really identify the place and time.

Got a link to this or some other documentation?
catfish said:
Got a link to this or some other documentation?



(count how many times "six million" jews can die :rolleyes: The point is, WW2 wasn't the first time that Zionist Jews were trying push the "six million dead" lie, they did it before too!)

The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!

By Martin H. Glynn
(Former Governor of the State of N.Y.)

From across the sea SIX MILLION men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread.

These children, these men and women are our fellow-members of the human family, with the same claim on life as we, the same susceptibility to the winter's cold, the same propensity to death before the fangs of hunger. Within them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in SIX MILLION human beings. We may not be their keepers but we ought to be their helpers.

In the face of death, in the throes of starvation there is no place for mental distinctions of creed, no place for physical differentiations of race. In this catastrophe, when SIX MILLION human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand.

SIX MILLION men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life; eight hundred thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, through no transgression of the laws of God or man; but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood.

In this threatened holocaust of human life, forgotten are the niceties of philosophical distinction, forgotten are the differences of historical interpretation; and the determination to help the helpless, to shelter the homeless, to clothe the naked and to feed the hungry becomes a religion at whose altar men of every race can worship and women of every creed can kneel. In this calamity the temporalities of man's fashionings fall away before the eternal verities of life, and we awaken to the fact that from the hands of one God we all come and before the tribunal of one God we all must stand on the day of final reckoning. And when that reckoning comes mere profession of lips will not weigh a pennyweight; but deeds, mere intangible deeds, deeds that dry the tear of sorrow and allay the pain of anguish, deeds that with the spirit of the Good Samaritan pour oil and wine in wounds and find sustenance and shelter for the suffering and the stricken, will outweigh all the stars in the heavens, all the waters in the seas, all the rocks and metals in all the celestian globes that revolve in the firmament around us.

Race is a matter of accident; creed, partly a matter of inheritance, partly a matter of environment, partly one's method of ratiocination; but our physical wants and corporeal needs are implanted in all of us by the hand of God, and the man or woman who can, and will not, hear the cry of the starving; who can, and will not, take heed of the wail of the dying; who can, and will not, stretch forth a helping hand to those who sink beneath the waves of adversity is an assassin of nature's finest instincts, a traitor to the cause of the human family and an abjurer of the natural law written upon the tablets of every human heart by the finger of God himself.

And so in the spirit that turned the poor widow's votive offering of copper into silver, and the silver into gold when placed upon God's altar, the people of this country are called upon to sanctify their money by giving $35,000,000 in the name of the humanity of Moses to SIX MILLION famished men and women.

SIX MILLION men and women are dying -- eight hundred thousand little children are crying for bread.

And why?

Because of a war to lay Autocracy in the dust and give Democracy the sceptre of the Just.

And in that war for democracy 200,000 Jewish lads from the United States fought beneath the Stars and Stripes. In the 77th Division alone there were 14,000 of them, and in Argonne Forest this division captured 54 German guns. This shows that at Argonne the Jewish boys from the United States fought for democracy as Joshua fought against the Amalekites on the plains of Abraham. In an address on the so-called "Lost Battalion," led by Colonel Whittlesey of Pittsfield, Major-General Alexander shows the fighting stuff these Jewish boys were made of. In some way or another Whittlesey's command was surrounded. They were short of rations. They tried to get word back to the rear telling of their plight. They tried and they tried, but their men never got through. Paralysis and stupefaction and despair were in the air. And when the hour was darkest and all seemed lost, a soldier lad stepped forward, and said to Col. Whittlesey: "I will try to get through." He tried, he was wounded, he had to creep and crawl, but he got through. To-day he wears the Distinguished Service Cross and his name is
Abraham Krotoshansky.

Because of this war for Democracy SIX MILLION Jewish men and women are starving across the seas; eight hundred thousand Jewish babies are crying for bread.

(Continued from page 582)

In the name of Abraham Krotoshinsky who saved the "Lost Battalion," in the name of the one hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine other Jewish boys who fought for Democracy beneath the Stars and Stripes won't you give copper, or silver, or gold, to keep life in the heart of these men and these women; to keep blood in the bodies of these babies?
The Jew Has Helped Everybody But The Jew.

In the world war the Jew has helped everybody but the Jew. "Over there" he helped in camp, in council and in conflict. "Over here" he helped the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., the Knights of Columbus, the Masons, the Salvation Army and everybody else. So now is the time for everybody to help the Jew, and God knows now is the time he needs it.

From out of the gloom of this war every other race, save one or two, has snatched a ray of sunshine. But amid the encircling gloom there is no light for the Jew "to lead thou me on." The war is over for everyone, but the Jew. The knife is still at his throat and an unreasoning and unreasonable century-old lust for Jewish blood opens his veins. The Jew in Roumania, Poland and Ukrainia is being made the scapegoat of the war. Since the armistice has been signed thousands of Jews in Ukrainia has been offered up as living sacrifices to diabolical greed and fanatical passion -- their throats cut, their bodies rended limb from limb by assassin bands and rabid soldiery. In the city of Proskunoff one day a few weeks ago the dawn saw the door of every house wherein lived a Jew marked as a shambles for slaughter. For four days, from sunrise to sunset, fanatics plied the dagger like demons from hell, stopping only to teat with hands adrip with the blood of Jewish victims. They killed the men; they were less merciful to women. These they violated, and then they killed. From a purpose to a fury, from a fury to a habit ran this killing of the Jews, until within four days the streets of Proskunoff ran red with blood like gutters of a slaughter house, until its homes became a morgue for thousands of slaughtered human deings whose gaping wounds cried out for vengeance and whose eyes had turned to stone at the horrors they had seen. As Hon. Simon W. Rosendale, aptly paraphrasing Bobby Burns' thought, in his speech not long ago, said it is the age-old story of "man's inhumanity to man that makes countless thousands mourn." For as it has been at Proskunoff, so has it been in a hundred other places. The bloody tale hath repetition ad nauseum. It is the same tear-stained story -- the same old stain upon the escutcheon of humanity. Verily, Byron was right when he wrote:

Tribes of the wandering feet and weary breast
Whither shall ye flee to be at rest?
The wild dove hath her nest, the fox his cave,
Mankind their countries, Israel but the grave.

[Illegible] to a place in the sun, and the crucifixion of Jews must stop. We repeat the war is over for everybody, but the Jew. Like Isaac the knife is at his throat, but unlike Isaac no power seems able to stop the steel from thirsting for his blood. But some power the world must raise up to prevent this decimation of a deserving race. For the peace of the world a League of Nations let us have by all means; but for the Humanity of the World, to give justice to the Jew and other oppressed peoples on earth, let us have a Truce of God! -- Albany Times Union.

(As you can see, it's really just Zionist propaganda to encourage the creation of a Jewish homeland (Israel) of course, with frequent use of the SIX MILLION number as if it was some holy symbol, Nizkor likes to pretend this article doesn't really mention the magic "SIX MILLION" all the time - but they also try to pretend that the lies about 'human soap' (which have been debunked already a long time ago officially) are still true. The "six million" lie has been pushed so many times it's just not believable anymore.)
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(As you can see, it's really just Zionist propaganda to encourage the creation of a Jewish homeland (Israel) of course, with frequent use of the SIX MILLION number as if it was some holy symbol, Nizkor likes to pretend this article doesn't really mention the magic "SIX MILLION" all the time - but they also try to pretend that the long debunked lies about 'human soap' are still true. The "six million" lie has been pushed so many times it's just not believable anymore.)

Wow Imp. I had no idea. My study of the jews is lacking. I go mostly by my feelings. I feel that something is wrong although i can't quite put my finger on it.

The six million figure (I wonder if it played a role in the TV series six million dollar man.Why not a seven million dollar man or even a five and a half million dollar man)

The figure evidently has some sort of conotation to it. It reminds me of some of the old Mickey mouse comics. You know the dark ones. In these comics , the crow always palyed some sinister figure. There were always crown to gine the comic a certain sinister theme to them. The crows are pretty much like the six million figure is. It might well be a figure from some dream of someone in the past..where in the past I am not sure but far back.

in a wakening state a person will remember a certain aspect of the dream. Someone remembered the six million figure and it was incorporated into Jewish life and has been propigated into many forms. The form that society seems to be stuck is the six million that condemned germany to a disgraceful place in history.. i wish i could be more clear. Perhaps when i have had time to think about it some.
six million? Why is it always six million?

ImpWizard said:
# Learn Holocaust math! No matter what the reduction or difference in numbers, the answer is always SIX million. Here's some examples;
Auschwitz deathtoll reduced by 2.5 million. Does this have any effect on the insane math of the dedicated holocaust propagandist? No, of course not! The total death toll remains SIX million.
6 minus 2.5 doesn't equal 3.5, it equals 6. See! No change!
Here's another example;
Majdanek deathtoll reduced by 1.6 million. Again does this have any effect with the insane math of the holocaust propagandist? Don't be silly! 6 minus 1.6 and minus the 2.5 reduction from Auschwitz still doesn't reduce the total in any way at all! The total death toll remains, as always, SIX million!
Just throw away that calculator! No matter what the reduction in deathtolls is, always answer SIX million! Do you believe this? Good, let me sell you a bridge in Brooklyn you idiot.

No wonder I find the whole thing suspicious.
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ImpWizard said:
(As you can see, it's really just Zionist propaganda to encourage the creation of a Jewish homeland (Israel) of course, with frequent use of the SIX MILLION number as if it was some holy symbol, Nizkor likes to pretend this article doesn't really mention the magic "SIX MILLION" all the time - but they also try to pretend that the lies about 'human soap' (which have been debunked already a long time ago officially) are still true. The "six million" lie has been pushed so many times it's just not believable anymore.)

Funny, their website says something different......
Lovelynice said:
six million? Why is it always six million?

No wonder I find the whole thing suspicious.

Lovelynice .....you aren't the only one. One pebble can start a landslide when the hillside is on shaky ground.
catfish said:
Funny, their website says something different......

(From the Nizkor site) Soviet prosecutor Smirnov quoted at length from an affidavit by Sigmund Mazur, an Institute employee, which was accepted as Nuremberg exhibit USSR-197. It alleged that Dr. Rudolf Spanner, the head of the Danzig Institute had ordered the production of soap from corpses in 1943.

An affidavit from a low level employee - and obviously not a German employee either - in fact, was he an employee there? Is there a biography of Sigmund Mazur available?

Anyway, an affidavit from a low level functionary in Soviet hands - and, with all possible sarcasm, we could never accuse the Soviets of intimidating witnesses, or creating phony affidavits, now could we? After all, they claimed millions people were killed at Majdanek, and if they were wrong about that, well, they must have gotten it correct here, right?

Mazur was never cross-examined, or apparently, ever asked to testify. Affidavits are not evidence, they are the beginning of evidence. They don't become evidence until they've been examined in court, and proven. That step seems to be missing, which was common at Nuremburg. Any idiot affidavit was entered unquestioned.

This affidavit was taken by the same Soviet court that claimed there was a gas chamber at Stutthoff (Danzig). There wasn't.

No technical survey or study in the form of an expert witness report from a qualified engineer is present either, describing the machinery in detail and how it worked, which is absolutely necessary in a criminal case. AND - Mazur has never been heard from again.

If you look at the links on that site, you'll see the most hilarious set of staged photos designed to "prove" that soap was made from people, including some boxes filled to the brim with corpses. Supposedly, they were supposed to be the raw material for "soap".

But - when animal fat is used as a base - soap is NEVER MADE directly from a carcass! Nobody EVER boils an entire carcass to make fat! The energy waste would be ridiculous! In the processing plants here in Milwaukee, after meat is flayed off the carcass of a cow, the meat, and ONLY the meat, is first GROUND UP, then makes it's way into a rendering pot, where it's heated to a medium temperature. Fat and other liquids are rendered in this way. This liquid is then boiled, the fat comes to the top, and is skimmed off, where it can be put to many uses, including being treated with various acids and salts to create soap. OR - Elmer's Glue.

Nobody boils the entire carcass. Any meat-packing plant gives tours. Arrange one, compare the rendering facilities you see there to that sick joke they present in those pictures as being a "soap" factory. Note how small that "factory" is, the lack of ventilation, and the fire danger from the wood walls next to "heated" vats, as well as a lack of heavy electrical leads.

The soap legend begins in World War I. The British spread the story that German soldiers rendered their own dead into soap in big kettles behind the lines, after the stories of bayoneting Belgian babies got old (too see a believer confirmation of that, I refer you to Deborah Lipstadt's otherwise abominable book "Denying The Holocaust").

The story was simply recyled by the Soviets when they overan Stutthoff, since they couldn't find anything genuinely incriminating there.
I may be new to Lit, but I'll say this: there are lots of weird and creepy motherfuckers around this place. Debating the existence of the Holocaust? What a bunch of scrotes.
Taltos said:
Just our own little tin foil beany brigade.

I wouldn't think any human being would be stupid enough to use the nickname Imp Wizard, a leadership position in the KKK,much less agree with what he/she/it says.