Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

woody54 said:
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

The Balfour agreements dates from 1916 and was definitely in the interests of England at the time and for their part , the Zionists used their influence to drag America into WWI.

Getting the era right helps a lot in giving your posts context.

Uhmmm . . . I think there may be other factors that brought America into WWI.

Churchill knew that the SS Lusitania, sister ship to the ill-fated Titanic, was carrying gold and munitions. Germany also knew that. Churchill failed to notify American authorities of intelligence that German subs were active in the English Channel.

Then there was the Zimmerman letter that sealed it. I have no details of this letter, but have sighted a book analysing the whole situation. :)

The Balfour Declaration was a statement made by an English Minister of the Crown without the authority of his government that only ratified it afterwards. It was made in response to a favoutable war loan to Britain from the Rotheschild bankers. :) Google has many more details.
Don K Dyck said:
Uhmmm . . . I think there may be other factors that brought America into WWI.

Churchill knew that the SS Lusitania, sister ship to the ill-fated Titanic, was carrying gold and munitions. Germany also knew that. Churchill failed to notify American authorities of intelligence that German subs were active in the English Channel.

Then there was the Zimmerman letter that sealed it. I have no details of this letter, but have sighted a book analysing the whole situation. :)

The Balfour Declaration was a statement made by an English Minister of the Crown without the authority of his government that only ratified it afterwards. It was made in response to a favoutable war loan to Britain from the Rotheschild bankers. :) Google has many more details.

I agree there were other factors involved but in the narrow context of the Balfour deal, there was a trade of influences that served both parties interests.

The most interesting part really was that the British traded agreements with Lord Rothschild, an international banker and not with any representative of the Jewish religion for which the Jewish homeland was being claimed.

Britain was somewhat cynical perhaps in writing off a piece of worthless desert land in the Middle East but Weismann was a very astute negotiator for the Zionists and also knew that American involvement in Europe furthered Zionist interests by bringing America out of isolation to play a bigger role in international politiking under their "guidance". Their first test came at the Conference of Versailles after WWI.

The Conference of Versailles included a plan for world government with articles 10 through 16 of the Covenant providing for a world army. The US Senate rejected the concept preferring to retain its independence but Woodrow Wilson refused to change the terms so the US did not sign. The resulting plan gave overlordship of world events to Anglo Saxons powers through the League of Nations with a pretext to interfere in national politics.

"Despite all the talk of international participation and co-operation, the Conference was dominated by the Anglo-Saxon powers, and the Anglo-Saxon delegations were dominated by their Jewish members: 'Of all the collectivities whose interests were furthered at the Conference, the Jews had perhaps the most resourceful and certainly the most influential exponents. There were Jews from Palestine, from Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, Roumania, Greece, Britain, Holland and Belgium; but the largest and most brilliant contingent was sent by the United States" (p. 10).
"Henceforth the world will be governed by the Anglo-Saxon peoples, who, in turn, are swayed by their Jewish elements".
E. J. Dillon in his book The Peace Conference (Hutchinson & Co., London, 1919)

The Balfour Plan was just a covenant on Palestine as part of a bigger picture for the Internationalist Zionists.... but we cant refer to an orchestrtated plan :D
Examine your basic premise

I see comments about 'the holocaust was exaggerated', and I have to wonder how stupid a supporter of that line of thought can possibly get.

a few points.

1) So what if it was exaggerated. What Moron would possibly see a point in offering an argument that 'final solution numbers' weren't that high.
OK, lets pretend that it wasn't six million . Let's pretend it was only 1 million.
So fucking what. That's 1 million more than anyone had the right to make it.
1 mill, 6 mill , whichever. The fact remains Irvine and his sycophants are revisionist apologists for a fucked up regime based on institutionalised murder of the innocent.

2) Why is it that these assholes cannot get their heads out of their anti-semitic assholes.
The camps didn't just process Jews. Millions of Russians, Slavs, Political dissidents, Gays, Gypsies , Disabled , and significant numbers our own POW's, were 'processed' by the ovens and chambers.
Sadly, when some anti-jewish crypto' Nazi gets on a roll they always sort of overlook that.

3) I am from a Military family. One of my Uncles went through the second WW, initially, as part of the Long Range Desert Group, then he side-stepped into David Stirlings little bunch of bandits that became the SAS. Apart from all the odd jobs he was on , very few of which he would ever talk about, there was one he would always speak of, to anyone. That was about his role with the advance forces that liberated such places as Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau.
He had nothing but contempt for the type of apologists that rant on and on about how it wasn't that bad.
This was a man who had spent most of his war behind enemy lines, and unlike most soldiers knew for certain he had killed many people. He had to be what might be regarded as a 'hardened' individual. Whenever he spoke of those liberations he cried silently.
And a big point he always made, was that not just jews died in those camps.

So, the numbers are not the decisive imperative.
Nor is the race , religion, or whatever , of the dead.

Wake up..Grow up.
The Camps happened.
and again
1 million or 100 million, it doesn't fucking matter to anyone except those who believe that guilt and shame can be measured in more pallatable portions.
There will always be some such sad fools who try to justify their inner emptiness with arguments that belong to some inept OCD accountant.
Shamanskiss said:
I see comments about 'the holocaust was exaggerated', and I have to wonder how stupid a supporter of that line of thought can possibly get.

a few points.

1) So what if it was exaggerated. What Moron would possibly see a point in offering an argument that 'final solution numbers' weren't that high.
OK, lets pretend that it wasn't six million . Let's pretend it was only 1 million.
So fucking what. That's 1 million more than anyone had the right to make it.
1 mill, 6 mill , whichever. The fact remains Irvine and his sycophants are revisionist apologists for a fucked up regime based on institutionalised murder of the innocent.

I have never really heard anyone argue that the Nazis didn't kill a lot of people. I have never heard anyone praise the Germans for doing it.

And by the way the good ole USofA's total of dead civilians, including old women and little kids , in Iraq is approaching 300,000. Are these figures insignificant also.

BUT what it does show is that the zionist jews aka israel lies. It shows that they have garnered sympathy for the last sixty years and will go on as long a people accept their word like blind fools. They will continue their goal of conquest in the middle east till they are stopped. They will continue to make the world a much less safe place to live in. Of of course that's only a morons viewpoint.
Shamanskiss said:
I see comments about 'the holocaust was exaggerated', and I have to wonder how stupid a supporter of that line of thought can possibly get.

a few points.

1) So what if it was exaggerated. What Moron would possibly see a point in offering an argument that 'final solution numbers' weren't that high.
OK, lets pretend that it wasn't six million . Let's pretend it was only 1 million.
So fucking what. That's 1 million more than anyone had the right to make it.
1 mill, 6 mill , whichever. The fact remains Irvine and his sycophants are revisionist apologists for a fucked up regime based on institutionalised murder of the innocent.

2) Why is it that these assholes cannot get their heads out of their anti-semitic assholes.
The camps didn't just process Jews. Millions of Russians, Slavs, Political dissidents, Gays, Gypsies , Disabled , and significant numbers our own POW's, were 'processed' by the ovens and chambers.
Sadly, when some anti-jewish crypto' Nazi gets on a roll they always sort of overlook that.

3) I am from a Military family. One of my Uncles went through the second WW, initially, as part of the Long Range Desert Group, then he side-stepped into David Stirlings little bunch of bandits that became the SAS. Apart from all the odd jobs he was on , very few of which he would ever talk about, there was one he would always speak of, to anyone. That was about his role with the advance forces that liberated such places as Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau.
He had nothing but contempt for the type of apologists that rant on and on about how it wasn't that bad.
This was a man who had spent most of his war behind enemy lines, and unlike most soldiers knew for certain he had killed many people. He had to be what might be regarded as a 'hardened' individual. Whenever he spoke of those liberations he cried silently.
And a big point he always made, was that not just jews died in those camps.

So, the numbers are not the decisive imperative.
Nor is the race , religion, or whatever , of the dead.

Wake up..Grow up.
The Camps happened.
and again
1 million or 100 million, it doesn't fucking matter to anyone except those who believe that guilt and shame can be measured in more pallatable portions.
There will always be some such sad fools who try to justify their inner emptiness with arguments that belong to some inept OCD accountant.

Blow me!

Of course the lies make a difference. The camps happened alright but not as you infer they did. The whole Holocaust stigma developed after the war in time for the Nuremburg hate trials run predominantly by Jews using the grossest form of one sided justice ever seen in the western world justice system.

The State of Israel was gifted to Jews by a sympathetic world on the back of the lies generated about their treatment under the Nazis from the Nuremburg circus. Ever since, it has given Jewry a means to blame all of Chrisendom for their plight, caused originally because they couldn't live without sin in the land God gave them and history shows no change.

For Jews, this travesty by Hitler has become the renewed blood sacrife of their people to reseal their covenant with God, the first being the Biblical slaying of Isaac and now, Hitler will forever be an iconic figure for hatred in Jewish lore. The rub here is that much of the tragedy was avoidable if World Jewry decided it to be so in the era. A 6 year Jewish inspired trade boycott forced Hitler to move and he struck Poland which was the lynchpin centre of Jewish power in Europe that linked East with West. The during the period of Jewish suppression under the Nazis, World Jewry conspired round the world to prevent many Jews from escaping to safety by closing off escape routes. Even the Chief Rabbi in the US had America shut them out.
One doesnt need to support Hitler to understand how world pressures manipulated his options which , of course , were in line with his personal philosophy.

It is the blatant and calculated exploitation of the Jewish condition by secular Zionists to promote their political objective of obtaining a Jewish homeland, that Revisionists rail against when there were larger real genocides in Russia in the same era, but perpetrated by Bolshevik Jews under the guise of Communists cleaning house. Interestingly enough , the record of Israelis, now in their own zone of control, shows no improvement over that exhibited under the Bolsheviks in Russia. There is a lot of hate.

In this particular case, the numbers are central to the Holocaust case and they hinge absolutely on culture and race, only because it involves the Jewish nation as Talmudic lore raises their status above that of mere mortal men.

Seeking the truth and exposing deception can never be regarded as antisemitic if you have any belief in the concepts of western justice that the Jews claim to have given us. The system works both ways.

Wake up and grow up yourself.

The "revisionist" evidence produced by Holocaust questioners draws into sharp relief , the Jewish stories compared to the Post War evidence recorded by the leading political figures who fought to free them from tyranny.

Show me a criticism of German gas chambers by Churchill or Eisenhower.
These men were the ones controlling the liberating troops that in many cases were executing camp staff extrajudicially for the abominable conditions in which the prisoners were found. Surely they would be the first to use such antiGerman propaganda if the Holocaust concept was based in truth.

I'm sorry but hard evidence throws much doubt on the Holocaust myth and it deserves a full and open disussion to seperate fact from myth. Surely, this is the way to understand what happened and to deter a repeat of such a human tragedy.

You have been holohoaxed, trained from birth to believe a story that is full of holes in logic and fact, then made to feel bad for your part in the myth and are abused as an antisemite whenever you venture from the guided Jewish thought channel. When good men are imprisoned for commiting no crime but are seeking truth, the system sux. Such is the control exerted by Holohoaxers.
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Shamanskiss said:
I see comments about 'the holocaust was exaggerated', and I have to wonder how stupid a supporter of that line of thought can possibly get.

2) Why is it that these assholes cannot get their heads out of their anti-semitic assholes.
The camps didn't just process Jews. Millions of Russians, Slavs, Political dissidents, Gays, Gypsies , Disabled , and significant numbers our own POW's, were 'processed' by the ovens and chambers.
Sadly, when some anti-jewish crypto' Nazi gets on a roll they always sort of overlook that.

This is a classic illinformed rant proving the worth of Zionist brainwashing.

I challenge you to produce just one valid piece of evidence that backs your assertion above that infers there was an orchestrated programme of genocide in your "chambers", remembering that the Zundel trial never turned up any relevant evidence to prove a Holocaust of Judaic myth ever took place.

To not be able to do so just verifies you are a duped fool who sees a religious tool as a reality that imprisons your mind.

In "1984", even Winston gets to a point where he says " I dont know how many fingers you holding up, just tell me and I'll say it". This is the mindset of Westerners now about the Holocaust myth.

Personally, I just think you are brainwashed into not thinking it through, like most of the Christianised world who are trained in humility, guilt and forgiveness, a point exploited by Zionists who hold no such moral limitation to their thinking.

It goes against your natural instict for fair play to think there could be such an abominable misrepresentation of history right under your noses. Its enough to make you feel really stupid and that is a state you will suppress and put out of your mind. Game over, score to the Zionists.

Christians are too dumb and anal retentive to come up with a reasoned and reasonable defence against the "antisemite" slur because it immediately casts the "slurree" in the role of a despicable racist, which becomes the point that now must be repuiated. It was a masterstroke of deception and diversion to enable Jews to not have to explain the original point in any depth. Score another goal for Zionist thinking over their less able victims.

3) He had nothing but contempt for the type of apologists that rant on and on about how it wasn't that bad...............

I share the same contempt for those people because as a human tragedy, we dont want it repeated. That however is not reason to suppress moderate reasoning Historians from examing the facts surrounding the Holocaust detail to determine an understandable truth of those events. No other event in history has been so shrouded in silence and you have to ask yourself why.... if there is nothing to hide from prying eyes.

With even the UN being hoodwinked into finding Holocaust discussion undesirable, we can know that thought control is well established on the world scene, yet it only benefits those profiting from the Holocaust Industry.
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Why is it...

We see so much about the creation of a 'false' Jewish home-state,
why do we always see the zionist plots trotted out,
Balfour this, Balfour that .

Yet, those same people always avoid the fact that it was the same protocols
and intents that established the modern basis for most of the Arab states.
Their National identities were gone.
Submerged and eroded by hundreds of years of the Ottoman Empire.
So, how come no-one ever seems inclined to say, 'hold on , Jordan shouldn't be allowed to exist as it was never a nation. It was invented after WW1 as a 'pay-off' to an Arab leader, and a buffer against French interests in the Middle East'.
Persia, well now where do we draw the lines on that one ?, dear me that's a hard one !
The Trucial states, UAE.... The WHAT, historically speaking, and on and on.
Of course there will be some half-arsed argument that such states were constructed about tribal groups with a 'valid' claim on statehood.
Maybe those people might remind me where the nation state of Kurdistan is.
I can't seem to find it on a map. Bearing in mind that the Kurds , as represented by Sal'al'Adin possibly did more for the glorification of Islam, and the liberation of its holy places, it seems a shame that so much of the Arab/Islamic world now spits on his people.

Similarly I can't seem to find a nation of the Howetatt, and Lord knows how many other Arab and Bedu tribes and Clans. I suppose there might be an argument offered that such invented, resurrected, and otherwise created states benefit from the factor of religious cohesion under Islam and a tradition of that religion holding the tribes together and creating a non secular nationalist identity.?

I can see that, sort of like the Jewish state, and the invention of Israel, isn't it. Ooooops, that doesn't fit your agenda does it.

That argument also gets a little shakey from the Arab perspective if we recall that the Arabs that rose for National freedom did so against Ottoman rule, rule by the Islamic state - Islam against Islam. Sort of kicks religious cohesion in the balls somewhat doesn't it.

Odd how so many Arab states have the same sort of claim on legitimacy as Israel. Equally odd that we hear so much about the evil west being the tool of zionist this that and the other, but we hear so little mention that the same evil west supplied the gold, guns, personel, and logistics that allowed an Arab revolt,

the same evil west pretty much invented the modern powers that bitch interminably about the Israeli state and the evil west,

the same Middle Eastern nations that Hitler and his cronies viewed as allies , and the only nations who understood the need for the solution to the 'jewish problem'.

I have no desire to diminish the deaths of the Iraqi's you throw in as some kind of feeble tit for tat, but you need to refocus on the fact your numbers fall a long way off equalling the Iraqi's and Kurds that died and disappeared
under Saddam's regime.

My views of the holocaust are not formed by disinformation. In the main they are formed from speaking with people who were there.
From relatives who saw the camps, freed the inmates.
From two men. brothers , in the village I grew up in , who were not even jews, but had a number tattoo'd on the forearms because they were British commandos, captured by the Germans, and it was decided that Hitler's blanket death penalty might be amusingly fulfilled by sending them to a concentration camp.
From an old man, a tailor, who made several of my suits, who also had a tattoo on his wrist to denote his place in the great solutions redord keeping.

Have you ever been to any of the camps , or their sites ?
I have.
And, I have felt history, not just read of it.

The more you write , wriggling about trying to erect a screen of academic respectability, the more you convince readers you need to loosen the laces on those hevay boots of yours and let the blood get to your brain.

It really is quite sad to see someone who might otherwise exhibit suggestions of intelligence waste so much effort defending the indefeciblke and denying the undeniable.

You write as if you are or would like to be student. If you are, see if you can obtain access to the archive film footage held by the British Imperial War Museum.
There is a significant amount that you will only be able to view if you can provide validation that your access is for academic purposes, normally a Doctrate. Public access is not generally encouraged.

However, whatever ,you write, however banal, however deluded, you will still need to ask yourself why you feel it is valid to defend mass murder, and institutionalised evil.
Comparing the war dead in Iraq to the Holocaust not only rings of desperation, it insults whatever intelligence you have. By all means compare them to the dead of Dresden, Coventry, London, Hamburg, Liverpool, Koln, Berlin. Compare them to the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at a push Shanghai, Beijin, Port Arthur , but please stop belittling yourself, and them, by offering them as a comparison to millions rounded up like cattle, herded off in trucks, stripped of all dignity even in death.
You debase yourself by doing so. You also debase the dead Iraqi's by using them as such a pawn in your game.

BTW... Using Winston as a source is a bad move...That was fiction you know.
How apt you fall back on fiction to validate your historical perspective. They share so much in common, both being fiction.
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Shamanskiss said:
We see so much about the creation of a 'false' Jewish home-state,
why do we always see the zionist plots trotted out,
Balfour this, Balfour that .

Yet, those same people always avoid the fact that it was the same protocols
and intents that established the modern basis for most of the Arab states.
Their National identities were gone.
Submerged and eroded by hundreds of years of the Ottoman Empire.
So, how come no-one ever seems inclined to say, 'hold on , Jordan shouldn't be allowed to exist as it was never a nation. It was invented after WW1 as a 'pay-off' to an Arab leader, and a buffer against French interests in the Middle East'.
Persia, well now where do we draw the lines on that one ?, dear me that's a hard one !
The Trucial states, UAE.... The WHAT, historically speaking, and on and on.
Of course there will be some half-arsed argument that such states were constructed about tribal groups with a 'valid' claim on statehood.
Maybe those people might remind me where the nation state of Kurdistan is.
I can't seem to find it on a map. Bearing in mind that the Kurds , as represented by Sal'al'Adin possibly did more for the glorification of Islam, and the liberation of its holy places, it seems a shame that so much of the Arab/Islamic world now spits on his people.

Similarly I can't seem to find a nation of the Howetatt, and Lord knows how many other Arab and Bedu tribes and Clans. I suppose there might be an argument offered that such invented, resurrected, and otherwise created states benefit from the factor of religious cohesion under Islam and a tradition of that religion holding the tribes together and creating a non secular nationalist identity.?

I can see that, sort of like the Jewish state, and the invention of Israel, isn't it. Ooooops, that doesn't fit your agenda does it.

That argument also gets a little shakey from the Arab perspective if we recall that the Arabs that rose for National freedom did so against Ottoman rule, rule by the Islamic state - Islam against Islam. Sort of kicks religious cohesion in the balls somewhat doesn't it.

Odd how so many Arab states have the same sort of claim on legitimacy as Israel. Equally odd that we hear so much about the evil west being the tool of zionist this that and the other, but we hear so little mention that the same evil west supplied the gold, guns, personel, and logistics that allowed an Arab revolt,

the same evil west pretty much invented the modern powers that bitch interminably about the Israeli state and the evil west,

the same Middle Eastern nations that Hitler and his cronies viewed as allies , and the only nations who understood the need for the solution to the 'jewish problem'.

I have no desire to diminish the deaths of the Iraqi's you throw in as some kind of feeble tit for tat, but you need to refocus on the fact your numbers fall a long way off equalling the Iraqi's and Kurds that died and disappeared
under Saddam's regime.

My views of the holocaust are not formed by disinformation. In the main they are formed from speaking with people who were there.
From relatives who saw the camps, freed the inmates.
From two men. brothers , in the village I grew up in , who were not even jews, but had a number tattoo'd on the forearms because they were British commandos, captured by the Germans, and it was decided that Hitler's blanket death penalty might be amusingly fulfilled by sending them to a concentration camp.
From an old man, a tailor, who made several of my suits, who also had a tattoo on his wrist to denote his place in the great solutions redord keeping.

Have you ever been to any of the camps , or their sites ?
I have.
And, I have felt history, not just read of it.

The more you write , wriggling about trying to erect a screen of academic respectability, the more you convince readers you need to loosen the laces on those hevay boots of yours and let the blood get to your brain.

It really is quite sad to see someone who might otherwise exhibit suggestions of intelligence waste so much effort defending the indefeciblke and denying the undeniable.

You write as if you are or would like to be student. If you are, see if you can obtain access to the archive film footage held by the British Imperial War Museum.
There is a significant amount that you will only be able to view if you can provide validation that your access is for academic purposes, normally a Doctrate. Public access is not generally encouraged.

However, whatever ,you write, however banal, however deluded, you will still need to ask yourself why you feel it is valid to defend mass murder, and institutionalised evil.
Comparing the war dead in Iraq to the Holocaust not only rings of desperation, it insults whatever intelligence you have. By all means compare them to the dead of Dresden, Coventry, London, Hamburg, Liverpool, Koln, Berlin. Compare them to the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at a push Shanghai, Beijin, Port Arthur , but please stop belittling yourself, and them, by offering them as a comparison to millions rounded up like cattle, herded off in trucks, stripped of all dignity even in death.
You debase yourself by doing so. You also debase the dead Iraqi's by using them as such a pawn in your game.

BTW... Using Winston as a source is a bad move...That was fiction you know.
How apt you fall back on fiction to validate your historical perspective. They share so much in common, both being fiction.

One doesn't quite know where to begin with Israeli/Jewish apologist, such as yoursell. You spread your venom to thin to be very effective. Yes it's venom. It can hardly be anything else. You contstantly refer to me in derogetory terms. You say that using Churchill was a bad move. Well that's too bad. Him and Roosevelt both hjave enjoyed a reputation backed by lies for years and it's high time they were put in the place where they belong..

You talk about Jews being rounded up like cattle. So were the troops that fought in WW@. Ever been in the army...I thought not..You ever seen the pics of the Japaneese-American citizens being rounded up. That's what you do with large anounts of people. The jewish "rounding " up by the Germans was no different from what the US was doing to it's own citizens back in the USofA.

Oh Millions of Jews were exterminated by the Germans. Did that excuse the british extermination of Millions og German prisoners of war after WW@. Oh you are going to deney that are you? Well what can you expect from a Jewish apologist. Deney that the "good" guys ever did a thing bad..Who me? Did you ever stop and think that most of the men that died from hunger and torture were only soldiers. Average Germans that had nothing to do with the consentration camps.

Oh no I thought you would deny that. Do you deny that almost 20 million Germans starved to death after WW! due to the evilness of the "BALFOUR DOCUMENT" and the so called "TREATY OF VERSAILLES".. I thought not. You have a seff righteous view of the world and what should be , according to you. Lord Balfour was a zionist Jew of the first order. He didn't care what happened to women and kids ..he only thought of the great Jewish homeland..

Well let me put it straight... I do not believe that the JEW is God's choosen. That is my opnion and it comes from years of self debate. And guess what else you can claim that they are all you want to and it still doesn't manke you right.

I am not here to defend the Arab population of the world. Take any nationality, any country and you can find all the "FACTS" ha ha that's a doozey of a word "Facts" supposed to shoot down any detractor from what is your truth.. So choak on your "truths". Mine will be the ones that will win out..WHY? Because lies will eventually loose and so will the Jew and so will You.
I smell a rat

Shamanskiss said:
My views of the holocaust are not formed by disinformation.

You sure about that? I'm finding plenty in your posts.

Shamanskiss said:
From two men. brothers , in the village I grew up in , who were not even jews, but had a number tattoo'd on the forearms because they were British commandos, captured by the Germans, and it was decided that Hitler's blanket death penalty might be amusingly fulfilled by sending them to a concentration camp.

Hmm. The only concentration camps where inmates were tattooed was Auschwitz and Birkenau. British prisoners were not held there, they were held at a POW camp at Monowitz, 4 miles down the road from Auschwitz, where they were not tattooed. They were mainly captured in the Western Desert in 1941, during Rommel's first offensive, which means they couldn't have been SAS or other commando's, those hadn't yet been formed.

According to this, the website of the Auschwitz State Museum, the 1,200 British prisoners who worked at Monowitz near Auschwitz were not there under a death penalty. In fact, it reports that with their weekly Red Cross food packages, sent directly from Britain, they were better fed than the German guards. They had so much food sent to them via the Red Cross, they spurned their camp rations.

"The fact that the POWs received the kinds of food products that were unavailable even to German soldiers in 1944 caused irritation and resentment among the Germans. The Britons knew this, and often deliberately distributed chocolates under the noses of the guards assigned to them."


They also successfully held a labor strike for better working conditions. Very odd "death sentence" indeed. Of the 1,200 British prisoners at Monowitz, all but about sixty survived, a death rate of 5 percent.

Hitler's death penalty for commando's was instituted after the attack on what they thought was Rommel's headquarters in Benghazi. As far as I know, the only British commandos actually executed were the glider troops captured in early 1943 after the botched attack on Norsk Hydro in Norway. British commando's captured in France, if they were sent to a concentration camp, ended up in Sachsenhausen, where nobody was tattooed.

Both the U.S. and Britain also had death penalties for commandos, which in Germany were the Brandenburg special forces units. There's a well known photo essay in LIFE magazine from early 1945 of three of them being executed during the Battle of the Bulge.

Shamanskiss said:
From an old man, a tailor, who made several of my suits, who also had a tattoo on his wrist to denote his place in the great solutions redord keeping.

But the Nazis never tattooed anybody on the wrist. If you look it up on the USHMM site:



the first prisoners tattooed were Russian POW's at Auschwitz, they were tattooed on their upper left chest. After that, people at Birkenau were tattooed on their inner or outer left forearm. Nobody was ever tattooed on their wrist.

If your tailor friend had a tattoo on his wrist, he put it there, not the Nazis.

Shamanskiss said:
The fact remains Irvine and his sycophants are revisionist apologists for a fucked up regime based on institutionalised murder of the innocent.

Who are Irving's sycophants? Last I heard, he always works alone.

But, you've read Irving's books? Which ones? I just got done with UPRISING! ONE NATIONS NIGHTMARE: HUNGARY, 1956. It's a pretty darn good book, the only one ever written in the West about the Hungarian Insurrection. He even interviewed the Russian general who led the counter-invasion.

If, however, you're talking about HITLER'S WAR, please tell me where he ever apologized for Hitler. I don't remember that part, and I've read it twice (nobody finds from-the-source material like Irving, and there is some truly unique info in it)

Those are the only two I've covered so far. How many of his books have you read?

Shamanskiss said:
3) I am from a Military family. One of my Uncles went through the second WW, initially, as part of the Long Range Desert Group, then he side-stepped into David Stirlings little bunch of bandits that became the SAS. Apart from all the odd jobs he was on , very few of which he would ever talk about, there was one he would always speak of, to anyone. That was about his role with the advance forces that liberated such places as Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau.

But those camps were not liberated by "advance forces", or by the SAS.

Bergen-Belsen was liberated by a small British medical team, invited there by Kommandant Josef Kramer to help deal with the catastrophic typhus epidemic, and his concerns that it would spread outside of the camp. The camp was quarantined, for days, no regular British troops were allowed to approach the camp, it was too dangerous. True, at a later date the liberated inmates rioted against the British forces, who had to put it down with machine guns. Was that what your uncle did there?
Dachau was liberated by regular troops of the 45th Infantry Division, U.S. 7th Army. No British forces were present. The 45th promptly murdered the Waffen-SS troops they found, not even part of the regular garrison, as well as wounded SS troops from the Eastern Front they found in the hospital (The Dachau Massacre).


The only massacre the camp ever knew. Those SS troops were there at the urgent request of the Red Cross, who had begged them to stay after the regular garrison fled, fearing a riot like the one that had raged in Mauthausen. No British troops were present.
Buchenwald was liberated by regular troops of the 6th Armored Division of the U.S. Third Army. No British troops were there either.

The Germans had abandoned that camp three days before, and the Communist prisoners, who actually ran the place with their own little Mafia, exploiting other prisoners and stealing their Red Cross and after November, 1944, RELICO (Jewish Relief Agency) food packages, the ones that British secret agent Christopher Burney wrote about in THE DUNGEON DEMOCRACY and Paul Rassinier in CROSSING THE LINE, had a nice little dog and pony show all set up for Eisenhower, Patton and Bradley when they took their tour together. The Communist tour guide, a German national, who led them around passed himself off as Irish.

I wish people would read previous posts. Nobody has ever claimed that any "holocaust" ever took place in Buchenwald, Belsen or any of the Western camps. The Western allies never liberated a single camp that was claimed to be a death camp where a "holocaust" took place. The six alleged death camps were in Poland, behind Red Army lines.

Anyway, your uncle and the others sure told some tall tales. Any other unimpeachable historical sources to share with us?

EDIT NOTE: Something I just realized, and it's monumental. According to the Auschwitz State Museum, 500 plus British prisoners were still at Monowitz as late as January of 1945, and the Musuem notes that they liberally shared their food packages with the Jewish and other concentration camp inmates at Monowitz.

Elie Weisel's book NIGHT is mostly about his time at - Monowitz!

If you've read NIGHT, do you realize that Weisel never ONCE mentions the British POW's, or the food they shared? BUT HE MUST HAVE SEEN THEM! Something stinks!
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shycuriousred said:
Have you converted even ONE person with your tiny minded hatred?

Go home, pinhead.

I take it that you are speaking to me. So I am full of hatred because I try and seek the truth. A truth that you and your ilk seem to believe has been told. The truth comes from people like shamankiss. I see that Uncul has proven that what he thinks he know is based on a bunch of out right lies....ok call them fantasies of someone that was trying to impress someone. Let some kids on an outdoor camping trip that ...ok...a wolf..yeah that's right a wofl......A bad old, vicious snarling wolf was sighted only ten miles away two years before the camping trip. Yet when these lids go home you will find that each has told his little group of friends about how he was terrorized by this rabid beast and that he scared the monster off with a flaming firebrand...

OH come on..The man used faulty material...ok I'll say it outright LIES. Now here is what evidently a suporter of Israel and all that they stand against. That's right it seems that they stand against more than they stand for..They stand against the Palestinians right to live. They stand against David Irving..They stand against me and all those that refuse to swallow their bullshit. And I don't try and convert anyone. That's not at all what I am all about ..don't you get it yet....I AM AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND I JUST LIKE TO SEE YOU FIND OUT THAT WHAT YOU HAVE PUT ME DOWN FOR YEARS ABOUT IS ALL BASED ON LIES. And I am going to enjoy the hell out of it when the walls finally crumble...and they will...they will.
Shamanskiss said:
We see so much about the creation of a 'false' Jewish home-state,
why do we always see the zionist plots trotted out,
Balfour this, Balfour that .

Yet, those same people always avoid the fact that it was the same protocols
and intents that established the modern basis for most of the Arab states.
Their National identities were gone.
Submerged and eroded by hundreds of years of the Ottoman Empire.
So, how come no-one ever seems inclined to say, 'hold on , Jordan shouldn't be allowed to exist as it was never a nation. It was invented after WW1 as a 'pay-off' to an Arab leader, and a buffer against French interests in the Middle East'.
Persia, well now where do we draw the lines on that one ?, dear me that's a hard one !
The Trucial states, UAE.... The WHAT, historically speaking, and on and on.
Of course there will be some half-arsed argument that such states were constructed about tribal groups with a 'valid' claim on statehood.
Maybe those people might remind me where the nation state of Kurdistan is.
I can't seem to find it on a map. Bearing in mind that the Kurds , as represented by Sal'al'Adin possibly did more for the glorification of Islam, and the liberation of its holy places, it seems a shame that so much of the Arab/Islamic world now spits on his people.

Similarly I can't seem to find a nation of the Howetatt, and Lord knows how many other Arab and Bedu tribes and Clans. I suppose there might be an argument offered that such invented, resurrected, and otherwise created states benefit from the factor of religious cohesion under Islam and a tradition of that religion holding the tribes together and creating a non secular nationalist identity.?

I can see that, sort of like the Jewish state, and the invention of Israel, isn't it. Ooooops, that doesn't fit your agenda does it.

That argument also gets a little shakey from the Arab perspective if we recall that the Arabs that rose for National freedom did so against Ottoman rule, rule by the Islamic state - Islam against Islam. Sort of kicks religious cohesion in the balls somewhat doesn't it.

Odd how so many Arab states have the same sort of claim on legitimacy as Israel. Equally odd that we hear so much about the evil west being the tool of zionist this that and the other, but we hear so little mention that the same evil west supplied the gold, guns, personel, and logistics that allowed an Arab revolt,

the same evil west pretty much invented the modern powers that bitch interminably about the Israeli state and the evil west,

the same Middle Eastern nations that Hitler and his cronies viewed as allies , and the only nations who understood the need for the solution to the 'jewish problem'.

I have no desire to diminish the deaths of the Iraqi's you throw in as some kind of feeble tit for tat, but you need to refocus on the fact your numbers fall a long way off equalling the Iraqi's and Kurds that died and disappeared
under Saddam's regime.

My views of the holocaust are not formed by disinformation. In the main they are formed from speaking with people who were there.
From relatives who saw the camps, freed the inmates.
From two men. brothers , in the village I grew up in , who were not even jews, but had a number tattoo'd on the forearms because they were British commandos, captured by the Germans, and it was decided that Hitler's blanket death penalty might be amusingly fulfilled by sending them to a concentration camp.
From an old man, a tailor, who made several of my suits, who also had a tattoo on his wrist to denote his place in the great solutions redord keeping.

Have you ever been to any of the camps , or their sites ?
I have.
And, I have felt history, not just read of it.

The more you write , wriggling about trying to erect a screen of academic respectability, the more you convince readers you need to loosen the laces on those hevay boots of yours and let the blood get to your brain.

It really is quite sad to see someone who might otherwise exhibit suggestions of intelligence waste so much effort defending the indefeciblke and denying the undeniable.

You write as if you are or would like to be student. If you are, see if you can obtain access to the archive film footage held by the British Imperial War Museum.
There is a significant amount that you will only be able to view if you can provide validation that your access is for academic purposes, normally a Doctrate. Public access is not generally encouraged.

However, whatever ,you write, however banal, however deluded, you will still need to ask yourself why you feel it is valid to defend mass murder, and institutionalised evil.
Comparing the war dead in Iraq to the Holocaust not only rings of desperation, it insults whatever intelligence you have. By all means compare them to the dead of Dresden, Coventry, London, Hamburg, Liverpool, Koln, Berlin. Compare them to the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at a push Shanghai, Beijin, Port Arthur , but please stop belittling yourself, and them, by offering them as a comparison to millions rounded up like cattle, herded off in trucks, stripped of all dignity even in death.
You debase yourself by doing so. You also debase the dead Iraqi's by using them as such a pawn in your game.

BTW... Using Winston as a source is a bad move...That was fiction you know.
How apt you fall back on fiction to validate your historical perspective. They share so much in common, both being fiction.

I too, had a father in a Polish concentration camp where he was worked as a slave but was never tatooed. My insight starts there, firsthand. He also witnessed the execution of his camp guards by Americans horrified at what they found. But his experience was of the type of a Siberian Gulag with its work, deprivation and sickess and definitely not part of an industrial genocidal network. The efficiency conundrum of such a system just defies the reputation of Germans as being the most efficient industrialers around. With war material and manpower shortages, logic says you use what you have for the war effort and the Germans did this in the factories that accompanied every camp under their control. It is illogical to set up a massive infrastructure, ship people hundreds of miles just to kill them on arrival and burn them. Germans were not that stupid but they did have a policy of depopulating German territory of its Jews, much as declared enemies of the State are dealt to in every warring nation including Britain and the USA. There is no documentary evidence to validate any extermination programme, if you have some, it will be a world first and I can guarantee it isnt hidden in your War Museum. I again challenge you to step from behind your hail of rhetoric with a fact to back your assertions.
Discussions with the brainwashed like you are never a satisfying experience because your "religion" about what happened is part of your makeup now and you will move heaven and earth before rescinding a root belief no matter how fallacious. It is only in examing realities that progress can be made.

Russia killed over 20 million and never needed any factory to impede their simplicity. Pol Pot was another that found guns very effective too.

You appear to have a very cursory grasp on history akin to womens gossip groups rather than any real evidence. For all your posturing about Holocaust credibility, you have not produced one verifiable fact that supports your case other than some old wives tales from your tough but crybaby Commandos.

It is impossible to deny the influence of Jewry in the development of European history because , good or bad, they always place themselves at the pointy end of the action promoting change and seeking a better world.
This breeds emnity in the residents who are not so proactive for change.

It is in this way that international finanance came to be controlled by Jewish interests because they are damn good at it.
Similarly, Jewish religious training stretches the mind more than that of any other cultural training and this enhanced reasoning and thinking capability is put to uses which has seen Jews filter to the higher eschelons of business and bureaucracy for centuries at rates that far exceed their demographic influence.
But in all this, the "Jews " are a homeless cultural group, mostly unconnected to Israel but through religious myth. Kazaria is the ethnic homeland of 90% of todays Jews then via Eastern Europe 1000 years ago.

The weakness in your supposition about the legitimacy of the Zionist claim to Israel is that, where Arabs do in fact reside in the areas you use for somparison and have done continually through history, the original Jews, and then only the Talmudic sect, were expelled from Palestine, well more accurately , they fled to avoid death by the Roman legions after a failed rebellion. Israel was always populated by different sects who did not get on together, except for a period under David where he ruled a unified Israel. This was for about 70 years out of 6000 so there is extreme difficulty assigning Israel to Talmudic Jewry with such tenuous grasp of "ownership". The sons of Israel (the real semites) have a stronger , more consistent claim to ownwership based on any western view of justice.
A few of those escaping Jews reached Europe but the predominance of the present Jewish population, the Ashkenazim, do not originate from Palestine, only their religion does. Jews have taken it upon themselves to live safely among Christians while undermining that blasphemous child of their religion.

The Jewish right to Israel in the Zionist plan is akin to any club or interest group desiring to have their own country. From the Israel precedent, we could now have Homoland or the United States of Knitters with equal legitimacy, such is the fallacious basis for the Jewish claim.

You do not display any understanding of what Jewry is when you protect the culture from criticism. There are several opposing streams.
You have the fundamentalist religious sect
You have the secular rightwing zionist political group
You have the left wing, communist agitator group
You have a huge medial group who are not political or particularly religious yet are used by the others to make political capital, even to the point of being sacrifices for political purposes. This occured in Germany when Zionists deliberately stranded the masses for Hitlers worst deeds and it also occurred in Russia where different sects killed the other in pogroms for and against Bolsheviks.

My beef is targeted in on the atheistic Zionist Jews.
shycuriousred said:
Have you converted even ONE person with your tiny minded hatred?

Go home, pinhead.

Closed minds cannot be changed. They are dead.
Here's a great reason why the HolocaustTM should be questioned. It's used as an excuse to stifle debate on American foreign policy.

If you've been following the flap - it's difficult to do so, since, as the Jewish newspaper THE FORWARD reported, members of Congress actually held a meeting to make sure that the story is kept quiet (that's NOT what I pay them to do) - two respected political scientists published a paper eleven days ago.

The paper, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," was written by Stephen Walt, Dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, and University of Chicago political scientist John Mearsheimer.

While it doesn't have a lot of original information, the paper does outline in detail how the fifth column consisting of the Israeli lobby AIPAC, and a network of think tanks, media groups and social pressure groups have hijacked U.S. foreign policy to advance the interests of Israel, a foreign nation, at great cost and great danger to the United States and the lives of U.S. citizens, while at the same time engaging in a campaign of intimidation, slander, and repression of dissenting voices.

Not since the Eisenhower Administration has such a detailed condemnation of Israeli subversion come from sources of such rank and reputation.

But to keep on thread topic: As the New York Sun reported, Jewish Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY), one of Israel's strongest congressional supporters, and one of America's greatest traitors, called the study "the same old anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist drivel." (Why would an AMERICAN Congressman be opposed an anti-Zionist report? Zionism is a 19th century ideology totally alien to American values).

The killer came when Engel said this:

"Given what happened in the Holocaust, it's shameful that people would write reports like this."

Think of it. The report has nothing to do with any holocaust anywhere. Neither does Israel. And U.S. foreign policy, it's execution and consequences are not defined in terms of any "holocaust".

But Engel brought up the HolocaustTM anyway. Out of context and out of the blue, for no other reason than that he had no substantial answer to Walt and Mearsheimer's paper, and needed something evocative and distracting in order to somehow discredit it.

He could just as easily have said, "Given what happened in the Holocaust, it's shameful that people shop anywhere but at Walmart". It would have made just as much sense.

Engel has unwittingly given the firmest proof you'll ever need that the HolocaustTM is used by Israel's stooges in Congress as a tool of deception to undermine U.S. foreign policy debate, and to intimidate and silence critics. All to advance the interests of a foreign and hostile nation at the expense of the American people.

So, if the HolocaustTM continues to be questioned, if more and more falsehoods, exaggerations and fables are exposed, then domestic enemies like Engel will have one less tool with which to commit treason.

That's a DAMN good reason to question it.


AND to strike a blow against the deliberate ignorance that Israel, their Jewish allies in the U.S. and our own U.S. Congress have tried to force on us, here is the first of a great many postings I will be making of the text of their paper, direct from the Kennedy School.


By Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer


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Closing note to the crypto historians.

It is saddening to see the garbage you write.

You waffle around dealing your preferences and assumptions, dressing them up in pseudo validation that is actually the hysteria of a child in tantrum.

You draw comparisons between actions taken either in, or as a result of, a state of war, and extended programmes with political manifestos backing them that predate any conflict.

You bad mouth 'cry-baby commandos' , when you have no knowledge of them,when all you have is the vitriolic spite of spoiled brats when someone actually opposes your rants and refuses to swallow the apologist myths you rely on to validate your feeble minded prejudice. I doubt you have ever done or achieved anything to qualify you to criticise the man about whom I wrote. This enfeebled viciousness of yours shows you for what you truly are.
That man was not only decorated by Britain, he was decorated by the USA , France, and after the war ,By Germany, the people he fought. But, you will never understand that. You patently aren't capable of stretching beyond line drawings that allow you to colour it in the way you want.

I am no great super-supporter of 'Jewry', wake up, trhey don't need my support. They got up on their hind legs and told the bullies to go fuck em selves. What is more they do a bloody good job of it. Just because I dismiss the bullshit you trot out doesn't mean I am a cheerleader for Israel. Your world-view just needs to allow you to think that.
Israel has committed acts I would despise and condemn. ( allowing the assaults on the Palestinian camps in Lebannon springs to mind). What I am is a person who could not stomach holding the sad and feeble views that make such as you desperately seek respectability in grandiose verbiage and manipulation of History. I would not pretend a wrong was not done simply to ease my holding of certain beliefs.
Of course Pol Pot was evil,
of course Idi Amin, was too,
Stalin ,and the gulags, pogroms , evil.
The British use of concentration camps in the Boer war, cruel and inhuman.
The failure of The USA to desegregate its forces until very late in the war, wrong.
Reservationalisation, wrong, potentially akin to genocide by proxy.
Rwanda, evil.
and on and on.
The difference between us is I will not try to validate them in the way you kiss racist, fascist , ass.

You speak about the holocaust as if it were akin to the Roswell autopsy.
" Germany wouldn't treat slave labour that way when it wanted them to work". Idiot. When that slave labour is seen as virtually endless, you do.
Apart from the fact the millions of Russians, slavs, and eventually Orientals and Arabs, who defied the Aryan norm, were seen as replacement spare parts, the Hitler machine did not view the numbers of Jews available for extermination as that significant , on a world scale. Why should they, after all there was only one master race, and even some of those were easilly categorised as untermenschen.

"Internment of the Japanese Americans was the same as the jewish experience". Bullshit. It was wrong, it was paranoid, disloyal, a reaction founded in fear and prejudice. I condemn it as much as anyone could. Especially in light of the fact the 442nd (Japanese American Regiment) was the most highly decorated unit in US military history. But the internment of the Issei and Nisei was a reaction to Pearl Harbour, and war with Japan. It was the product of weakness and bad judgement. It was also admitted to, and an effort made to atone for it by the payment of compensation .
You overlook the fact there was no institutional plan to apply deathcamps as a solution.

" the execution of millions of German POW's". Now you are totally off planet. German losses, sourced from their own census info, enlistment details, post war missing persons stats, place German military losses at around 3.25 million.
The scope and scale of world war 2 , with multiple fronts , and the comparitive losses to allied forces in those theatres disallows any possibility for the executions you mutter about. Any validity to your calim would require losses of many million more.
Interestingly though, it might be relevant that the Germans killed more high ranking German officers, than any single Allied national force. Infact, they almost killed as many of their own high command as the allies did altogether. Including, probably, their most gifted leaders and strategists.
'Hey, bubba, maybe all them German officers Hitler off'd was really secret jews, and part of the zionist plot with special handshakes and such'.

And lastly. One of you sad apologies made some blase comment about my having , obviously, never being in the army.
Silly little boy couldn't be more wrong. I was an officer in her maj's armed forces for over 20 years, retiring early after finally getting banged up a bit more than was reasonable.
This is a good place to close. This thread doesn't need me.
It has you guys. You do a wonderful job of demonstrating what mindless
fuckwits you are, with your shabby rants, inaccurate sources, groundless declarations, and incompetent use of empirical comparisons.
You don't just fail as people, you fail desperately as Historians and Debaters.
As said, the thread doesn't need me to target you.
You guys make Dan Brown read like Enid Blyton,
You guys tango yourselves.

unculbact said:
Here's a great reason why the HolocaustTM should be questioned. It's used as an excuse to stifle debate on American foreign policy.

is not reason to question the holocaust.
It is reason to question the actions of paid officials NOW. And take the necessary action.

Stifling debate on foreign policy is indeed wrong. But it is wrong in and unto itself. It does not need, nor represent, valid reason to support any other issues.
Isn't stifling debate on foreign policy unconstitutional ?
Or do I misunderstand that document.
Shamanskiss said:
It is saddening to see the garbage you write.

You waffle around dealing your preferences and assumptions, dressing them up in pseudo validation that is actually the hysteria of a child in tantrum.

You draw comparisons between actions taken either in, or as a result of, a state of war, and extended programmes with political manifestos backing them that predate any conflict.

You bad mouth 'cry-baby commandos' , when you have no knowledge of them,when all you have is the vitriolic spite of spoiled brats when someone actually opposes your rants and refuses to swallow the apologist myths you rely on to validate your feeble minded prejudice. I doubt you have ever done or achieved anything to qualify you to criticise the man about whom I wrote. This enfeebled viciousness of yours shows you for what you truly are.
That man was not only decorated by Britain, he was decorated by the USA , France, and after the war ,By Germany, the people he fought. But, you will never understand that. You patently aren't capable of stretching beyond line drawings that allow you to colour it in the way you want.

I am no great super-supporter of 'Jewry', wake up, trhey don't need my support. They got up on their hind legs and told the bullies to go fuck em selves. What is more they do a bloody good job of it. Just because I dismiss the bullshit you trot out doesn't mean I am a cheerleader for Israel. Your world-view just needs to allow you to think that.
Israel has committed acts I would despise and condemn. ( allowing the assaults on the Palestinian camps in Lebannon springs to mind). What I am is a person who could not stomach holding the sad and feeble views that make such as you desperately seek respectability in grandiose verbiage and manipulation of History. I would not pretend a wrong was not done simply to ease my holding of certain beliefs.
Of course Pol Pot was evil,
of course Idi Amin, was too,
Stalin ,and the gulags, pogroms , evil.
The British use of concentration camps in the Boer war, cruel and inhuman.
The failure of The USA to desegregate its forces until very late in the war, wrong.
Reservationalisation, wrong, potentially akin to genocide by proxy.
Rwanda, evil.
and on and on.
The difference between us is I will not try to validate them in the way you kiss racist, fascist , ass.

You speak about the holocaust as if it were akin to the Roswell autopsy.
" Germany wouldn't treat slave labour that way when it wanted them to work". Idiot. When that slave labour is seen as virtually endless, you do.
Apart from the fact the millions of Russians, slavs, and eventually Orientals and Arabs, who defied the Aryan norm, were seen as replacement spare parts, the Hitler machine did not view the numbers of Jews available for extermination as that significant , on a world scale. Why should they, after all there was only one master race, and even some of those were easilly categorised as untermenschen.

"Internment of the Japanese Americans was the same as the jewish experience". Bullshit. It was wrong, it was paranoid, disloyal, a reaction founded in fear and prejudice. I condemn it as much as anyone could. Especially in light of the fact the 442nd (Japanese American Regiment) was the most highly decorated unit in US military history. But the internment of the Issei and Nisei was a reaction to Pearl Harbour, and war with Japan. It was the product of weakness and bad judgement. It was also admitted to, and an effort made to atone for it by the payment of compensation .
You overlook the fact there was no institutional plan to apply deathcamps as a solution.

" the execution of millions of German POW's". Now you are totally off planet. German losses, sourced from their own census info, enlistment details, post war missing persons stats, place German military losses at around 3.25 million.
The scope and scale of world war 2 , with multiple fronts , and the comparitive losses to allied forces in those theatres disallows any possibility for the executions you mutter about. Any validity to your calim would require losses of many million more.
Interestingly though, it might be relevant that the Germans killed more high ranking German officers, than any single Allied national force. Infact, they almost killed as many of their own high command as the allies did altogether. Including, probably, their most gifted leaders and strategists.
'Hey, bubba, maybe all them German officers Hitler off'd was really secret jews, and part of the zionist plot with special handshakes and such'.

And lastly. One of you sad apologies made some blase comment about my having , obviously, never being in the army.
Silly little boy couldn't be more wrong. I was an officer in her maj's armed forces for over 20 years, retiring early after finally getting banged up a bit more than was reasonable.
This is a good place to close. This thread doesn't need me.
It has you guys. You do a wonderful job of demonstrating what mindless
fuckwits you are, with your shabby rants, inaccurate sources, groundless declarations, and incompetent use of empirical comparisons.
You don't just fail as people, you fail desperately as Historians and Debaters.
As said, the thread doesn't need me to target you.
You guys make Dan Brown read like Enid Blyton,
You guys tango yourselves.

Keep it up Bozo, you are putting up the standard shitsplatter apologist defence for the Holocaust without having the sand to enter a reasoned discussion on any individual aspect brought to light by our discussions here.
Maybe your last beating was the the one that did it for you but your post is a complete showpiece of the very thing you are accusing Holocaust questioners of, you last block saying it all.

Show us you arent just more piss and wind and debate some of the questions raised in this thread , even better, venture forth some proof to convince us that we are misguided individuals. I am open minded. Let me see the proof and I can accept it. If you have nothing, say so and move on.

I know you only spout from propaganda lessons or you would already have raised some points of historic relevance to pad out your febrile sycophancy for the Holohoax mythology. Do some fucking research before you come back.
Google the Wansee Conference minutes and read what the Final Solution was really about, not a gas chamber mentioned anywhere, lots of disenfranchisement and slave labour for the reich though. And the blood identification of Jews noted therein would do well in any of Kyle Onstott's, Mandingo novels.

WWII was not a stand alone event. It was a result of a crappy Treaty after WWI and the usual manoevuring for power and revenge between a group of self interested players, overlaid with a Zionist plan for a homeland and growing Internationalist pressures to enable freer markets and trade. As usual, the same scumbag bankers were funding all sides because "there is money in blood".

Were Hitler and World Jewry a central part of WWII starting, Hell yes, and there is a 6 year boycott in evidence to show how a cultural group can influence a great State. Hitler had no intention of repeating the Great War tragedy but circumstances and his fascist policies overtook him.
I would imagine he was seriously pissed off with World Jewry from their boycott and that would have done the situation of those in Germany no good at all.
The problem with the Aryans and the Jews, both claim to be superior nations but like in "The Highlander", there can only be one. The Germans were always going to lose. They only planned to rule for a thousand years. In Jewish thought, that makes them losers.

As a direct Holocaust question, why is it that an International relief body like the Red Cross , who regularly checked Hitlers Camps, were totally in the dark about the extermination process and the gas Chambers that were meant to be processing batches every 20 minutes non stop. Dont you think they may have noticed that? They were checking inmate welfare after all.

Why is that they place a death toll around 300,000 for Camp deaths derived from German records they monitored? Explain how 20 times more have supposedly been gassed and cremated with no evidence left, and in a system a specialist declared just would not work in the manner described.

You have the answers, Do tell?
Shamanskiss said:
is not reason to question the holocaust.
It is reason to question the actions of paid officials NOW. And take the necessary action.

Stifling debate on foreign policy is indeed wrong. But it is wrong in and unto itself. It does not need, nor represent, valid reason to support any other issues.
Isn't stifling debate on foreign policy unconstitutional ?
Or do I misunderstand that document.

The Holocaust is used as a weapon against those who question Jews or Israel.
This infers the validity of the Holocaust is unimpeachable but this is not so.
There is no historic precedent to give the mythology of the Holocaust a free ride in a secular world. I can see a religious element for Jewry, fine, that can be theirs to hold but it cannot be a burden to the rest of humanity who fought and died on the same side against the Nazi curse.
To allow misinformation to rule and distort world opinion and disadvantage those who saved the Jews, demeans the lives of those who fought and died on the Allied side to protect Jews from tyranny and protect Freedom from tyranny yet the unquestionable package of the Holocaust now reveals itself to be an enemy of free thought among those who stopped Hitler and now is itself a powerful tyrannical pacifying force among Non Jews. And its based in lies and deceit that no-one is prepared to acknowledge because there is no hard evidence to support the myth, not even in 600 tonnes of German captured documents. Its a scam.
Taltos said:
Was this thread moved here from bizzaro world?

No, we were always here but the Holocaust and 9/11 believers live over there holding their hands over their ears.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Hey Woodrow...I never saw if you thought the OKC bombing was part of a plot too?

Why ask me?. If you cared to research the perpetrators history and connections yourself, you may not be so smug about the people you support politically. The networks of anarchy are quite an eyeopener.

Such ignorance through laziness makes you stupider than need be.
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woody54 said:
Why ask me?. If you cared to research the perpetrators history and connections yourself, you may not be so smug about the people you support politically. The networks of anarchy are quite an eyeopener.

Such ignorance through laziness makes you stupider than need be.

What kind of pussy answer is that?

You seem to be one of the resident conspiracy nuts on here and I was curious if you saw a conspiracy there too.

You and I could look at all the research you want and we're most likey not going to agree on much of it. I add 2+2 and get 4 which makes you think I'm stupid. You on the other hand add 2+2 and get 723,352,452,321.26.

So... Sometimes its entertaining to hear whatever whacko conspiracy theory you might come up with.
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BlueEyesInLevis said:
What kind of pussy answer is that?

You seem to be one of the resident conspiracy nuts on here and I was curious if you saw a conspiracy there too.

You and I could look at all the research you want and we're most likey not going to agree on much of it. I add 2+2 and get 4 which makes you think I'm stupid. You on the other hand add 2+2 and get 723,352,452,321.26.

So... Sometimes its entertaining to hear whatever whacko conspiracy theory you might come up with.

It was a thinking type of an answer. Think !!!