Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

krastner said:
If it had not been fot the USA sticking it's nose where it didn't belong .....you British milktoast would be eating saurkraut and speaking German by now.

I'm not sure that would be true with the Russians hammering the Germans (at huge cost).
Shamanskiss said:
Then explain why the almighty third reich couldn't get the job done when it had three years+ of numerical superiority against lonely old Britain..

You must be one of the dumber people on this site as far as noticing a basic fact of reality. 'Lonely old Britain' is isolated by the English Channel - that means that Germany would've had great difficulty in mounting any kind of invasion as they would be limited to transporting them by ship or plane. They could hardly just MARCH across the Channel, could they? Did you think they could walk on water?!

You sound like an idiot.
Can you read ?

Lovelynice said:
You must be one of the dumber people on this site as far as noticing a basic fact of reality. 'Lonely old Britain' is isolated by the English Channel - that means that Germany would've had great difficulty in mounting any kind of invasion as they would be limited to transporting them by ship or plane. They could hardly just MARCH across the Channel, could they? Did you think they could walk on water?!

You sound like an idiot.

you are an idiot, you don't just sound like one. YOu define the term.

Dunkirk...We took a tattered army off the beaches, in fucking jolly boats and boating lake sunday specials, under murderous fire and aerial bombardment. We got them across the channel, that thing the germans would have "had great difficulty in mounting any kind of invasion as they would be limited to transporting them by ship or plane".
Dumbass, the same works both ways. We did it.
Or do you think we walked on water....

D_Day...we came back, ever read about it.
Crossed that big nasty channel that your reichsmeister seems to have feared so damned much.

Dealt with the same problems, same obstacles....More infact, because the English coastal defences after Dunkirk, and for a long time after,were no where near as solid as those the Germans were snuggled up in. Nor did we have anything like the German numbers manning them.
Then , ooops , one June morning , there 'we' were.
Or do you think we walked on water that time as well.

Ever heard of Crete... Were the Fallschirmjaeger used there the only Germans not scared to fly.
Oh I see, they had Crete pencilled in, so they couldn't possibly fit England into their schedule. ' one war, one job', and Hitler wouldn't pay overtime, is that it.

For christsake get yourself up to speed.
And at least try to think your posts out enough so you don't walk into self made ambushes.
Thanks for your support, you have been a great help. Your post underlines the fact we did twice what you say was far too hard for the Germans to manage once, when Britain was in the worst shape it had ever been.

So what's your rationale, Hitler and the Wehrmacht were scared of water, hydrophobic ?
Well the strutting little halfwit was rabid enough.

Lord above.... There is stupid, but you abuse the word . You redefine the term.
When it comes to stupid you're an icon.
I cannot believe you actually made that post.
Lovelynice said:
How outnumbered were they? Did you notice?

Shamanskiss said:
That you explain...

If that was actually an issue

You made it an issue when you claimed that the German soldiers must've been crap because they lost. So, yes it is an issue.

So were they outnumbered?

(I already know the numbers, they're easy to look up, but let's see if Mr Smart Alec is just spouting bullshit or really knows what he's talking about).
Again...CAN YOU READ...

Lovelynice said:
You made it an issue when you claimed that the German soldiers must've been crap because they lost. So, yes it is an issue.

So were they outnumbered?

(I already know the numbers, they're easy to look up, but let's see if Mr Smart Alec is just spouting bullshit or really knows what he's talking about).

There is a breakdown by divisional strength a few posts back. I even made generous adjustments for the Eastern front.( that's where the poor German ones were busy fighting the big nasty Russian ones. See I subtracted (took away) all the divisions they used there , just so it wouldn't seem unfair.

Repeating a stupid question doesn't make it valid, it makes it geometrically more STUPID.

I just looked at your profile...Half E, Half J, now that is a superb combination,
you could be wonderful. What the hell are you doing mixing with this crowd.

Or, is English your second language, I am trying to provide escape routes here.

Or, are you really a secret agent for my side, if so keep up the good work, you are really fucking up the opposition, good lass....
PM me and we can swap passwords, and codes, and secret handshakes and stuff.
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Lovelynice said:
You must be one of the dumber people on this site as far as noticing a basic fact of reality. 'Lonely old Britain' is isolated by the English Channel - that means that Germany would've had great difficulty in mounting any kind of invasion as they would be limited to transporting them by ship or plane. They could hardly just MARCH across the Channel, could they? Did you think they could walk on water?!

Yes. How could anyone mount a successful invasion after first having to cross the Channel? Why, it's not like anyone did that in WW2.
Hold on. maybe I was harsh.

Lovelynice said:
You made it an issue when you claimed that the German soldiers must've been crap because they lost. So, yes it is an issue.

So were they outnumbered?

(I already know the numbers, they're easy to look up, but let's see if Mr Smart Alec is just spouting bullshit or really knows what he's talking about).

do you know what a Division is ?
Lovelynice said:
You must be one of the dumber people on this site as far as noticing a basic fact of reality. 'Lonely old Britain' is isolated by the English Channel - that means that Germany would've had great difficulty in mounting any kind of invasion as they would be limited to transporting them by ship or plane. They could hardly just MARCH across the Channel, could they? Did you think they could walk on water?!

You sound like an idiot.

That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on here and that's really saying something.
Drinking Cap said:
Yes. How could anyone mount a successful invasion after first having to cross the Channel? Why, it's not like anyone did that in WW2.

Guess that whole D-day thing didn't really happen.
KRCummings said:
That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on here and that's really saying something.

In fairness, while the German troops couldn't march across the water that was a talent possessed by American, English and Canadian troops. It was a product of their hyper advanced footwear. Light enough to walk on water, heavy enough to kick Nazi ass back to Bavaria.
KRCummings said:
Guess that whole D-day thing didn't really happen.

D-Day is a Jewish conspiracy also. In fact, saying that the Germans lost the war is also buying into Zionist propaganda.
this is a dumb ass thread

the originatar of this thread should consider the facts

fact 1. 13 million people were exterminated by the nazis during World Two in there concentration camps

Fact 2. of the 13 million who were muredered 6 million were jews

Fact 3. the nazis did this out pure racail and ethince prejiduce and hatred of certain ethinic and political groups

The holacaust did happen and any one who tries to deny is just a plain dumb ass
krastner said:
If it had not been fot the USA sticking it's nose where it didn't belong .....you British milktoast would be eating saurkraut and speaking German by now.

Uhmmm . . . er, that's just NOT the case Krastner . . . :)

Dunkirk showed that Hitler was more interested in eastward expansion into the fertile agricultural black soil regions of USSR rather than undertaking a historically difficult cross Channel 'invasion'.

THe Yanks did very nicely out oiof withholding munitions and war materiels from the inadequately prepared Brits. The Yanks extracted all the western hemisphere British possessions except Bermuda in return for materiels that were often faulty and inadquate.

For example, the single skinned V-ships, notorious for sinking on their first crossing of the Atlantic because the 12'' deep welding seams between the hull plates were filled with scrap metal rather than layered welds.

The Brits kept Bermuda because they needed somewhere to put Edward Duke of wherever, the abdicated King and his 'Yankee whore' Mrs Simpson. Both were Nazi sympathisers, and expected to be returned as a puppet King in the event of a successful Nazi invasion and occupation of England. :)

Remember there was a lot of British, French and US money invested in Nazi Germany, and at the highest levels of commerce and society. :)
Shamanskiss said:
Dunkirk...We took a tattered army off the beaches, in fucking jolly boats and boating lake sunday specials, under murderous fire and aerial bombardment. We got them across the channel, that thing the germans would have "had great difficulty in mounting any kind of invasion as they would be limited to transporting them by ship or plane".
Dumbass, the same works both ways. We did it.

Which side had the bigger navy, silly billy? The British.

Who pretty much controlled the English Channel? The British.

How easy was the Dunkirk landing? Damn dangerous and tough, and that was with the British having the advantage of a larger navy and more ships to transport troops.

Get the picture yet?

You really are an idiot.

As Don K. Dyck points out...

Don K Dyck said:
Dunkirk showed that Hitler was more interested in eastward expansion into the fertile agricultural black soil regions of USSR rather than undertaking a historically difficult cross Channel 'invasion'.

Even Hitler was smarter than our "Shamanskiss".
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wild175133 said:
the originatar of this thread should consider the facts

fact 1. 13 million people were exterminated by the nazis during World Two in there concentration camps

Fact 2. of the 13 million who were muredered 6 million were jews

Fact 3. the nazis did this out pure racail and ethince prejiduce and hatred of certain ethinic and political groups

The holacaust did happen and any one who tries to deny is just a plain dumb ass

ALL of these so-called FACTS are disputable. Just saying they're facts doesn't make them facts.

True evidence is seriously lacking. Read the entire thread from the beginning before posting the same already stated bullshit which you posted above ever again. Bring real good arguments next time as to WHY you believe your statements to be true, and PROVE IT.
Lovelynice said:
ALL of these so-called FACTS are disputable. Just saying they're facts doesn't make them facts.

The sky being blue is disputable.
KRCummings said:
That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on here and that's really saying something.

Think it through before you make a silly comment like that.
Lovelynice said:
Think it through before you make a silly comment like that.

Man, you Japanese just can't shake that whole "being on the Nazi's side" thing, huh?
Don K Dyck said:
Uhmmm . . . er, that's just NOT the case Krastner . . . :)

I know but it's hard to resist the urge to twist shemankiss's ass. He is so fukin arragont it stinks. He is also a blatant liar, as woody has pointed out.. But let's be reasonable if America had not entered the war in Europe then it might have been a different story for the Brits. By the way if I remember ..at Dunkirk, the Germans actually allowed the British to leave. There were news reels all the time then.

Oh I am sure that the d day invasion took place..There were a lot of news reels about it then.. That's really a stupid ploy..if you are a zionist Jew it shows that you are running with your tail between your legs...yelp...yelp...yelp...

The holacaust did happen and any one who tries to deny is just a plain dumb ass

So! It wasn't called a holocaust till the zionist jews dreamed the term up after imbibing too much Mogen David 20/20.
Troops civilian total
USSR 12 million 17 million 29 million
Poland 597,000 5.86 million 6.27 million
Germany 3.25 million 2.44 million 5.69 million
Yugoslavia 305,000 1.35 million 1.66 million
Romania 450,000 465,000 915,000
Hungary 200,000 600,000 800,000
France 245,000 350,000 595,000
Italy 380,000 153,000 533,000
Great Britain 403,00 92,700 495,000
United States 407,000 6,000 413,000
Czechoslovakia 7,000 315,000 322,000
Holland 13,700 236,000 249,000
Greece 19,000 140,000 159,000
Belgium 76,000 23,000 99,000

Ok wild you sort them out...like lovelynice says Just saying they're facts doesn't make them facts.
Drinking Cap said:
The sky being blue is disputable.

Ah, but we can actually SEE the sky.

We can't however, SEE original wartime German documents that support the claims of the Holocaust. We can see copies and transcipts, nothing more. Neither can we SEE those mythical murderous 'gas vans' as supposedly none were captured, but that's alright since NOBODY can explain how they would've really worked as claimed anyway...since the stupid bullshit claim is that they killed victims inside of 15 minutes with carbon monoxide poisoning, a claim which is at odds with scientific studies that show without any doubt that this is IMPOSSIBLE with Diesel Engines because they CAN'T produce enough CO. Neither can we SEE mass graves filled with cyanide-gassed victims, in truth we can't even SEE an autopsy report from ANYONE for a cyanide-gassed victim of te Holocaust.

If you can show me any of these things, great, you've won your argument, but until I see such, I (and many other people) will continue to have doubts.
Drinking Cap said:
Man, you Japanese just can't shake that whole "being on the Nazi's side" thing, huh?

Man, you can't shake off that brainwashing from your wartime propaganda can you?

Get some evidence, then come back.
Lovelynice said:
Man, you can't shake off that brainwashing from your wartime propaganda can you?

Get some evidence, then come back.

I can prove we dropped a couple bombs on your dumb asses.
Drinking Cap said:
In fairness, while the German troops couldn't march across the water that was a talent possessed by American, English and Canadian troops. It was a product of their hyper advanced footwear. Light enough to walk on water, heavy enough to kick Nazi ass back to Bavaria.

Who had the bigger navy and most ships? Who pretty much controlled the English Channel? You should be able to work these things out for yourself and why your comment comes across as so idiotic.
Lovelynice said:
Ah, but we can actually SEE the sky.

And yet there are still those who would dispute it's blueness. It's really a very good analogy.