Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

Lovelynice said:
Man, you can't shake off that brainwashing from your wartime propaganda can you?

Yes, that whole "allies good, nazis bad" propaganda really is insidious.
Lovelynice said:
Who had the bigger navy and most ships? Who pretty much controlled the English Channel? You should be able to work these things out for yourself and why your comment comes across as so idiotic.
Lovelynice said:
Who had the bigger navy and most ships? Who pretty much controlled the English Channel? You should be able to work these things out for yourself and why your comment comes across as so idiotic.
Lovelynice said:
You should be able to work these things out for yourself and why your comment comes across as so idiotic.

Imagine my devastation at being at odds with a holocaust denying Nazi supporter.
Hey, KR, be nice. Japan is a society based largely on the pride of their warriors. Imagine how much it hurt that pride to have their asses kicked so hard by the Marines that the bootprint is only now wearing off.
Drinking Cap said:
Hey, KR, be nice. Japan is a society based largely on the pride of their warriors. Imagine how much it hurt that pride to have their asses kicked so hard by the Marines that the bootprint is only now wearing off.

Sucks to be them.
KRCummings said:
I can prove we dropped a couple bombs on your dumb asses.

But you can't prove the Holocaust, and that is the point of this thread.

(Also, if the Japanese were so dumb then why is it that it took until 1943 before the US Navy had even a single victory against the Japanese Imperial Navy? In every previous battle, the US Navy lost. In fact, one of the biggest naval losses that the US Navy had ever suffered was against the Japanese.)
KRCummings said:
Sucks to be them.

Hey, they can barely come to terms with those facts to the extent that they print up bullshit history texts. Although in fairness "We got the shit stomped out of us because we fucked with the last people on earth you want to fuck with" doesn't really read too well.
Lovelynice said:
Also, if the Japanese were so dumb then why is it that it took until 1943 before the US Navy had even a single victory against the Japanese Imperial Navy?

Of course it also begs the question of if the Japanese are so smart, how come they got their asses cooked like a microwave burrito?
Lovelynice said:
But you can't prove the Holocaust, and that is the point of this thread.

(Also, if the Japanese were so dumb then why is it that it took until 1943 before the US Navy had even a single victory against the Japanese Imperial Navy? In every previous battle, the US Navy lost. In fact, one of the biggest naval losses that the US Navy had ever suffered was against the Japanese.)


Drinking Cap said:
And yet there are still those who would dispute it's blueness. It's really a very good analogy.

Not really.

Here's a simple little question for you.

Have YOU personally, SEEN a wartime German ORIGINAL document that supports the claims of the Holocaust.

Nobody else has either.
Drinking Cap said:
Hey, they can barely come to terms with those facts to the extent that they print up bullshit history texts. Although in fairness "We got the shit stomped out of us because we fucked with the last people on earth you want to fuck with" doesn't really read too well.

The truth hurts sometimes.
Lovelynice said:
Have YOU personally, SEEN a wartime German ORIGINAL document that supports the claims of the Holocaust.

And, let's be fair, getting their asses waxed so hard by America had a really deep-rooted psychologically impact. Japanese girls go crazy for white boys.
Drinking Cap said:
bullshit history texts.

Just a little fact for you to clear up your ignorance. The last time the Chinese government (you know the Commies, you really trust the Communist Party of China right?), made a big hooha about Japanese textbooks, do you know how big a deal it was about.

Only TWO privately-owned high schools out of the THOUSANDS in the whole of Japan had the textbooks which the Chinese were making a big deal about. They weren't government schools. They were owned by a rightwing-leaning group.

Amazing amount of noise for just TWO schools, neh? I mean there's at least 6,000 High Schools in Japan, and the Chinese want to make a big whinge about two little private schools which barely had a few hundred students all together.


You even took them seriously. Congratulations, DC, you fell for a Chinese commie propaganda campaign.
Lovelynice said:
Not really.
Here's a simple little question for you.
Have YOU personally, SEEN a wartime German ORIGINAL document that supports the claims of the Holocaust.
Nobody else has either.

Drinking Cap said:
And, let's be fair, getting their asses waxed so hard by America had a really deep-rooted psychologically impact. Japanese girls go crazy for white boys.

Trying to dodge the issue, doesn't help your case.
Lovelynice said:
You even took them seriously. Congratulations, DC, you fell for a Chinese commie propaganda campaign.


China, yes, but also South Korea. And they were upset because it was approved by the government.

But still, how's that big bootprint the Americans left? How'd it feel to be whipped by a country with one hand tied behind it's back?
Lovelynice said:
Trying to dodge the issue, doesn't help your case.

I'm just saying, that that the deep psychological scars of getting your asses kicked all over the pacific ocean were deep and have led to a wide variety of abnormal behaviour like groping women in trains or all the weird cartoon porn.
Shamanskiss said:
At least Uncul'thingy, ( can't remember the full name) keeps his facade together. If he had the balls to be honest he would have told you and Krastner to get a grip and shut the fuck up, because your blustering tantrums do all the work for your opposition.

Odd that, considering the name is right up by my AV...scroll up and it's there.

I don't work for the Holocaust Industry, so I'm not one to silence anybody about anything. Besides, Woody and Krastner talk a lot about 9/11, which I haven't researched, since I have no interest in it.

Shamanskiss said:
There is a breakdown by divisional strength a few posts back.

While it's not my field of expertise, weren't all German divisions seriously understrength by 1943? I know that early that year, the German General Staff did an organizational shake-up, and reduced the size of the standard German infantry division from 9 battalions to six, which would give it a ration strength of 9,000 men at full TOE, which it seems they rarely did.

You DO know what TOE means, right?

AND, many divisions were divisions in name only, like the Flak Divisions. The Coastal divisions, if I'm reading this correctly, generally had a strength of only 2,000 men, sometimes as much as half of them made up of Russian volunteers.

My ROTC training was brief, but I know that simply counting divisions is misleading, so much so that Stalin kept "divisions" that had been reduced in strength to only 200 men on the Soviet Order of Battle, just as a bluff to confuse intelligence estimates. Hitler did the same thing.

Actual field strength is a matter of total manpower and field assets, such as heavy guns. Counting divisions doesn't give anybody a clue as to what actual strength in the field is, or who outnumbers who.

You weren't trained as an officer, were you? An officer would know that.

By the way, I checked, that British "Legion", made up of British POW's who volunteered for the German Army, was never stronger than 29 men.

And you're also not counting units that were neither American nor Commonwealth, like the Brazilian divisions.
And you can understand why Lovelynice has taken this position. Being raised in Japan I'm sure it's standard to deny the bodycounts of genocide. I bet Lovelynice thinks the Nanking massacre is all smoke and mirrors as well.
Drinking Cap said:
And you can understand why Lovelynice has taken this position. Being raised in Japan I'm sure it's standard to deny the bodycounts of genocide. I bet Lovelynice thinks the Nanking massacre is all smoke and mirrors as well.

Could be from all that radiation.
KRCummings said:
Could be from all that radiation.

Or being from a country so full of punks the only way they could "win" naval battles was by sneak attacks or directing their men to fly their planes into enemy ships.

Still, I guess that's what desperate, chickenshit people have to try when they fight an enemy that hands you your lunch whenever you try to go toe to toe.
Drinking Cap said:

China, yes, but also South Korea. And they were upset because it was approved by the government.

Nevertheless, only TWO schools out of 6,000. Big deal. :rolleyes:

How many right-wing groups create their own textbooks in the USA, UK, or anywhere else for that matter? Doesn't the USA guarantee free speech as well?

Drinking Cap said:
But still, how's that big bootprint the Americans left? How'd it feel to be whipped by a country with one hand tied behind it's back?

Still dodging the issue like wimp, aren't you. Bit like your insults, really. Come on, DC, you can do better that surely? ;)

Why don't you let out all that unrelieved frustration and really get into it. Come up with something imaginative.
Lovelynice said:
Also, if the Japanese were so dumb then why is it that it took until 1943 before the US Navy had even a single victory against the Japanese Imperial Navy?

Also, did you ever hear of fucking Midway Island? June 5th, 1942. The American Navy sank 4 of the 6 Japanese air carriers. Or is that all a "disputed fact"?
Lovelynice said:
Nevertheless, only TWO schools out of 6,000. Big deal. :rolleyes:

Obviously denying history is still a pretty significant truth in Japan. Understandable, of course, what with the savage, savage pounding that you guys got.