Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

krastner said:
So true....so true... I see where the president of Iran ( thany you God for a real world leader in him) has told the German people to stop bearing the stigma of the holocaust ..enforced on the German people by the Jews...They always wanted to get Germany ever since the world council of Jews declared war on Germany well before WW2 actually started.

The German people are a good people and don't need this crapola..

Well, the real truth is coming out anyway, more so as the power of the Western nations fades, and other nations grow stronger in comparison.
Lovelynice said:
Well, the real truth is coming out anyway, more so as the power of the Western nations fades, and other nations grow stronger in comparison.

Lovelynice...A lot of thanks go to the President of Iran for having the courage to stand up and say that the emperior is naked...
First of all please excuse any typos or faulty grammar, since i am not a native english speaker.

I was surprised finding such a discussion on literotica going on. As someone already pointed out in a previous post revisionism is forbidden in Austria, discussing historical events as such, especially topics related to the treatment of jews during and before world war 2 doesnt fall under that aspect, so I personally welcome any discussion (whatever direction it takes) about the aspects of pre WW2 and WW2 topics.

Nevertheless to all who question the systematic extinction of jews, political leaders who raised their voice against the regime in austria, homosexuals, sinti and roma, etc.... with all due respect: u are fucking morons.

My family lived in Enns, which is about 3 KM from Mauthausen. They have seen many transport of Jews through the city, undernourished, some shot on the way, some mistreated and whatnot. U can question any documents, u can question any proofs u want. What u cannot question is what a whole generation experienced and was forced to experience during those hard times.
I lost my grandfather in war, my grand uncle was in the SS in Russia and in Jugoslavia. I wish u fucking idiots could experience what they had gone through and what they were forced to do.
mirsowuascht said:
First of all please excuse any typos or faulty grammar, since i am not a native english speaker.

I was surprised finding such a discussion on literotica going on. As someone already pointed out in a previous post revisionism is forbidden in Austria, discussing historical events as such, especially topics related to the treatment of jews during and before world war 2 doesnt fall under that aspect, so I personally welcome any discussion (whatever direction it takes) about the aspects of pre WW2 and WW2 topics.

Nevertheless to all who question the systematic extinction of jews, political leaders who raised their voice against the regime in austria, homosexuals, sinti and roma, etc.... with all due respect: u are fucking morons.

My family lived in Enns, which is about 3 KM from Mauthausen. They have seen many transport of Jews through the city, undernourished, some shot on the way, some mistreated and whatnot. U can question any documents, u can question any proofs u want. What u cannot question is what a whole generation experienced and was forced to experience during those hard times.
I lost my grandfather in war, my grand uncle was in the SS in Russia and in Jugoslavia. I wish u fucking idiots could experience what they had gone through and what they were forced to do.

No problems with typos ...etc: I am English speaking all my life and I still make them. What the main question concerning the holocaust is all about is that many forum members present some very thought provoking evidence against it. I ,on the other hand present a philosophical aggument against it.

You said that your parents saw many Jews were transported through Austria during WW2. The jews were rounded up by the Germans. Remember that with out any provacation whatso ever the world concil of Jews declared war against germany in 1929..well before ww2. It was jewish influence over the european leaders, especially the British that imposed harsh criminal sanctions against Germany after ww2. I guess you could say that the German detention of the Jews was pretty natural not to mention the fact that germany had to protect themselves against the same people that swore to destroy them. Remember that during WW1 Germany proposed that all sides go home. That no ione take advantage of any war womn terriority of anything. The Jews wanted the war to go on and they fought it and used their influence with wilson, the american president to get the US in the war along with the so called allies..

So don't you think that these people would be pretty badly treated by the people that they swore to destroy. As far as them being malnourished..I am more than sure that many Germans were malnourished during the war which taxed the entire german system.. You say that I cannot question what an entire generation witnessed..Did you prsonally witness it or is your views based on second hand accounts. As far as your grandfather...do you think that you are the only person to lose a relative in a war.. Be real..you sound like some kid with a kid's mentality. What about the law in Austrian that imprisons a man like Ernst Zundel or others because they only discussed it..Is the truth such a fearful thing that you are afraid that it will be found out..

You have the nerve to call us who auestion morons. You are the moron and not because you make typos. You are a moron because you are afraid of truth..I pity you...As far as the Roma..hey all they ever did to a country is to rob it blind...
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unculbact said:
I recently found this. Seems like a good reason to raise questions.

“World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbors the true causes and occurrences.” – Honore de Balzac

I've read very little of Balzac, but looking not just at Holocaust history, but also at Vietnam War history and even, for the love of God, the history of the space program, there is indeed much that is deliberately left out of the official versions.

Just an observation on your reply..did you know that the book which most european originated peoples the world over is the bible. The old testament contains the books that the jews thought should go in it. The others known as the books of the apocraphe, or the non temple books were excluded...so i guess changing things tto the way you want them to be is an old Kewish thing from way back..They are still doing it..and if you don't like it they imprison you...
mirsowuascht said:
First of all please excuse any typos or faulty grammar, since i am not a native english speaker.

I was surprised finding such a discussion on literotica going on. As someone already pointed out in a previous post revisionism is forbidden in Austria, discussing historical events as such, especially topics related to the treatment of jews during and before world war 2 doesnt fall under that aspect, so I personally welcome any discussion (whatever direction it takes) about the aspects of pre WW2 and WW2 topics.

Nevertheless to all who question the systematic extinction of jews, political leaders who raised their voice against the regime in austria, homosexuals, sinti and roma, etc.... with all due respect: u are fucking morons.

My family lived in Enns, which is about 3 KM from Mauthausen. They have seen many transport of Jews through the city, undernourished, some shot on the way, some mistreated and whatnot. U can question any documents, u can question any proofs u want. What u cannot question is what a whole generation experienced and was forced to experience during those hard times.
I lost my grandfather in war, my grand uncle was in the SS in Russia and in Jugoslavia. I wish u fucking idiots could experience what they had gone through and what they were forced to do.

We all have our own unpleasant experiences associated with the war but that is no reason to deny discussion or examination of history to find truth. There has never ever been a full and complete history written straight after any catastrophic political event so to freeze discussion is merely denying a natural process that occurs for a full story to come out. Suppressing information is more detrimental that the truth but in this case the information exposes the extravagant distortions and subsequent sympathy created to justify the creation of Issrael.

No one in their right mind would attempt to claim the Jewish population of Germany did not suffer horribly under the Nazi purges in their zone of influence.

One may argue about the root causes and the Holocaust because both are openly misrepresented to suit the political agendas of the protagonists. I believe demanding facts and truth about the Holocaust is essential because to not resolve the questions merely creates a cancer that actively undermines Jewish interests in the long term.

What is based in fact is that the Jewish Germans were predominantly meat in the sandwich between a centuries old struggle between jewish influences and those of westerners trying to repel them. This is fact. Germany was only the most recent country to expel Jews from Europe over a 4 century period.
There isnt smoke without fire.

Also those rounded up were the unimportant Jews because , by negotiation, the WJC and zionist interests had negotiated free exit for those with future value to the Zionist cause.
The literature is there also to substantiate the political activism and international machinations of Zionist interests.

Dont be confused by the reasonings for hate speech laws because even in Germany, they are only ever applied against Jewish criticism and the current war on terror demonification of Muslims has resulted in no applications of same hate speech laws because hypocritically, it has the consent from the highest political level.

When your laws are applied evenhandedly, only then may you sit in judgement of those who discuss Germany's history.
mirsowuascht said:
Nevertheless to all who question the systematic extinction of jews, political leaders who raised their voice against the regime in austria, homosexuals, sinti and roma, etc.... with all due respect: u are fucking morons.

My family lived in Enns, which is about 3 KM from Mauthausen. They have seen many transport of Jews through the city, undernourished, some shot on the way, some mistreated and whatnot. U can question any documents, u can question any proofs u want. What u cannot question is what a whole generation experienced and was forced to experience during those hard times.
I lost my grandfather in war, my grand uncle was in the SS in Russia and in Jugoslavia. I wish u fucking idiots could experience what they had gone through and what they were forced to do.

You tell a cute story, suspiciously lacking in detail. Without documents or other proof, how is anybody supposed to know what a "whole generation" experienced?

For instance, what do you mean, transport "through the city"? The rail line doesn't run through the city, its just outside of it. Are you saying that huge columns of people were marched through the city? If so, you're the first to ever claim that, I can't find any reference to such a thing.

Transport was in closed railroad cars or trucks. It's logical to demand that you explain how your family could observe the deportees, and the condition they were in. X-Ray vision?

When did they see this? What year? What month? What time of day? That last question is important, you just mentioned that lots of your family was at war, and it's safe to assume others were at work. Where did they see this from? A window? A door? Watching the Enns Krazy Sales Days Parade?

How often did this happen? Daily, weekly, monthly? Something you could set your watch to? "3:00, just about time for the Jews to go by". Was this sort of thing announced in advance, with traffic cops to clear the streets?

And you're saying they saw them shot on the way? Where? In the streets of Enns? At the railroad station, assuming that's visible? How could they dispose of the body under those conditions? WHO shot them? WHO mistreated them?

Mauthausen was established as a hard-labor camp for criminals and politicals, as well as a camp for Soviet POW's. Jews didn't arrive in large numbers until after March of 1944, how did they know the people they saw were Jews? And Jews from where? What nationality?

Anecdotes are not evidence. And, demanding that a crime allegation have some hard proof is moronic? Any idiot can tell a sad story. Do you actually have any details, so we can check up on this story, or does it go into the bin with the other fairy tales?

Without more details, you've got no proof here that any holocaust took place.

In fact, what little detail you give leads me to suspect that your family saw nothing at all, and that you've made this whole thing up. Being an alt with one post, you're probably not even from Europe.
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BRUSSELS (EJP)--- A Brussels criminal court sentenced two employees of the Belgian Islamic Centre to 10 months jail on Wednesday. They were convicted for inciting race hatred against Jews by spreading revisionist and xenophobic texts via the centre's website.

The plaintiffs’ lawyers said the sentence was “memorable”.

Abdel Rahman Ayachi, 26, and Raphaël Gendron, 30, run the centre's website. When leaving the courtroom, they said the “Jewish lobby” had “inspired” the complaint.

Besides the jail terms, they were each ordered to pay a fine of 15,000 euros and deposit 2,500 euros into the account of the “Centre for Equal Opportunities and Fight Against to Racism”.

The anti-racism office, which is a Belgian public authority, lodged a complaint against the Islamic centre.

The monetary sentence is designed to compensate the Jewish community for the damage and insulting remarks made by the lawyer for the defence, Sebastien Courtoy, who declared that the Belgian law against revisionism was “fascist and totalitarian”.

Some 20 other people — members of the “Dialogue and Sharing”, a group that aims to promote at Jewish-Arab coexistence – had also lodged a complaint. They will each receive a symbolic compensation of 1 euro.

Racist video

The courtroom was full when the sentence was read by the president.
The two defendants were convicted for denying the Holocaust, minimalising the extent of Nazi crimes and inciting race hatred, especially against Jews, via a video report and prosecutable statements.

The Islamic centre’s “assabyle.com” website had put a link to another site showing a video made by Lebanese students who associated Adolf Hitler with former Israeli foreign minister David Levy.

“To put a weblink on the website is considered as appropriation,” Francois Sant’Angelo, a legal expert for the anti-racism centre, stressed.

The president of the court, Francoise de Lamine de Bex, said in the judgement: “The fact that the video was removed from the site didn’t delete the infringement.

“Confusing Jews and Hitler is considered as incitement to hatred. Freedom of expression is not absolute in our democracy,” she said.

The court also ruled that the two convicted were responsible for the content of messages posted on the site.

Praise for judgment

Sara Brajbart-Zajtman, co-president of the “Dialogue and Sharing” group, praised Belgian justice system for its judgement.

“We were also in the courtroom in the name of all Jews who were not protected by law when they were insulted or beaten,” she told EJP.

In a press release, the plaintiffs insisted that their action was “not against Islam or against Muslims but rather against extremists who are instrumentalising religion to incite to hatred”.

The Belgian Islamic centre, located in Molenbeek, a Brussels borough with a large Muslim population, is known for spreading extremist ideas, the Belgian press noted. 400,000 Muslims live in Belgium, mainly of Moroccan and Turkish origin.

The website’s owner, Sheikh Bassam, who was present at the court, called the sentence a “masquerade”. His son is among the two people condemned.

The website also published texts attacking Jews who were called “cowards” or “arrogant” and launched appeals for holy war. One of the texts, addressed to French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy, supported suicide bombings.

First time

More than 150,000 messages were posted on the forum on the “assabyle.com” website. When the press first reported on it and when a complaint lodged, the website was closed and adopted a new name.

The court however rejected a demand that the judgment be publicised in full in the press. The two condemned will not be jailed as they were given a suspended sentence of three years for half of it. Prison sentences of less than three months are not executed in Belgium because of prison overpopulation.

It is the first time that the law against revisionism and incitement to hatred is applied in Belgium against an internet website.
Elie Wiesel sings Gloria Gaynor!

First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking 'bout those horrid tales
of hydro cyanide
But I spent so many nights
thinking of the cash I'd make
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on

I saw them all
get off the train
They just walked into the shower
with that sad look upon their face
But then they saw the awful truth
Thinking it was their final hour
I heard the same old sighs and groans
as water came out of the shower

They shut them in and locked the door
packed like sardines
water trickling on the floor
as they stood there I had made up my mind
I will not crumble
I will not lay down and die

Oh no, not I
I will survive
as long as I know how to lie
I'll keep my dream alive
I've got all that cash to make
Got some German bones to break
And I survived!
Yes I survived!

Oh yeah
unculbact said:
Elie Wiesel sings Gloria Gaynor!

First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking 'bout those horrid tales
of hydro cyanide
But I spent so many nights
thinking of the cash I'd make
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on

I saw them all
get off the train
They just walked into the shower
with that sad look upon their face
But then they saw the awful truth
Thinking it was their final hour
I heard the same old sighs and groans
as water came out of the shower

They shut them in and locked the door
packed like sardines
water trickling on the floor
as they stood there I had made up my mind
I will not crumble
I will not lay down and die

Oh no, not I
I will survive
as long as I know how to lie
I'll keep my dream alive
I've got all that cash to make
Got some German bones to break
And I survived!
Yes I survived!

Oh yeah

Oh yes the money is the bottom line. Very good.
unculbact said:
You tell a cute story, suspiciously lacking in detail. Without documents or other proof, how is anybody supposed to know what a "whole generation" experienced?

For instance, what do you mean, transport "through the city"? The rail line doesn't run through the city, its just outside of it. Are you saying that huge columns of people were marched through the city? If so, you're the first to ever claim that, I can't find any reference to such a thing.

Transport was in closed railroad cars or trucks. It's logical to demand that you explain how your family could observe the deportees, and the condition they were in. X-Ray vision?

When did they see this? What year? What month? What time of day? That last question is important, you just mentioned that lots of your family was at war, and it's safe to assume others were at work. Where did they see this from? A window? A door? Watching the Enns Krazy Sales Days Parade?

How often did this happen? Daily, weekly, monthly? Something you could set your watch to? "3:00, just about time for the Jews to go by". Was this sort of thing announced in advance, with traffic cops to clear the streets?

And you're saying they saw them shot on the way? Where? In the streets of Enns? At the railroad station, assuming that's visible? How could they dispose of the body under those conditions? WHO shot them? WHO mistreated them?

Mauthausen was established as a hard-labor camp for criminals and politicals, as well as a camp for Soviet POW's. Jews didn't arrive in large numbers until after March of 1944, how did they know the people they saw were Jews? And Jews from where? What nationality?

Anecdotes are not evidence. And, demanding that a crime allegation have some hard proof is moronic? Any idiot can tell a sad story. Do you actually have any details, so we can check up on this story, or does it go into the bin with the other fairy tales?

Without more details, you've got no proof here that any holocaust took place.

In fact, what little detail you give leads me to suspect that your family saw nothing at all, and that you've made this whole thing up. Being an alt with one post, you're probably not even from Europe.

I love how you always catch out the storytellers
Good post. Followed the Irving trial casually, and find him very enlightening. And yes, the numbers just don't add up. And yes, the gas chambers, as presented, are unequivocally inadequate for their described usage both in engineering and construction. And although cyanide can be rendered less toxic by the addition of metals and sulphur, it's destruction isn't complete (Cn is an element after all). As I said, good post.
CicatrixESP said:
Good post. Followed the Irving trial casually, and find him very enlightening. And yes, the numbers just don't add up. And yes, the gas chambers, as presented, are unequivocally inadequate for their described usage both in engineering and construction. And although cyanide can be rendered less toxic by the addition of metals and sulphur, it's destruction isn't complete (Cn is an element after all). As I said, good post.
Cn is an element?

You're fucking kidding me.
CicatrixESP said:
And although cyanide can be rendered less toxic by the addition of metals and sulphur, it's destruction isn't complete (Cn is an element after all).
Cyanides are compounds; there is no element "Cn."

Hydrogen Cyanide is HCN, which is one atom each of Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen.
Byron In Exile said:
Cyanides are compounds; there is no element "Cn."

Hydrogen Cyanide is HCN, which is one atom each of Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen.

Well Sheeite Muslim! Label me stupid! You were well within your rights to end that post with, "dumbass!" Thanks. :D

Me smart like dumptruck.
A good reason to question the Holocaust - the people collecting the stories are NOT INTERESTED IN HISTORICAL ACCURACY?(!!)


Dear Friends,
The posting about the Holocaust survivor story posed some interesting questions, and at the risk of incitement of the many historians who participate in this list, let me offer you our outlook on survivor testimonies. To us at AMCHA who help survivors record their stories--before,during, and after the Holocaust either in writing, video or audio, as they prefer, we are not looking for historical accuracy. We are interested in helping the survivor relate what he/she remembers. It is possible that there are some minor or major inaccuracies, exaggerations, or distortions. Whereas we do not analyze the testimonies, we feel that the important elements relate to what the survivor wants to convey through his story.
The student described may have read something as described, true or fictional, or may have imagined it,or actually interviewed a survivor who conveyed pieces of the (embellished) story. The question I would ask is what is the student, and perhaps the survivor trying to communicate. All the best for 5756,
John Lemberger,
Executive Director, AMCHA
National Israeli Center for Psyhcosocial Support of Survivors of the Holocaust
and the Second Generation

Ok, I've got it. When it comes to some piece of bullshit about the Holocaust, truth or falsehood are irrevelant. Its all about HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.

I feel...(thinks)...deceived. And outraged too.
unculbact said:
A good reason to question the Holocaust - the people collecting the stories are NOT INTERESTED IN HISTORICAL ACCURACY?(!!)

Ok, I've got it. When it comes to some piece of bullshit about the Holocaust, truth or falsehood are irrevelant. Its all about HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.

I feel...(thinks)...deceived. And outraged too.

Oh yes ...feel very deceived....
Anyone that believes 6 1/2 million jews died in the Holocaust is a damned fool!

(just wanted to get that off my chest)
Retrieval said:
Anyone that believes 6 1/2 million jews died in the Holocaust is a damned fool!

(just wanted to get that off my chest)

First of all speaking of your cheast...is that you in the picture? If so them yum yum..
Now to get serious

The bottom line on why we should question the holocaust is because the zionist Israelis are using it as an excuse to creat widespread disruption in the world as it tries to come toward peace. A few years before the century started the old age of Pices went away and the new age of Aquarius came into being. The new age was supposed to be an age of peace but the zionist Israelis have fought it hard and bitterly with hate and violence.

The world will never be peaceful till the last bit of hatred is wipped out and the zionist alonmg with it. Before you ( certain creeps who know who they are) strt calling me a racist, I would like to remind you that the true talmudic Jews would agree with this .

The holocaust is their main source of sympathy and they are squeezing it toi get all they can out of it. In questioning it , the truth might be known as Iran is trying to. When the world knows the truth about this farce then there will be peace in the world... KRASTNER
Retrieval said:
Anyone that believes 6 1/2 million jews died in the Holocaust is a damned fool!

(just wanted to get that off my chest)

Yes, you're right.

For starters, the "official" number keeps dropping year by year, and is now around 5.7 million.

Secondly, the evidence is not holding up. People only have to see the crazy propaganda nonsense that was pushed as "truth" in the Nuremburg trial documents to recognise how unbelievable it is; brain-smashing machines, giant conveyor belts dropping jews into gigantic electric grillers and huge pots, and other stupidly delusional garbage.

Most of that crazy stuff is no longer "official", but it was for decades promoted as "true". More recently the "human soap" stories have been dropped because modern DNA testing can easily prove it to be a LIE, just as nobody has ever found one of those "human skin lampshades" or "human skin boots" or "human skin saddles" ....all of them are nonsense and only promoted in holocaust museums that make some money from repeating these lies.

and the Diesel Gas Chambers and Diesel Gas "murder" Vans aren't workable in any way except in the imagination of liars and old soviet propagandists
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unculbact said:
A good reason to question the Holocaust - the people collecting the stories are NOT INTERESTED IN HISTORICAL ACCURACY?(!!)

Ok, I've got it. When it comes to some piece of bullshit about the Holocaust, truth or falsehood are irrevelant. Its all about HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.

I feel...(thinks)...deceived. And outraged too.

we are not looking for historical accuracy. We are interested in helping the survivor relate what he/she remembers. It is possible that there are some minor or major inaccuracies, exaggerations, or distortions. Whereas we do not analyze the testimonies, we feel that the important elements relate to what the survivor wants to convey through his story.
The student described may have read something as described, true or fictional, or may have imagined it,or actually interviewed a survivor who conveyed pieces of the (embellished) story

Great so they can just completely make it up and who cares!

I already felt decieved a long time ago, but this makes me angry because of the fact that the deception is so casual, veracity is ignored, and the stories but grow in the telling but who cares if it's all made up?

Just another thing to get annoyed about. Thank you for finding this.
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*shakes head slowly.*

What's next? The numbers for the Baatan March were inflated? The numbers for the nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were inflated? (Both have been.)

Folks, real simple. History has this nasty way of changing the numbers to fit someone's thesis. I can find you two numbers for most of the death tolls in WW2, and neither of them will match.


Because an estimate is just that. A guess.

If you're still on the "The Holocaust didn't happen" groupie bandwagon, I simply pity you, and hope you read a book.
Nathon_88 said:
If you're still on the "The Holocaust didn't happen" groupie bandwagon, I simply pity you, and hope you read a book.

You're an idiot,

Now show us the schematics for a working Diesel Gas Chamber, and the schematics for a working Diesel Gas "Murder" Van.

You won't be able to, because they don't work, and are complete BS just like many other lies of the "Holocaust"

Every page of this thread is filled with evidence blowing those lies away.

If you're still on the "Holocaust Happened" foolishness, then I pity your stupidity for accepting something without scrutiny.

Keep in mind who promotes the story most; Israeli zionists for the sake of the state of Israel, claiming to be victims while massacring Arabs and stealing their land. Those are the REAL antisemites, because Arabs are semites, and the Zionists want to kill them all and steal all their land. Look at the liars who push Israel's agenda, as they lied about deaths of all those civilians in Lebanon recently - and that's minor compared to what they have done to Palestinians for decades.

Look at the same liars who push the Holocaust the most, and you will find the same liars who pushed the lies about WMDs in Iraq, and the same liars who are now trying to make up excuses to attack Iran and Syria for the cause of a Greater Israel.