Why the nickname?

Etoile said:
Heh! It's "eh-twal," or "ett-wall" if that's easier. :)

Yay! I got it right!

(My french sucks... although I was once in a production of "Le Revolution Francaise" -- had to learn it all by rote.)
My name came from the following conversation at an arcade during a Zen moment that only a Street Fighter game can provide.
Friend: What’s better then PEZ?
Me: Nothing…
Friend: What about sex?
Me: Nope…
Friend: What about sex flavored PEZ
Me: That’s completely discussing!
Friend: So you say nothings better then PEZ?
Me: Star shaped PEZ!
You don't what PEZ is? Dear god man go find some! If you can't find any I'll F***ing mail you some. Yes PEZ is a candy and a toy and my and savior. Please feel free to go to www.pez.com so you can hear the good word for yourself.
catalina_francisco said:
Aha!! We have them in Oz.....LOL


Yeah, but you have no decent potato crisps... the junk food in Oz is crap! *chuckle*
FungiUg said:
Yeah, but you have no decent potato crisps... the junk food in Oz is crap! *chuckle*

Oh you obviously haven't tried Kettle chips....yum....I miss them nearly as much as I would Vegemite if I hadn't bought jars upon jars of it with me. ROTFLMAO.

Mine was taken:)

A name is a name is a name....True. I have always used Destiny but that was taken So I choose this name as a way to describe what if anything I want. I am destined to be here so I am, I am destined to entertain and I will. I am destined to please and I am already starting.....I am destined for so many things I only hope I can do as many as possible before I am gone.:rose: :rose: :rose:
naughtie princess

Daddy calls me princess, and well - the naughtie part should be obvious. but i spell it with an 'ie' because every username that i like with the word naughty (with a y) is taken (=
catalina_francisco said:
Oh you obviously haven't tried Kettle chips....yum....I miss them nearly as much as I would Vegemite if I hadn't bought jars upon jars of it with me. ROTFLMAO.

The Kettle Chips in Aussie are about as good as you get, but there are better versions of Kettle Chips here. Yup -- the potato crisp connoisseur, that's me!

There's a Kiwi company that you can order "care packages" from if you live overseas, and I think they include things like junk food, candy bars and the like.

My youngest sister lives in Denmark, and she needs regular shipments of Vegemite to stay sane.
i have had some 1 send me veggie mite i hope they like me enough to never do it again ;)
she wasn't to thrilled with cheese in a can so we're even
lilredwolph said:
i have had some 1 send me veggie mite i hope they like me enough to never do it again ;)
she wasn't to thrilled with cheese in a can so we're even

Vegemite is definately a cultural acquired taste.
lilredwolph said:
so is cheese in a can from what i understand from her reaction

I haven't tried it myself. We do have things like whipped cream in a can -- I prefer whipping cream myself though. Can add some icing sugar, a little vanilla... and then commence the whipping!

Your "friend" didn't do the classic and tell you to eat the vegemite by the tea-spoon did she? Vegemite is very intense... you have to spread it thinly over toast!
FungiUg said:
I haven't tried it myself. We do have things like whipped cream in a can -- I prefer whipping cream myself though. Can add some icing sugar, a little vanilla... and then commence the whipping!

Your "friend" didn't do the classic and tell you to eat the vegemite by the tea-spoon did she? Vegemite is very intense... you have to spread it thinly over toast!

she sent some cracker things with it
FungiUg said:

My youngest sister lives in Denmark, and she needs regular shipments of Vegemite to stay sane.

Man, can I relate to that...I get cravings for it that have to be satified...Master hates it though. There is so much I can't get here, and not just typical Oz stuff but simple basic ingredients in recipes that are readily available in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, and for some, every other neighbouring country here in Europe but just not in Holland.

hi new here
i just chose the first thing that came into my head lol,
hats it know but oh well it will have to do :D