Why the nickname?

well this isnt really exciteing lol but i came up with this name cause too many people call me sweet.. honey was the aded part casue wel there are way tomany sweets on the net and so far in all my chatting and what not.. ive found less sweethoneys then any other name involveing sweet... ok now im rambleing lol

Otherwise i wouldve used my real name..
SexySusan said:
I can't say how much that appealed to me. That's who I am. That's who I want to be. Why Sexy? Because I didn't think I have "earned" my "Miss" yet ...

I adore Susan Sto Helit, too, and have been compared to her many times, although I'm a sub by inclination. I can say that I'm generally 'Miss' Susan outside the bedroom, and aiming for 'sexy' inside. :) Great name. :)
I chose my name because I'm so very non-stereotypical for a sorority girl; I frequently get comments like, "You're in a sorority?!" -- I thought that since I was joining Lit to push my limits a bit, using a stereotype to do so would make me laugh.
First name... anne. Second name... marie. said fast
anne marie
Since the day i got my hands on a PC (i was a mac girl till i was a freshmin in High school) i was ammre... my friend introduced me to yahoo and gave me ideas for names.. like annamocha.. and i was like.. i don't like coffee... than i thought of ammre and she said it sounded dumb... but i used it anyway... ammre and since than it's become my tag almost anywhere... it was my first IRC nickname on dalnet and i believe it still registered there.. i have it on aim and i own ammre.org (althought it's down)
The only other people i know who have ever used "ammre" is a german housing group... so i think it's fairly safe to say it's totally individual to me.
Shadowsdream said:
Nicknames usually have some bases of origin although sometimes they are chosen too quickly to really have a specific meaning.

Mine was chosen from My web address which was a bit lazy but I usually just use My real name and was getting a little bored with it the day I came to Lit.

What nickname? :D
mine is the name of a Smashing Pumpkins song (i'm a huge pumpkins fan :D ). i used it for AIM for a while, a few years ago now.

the lyrics are:

it's you that i adore
you will always be my whore
you'll be a mother to my child
and a child to my heart
we must never be apart
we must never be apart

lovely girl you're the beauty in my world
without you there arent reasons left to find

and i'll pull your crooked teeth
you'll be perfect just like me
you'll be a lover in my bed
and a gun to my head
we must never be apart
we must never me apart

lovely girl you're the murder in my world
dressing coffins for the souls i've left to die

drinking mercury
to the mystery of all that you should ever leave behind
in time

in you i see dirty
in you i count stars
in you i feel so pretty
in you i taste god
in you i feel so hungry
in you i crash cars
we must never be apart

drinking mercury to the mystery
of all the you should ever seek to find
lovely girl you're the murder in my world
dressing coffins for the souls i've left behind
in time
we must never be apart

and you'll always be my whore
cause you're the one that i adore
and i'll pull your crooked teeth
you'll be perfect just like me
in you i feel so dirty in you i crash cars
in you i feel so pretty in you i taste god
we must never be apart
I wanted to keep it simple and I lucked out; it wasn't taken at Lit.

It's reminiscent of names like NaughtySchoolgirl, or Virgin. But for those who think about it, it can cover 'pure sex' or even
'pure depravity'. Or pure bs.

Oh, and Kierkegaard said "Purity of heart is to will one thing."
Not entirely sure what it means--some kind of Christian message--but it has mage-like overtones.
My name is MysCynthia.. because it is my real name.
I posted under that name until I stupidly changed my preferences not to accept cookies (I was having a computer problem and was advised to do so)
As a result I can not, no matter what I do, which computer I do it on, or how hard I try, get Lit to let me near the control panel for that name. I can sign in and occasionally post but when I try to access the control panel Lit tells me I am not logged in even though my name appears in the master list at the bottom of the Discussion Boards page. So in frustration & wanting to be able to use PMs I took the name HzDomme when it was suggested by a friend. I am his Domme; MysCynthia.

I did wonder what Hz stood for when I would come across a post of yours, but never associated it with "his". Now I get it! :)
Aurora is the goddess of dawn. For many reasons I feel like I'm just beginning my life. The Took is the last name of a hobbit. If I had known spaces were okay the underscore wouldn't be there.
i am sure the 'sub' part is self explanatory, though actually i am a slave, but whatever, not the point.... the 'princess' part is what a very dear friend of mine has called me for some time. In reflection, i see that sub_princess sounds a little uppity and pretentious, but i meant it to be cute.... :cathappy:

My nickname is a flirtatious way of getting people's attention...nothing more, nothing less. My owner wanted it to be sumthin' like "hizpet" but ummm...since I am a free-spirited person in r/l I figured something free and easy sounding would be a little more truthful...
A Rose is a Roze

lark sparrow said:
I did wonder what Hz stood for when I would come across a post of yours, but never associated it with "his". Now I get it! :)

I do the same with names on here. I think they mean one thing but then look at them at another time and see something totally different.
When I see your name I think of a tiny bird singing a pretty song.
i actually had this same nick on another site so when i left there and came to lit, i just kept it. i was kind of surprised that it was still available to use here.

The name is pretty much self explanatory. i enjoy both giving and receiving pleasure and i have been called kitten for many years.

Oh, and you can call me PK for short. :)
and thinking now i should well and truly get a life...lol....

i am lady-kat, well.... because i have cats/kats....

*shaking head* at my lack of imagination.....gggggg.....

ah well, such it is....
let's see....where do i begin......at the beginning of course, rhody.

my nic first started out as an alter ego name with this newletter called the 'misinformer' in a bar that used to be my second home. i was known as 'colorado rhodes' it was a take off from those 'arizona highways' magazines of long ago. the 'colorado' part is for my red hair. when i discovered comms, everyone started calling me 'rhody' and it stuck. i was so surprised that i didn't have to add anything to 'rhody' here, figuring it would be taken like it is in most sites i go to. now i'm trying to get my mundane world to call me 'rhody'. that's a work in progress.
We registered together and decided to combine the name Master is known by and my slave name, together as one, as we dream of always being.

Toy (n) plaything, gem crack, wedgit

Miss Toy has been an IRL nick since the mid 70's. I think it fits me well. Funny how over the years some small "pet" name sticks forming the person I have turned out to be.
heh, mine goes waaay back. I was in color wars in camp when I was 7 and got painted from head to toe... blue.
From then on I was Jackie Blue...
Sugar...good song...also part of a song "Sugar High" from favorite movie... Empire Records.
BlueSugar was a SN I've had for years (spelt differently though)
I could finally spell it right on Lit, and tada, tis mine!!

Then there are the "blue balls" i'm such a tease sometimes jokes, and as sweet as sugar comments... blah blah blah ;)
My name really has no personal meaning to me... I chose it because for some reason I couldnt use my ususal screen name, Mischievous Faerie. I dont know if it was taken, or what:confused: Anyway, I chose Niteshade because I like the way it sounds, a little scary when you think about poisons, or ghosts. Also, I read a lot of Fantasy, and Niteshade sounds like something a pretentious sorceress might call herself. Actually, I think I might try my usual nic name on here again... it really fits me much better. Lol... I am gonna get carried away here... better stop now, before I crash the forum.

Seri is my name. (Rhymes with berry) Jules is actually supposed to be Jewel, as it is a special nickname various people have had for me (my precious jewel) and was always a compliment that made me feel special and unique. Plus, I like sparkly things :rolleyes:

I used just Seri for awhile, but I wanted a nickname, not just my name...but the thought of calling myself something totally unrelated to me as a person, just something I liked, didn't appeal to me. Like wearing a mask. I wanted a nickname, but I still wanted to be very much me.

So I picked serijewel...but I didn't like it, being the picky snot that I am. So somehow that morphed into serijules and I liked it. Cept people think I'm male because of the jules, which I don't understand since I know more female Jule's than male.

Besides, it's never taken anywhere :)
The name

Comes from a callsign i held a long time ago, and a sports reference.

Without delving too far into military minutiae, units have a need to go beyond Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo if for no other reason than a Division has one helluva lot of companies of various types ... all Alpha, Bravo, ad nauseam.

i commanded an Alpha company using Assassins for distinction and the remainder of the callsign came from a pair of smartass young troops in the unit. i prefer keeping my anger subdued in public, and only let it go when warranted behind closed doors. One of the smartasses got an asschewing after a spectacular screwup and remarked to his buddy, "He's not as calm and easy going as he looks." The buddy replied, "So much for his halo ..."

My First Sergeant overheard the conversation and passed it along to the unit master gunner, a senior warrant officer. At the next Friday club crawl, the warrant trots it out in the middle of a dart throwing, tequila swilling, thank God the week's over race to oblivion. i smiled, thought of Bjorn Borg immediately, nodded my head, and the name stuck.
Nothing so fancy, I just thought of a few of my favorite things and this one wasn't taken. :)