Why the nickname?

snoozebutton said:
Nothing so fancy, I just thought of a few of my favorite things and this one wasn't taken. :)

I know what you mean. I hit the snooze button so much it helped give me carpal tunnel!
Ebonyfire said:
I know what you mean. I hit the snooze button so much it helped give me carpal tunnel!

Sure those paddles didn't have anything top do with it :).
Etoile said:
I find that I end up retelling this story a lot, so I decided to just have a link handy:

Becoming Etoile

OK but how do you pronouce it ? I am terrible with pronunciation. If I see a post you make and talk to the ladies about it, I always stumble with your name. lol
snoozebutton said:
OK but how do you pronouce it ? I am terrible with pronunciation. If I see a post you make and talk to the ladies about it, I always stumble with your name. lol
Heh! It's "eh-twal," or "ett-wall" if that's easier. :)
Why this name? well after a very long and drawn out break up with my last Mistress, the name i would usually use has been put to bed, along with the Mistress that claimed it. So my Mentor decided i should drop the butter wouldn't melt in mouth approach, and adopt one that is more like me,, and from that day on i have been "kinklet", "le_kinklet", was just to make it a lil different,,,,, hehehehe
Croctden Dee

Say it a bunch of times fast and you'll get it.
Vassago is a character from a Dean Koontz book. The book was one of my favorites and I just adopted that years ago and use it in one variation or another in all my online id's usually. I do have a few others but this is always the most fitting.
Master_Vassago said:
Vassago is a character from a Dean Koontz book. The book was one of my favorites and I just adopted that years ago and use it in one variation or another in all my online id's usually. I do have a few others but this is always the most fitting.

I love Koontz... His stuff always scares the **** out of me. My fav. is Watchers, followed by Lightning.

I'm just like that Johnny Knoxville from MTV's Jackass show, with two vital differences: 1) I am from Mayberry, and B) I get off on hurting others, not myself!
Well a long long time ago, I thought of myself as a submissive. My Dom had a rather scary name and people were always thinking he was this mean kind of person. As a joke one day he changed it to Lord_Heart. We liked it and so I changed mine to match his. I was lady_h for a while. Then after we broke up, I began exploring Domination and started using LadyHeart. Now most my scene friends call me Lady or LH, which is still strange to me because Lord_Heart was always LH.


my name?

ok.. Dark Dreamer with Hope - my pen name
Dreamer because it is something that kept me sane for years
Dark because most of my earlier work reflected the pain and sorrow in my earlier life
with Hope because the light began shining and now the darkness recedes
now most of my friends and fellow writers just call me ~dreamer :)

Naughty or Nice - chat name
lol.. am shy IRL so when i began chatting wanted something to help break the ice... OR because it gives a choice and they usually ask - then comes the question why and ice is broke ~grins~
mostly tho i am know as naughty - :devil: because i am or rather can be... My Lord is working on correcting and controlling that

I like haveing my nipples clamped. :eek: I know, I know you never would have guessed! :D
It's a petname and the first thing that popped into my head when I registered at Lit.

by any other definition my name is just me, I am a twist of fate, i can be a blessing or i can be an adherence, you never know what I am until you tempt fate

I write for a subversive Webzine and my nom-de-plume is Miss Conduct. I just used that again over here for my Lit writing. Only Lit had another Miss Conduct so I had to make it one word.

It fits my writing style and my personality a little too. I tend to be a stickler for protocol, comportment and decorum. While at the same time I like to challenge habits and patterns of thinking, question tradition and align myself with the Freaks and Alter Natives.

In the bedroom, it's a "good girl/bad girl" thing.

Re: Nickname

Missconduct said:
I write for a subversive Webzine and my nom-de-plume is Miss Conduct. I just used that again over here for my Lit writing. Only Lit had another Miss Conduct so I had to make it one word.

It fits my writing style and my personality a little too. I tend to be a stickler for protocol, comportment and decorum. While at the same time I like to challenge habits and patterns of thinking, question tradition and align myself with the Freaks and Alter Natives.

In the bedroom, it's a "good girl/bad girl" thing.


Mmm...I find this dichotomy a very Gemini thing....have a similar mix myself.:)

The nic comes from my awesome ability to bait a hook as well as I can bait a woman, which makes me a Master Baiter.:D
my name stems from a couple of things

I have the strength and spirit of a dragon with a softer side hence the lace.....i am passionate and strong yet oh so delicate at times.

I also have a love of dragons and i crochet lace so it just fits.
MasterBaiter said:
The nic comes from my awesome ability to bait a hook as well as I can bait a woman, which makes me a Master Baiter.:D
That has to be the most original explanation for a name that needs no explanation I've ever heard!
My name comes from a three some situation I was in a couple years ago (MFM). One of the guys, the one I was seeing at the time was telling the other how I love sex so much because I am just an attention whore. He didn't mean it in a bad way and heck, I liked it.