Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

I feel like I need to apologize for drawing him to this thread in the first place. Lesson learned, I’ll do better in the future
Hey, no maam. We don't make apologies for other people's behavior. We all have free will. That said, thank you for being so kind, but absolutely no apologies needed or accepted, in this case.
In the middle of April, I received the following anonymous comment on my story published here:

Better ending... Hubby walked in as Keith was finishing off the cheating skank slut's married pussy. Hubby clocked Keith and bitch slapped his whore wife. Six months later she was divorced living in a dingy one bedroom apartment working as a waitress in the local diner. Keith moved away after he was fired and the school was sued by Jenni's ex-husband. Sometimes cheating pieces of shit, get exactly what they deserve.

I've tried to brush it off. I've posted a few times since. Hell, I've had much worse things said to me and about me here and elsewhere... But this one's sticking. It's just so full of anger and resentment and misogyny, all over a fucking fictional story, that it makes me not want to be here on Lit anymore. I don't even check my story stats or anything, yet I know it's there...

Sure, I could delete it, but part of me thinks I need it there. I need the reminder. I need to remember Lit is not a safe space (even in this thread, as much as I wish otherwise). I need to remember there are no safe spaces, really. Not for us. 😡😠😞
So many guys seem to come here just to unleash on women. I’m sorry you got caught up in this shitbags misogyny, Jenni
In the middle of April, I received the following anonymous comment on my story published here:

Better ending... Hubby walked in as Keith was finishing off the cheating skank slut's married pussy. Hubby clocked Keith and bitch slapped his whore wife. Six months later she was divorced living in a dingy one bedroom apartment working as a waitress in the local diner. Keith moved away after he was fired and the school was sued by Jenni's ex-husband. Sometimes cheating pieces of shit, get exactly what they deserve.

I've tried to brush it off. I've posted a few times since. Hell, I've had much worse things said to me and about me here and elsewhere... But this one's sticking. It's just so full of anger and resentment and misogyny, all over a fucking fictional story, that it makes me not want to be here on Lit anymore. I don't even check my story stats or anything, yet I know it's there...

Sure, I could delete it, but part of me thinks I need it there. I need the reminder. I need to remember Lit is not a safe space (even in this thread, as much as I wish otherwise). I need to remember there are no safe spaces, really. Not for us. 😡😠😞
Oh, sweetie, that's so horrible! Let's not sugarcoat it, you were attacked. Attacked by someone who was so insecure about themselves that they had to lash out at you because you were kind enough and open enough to share a fantasy all while hiding behind anonymity because they knew what they were spewing was utter shit.

This asshole doesn't deserve the screenspace his comment occupies and others don't need to be subjected to his hatred. Finally, you shouldn't have to relive something like that, you're just punishing yourself for no reason. At least that's my opinion.

I wish I could give you big hugs and tell you it will be okay, and it will, but people, especially men, it seems, will always lash out at others in some vain attempt to make themselves feel better at the expense of the weak.

:heart::heart: ♥️ ♥️ :heart::heart:
Delete the comment. By leaving it up, you are potentially exposing all of your readers to his hate. His comment does not define you. That sounds like a Loving Wives category comment. There is a contingent of (I believe) damaged men there that are not happy with any story of a cheating/hotwife nature unless the woman is stripped of her humanity. It's called Burn the Bitch. There are multiple threads about it in the Author’s Hangout.
In the middle of April, I received the following anonymous comment on my story published here:

Better ending... Hubby walked in as Keith was finishing off the cheating skank slut's married pussy. Hubby clocked Keith and bitch slapped his whore wife. Six months later she was divorced living in a dingy one bedroom apartment working as a waitress in the local diner. Keith moved away after he was fired and the school was sued by Jenni's ex-husband. Sometimes cheating pieces of shit, get exactly what they deserve.

I've tried to brush it off. I've posted a few times since. Hell, I've had much worse things said to me and about me here and elsewhere... But this one's sticking. It's just so full of anger and resentment and misogyny, all over a fucking fictional story, that it makes me not want to be here on Lit anymore. I don't even check my story stats or anything, yet I know it's there...

Sure, I could delete it, but part of me thinks I need it there. I need the reminder. I need to remember Lit is not a safe space (even in this thread, as much as I wish otherwise). I need to remember there are no safe spaces, really. Not for us. 😡😠😞
Does an anonymous comment mean that the "person" doesn't even have a Lit account?
Here's the thing — some men treat this site no differently than any other porn site; it just so happens to be in written form. Have you read the comments section of a typical porn site? I know you enjoy darker themes, as do I. Have you read the comments on those websites?! Good Lord. A conglomerate example: "Love it when dirty whores get fucked like the meat they are. The sooner they learn, the better." That's a very tame example.
So, this anonymous user was very obviously a part of that crowd. Bitch ass men are gonna say bitch ass shit. It's the way of things because every day, in every way, they are reminded of their inadequacy.

I'm sorry that your brain has been replaying this comment in your mind, ad nauseam. I know you wouldn't do it willingly if you could help it. I recommend seeing that comment for what it really is. A dumb ass, trash ass, sexist ass loser was in a horny stupor & stumbled to your story & left a comment while wishing he didn't need a microscope to stroke his dick. He knows his words are meaningless in the real world, so he tries to "make his mark" online. This is his routine on any porn video & that day, it just happened to be your story. Honestly, I'm surprised that many men like that are even literate.

If you leave Lit, do it because you want to. If you stay because you want to, then keep writing stories that please yourself. If you read a comment that seems to be heading in a misogynistic, asinine direction, stop reading immediately & delete that shit. Don't keep reading filth. You'll never get that time back. You matter too much.
I'm sorry that your brain has been replaying this comment in your mind, ad nauseam. I know you wouldn't do it willingly if you could help it.
This is exactly what I was doing... and still am a little if I can't redirect my thoughts. And I really can't give a good reason why. Like I wrote, I've had a lot worse written/said to me over the years. But this one just hit hard. Maybe it's because I was so anxious about posting a story in the first place, but I've had other shitty comments about it and shrugged them off. Fuck... I'm just falling down that hole again. He's not worth it. He's a loser who wants to tear me down to feel better about himself. Well, fuck him. 🤬
This is exactly what I was doing... and still am a little if I can't redirect my thoughts. And I really can't give a good reason why. Like I wrote, I've had a lot worse written/said to me over the years. But this one just hit hard. Maybe it's because I was so anxious about posting a story in the first place, but I've had other shitty comments about it and shrugged them off. Fuck... I'm just falling down that hole again. He's not worth it. He's a loser who wants to tear me down to feel better about himself. Well, fuck him. 🤬
I will fight him!
This is exactly what I was doing... and still am a little if I can't redirect my thoughts. And I really can't give a good reason why. Like I wrote, I've had a lot worse written/said to me over the years. But this one just hit hard. Maybe it's because I was so anxious about posting a story in the first place, but I've had other shitty comments about it and shrugged them off. Fuck... I'm just falling down that hole again. He's not worth it. He's a loser who wants to tear me down to feel better about himself. Well, fuck him. 🤬
Exactly. Fuck him!
Thank you everyone. I appreciate the support and the encouragement to delete the comment. I did so today. ❤️
Hi I used to get horrible comments on my stories. I think you should delete it, because it's unpleasant. You can't control what other people do, but you can control the parameters, if only slightly.

Do you know you can turn off anonymous comments. That's what I have done, I receive more constructive feedback now and not ones that go straight on the attack.

I am sorry you feel the way you do. ❤️

J x
In other news, I stopped by the store yesterday on the way home from work. My five-year old was with me, and I'm very obviously preggo. So, keep that in mind.

In the store, I had an encounter with a guy who must have been in his 50s. He started by trying to help me get something off a shelf, without me asking or needing the help. I thanked him but made sure he saw my wedding ring, because... well, you all know. Hell, I was pleased with myself that I didn't tell him to fuck off, given my mood yesterday afternoon. But then he made a comment that my husband shouldn't let me go shopping by myself in my condition. The 'fucks' started flying out of my mouth after that. I got dirty looks from at least two moms who hurried their kids out of that aisle. The guy told me he understood why I didn't have a husband who treated me like a lady. I believe I deserve a medal for not going after him. 🤬🤬🤬
Hi I used to get horrible comments on my stories. I think you should delete it, because it's unpleasant. You can't control what other people do, but you can control the parameters, if only slightly.

Do you know you can turn off anonymous comments. That's what I have done, I receive more constructive feedback now and not ones that go straight on the attack.

I am sorry you feel the way you do. ❤️

J x
I knew I could delete comments but I didn't know I could turn off anonymous ones. How do you do that?