Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

In other news, I stopped by the store yesterday on the way home from work. My five-year old was with me, and I'm very obviously preggo. So, keep that in mind.

In the store, I had an encounter with a guy who must have been in his 50s. He started by trying to help me get something off a shelf, without me asking or needing the help. I thanked him but made sure he saw my wedding ring, because... well, you all know. Hell, I was pleased with myself that I didn't tell him to fuck off, given my mood yesterday afternoon. But then he made a comment that my husband shouldn't let me go shopping by myself in my condition. The 'fucks' started flying out of my mouth after that. I got dirty looks from at least two moms who hurried their kids out of that aisle. The guy told me he understood why I didn't have a husband who treated me like a lady. I believe I deserve a medal for not going after him. 🤬🤬🤬
What did I just read???

Hell pregnant women usually aren't fragile. He didn't get anything he didn't deserve.
I knew I could delete comments but I didn't know I could turn off anonymous ones. How do you do that?
If you go to the settings cog you have an option to turn off voting and anonymous comments. It should be next tomthe story title I think.

Edit, sorry, you need to go to options, my options where you change your password and scroll down to accept anonymous comments and turn it off.
I knew I could delete comments but I didn't know I could turn off anonymous ones. How do you do that?
From your "Control Panel", click "Options" on the left menu, then "My Options" tab. On that screen will be a "Accept Anonymous Feedback?" option you can turn on or off. I think that's it?? Or maybe you have to do that when you submit a story? I'll have to watch next time I submit something.
From your "Control Panel", click "Options" on the left menu, then "My Options" tab. On that screen will be a "Accept Anonymous Feedback?" option you can turn on or off. I think that's it?? Or maybe you have to do that when you submit a story? I'll have to watch next time I submit something.
No you are right, explained better than me! 🤣
If you go to the settings cog you have an option to turn off voting and anonymous comments. It should be next tomthe story title I think.

Edit, sorry, you need to go to options, my options where you change your password and scroll down to accept anonymous comments and turn it off.

From your "Control Panel", click "Options" on the left menu, then "My Options" tab. On that screen will be a "Accept Anonymous Feedback?" option you can turn on or off. I think that's it?? Or maybe you have to do that when you submit a story? I'll have to watch next time I submit something.
I got it set. Thanks! 👍 😁💋
What did I just read???

Hell pregnant women usually aren't fragile. He didn't get anything he didn't deserve
I was so pissed. I scared my son a little when I stormed out of the store. I did my best to reassure him when we go to my car.

Normally, I would have shrugged off the comment about my husband not letting me shop in my condition. But not yesterday. Yesterday was a bad day for shit like that. 😠

The second comment was a dick move too, but I've heard different permutations of that sentiment over the years. My mouth is not at all fitting with the traditional notion of ladylike. 🙄 It only pissed me off so much because it was another dig at my husband, who that asshole doesn't know.

For a more fun story, once in college, a girl in one of my classes chastised me for cursing so much and told me good men didn't like foul mouthed girls like me. I learned who her boyfriend was, and less than two weeks later, he was very much enjoying my foul mouth. 😉😈 Not necessarily something to be proud of, I guess, but it often makes me smile when I think about it. 🤷‍♀️
For a more fun story, once in college, a girl in one of my classes chastised me for cursing so much and told me good men didn't like foul mouthed girls like me. I learned who her boyfriend was, and less than two weeks later, he was very much enjoying my foul mouth. 😉😈 Not necessarily something to be proud of, I guess, but it often makes me smile when I think about it. 🤷‍♀️
I've heard that a foul mouth is a sign of intelligence.
But then he made a comment that my husband shouldn't let me go shopping by myself in my condition.
🙄oh for Fuck's sake! Your "condition" that I'm sure he told the phone sex worker last week that he wanted to do to her?? Goddamn, these men are idiots. I'm so glad you managed to take your scurvy-riddled body home, what with the consumption going around and all. Lest you make the men fearful for your well-being.
🙄oh for Fuck's sake! Your "condition" that I'm sure he told the phone sex worker last week that he wanted to do to her?? Goddamn, these men are idiots. I'm so glad you managed to take your scurvy-riddled body home, what with the consumption going around and all. Lest you make the men fearful for your well-being.
I'm short, so it's not uncommon for guys (and women sometimes too) to offer to help when I'm trying to get something off a high shelf at the store. Being pregnant has increased those offers, especially from guys. And it's been more frequent this time than when I was last pregnant, maybe because I'm older? 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, most people are trying to be nice, so I try not to let my "I can do it my-fucking-self, I'm short not incapable" mindset set in, but every once in a while I get the "protect the fragile pregnant woman" vibe. That does tend to piss me off.
Hoping this time around is the safest yet… admittedly I invite some bad behavior or had in the past. Happy Mothers Day to all my other mommies too!
Oh if stupid men following you here, they will be shut out.

And happy Mothers day to you, too!
How do you mean shut out?
If they don't take seriously when we tell them to leave, we call ToPleaseHim (moderator in this part of the forum) and she'll ban the man in question from posting in this thread again.
I found this a bit inspiring. Hope you're all having a fantastic day, and to those of you who are mothers, have a Happy Mother's Day!
Kinda reminds me of this guy's work

Parke Harrison: Mending the Earth
I don't expect to ever be a mother, but I love every one of you ladies who have made that choice. The past, present, and future of our world rests on your shoulders and I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm here if any of you need a little pick-me-up. ;)


Happy Mother's Day!!
I don't expect to ever be a mother, but I love every one of you ladies who have made that choice. The past, present, and future of our world rests on your shoulders and I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm here if any of you need a little pick-me-up. ;)


Happy Mother's Day!!
That's how we celebrated.
Looking for a Beta reader.
Good afternoon ladies, well, at least it is where I am. I am looking for a beta reader for a lesbian story that I'm writing. The main female character is from my Encounter stories. I can provide background if you decide to help me, but basically, she pursues men and uses them for her pleasure. But this time, she is the pursued. I have about 2700 words so far (no sex yet) and I want some feedback on pacing, tension, etc. as this is my first lesbian story. Does anyone want to help?
Yay! My story published today! It took a while to write, what with life, and the subject matter. I wanted to do it justice. Many thanks to my sweet beta reader. She declined to be identified but that doesn’t change how much I appreciate her.
Encounter at the Hotel Chanteclair follows the same MFC through another encounter that is unlike any she’s had before. And we learn her real name!

💋 Je t’aime
Here's an interesting article that popped up on my news dash today. It's about a book that asks
"Everyone’s so intolerant online. Am I right to stay silent?"
I was intrigued by the title as it is a question I've often asked myself. Africa Brooke is the author of a new book, Third Perspective ( not a title that gives much away! ) but from what I've read in the article, I do want to know more.

“I don’t fear ‘cancellation’, per se, but being aggressively misunderstood,” says one commentator in her book.

How often have I written replies on threads, then deleted them for fear of being attacked for an opinion? How often has my deadpan humour has caused offence online but hilarity amongst friends? We end up silent, sitting on our metaphorical hands just as we've always done as women. The difference now is instead of one angry man, it's a 40k pile on.
Well colour me amazeballs
Young women are tired of dating apps :cool: There was a long piece about share value and PR foul-ups in the Match Group, who apparently own pretty much all the dating apps you can think of. The Financial Times in the UK ran a story linked here which hopefully you can read.
Included in the criticisms of the apps was the demographic earthquake that less women on the apps than men ( what really???) Woem using the apps can often be bombarded with messages, often aggressive ones. Here's a sample of one ad that was run...

and the words from another “a vow of celibacy is not the answer” Wow

a Bumbling mission statement
“Our number one job is to help our customers find connections and elevate women’s experiences,” said Lidiane Jones, who took over as Bumble’s chief executive in January.
Swipe Left and Sell
Well colour me amazeballs
Young women are tired of dating apps :cool: There was a long piece about share value and PR foul-ups in the Match Group, who apparently own pretty much all the dating apps you can think of. The Financial Times in the UK ran a story linked here which hopefully you can read.
Included in the criticisms of the apps was the demographic earthquake that less women on the apps than men ( what really???) Woem using the apps can often be bombarded with messages, often aggressive ones. Here's a sample of one ad that was run...

and the words from another “a vow of celibacy is not the answer” Wow

a Bumbling mission statement
“Our number one job is to help our customers find connections and elevate women’s experiences,” said Lidiane Jones, who took over as Bumble’s chief executive in January.
Swipe Left and Sell
Honestly. A few years in this forum? Where I’ve been able to see how men speak to each other about women when they feel safe enough to be honest? It’s horrifying. Most of them don’t even like women as people. No wonder so many women are choosing to just not deal with it.
I remember a chat where a young boy (me then 46, he <25) did not accept my "NO". Things escalated and he finally wrote me that he will bleed me white and disembowel me if he gets me. Since we were about 600 miles apart and he knew nothing about me, i was not afraid of him.

(No, was not here, was on a German site)
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